View Full Version : Happy Birthday Delilah!!!!

Jul 4, 2008, 1:12 PM

Hope you have a great birthday Del and lots of happy years to cum!!! You are a fabulous and funny lady. Happy Celebration of YOU!
Big hugs,
arana and Michael623


Jul 4, 2008, 1:40 PM
Happy Birthday Delilah!!! From you future Former Husband!!! LOL,:bigrin:.......... Hope you got what ya wanted Babe!!!

Jul 4, 2008, 1:45 PM
HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEL !!! many hugglies, smooches, and lix and etc and and. Hope your B-Day is wonderful not only today but forever, love ya :tongue:

Jul 4, 2008, 3:17 PM
Hope you have a wonderful, fabulous birthday, Delilah!!!!:bdaygrin: :bdaygrin: :bdaygrin: :bdaygrin: :bdaygrin: :bday: :bday: :bday: :bdaygrin: :bdaygrin: :bdaygrin: :bdaygrin: :bdaygrin:

Gfofbiguy and Bisexualnewbie

Jul 4, 2008, 6:14 PM
Happy Bday, you lil Firecracker you! lol

Jul 4, 2008, 7:26 PM
AWWW thank you all for that! I'm a Sea Hag now. LOL
I wish everyone a happy and safe 4th of July! :three: :flag3: :flag4:

Jul 4, 2008, 8:23 PM
:bday::bday:Happy Birthday Delilah!:bday::bday:

Hope you have a wonderful day!!


Jul 4, 2008, 9:12 PM
Have a wonderful and happy birthday Delliah!

Much love and hugs,


Jul 6, 2008, 8:28 AM
happy birfday delilah..soz me l8...no excuses...jus hopeya had lotsa fun.. an even betta..games.. tee hee:bigrin:

Jul 6, 2008, 9:42 AM
You are all sooooo sweeeeet! I love you all and you all mean a lot to me. I had a wonderful birthday. Someone dedicated a song for me on my birthday at the office from the radio station... "Hello There Delilah"... LOL go figure!
Anyways, I had a wonderful time. My boyfriend bought me some cool stuff like cell phone (he got tired of my broadband phone cutting us off), and he treated me with lots of cool Witch stuff from the Pagan and Wiccan store. I also received my very own Athame (It's a dagger), my very own set of herbs to play with. I have started to raise my own herbs and will soon learn to make candles and incents. Then I made a decission that I want to become a Paranormal Investigator.... YUP, I will be a Ghost Hunter soon! LOL They better be gentle with me, it's my first time :bigrin: OME GOSH! :eek: I actually can say something that's my first time! :bigrin: :cool: :tongue:

Anyways, you all are really great. Inspite of manifestation of trolls or trollettes or trans-troll... whatever this creature wants to be the flavor for the day. KUDOS to DREW!! He has that fly swatter going on baby!! lol

From the bottom of my heart... THANK YOU ALL and Arana for remembering me to start such wonderful thread.


Jul 6, 2008, 11:59 AM
Happy Birthday Delilah!!

You deserve the best on your day! Here's hoping you receive what you want, from whom you want, when you want and how you want it! You have always been a wonderful person to chat with here and I consider a good friend! I just cannot seem to find my way to your coast yet!! It is so nice of you to lead on Tex..... he needs a dream!! ;) )

Happy Birthday!!

Jul 6, 2008, 1:48 PM
Happy Birthday you chica muy sexy!!!