View Full Version : Bisexual.com is thinking of going G-rated

Jun 30, 2008, 8:19 PM
Bisexual.com is thinking of going G-rated in the sense that pictures and videos of genetalia and sexual activity would not be allowed. This would permit us to place Google ads on the site once again, giving us $$$ to pay for new articles and features.

What are your thoughts?

Jun 30, 2008, 9:03 PM
Hi Drew,Good to hear from you again. One thing i want to know is if you start the Ads,would you also use the money for things like maybe getting us voice chat? I think it would be cool to have voice in chat. Other wise i don't have a problem with it,. If people wanted other people could email pics to other members if they wanted. Just my :2cents:...

Long Duck Dong
Jun 30, 2008, 9:07 PM
I support the change to g rated

Bisexual.com is a site for bisexual people, and people that may not be bisexual, be associated with bisexual / bisexual curious people

we need this site, its like a home to many of us, and the porn pics and vids are a small part of the bisexual community, while there are many sites that have porn pics and vids, there is only one bisexual.com.

I would happily forgo porn pics and vids, in favour of articles that give us a overview of life in other parts of the world, new ways of viewing those around us and the chance to reqain what we have lost, the articles and hopefully the return of tradeqt, and not forgetting the cartoon feature

for people that will take me that I am wrong and that bisexual.com should remain a adult site, ...please stop to consider this.... I can easily surf for porn and nude pics at the drop of a hat but it took me 3-4 years to find bisexual.com

Jun 30, 2008, 9:35 PM
I think this is a fabulous idea. I mean...it says right there at the top of the page..."the bisexual community site." We obviously all have internet, otherwise we wouldn't be here. People can email nude pics and vids to each other if they so choose.

Like LDD said...you can find porn anywhere. There aren't too many places to find a true "community" anymore. I say go for it.

Jun 30, 2008, 9:47 PM
Can we still talk about sex in the threads, or would that become G rated also? Or is it just pictures?

Jun 30, 2008, 9:58 PM
If it is just dick and tit pictures that have to go, I do not care. If main forum comment, or personal ads such as: "I love to suck a man's dick and have mine sucked as well." are banned. Such that "I love things that taste good. You know what I mean!!" is all that I see, ....,well,...., have a nice day, ..., I am out of here!

Jun 30, 2008, 10:02 PM
I do not have a problem with that. Whatever you need to do to keep this place a good site for people to come to for opinions, advice, help, friends and family.

Jun 30, 2008, 10:02 PM
When I signed up for this site about a year ago, I never really thought I was going to be viewing nude pics or porn in the first place. All I wanted was a place to meet like minds. If I want porn, I know where to go. If I want to see someone's naughty pics, I know how to politely ask. Having said that ... I am good with a "G" rated site. The words Bisexual Community to me do not mean sex, porn, and nude pics. Maybe I see the word community before the word bisexual :wacko:

I think it is really cool that the owner(s) (sorry I don't know a lot about the higher ups here) actually asked for some input. To be honest, I would not have cared if one day I logged in and everything had changed. Seeing as this is a non-paying site I support the owners and management in anything they may do to help defray costs.

Jun 30, 2008, 10:05 PM
What is G-rated about sex?
Could anyone get sexually excited by whatever is G-rated sex?
Is anything even remotely related to "same-sex" sex actually G-rated?

Jun 30, 2008, 10:13 PM
"and sexual activity would not be allowed"?????

What does that mean?

Jun 30, 2008, 10:14 PM
What is G-rated about sex?
Could anyone get sexually excited by whatever is G-rated sex?
Is anything even remotely related to "same-sex" sex actually G-rated?

I suppose if your only use for this site is to attain a state of sexual arousal then G-rated is really going to suck (pun intended). :bigrin:

Jun 30, 2008, 10:20 PM
"and sexual activity would not be allowed"?????

What does that mean?

Drews words: in the sense that pictures and videos of genetalia and sexual activity would not be allowed.

Jun 30, 2008, 10:31 PM
I just joined the site recently, and the reason I joined was to find a community where I could meet other bi folk and express ideas and thoughts about bisexuality and other parts of my life without feeling like I had to censor myself. I wasn't really looking for porn - like others have said, I can find that many other places on the web. So I'd be fine with keeping pics G-rated. I would not want to have to censor my writing or read watered-down thoughts of other posters. So, provided we can all still write about sex like adults and are able to drop the occasional f-bomb, I'm ok with the change in allowable pics.

Jun 30, 2008, 10:53 PM
I suppose if your only use for this site is to attain a state of sexual arousal then G-rated is really going to suck (pun intended). :bigrin:

I do not use this site for sexual arousal. I like a personal touch of a friend that DOES SUCK (NO pun intended). However, I like variety at this site, both "make me feel happy and welcome" and "in your face, not G-rated" talk about rough life and sex. No variety = boredom, which I cannot tolerate.
But, I will do just fine whatever happens to this site.

Jun 30, 2008, 11:18 PM
Jem, I should apologize. I used your quote but it was not meant directly at you. I was thinking more of the unwanted PM's and opportunities that a small percentage of the people that I have dealt with here have sent. It does seem to me that some folks get a kick out of a frenzy of PM's and then vanishing.

Like I have said before, I am not here for some vicarious thrills. I want to meet people with like minds and connect with them. If at some point down the road things get a little more serious then so be it.

But yeah, Jem, I apologize.

shameless agitator
Jun 30, 2008, 11:22 PM
I think it would be a great move for this site. I would personally like to see the multitudes of threads about eating cum, cream pies, etc go away.

Jun 30, 2008, 11:58 PM
Well it sounds good to me except the only place I beg to differ is in the distinction between X rated and G rated being very wide.

We've totally skipped R and PG in the consideration, and considering that there are bi/transgender teens [young adults], that might want to be welcome, I think the site would be more socially inclusive with as little as a "PG" rating.
A 'G' rating not only would prohibit mature images, but place a choke hold on certain language as well [Speaking of George Carlin/Frank Zappa!].

As for voice/video chat etc. It'd be nice but I wouldn't say its essential. What might be fab is an upgraded chat that displays images on the right or left and links to profiles efficiently.

Also (And I know I'll probably get blasted for saying this), but there is an accommodative loophole available that might lend compromise between rating;
And that is a small subscription fee for "full access". That would allow members to keep say more mature content in their profiles (photo albums/galleries to which age restrictive access could be applied by the user).

My question Drew is this-To what end would Google Ads serve the site itself, considering it is bi-SEX-ual site (the buzz word being "sex", and we all know how much of a bogey that word can be, esp. if you're touting a 'G' rating)? What sort of Ads (Besides sexually oriented) would generate that kind of affiliative revenue for the site? The short answer-at long last-I suppose would depend once again on content and context. I recently commented to a fellow member the routine of "vanilla threading" which for the most part focuses on endlessly dross sexual "appetite and taste (query)". So a less-than-X rating would probably open the forum to more diverse subject matter, hence, a re-vamping of which might be in order as discuss way back last year.

Heehee. Kinda like Bisex.com going [G]reen, eh?
Just my :2cents:

Jul 1, 2008, 12:03 AM
Could it be NC-17 or even R rated, good lord, Brazzers advertises on just about every other site known to man :tongue:

Jul 1, 2008, 12:14 AM
Can we still talk about sex in the threads, or would that become G rated also? Or is it just pictures?

I don't know exactly, but I think Google would have no problem with that, based on other sites I have seen with GoogleAds.

- Drew :paw:

Jul 1, 2008, 12:16 AM
I don't know exactly, but I think Google would have no problem with that, based on other sites I have seen with GoogleAds.

- Drew :paw:

Then I'm for it... I don't have to fix much. :p


Jul 1, 2008, 12:39 AM
I,m fine with a G rating but would that not mean that the chat, the articles,forums,the web area and members list would have to be cleared out to remove adult content? It might be better to start a new site like 'biteen' or something..
I have no idea how this site is payed for but if ads are necessary then so be it.
Having children here would certainly change the site(I,m sure there are lots here now anway)
I will support bisexual.com whatever you decide.
This was a tough question to answer..
My answer to the poll was keep it the same..

Jul 1, 2008, 12:49 AM
Which ever way you go, please, please, please make sure you have a good SLA with whom ever is pushing the ads. What I mean by this is make sure that if they are pushing ads that they will be 100% free of mal/spy ware and that if they are found to be violating that agreement that they will take immediate action to delete that and all like content.

Jul 1, 2008, 12:51 AM
I personally don't like opening up someone's profile and staring at a penis anyway. I always felt that pictures like that should be traded in private. Sexy pictures have never bothered me but once body parts and actual pictures of sexual acts are there, it sometimes gets to me. I also rarely participate in forum topics that basically ask "hey who likes to suck dick" anyway, so you atleast have my vote.

Jul 1, 2008, 1:16 AM
What about breasts? I would be a little sad if boobies went away. I suppose I could live with it. It wouldn't bother me, though, if the penises went away.

Drew, I don't have any problems with you making a few bucks for your website and your pocket. I'm a little concerned that the flavor of this site will change with too much advertising.

I dunno. Maybe I'm a change-phobe. I would reluctantly say OK.

Jul 1, 2008, 1:36 AM
I wouldn't mind the change at all, either.

When I first came here, I thought that the majority of the content would be based on the experience of being bisexual-- not so much the sex aspect of it.

As time went on, the more sexual content popped up, the more disinterested I became: there's plenty of places on the net to enjoy explicit things.
Even teenagers do this!

Having the site go G-rated would be a decent move to turning the site back into a community with some thought involved... Not that I don't appreciate the occasional delve into baser things, it's just that when it's too much, it's just too much, and tends to only get worse when allowed to go unchecked.

Jul 1, 2008, 2:37 AM
I voted for leaving it as it is, until I read the whole thread. I like the freedom to talk to other adults in an Adult manner about all types of topics-Especially about Bisexuality. I like that freedom. I dont much care about the dick shots or pussy shots, that doesnt mean anything to me. What bothers me is having to constantly guard what I talk about or say, just like having youngsters in the room. I would vote again (If I could) to have the group at an R-rating opposed to a G-rating.
Cat :flag4:

Jul 1, 2008, 3:09 AM
You've got my support, Drew. It might even encourage people to upload nice pics and show they have a head on their shoulders. hehe. It's nice to put a face to a name occasionally. :)

Jul 1, 2008, 5:59 AM
We need more choices than yes and no. I could live with it either way, but I don’t want to see the site change into something more commercial that it already is, without gaining significant content. Maybe I am wrong, but that sounds like one of the risks. It was not stated, but would this allow younger members to join without being banned later? If this is the case I would like to see the site as “adult” as possible, while allowing “kids“ to partake in the site. “Kids” are smarter than what most give them credit for. Since I joined I have always thought it to be a shame that the ones that need it the most were the one being turned away. If going G-rated (preferably higher) allowed younger members to join and to make some cash flow I say the site will only get better. But if it is completely about money then make it at least an R rating.


Jul 1, 2008, 6:48 AM
I pretty much left this place because of the personal attacks I got for my opinion on things as well as being truly Poly and not putting on a game like I was accused...so if things clean up I might want to return for more than the comics.

Jul 1, 2008, 7:56 AM
Is there still going to be an age limit or will this turn into a site for teens as well ?

Jul 1, 2008, 8:28 AM
Why not have a catagory for G rated. Just topics that is not explicit materials. An Off Topic? Then have another topic with a warning statement that the catagory we are about to enter contains adult materials (IE: Topics pertaining to Bisexuality that contains XXX materials... stories, fetish, etc).

Personally, when I view someone's profile and has explicit materials, it doesn't offend me at all. However, some doesn't like to view explicit profiles. I suggest to have a warning alert that this profile contains explicit materials.

I support whatever decission you make, Drew and I will still be a member. Even though I'm not bisexual, I am a supporter of Bisexual people and nothing going to run me out. Not even those trolls that seems to come out of the woodwork like roaches..lol

BTW, I found bisexual.com through google way before I had joined a site that closed down and migrated here.

Jul 1, 2008, 10:09 AM
If Bisexual.com goes G-rated......I will be reaching for my..."delete" button on my favorites/bookmarks. This site already is already the place where sex...is "talked to death"...but no one ever wants to meet..and make it happen. :(

Jul 1, 2008, 10:09 AM
i like the x rated pics. still i like the site better so i support the move. i want to see the site survive, prosper, and grow.

as to x pics. i encourage all women, couples, and fit guys to send them to me directly. after all i need my fix. lol

Jul 1, 2008, 11:19 AM
Welcome back Drew--I was beginning to think you were a figment of our imaginations---

I think it would be a good idea-and am all for it as long as the "G" rating only applies to photos and not subject content on the boards or in the chat rooms--also--with the extra income streams generated by the Google ads--could you then reconfigure the board like other sites are with different topic areas and such--also combine threads of similar nature from the past so that we don't keep on having ten million recurring posts on things like "dick size-big or small?" --Also--with all the crap we have had on here of late with the crazed posters--I guess we are not adult enough to police ourselves--so we need to have moderators like other sites do to police and nip those kinds of nasty posts in the bud--so please, please--consider doing that--I am sure that many people on here would volunteer to be board monitors---

Welcome back Drew---

Jul 1, 2008, 11:32 AM
Welcome back Drew--I was beginning to think you were a figment of our imaginations---

I think it would be a good idea-and am all for it as long as the "G" rating only applies to photos and not subject content on the boards or in the chat rooms--also--with the extra income streams generated by the Google ads--could you then reconfigure the board like other sites are with different topic areas and such--also combine threads of similar nature from the past so that we don't keep on having ten million recurring posts on things like "dick size-big or small?" --Also--with all the crap we have had on here of late with the crazed posters--I guess we are not adult enough to police ourselves--so we need to have moderators like other sites do to police and nip those kinds of nasty posts in the bud--so please, please--consider doing that--I am sure that many people on here would volunteer to be board monitors---

Welcome back Drew---

Ditto. In a heart beat:cool:

Jul 1, 2008, 12:05 PM
You should also change the name while you are at it. Maybe something like....Bisexual Facebook or MyBisexualSpace.......

Jul 1, 2008, 12:08 PM
Question for the 'keep it as it is' crowd: if management turns down Google ads, are you willing to support the site if it becomes a for-pay site?

Jul 1, 2008, 12:46 PM
I would take the Google ads--I hate to pay for being a member of a site since I already pay for internet accesss----

Just my :2cents: on that one!!

Jul 1, 2008, 1:41 PM
I don't know. I never consider this as adult site. I always saw this site about beign bisexual person, and not just to point at sexual explicit pictures in ppl's profiles.
I respect those members who has normal profiles and no nude pictures, because beign bisexual means more than sexuality. There's emotions included too in many aspects of bi people so the only thing that i would personaly made is to ask nicely some members to not put they nude pictures.
That's all.

Jul 1, 2008, 2:41 PM
**Is there still going to be an age limit or will this turn into a site for teens as well?**
Excellent question GEL.

This was another of my concerns as well. We get teens coming into chat on occasion and its a pain in the padded ass! They get to asking questions, making rude comments, and finally throwing out insults. Frankly I'm not comfortable with kids asking me questions that they cannot even ask their own parents. And if just One tight-assed parent finds out that their kid is on a Bisexual site that allows teens---all hell is going to break loose.
They Have sites for kids, let them go there and let us adults have a place that We can go to, .:banghead:

Jul 1, 2008, 2:48 PM
I have to agree with others--I would prefer the site continue to be restricted to adults only--I for one would not feel comfortable talking to someone underage about the kinds of things we do talk about here--I think for legal reasons it is best to not mix adults and those underage for any reason.

Some years back--I used to go to one site that was not at all about sex but allowed kids to come and one person took advantage and sexually molested an underage person on the site---better to avoid that alltogether!

As far as content--I want to keep the content very much adult---just with some controls as I said--I want the stupid stuff to stop--so we can have real discussions about some not so easy subjects to deal with so that we can do so knowing that we are not going to get flamed for making some point--at least needlessly so thanks to some bozo who gets his or her kicks from making trouble.

Jul 1, 2008, 4:03 PM
Bisexual.com is thinking of going G-rated in the sense that pictures and videos of genetalia and sexual activity would not be allowed. This would permit us to place Google ads on the site once again, giving us $$$ to pay for new articles and features.

What are your thoughts?

Can I see one of these articles and features? I would want to compare them to the pictures and videos, see which I liked better.

Jul 1, 2008, 4:14 PM
Hi Drew, Why not have a choice of rated rooms so the babies can go to the G rated one and us deviants can go to the R rated one after all the room as we know it now has a pretty decent police force controlling it. :tong:

just my :2cents:

Cheers Chook :bigrin:

Jul 1, 2008, 4:23 PM
i think thats a great idea. we need more younger bisexuals here :( i mean we young bisexuals dont got any where else to go. this site should be open to ppl of allll ages.

Jul 1, 2008, 5:46 PM
In looking at the poll results it seems a message is being sent. Do what you will with the site. You will regardless of your poll. We can certainly find another site or unite and start one that suits us. :2cents:

Jul 1, 2008, 6:30 PM
I voted go ahead.

Drew, you run a great website. If you think it needs to change, then I suppose you would know best. If I want to look at nudes, I know where to go. Also,

Would it be a bad idea to maybe just do what yahoo does and simply add an age restriction policy to viewing certain profiles?


Jul 1, 2008, 6:38 PM
I never have been much on changing a good thing. Why not just open another site of G-Bi-sexual and let the advertising mania pay for both sites. Just my :2cents::)

Jul 1, 2008, 6:48 PM
With the recent passing of George Carlin and his seven dirty words listed in his monologue "Seven Words You Can Never Say on Television", released in 1972 on his album Class Clown. At the time, the words were generally considered highly inappropriate and unsuitable for use on the public airwaves in the United States, particularly on over-the-air television and AM/FM radio stations

This decision formally established indecency regulation in American broadcasting. In follow-up rulings, the Supreme Court clarified that the words might be acceptable under certain circumstances, particularly at times when children would not be expected to be in the audience.

The words are:


Will be able to use his seven dirty words on a G-Rated site? :bigrin:

Jul 1, 2008, 7:10 PM
We can seriously respect the need for site support, and google ads would definitely do that. So that's your call, Mr. Drew.

On the personal preference note, one of the reasons we like this place is the sheer diversity of it. We must also admit that we'd be uncomfortable in a place that minors would be able to get easy access to given the G-rating. Our thoughts are generally very adult in nature (even if they're not sexual) and while it does get tiresome to see some of the same threads with the same types of explicit content, it would bother us even more to know we couldn't be ourselves because young eyes might be wandering.

Jul 1, 2008, 10:40 PM
Jem, I should apologize. I used your quote but it was not meant directly at you. I was thinking more of the unwanted PM's and opportunities that a small percentage of the people that I have dealt with here have sent. It does seem to me that some folks get a kick out of a frenzy of PM's and then vanishing.

Like I have said before, I am not here for some vicarious thrills. I want to meet people with like minds and connect with them. If at some point down the road things get a little more serious then so be it.

But yeah, Jem, I apologize.

NO apologize required. You do not need to apologize when you defend your views with sarcasms, wit and humor. Be open to changing your mind. But, don't back down from your views. I can give as well as I get in defense of my views. This "adult" exchange is exactly what I do not want to go away on this site.

Jul 2, 2008, 2:31 AM
Personally, I like seeing naked people, flirting and maybe hooking up. If I wanted to be G rated, I'd get a My Space acount.

Lisa (va)
Jul 2, 2008, 2:36 AM
I think you done the best job you can running this site for us. I feel you should do as you think you should inorder to have funding for the site: I'm sure you may lose some members, but those that really want a sense of community will probably still remain, depending on the restrictions imposed by the switch. About the only factor I would have is if folks underage would then be allowed on the site: I have been on a few times when 'youngsters' were on (or proclaimed youngsters) and when they refused to leave, I logged out. Bottom line, it is your site, and it ultimately you that has to determine what is best for you and the site. Best wishes on whatever way you decide.


hugs n kisses

Jul 2, 2008, 3:39 AM

Like those who have posted before me, I applaude your moves. Although I am certainly not a prude, seeing the private parts of the people I meet here is NOT the reason I am here. I came here, like many others, to understand, explore, and learn more about my husbands bisexuality. My initial expectations of a run of the mill web site where I could gather information and explore was anticipated. What I found was SO much more. As others have stated, I have found a COMMUNITY. That has become a treasured commodity, one which I am proud to be a member of. That being said......

I am in favor of your attempt to make this site what you invision it to be, anything, meaning adds and perhaps restriction, to keep us all together. I guess I am really not interested in seeing a persons private parts in their profile. I have always wanted to get to know a person for who they are and not for what they look like, hence my not having a photo of myself here...or in my case I have not figured out how to do it....the blonde in me you know.

Jul 2, 2008, 9:07 AM
Drew!!! You are alive!!!!

I am all for g rated!!! I think its about connecting with people and learning.

You can get nekkid pics everywhere! So there is my vote!


Jul 2, 2008, 9:21 AM
To all the people who keep saying it will turn into Myspace...

The only real difference between myspace and here already is that you can post nude pics. You can post whatever you want on Myspace (as far as language is concerned) and you can still find people to hook up with on Myspace. Hell, you can find people to hook up with on pretty much ANY website. If age restrictions are still in place and we wouldn't have an influx of minors to the site...I think the Myspace comparison is simply a way of saying you want to look at nude pictures here. If that's the case...just say so. Because thats really the only aspect where the two sites differ as is.

Jul 2, 2008, 2:30 PM
To all the people who keep saying it will turn into Myspace...

The only real difference between myspace and here already is that you can post nude pics. You can post whatever you want on Myspace (as far as language is concerned) and you can still find people to hook up with on Myspace. Hell, you can find people to hook up with on pretty much ANY website. If age restrictions are still in place and we wouldn't have an influx of minors to the site...I think the Myspace comparison is simply a way of saying you want to look at nude pictures here. If that's the case...just say so. Because thats really the only aspect where the two sites differ as is.

I don't know that we should be concened with what goes on on any other site besides this one (at least for the purposes of discussion). That is not to shoot down any comparative variables, but the fact is that if you step back and really look at the site (and esp. from this forum) it is clear that we are a very tight community of folks who just happen to tolerate each other well enough to keep the site active. Out of the hundreds of listed members there are few who ever drop in to let anyone know they're alive and have abandoned visitation on bahalf of faded interest or other concerns.

Whether that is good or bad is anyone's guess; but a downgraded rating will just as well (for all the comments regarding "teens") merely open the door to more members, expanding the commmunity and likely, looking forward, require extra outside as well as internal management (moderators). So I don't know that "rating" restriction solves that particular problem. An "R" rated site points to "mature content", which doesn't necessarily exclude responsible young adults, and again with any rating besides outright "X", in our case the question of the site's context has to be taken into consideration inclusively, rather than exclusively in treating the subject of bisexuality as a social issue [first], rather than a sexual issue.

Naturally anyone may explore that subject for any number of reasons, and so there would have to be some type of moderate accommodations. Some of us can talk and chat about bisexuality and be comfortable; some are curious about the physical (sexual) aspects, other personal or social aspects.

I don't object to a nominal fee (I already pay on another site) to come to the site AS A ADULT AND INDULGE ITS CONTENT AS AN ADULT. Again it is merely a matter of applied access. No teen is going to go swipe their parent's credit or debit card to get access to areas of this site intended for adults-But I see no reason why anyone should not for self-explorative educational and informational purposes be able to logon and deal openly with the subject of BISEXUALITY-as opposed to bisexual SEX.

Jul 2, 2008, 2:54 PM
I wish there was a third choice in the poll, namely, I just don't know.

I would be very concerned to find discussion limited. Not terribly concerned about image content though, there are plenty of other sites for that. Ad content doesn't really bother me, as long as those ads are properly "vetted" for safety, and lack of aggressive multi-media content (e.g. jpegs are fine, flash, BAD).

An influx of member is probably good, as long as they're here to be part of us, and not to bash us.

Jul 2, 2008, 3:28 PM
Clarification, please -- Google won't place ads on Bisexual.com if there are "X-rated" pics on Bisexual.com? But ads on Bisexual.com would link OUT of here, not INTO here... and, Lord knows, there are PLENTY of X-Rated ad links on Google itself!!

I suppose I could live with it if we had to forgo "pix and vids of genitalia and sexual activity" -- though I prefer an unencumbered (uncensored) "marketplace" of ideas and images.

If the restriction extended to the writing in forums, chats, and profiles, then I'd be absolutely against it. So, just for good measure --

Shit, piss, cunt, fuck, motherfucker, cocksucker, and tits!! (George, we miss you already!)

Jul 2, 2008, 5:35 PM
Drew- I lost track of everything I read. I hope you actually read all of this. (something tells me you do. I sense commitment from you.) I just wanted to thank you for giving us input. It is your site and you have a right to do as you see fit. I see a lot of really good ideas in these threads. Again, a big thank you!

Jul 2, 2008, 6:23 PM
I voted yes on this poll for the simple fact that I joind this group to learn more abou the Bi world...my partner is Bi and the more I can learn the beter I can please him....If I wanted the porn pics or the sleezy talk about if I swallow cum or things of that nature, I could find a ton of sites to do this on...in fact a few of the groups that I belong to...that is all they talk about...
This doesn not help anyone learn more about being Bi and the aspects of it...or how a non Bi person like me can learn more on how the Bi person feels, thinks, lives.
I want to learn as much as I can to help me know my partner better so that our life together will grow as well as our love for each other.
That is why I am on this site...for my partner, for me, and for us...

Jul 2, 2008, 6:39 PM
Let me see if I understand the question . .

We're basically talking about making a G rated SEX SITE ???

Come on people, enough is enough with this prudish mentality. Nudity is NOT A BAD THING.

meteast chick
Jul 2, 2008, 9:03 PM
I really think a G rating is going a bit far. Why not something closer to a PG rating?

Like GEL said, would we be lifting the age limit? I think that's a little ridiculous. If someone wanted to make a side project of a site for the 17 and under crowd as a place of acceptance and to express their frustration, confusion and for socialization, hey that's great, but I don't think this is the place for it.

Maybe I'm in the minority here, but if that's the case, so be it. I certainly don't have genitalia pics on my profile or talk dirty, but instead of black marketing it, why don't we just slap a "Parental Advisory" sticker on it? I've seen posts for some time with that request.

Just my :2cents:

luv and kisses,

Jul 2, 2008, 9:10 PM
over 18 yrs old to be here depicts an adult ''X'' rating and if you ever decide to have a ''G'' rating then I say F~U~C~K this place !!!
think i joke? it is not a ''wonderful'' idea.wake up and smell your @$$.:eek:

twisted sister
Jul 2, 2008, 9:34 PM
do i care about the dick and pussy pics, nope they get kinda boring , and as others have said they can be found all over the net. what i will miss is the adult conversation if this site goes "g". is there a happy medium to be found? i hope so, as a straight wife i've learned a lot here, thanks to everyone whose posts i've read you've helped me a lot, even if you didn't know it(sorry about the run on sentence). that's what i will miss if this site goes "g".


Jul 2, 2008, 9:36 PM
I haven't voted yet, as I am considering both sides.

I do wonder though, if choosing google ads is the best overall solution?

Might we adopt an adult toy store or book store or otherwise gain control over the content of the advertising and thereby not have to pander to the whims of those advertising?

what if each of us went to our own town and asked the local businesses if they would be interested in putting an ad on the site? Then, not only would we have a multitude of ads to support the site, but also the ads themselves would be sex oriented thereby eliminating the need to restrict the site. Not to mention the boon of being able to be exposed to a bunch of different interesting adult stores from all of our respective areas?

Personally, I can live without the exposure of the close-up crotch shots, so that doesn't bother me a bit. But I do want to see the continued freedom of speech.

Just a thought.


Jul 2, 2008, 10:22 PM
Screw the ads... make some bisexual gear!!

I mean damn.. its an open market....

We dont have shirts
cool necklaces that arent made of chains
cool earrings that arent made of chains


Google? Heck, if Google says we cant have ads on this site if its X rated, WE ALL should have MAD problems finding XXX rated ANYTHING on the Google..

And we dont.

Go where the money is. Make some bisexual paraphenanlia. Hell I'm making some RIGHT NOW---

Nuff said.:2cents::cool:

Jul 2, 2008, 11:05 PM
I like it the way it is... But I would not leave just cuz it changes due to the fact that, even though I mainly lurk in the dark ( becuz those old friends that know me know I type too damn slow to keep up with anyone), its those friends I like to "read" and respond to when my finger are kwik enuf to respond... :paw::paw:

Jul 2, 2008, 11:34 PM
i would like to leave it as it is, but if it's to help other ages understand bisexuality at early age when no one can't understand them or don't believe or wanna listen to them like it happened to me then it's cool to let this be viewed by anyone just to have private section for adults only on the site would be nice :2cents:

crazy owl
Jul 3, 2008, 1:09 AM
Hi... I object strongly to going G. There is a real need in this world and on the Web to recognize that sex and all its 'four-letter' words are valid parts of the English language describing real events and real attitudes. To claim that the words are 'dirty' is to claim that the acts they describe are 'dirty', 'bad', 'nasty' and not fit for discussion. Gay Liberation went through that barrier in the 1970's when we rescued "faggot' from the nasty recesses of language and wore it up front and proudly. Then we men held hands going down the street and hugged each other in public. Now this is more or less commonplace.
Change is made deliberately. Nothing happens when nothing is changed.
Many years ago, in the early 1970's I sponsored a weekly 'Bisexual Rap Group' in my house in Cambridge MA. It went on for over 2 years and was and Education to ME! And lots of other people too!
Since the things have changed a lot. Now I realize that there are more Bisexually oriented folks than any other kind. More than Str8, queer. lesbian or cellibate. (Is there a category for Masturbators M and/or F?)
I think that conforming to a repressive mindset is submitting to repression.

There may well be a need for another website where this "morality code' is available to those who need it. If so, put one up and name it "nice_bi.com"
For my personal opinion, there are no "naughty" words, only people who want to scold others for using the English Language in all its descriptive eloquence.
Crazy Owl

I want to finish with a quote from Thomas Jefferson which is inscribed on the interior of Jefferson's Monument in Washington, D.C.

"I have sworn eternal enmity
to all forms of tyranny
over the mind of Man."

I hope I quoted TJ correctly.

Jul 3, 2008, 1:24 AM
i would like to leave it as it is, but if it's to help other ages understand bisexuality at early age when no one can't understand them or don't believe or wanna listen to them like it happened to me then it's cool to let this be viewed by anyone just to have private section for adults only on the site would be nice :2cents:

Yeah... that's part of my reasoning. . .and if it's simply that those who have nude pictures have to remove them. . .it's not something I'd object to. I have a lot more going than a nude picture. And I'll be honest, G-rating the pics may just be a godsend b/c some people just really should not be naked on the innernetz (or anywhere else for that matter).


Jul 3, 2008, 2:36 AM
Well, we are no great fans of the site going G-rated, there are advantages that goes beyond the selfish desires of many of us.

Taylor is right about "some people should NOT be naked on the internet". But even beyond that, while we have no naked pics of us posted anywhere on the net (well, I do, but she doesn't), there are folks out there that seem to feel a need for it.

If this site were "just a sex site" then it would make no sense to have it go G-rated, but since it is far more than that, then g-rating the profiles isn't so bad a thing. But to g-rate the forums, it would make sense to have forums that are adults only, since there are subjects that we discuss which should not be for underage consumption.

Jul 3, 2008, 9:52 AM
Welcome back Drew! We missed you.

That said, I've read all the posts regarding this subject. Personally, I don't think it would make a difference to me if the X rated pics are gone. I don't look at them anyway. Like alot of others, I am concerned about what would happen to chat, but I'm not going to worry about that until Drew says so. I love this site, not for the sex talk and pics, but for the community that's been created. I love being able to talk freely about my feelings and meet people who feel the same as me. So, here's my :2cents:

I support whatever Drew decides because I don't want to lose the friends I have made here. Especially if putting ads on here would bring a more closely monitored site where people can't just post just to piss others off (ie..trolls). This is a wonderful place and I don't want to see it go to hell.

(I hope this makes sense, I haven't finished my coffee yet :) )

Jul 3, 2008, 12:13 PM
Even if it means I have to pull my artistic shots off the site, I say go for it!

Jul 3, 2008, 1:04 PM
On second thought--I do kind of have a problem with Google ads---that this major corporation can come to a site--that has lots of folks using it and that there must be a good reason why that is the case---and they can suddenly dicate their corporate, lowest common denominator--homogenizing,--"one size fits all" standards does bug me.

The corporate interests are trying to destroy "net neutrality" and the nature of the structure of the internet so "they" can be the gatekeepers and the determenors of all that is good and right----mostly what is right and such is whaterver the hell sells us stuff--99.95% of which we really don't need to live happy and fulfilled lives.

They sure don't like things like bisexuality that challenge the ways the corpobots want people and life to be.

I can understand the need for the site to earn some revenue--but I am sure there are other avenues available to the owners other than capitulating to the standards of the corporate world as represented in this case by Google.

My initial positive response came more out of my wish to have a bit more control of the site in terms of the stupid stuff we have been having on here of late and I was heartened by the fact that we finally heard something---anything----from "the Drew" about things they were thinking about---I was happy that management was finally going to step in and stop the madness!!! I don't have problems with the site having some ads---it would be helpful---maybe there is some ad provider that deals with more adult things but doesn't deliver you up to all of those crappy sites that infect your computer with viruses and trojan horses and doesn't trap you into having to kill your internet connection to get free of their sales spin.

I am sure that some reasonable plan can be found to make all-mostly--happy!

Jul 3, 2008, 1:42 PM
On second thought--I do kind of have a problem with Google ads---that this major corporation can come to a site--that has lots of folks using it and that there must be a good reason why that is the case---and they can suddenly dicate their corporate, lowest common denominator--homogenizing,--"one size fits all" standards does bug me.

The corporate interests are trying to destroy "net neutrality" and the nature of the structure of the internet so "they" can be the gatekeepers and the determenors of all that is good and right----mostly what is right and such is whaterver the hell sells us stuff--99.95% of which we really don't need to live happy and fulfilled lives.

They sure don't like things like bisexuality that challenge the ways the corpobots want people and life to be.

I can understand the need for the site to earn some revenue--but I am sure there are other avenues available to the owners other than capitulating to the standards of the corporate world as represented in this case by Google.

My initial positive response came more out of my wish to have a bit more control of the site in terms of the stupid stuff we have been having on here of late and I was heartened by the fact that we finally heard something---anything----from "the Drew" about things they were thinking about---I was happy that management was finally going to step in and stop the madness!!! I don't have problems with the site having some ads---it would be helpful---maybe there is some ad provider that deals with more adult things but doesn't deliver you up to all of those crappy sites that infect your computer with viruses and trojan horses and doesn't trap you into having to kill your internet connection to get free of their sales spin.

I am sure that some reasonable plan can be found to make all-mostly--happy!

Wow, I have to agree. What about setting the site up so that non-paying members get to see "G" rated material and those of us who really value this site and want to be able to think for ourselves throw a few $ your way each year for a "full membership"?

I claim temporary insanity as an excuse for my earlier post on this.

Jul 3, 2008, 2:51 PM
On second thought--I do kind of have a problem with Google ads---that this major corporation can come to a site--that has lots of folks using it and that there must be a good reason why that is the case---and they can suddenly dicate their corporate, lowest common denominator--homogenizing,--"one size fits all" standards does bug me.

The corporate interests are trying to destroy "net neutrality" and the nature of the structure of the internet so "they" can be the gatekeepers and the determenors of all that is good and right----mostly what is right and such is whaterver the hell sells us stuff--99.95% of which we really don't need to live happy and fulfilled lives.

They sure don't like things like bisexuality that challenge the ways the corpobots want people and life to be.

I can understand the need for the site to earn some revenue--but I am sure there are other avenues available to the owners other than capitulating to the standards of the corporate world as represented in this case by Google.

My initial positive response came more out of my wish to have a bit more control of the site in terms of the stupid stuff we have been having on here of late and I was heartened by the fact that we finally heard something---anything----from "the Drew" about things they were thinking about---I was happy that management was finally going to step in and stop the madness!!! I don't have problems with the site having some ads---it would be helpful---maybe there is some ad provider that deals with more adult things but doesn't deliver you up to all of those crappy sites that infect your computer with viruses and trojan horses and doesn't trap you into having to kill your internet connection to get free of their sales spin.

I am sure that some reasonable plan can be found to make all-mostly--happy!

I think you are getting carried away here. From what Drew said (correct me if I'm wrong) it was simply a matter of removing graphic pics NOT dictating what is said in the forums/chat.

I think everyone grabbed on to the unfortunate choice of the term "G-rated" and have implied changes that were not proposed.

If all that is required is the removal of FFN pics I don't think that's too big of a price to ask. If, OTOH, we are supposed to censor our speech then I have a big problem.

Jul 3, 2008, 3:36 PM
well i think it would be a good idea if it only have to do with the pics that are posted on the personal ads then maybe it ill be fine going G rated :tongue:

Jul 3, 2008, 3:36 PM
I don't care about the pictures--I just worry about us being able to freely discuss the sorts of things we do on here without reservation and I guess we do need clarification of the meaning of "G-Rated" in all of its aspects in regards to what Drew has proposed.

I think there are some misunderstandings in that regard obviously.

Jul 3, 2008, 4:21 PM
Like Voltie me more worried bout wot we can discuss... the issues wich face us all r much more important than willie an tit pics.. tho am not an neva hav been a fan of eitha.. the former bein gross:bigrin: an the latter makin me feel inadequate:(...me h8s censorship imposed tho self censorship is summat quite diff... so not fussed wetha they ther or not...

meteast chick
Jul 3, 2008, 6:02 PM
Like Voltie me more worried bout wot we can discuss... the issues wich face us all r much more important than willie an tit pics.. tho am not an neva hav been a fan of eitha.. the former bein gross:bigrin: an the latter makin me feel inadequate:(...me h8s censorship imposed tho self censorship is summat quite diff... so not fussed wetha they ther or not...

Inadequate Frannie!!!!??? Oh no my dear, neva think that way! To those that don't like what u have to offer, let them suffer the loss!!!

luv and (_._)(_._) kisses,

Jul 3, 2008, 6:15 PM
Inadequate Frannie!!!!??? Oh no my dear, neva think that way! To those that don't like what u have to offer, let them suffer the loss!!!

luv and (_._)(_._) kisses,
awwww.. ya r luffly... s'no matta..me makes up for me tidgie inadequacy wiv otha much more yummie bits:bigrin: muah me luffly Rache xoxoxoxoxoxoxox

Jul 3, 2008, 6:29 PM
I don't care about the pictures--I just worry about us being able to freely discuss the sorts of things we do on here without reservation and I guess we do need clarification of the meaning of "G-Rated" in all of its aspects in regards to what Drew has proposed..

I searched for the TOS: according to google's Terms of Service:


sites which display google ads may not include "Pornography, adult, or mature content". :eek:

more from the Terms and Conditions (of using google ads on your website):

5. Prohibited Uses. You shall not, and shall not authorize or encourage any third party to:

(v) display any Ad(s), Link(s), or Referral Button(s) on any Web page or any Web site that contains any pornographic, hate-related, violent, or illegal content;

13. Representations and Warranties. You represent and warrant that (iii) are not pornographic, hate-related or otherwise violent in content.

hmmm.... this place seems mature and adult to me. I think we need Drew to clarify exactly what changes he plans on making and what content he plans on displaying/doing away with.


Jul 3, 2008, 7:21 PM
Thanks for posting Peg---doesn't sound too promising--

Jul 3, 2008, 9:38 PM
On second thought--I do kind of have a problem with Google ads---that this major corporation can come to a site--that has lots of folks using it and that there must be a good reason why that is the case---and they can suddenly dicate their corporate, lowest common denominator--homogenizing,--"one size fits all" standards does bug me.

The corporate interests are trying to destroy "net neutrality" and the nature of the structure of the internet so "they" can be the gatekeepers and the determenors of all that is good and right----mostly what is right and such is whaterver the hell sells us stuff--99.95% of which we really don't need to live happy and fulfilled lives.

They sure don't like things like bisexuality that challenge the ways the corpobots want people and life to be.

I can understand the need for the site to earn some revenue--but I am sure there are other avenues available to the owners other than capitulating to the standards of the corporate world as represented in this case by Google.

My initial positive response came more out of my wish to have a bit more control of the site in terms of the stupid stuff we have been having on here of late and I was heartened by the fact that we finally heard something---anything----from "the Drew" about things they were thinking about---I was happy that management was finally going to step in and stop the madness!!! I don't have problems with the site having some ads---it would be helpful---maybe there is some ad provider that deals with more adult things but doesn't deliver you up to all of those crappy sites that infect your computer with viruses and trojan horses and doesn't trap you into having to kill your internet connection to get free of their sales spin.

I am sure that some reasonable plan can be found to make all-mostly--happy!

Google never came here though. Google has no interest in this site whatsoever. All that I see happening is Google mentioned in their terms of service a few stipulations. Bisexual.com does not have to use Google.

12, you make some good points about net neutrality but I wanted to point that this site will go to Google asking for something, not the other way around. In my opinion, Google has every right to decline to financially help a website it they feel like it.

I get the feeling that Drew mentioning a 'G' rating was a poor choice of words. There is a compromise somewhere. Whether that decision is the consensus of the community or the owners decision is yet to be seen.

Maybe Wal Mart could help out? :tong:

Jul 3, 2008, 11:26 PM
find another way, menschkin.. you did a good thing here without the help of invasive mega buck companies like google.

we might not always act it, but we are adults here, with a totally differrent slant on life, partnerships, and just about everything else.

i'm afraid this site would lose that along with a huge chunk of it's identity and membership if big business was allowed to get it's nose under the tent ala the proverbial camel. remember, big businesses are run by boards of directors ( sic) which tend to be way too conservative to adapt to changing times and social norms., which means they probably won't 'get it' regarding this sites social dynamic.. but they do however have no problem looking out for their bottom line and that of their stockholders...usually at the cost of the loss of the "little guy"

i dont want this site to be "the little guy"

Jul 4, 2008, 8:25 AM
Bisexual.com is thinking of going G-rated in the sense that pictures and videos of genetalia and sexual activity would not be allowed. This would permit us to place Google ads on the site once again, giving us $$$ to pay for new articles and features.

What are your thoughts?


1. I am NOT in any way affiliated with www.sextoys.com BUT they did save (now defunct) www.sexchat.com from oblivion 6-7 years ago. Drew in all kinds of revenue. Too bad the e-share client was so unstable and the owners so immature as to change the setup by taking down the user-created rooms (that's what killed it eventually). Why not investigate toy advertising (after thoroughly researching the idea of course) ?

2. It seems to me that this site is rife with wonderful writers who would be more than willing to write articles etc. for some kind of consideration, not necessarily monetary. I may be wrong about that but wth, it's worth a try at least. Conduct another poll maybe?

comment: In my years of chatting (well over a decade now) I have seen chatrooms come and go. My experience has shown that if you change this site, no matter how well intentioned the change might be, you WILL lose chatters.

That's what happened to sexchat, highsociety chat, hotsexchat, chatmefree, amore (the original), nightshare (the original) and many more. Some of those sites had over 200 REGULARS who were in every night. It was a madhouse and tons of fun and I made lifelong friends there as seems to be happening here.

Visit www.literotica.com and see what keeps THEM afloat (porn links etc). Man that place is insane so many people chatting: way too big for me, I love it here.

good luck !


Jul 4, 2008, 8:51 AM
I wonder if it would be possible to get sponsership from bi organizations like

http://www.centeronhalsted.org/home.cfm ?

That way, we wouldn't have to worry about it at all, AND...might increase the flow to the site of pure bisexuals and decrease the flow of trolls?

Just a thought.


Jul 4, 2008, 11:25 AM
I'm ok with getting rid of the pictures of all the naughty bits and pieces.:tongue: Regardless of whether or not you think someone should or shouldn't be showing their bits and peices because "some people just really should not be naked on the innernetz (or anywhere else for that matter)." That would be a form discrimination and any form of that shouldn't be tolerated. ;) I think what poses the biggest quandary here is...will the chat go G-rated as well? Until we hear if we have to mind our p's and q's, I don't think the majority of us can say yes or no to the idea. I'm thankful for all the work Drew does and also thankful that there is no fee to join..kudos for that!

Jul 4, 2008, 10:00 PM
hmmm.... this place seems mature and adult to me. I think we need Drew to clarify exactly what changes he plans on making and what content he plans on displaying/doing away with.

I was only planning on doing away with the raunchy pics (in profiles and posts), and the ads too at the bottom of each page, which are only there because Google Adwords cut us off.

I don't think I want to get into restricting raunchy text - I would have no idea where to draw that line. And I don't know if text violates Google's TOS anyway. But I am sure the pics do.

Long Duck Dong
Jul 4, 2008, 11:25 PM
drew, all I can say is do it, change the site.... give us back the bisexual.com with the info, the articles and the cartoons......

its what attracted me to bisexual.com and keeps me here....

I am bisexual... but I am not a bedroom slut, porn perving, cream pie munching bisexual....but a intelligent and well informed, hard working, stable minded and mature bisexual that has more than getting laid, on their mind and I want bisexual.com to open up and show that side of bisexuality, as well as the side of the bisexuals that like their pics and vids and cream pies.....

like most bisexuals I like a place where I can hang out and relax and be myself.....but unlike porn loving, bed mate seeking bisexuals, I have a limited range of places that I can go...... at last count I had bisexual.com.... porn lovers and bed mate seekers, had approx 13 billion sites

when they say, keep the site the way it currently is.... they get their porn pics and vids and threads about cocks and cream pies.... and I get, no articles, no cartoons, and a chatroom where I can get intelligent convos, but also hassled by pm's wanting cyber, and chats in the room, disturbed by people wanting to see role played fucking....

now we have the ability to create new rooms for role playing and fucking and cyber..... but that doesn't happen a lot cos of people that beleive that their need to get their rocks off is the single main aspect of bisexual.com being in existance...... and for some of them, thats true.... but I am missing the intelligent, warm and friendly non sexual chats

I don't wanna take away anything from the porn loving cream pie munching bed mate seeking people of bisexual.com..... but I would like the chance to unwind, relax and have fun in bisexual.com too

Jul 4, 2008, 11:57 PM
drew, all I can say is do it, change the site.... give us back the bisexual.com with the info, the articles and the cartoons......

its what attracted me to bisexual.com and keeps me here....

I am bisexual... but I am not a bedroom slut, porn perving, cream pie munching bisexual....but a intelligent and well informed, hard working, stable minded and mature bisexual that has more than getting laid, on their mind and I want bisexual.com to open up and show that side of bisexuality, as well as the side of the bisexuals that like their pics and vids and cream pies.....

like most bisexuals I like a place where I can hang out and relax and be myself.....but unlike porn loving, bed mate seeking bisexuals, I have a limited range of places that I can go...... at last count I had bisexual.com.... porn lovers and bed mate seekers, had approx 13 billion sites

when they say, keep the site the way it currently is.... they get their porn pics and vids and threads about cocks and cream pies.... and I get, no articles, no cartoons, and a chatroom where I can get intelligent convos, but also hassled by pm's wanting cyber, and chats in the room, disturbed by people wanting to see role played fucking....

now we have the ability to create new rooms for role playing and fucking and cyber..... but that doesn't happen a lot cos of people that beleive that their need to get their rocks off is the single main aspect of bisexual.com being in existance...... and for some of them, thats true.... but I am missing the intelligent, warm and friendly non sexual chats

I don't wanna take away anything from the porn loving cream pie munching bed mate seeking people of bisexual.com..... but I would like the chance to unwind, relax and have fun in bisexual.com too

If you hate this site so much with all of the porn and perverts on it why do you stay here and continue to post?

Look at the number of votes.

The majority of the people here don't want this site changed from what it's like now and the owner would be a fool if he did change this site just to please you and the minority.

We're not all jaded celibate people. ;)

Long Duck Dong
Jul 5, 2008, 12:15 AM
droog0042, are you always this stupid or are you making a extra effort just for me

I am not jaded, I think that all people have the right to express a opinion.... i just think that I have the same amount of rights in bisexual.com as people that do not share my views....but that I am not here simply for the porn or the smut....but it appears that more people feel that they need the lions share of sites for their daily porn intake, and that a compromise on one site is not acceptable

as a number of people have posted in the past in various threads, they have ceased coming to bisexual.com and / or posting....as bisexual.com holds nothing of interest unless you are into porn pics / vids and threads about cream pies......

that shows that not all bisexuals are about sex, porn and cream pies..... but at the end of the day... Drew has to make the money to keep the site going, not us....

Jul 5, 2008, 12:36 AM
droog0042, are you always this stupid or are you making a extra effort just for me

I am not jaded, I think that all people have the right to express a opinion.... i just think that I have the same amount of rights in bisexual.com as people that do not share my views....but that I am not here simply for the porn or the smut....but it appears that more people feel that they need the lions share of sites for their daily porn intake, and that a compromise on one site is not acceptable

as a number of people have posted in the past in various threads, they have ceased coming to bisexual.com and / or posting....as bisexual.com holds nothing of interest unless you are into porn pics / vids and threads about cream pies......

that shows that not all bisexuals are about sex, porn and cream pies..... but at the end of the day... Drew has to make the money to keep the site going, not us....

no need to flame me or attack me.

I hate that everyone gets judged immediately when they join a board just because they're new.

This site seems to be doing fine and it's not like the owner is asking for money or donations.

Annika L
Jul 5, 2008, 12:52 AM

First, thanks so much for a wonderful site that has drawn such a beautiful community of people together!

Now on to your question. At current count, I see about a 2:1 ratio of people wanting the site to stay the same. *But* I also see a lot of posts indicating clearly that many people did not understand that your use of "G-rated" meant only the elimination of pictures, and *not* any clean-up of language or discussion topics. In fact I waited until today to vote, because until your most recent post, I did not see myself as having enough information on which to base a vote. I know many people do want to be able to come here for a quick pic fix, but I would not be surprised if a differently-worded question would have garnered a very different response from the community at large.

Therefore, if you truly want to gauge the atmosphere on this question, I strongly suggest that you begin another poll (perhaps named something like "...um, let me rephrase that") that explains exactly what you intend to change and what you intend to leave the same, and see how people respond.

Long Duck Dong
Jul 5, 2008, 4:37 AM
no need to flame me or attack me.

I hate that everyone gets judged immediately when they join a board just because they're new.

This site seems to be doing fine and it's not like the owner is asking for money or donations.

then I ask this

why the indirect remark about jaded, celibate people and why the direct remark about me hating the site with all its porn and perverts....

all from sombody with a couple of days in the site, as opposed to my near 2 1/2 years....

Jul 5, 2008, 12:45 PM
I support the move to g-rated.... unless you are HOT! If you are hot, then nudity is ok. If you are overweight, then this site needs to be g-rated.

Jul 5, 2008, 2:49 PM
We voted No, since we enjoy the site the way it is, and we do like to see people naked, it is only natural! I guess we could change our pics to something without nudity, but, we like the naked body, and like seeing the members of the site in their "birthday suits".

Anyway, you have to do what you have to do, and we will support whatever your decision becomes.

Jul 5, 2008, 3:21 PM
Hey there Drew--

IS it a matter of money to support the 'free' community here?

that is one of the major draws to this community.. is that we don't have to pay for it.. which means people who have no other way to communicate with like minded individuals; people in closet, teens, etc. HAVE OTHERS To TALK TO.. including questions/answers/exploring of the sexual nature.

will that change? with paid ads?

the pics. we can do without.. like another poster said.. if you really are interested in sharing intimate images you can do so via email.

what about the comics? will that still be allowed?

but the TALKING/CHATTING/MESSAGEs that is a freedom that is valued greatly by me. I enjoy being able to explore and talk candidly with others, either to answer questions from newbies, or just to fucking have fun!

those chats will they be MONITORED?
no other way to enforce a g-rated site- except to have monitors.
will that happen?

I have made friends, long term friends, from here and bisexual.org [which is still not back on it's feet after losing fritzy.] BOTH sites have been so inexplicably part of these relationships and a more solid sense of myself.
I can't imagine not having them.

bottom line Drew.

if the only way to keep Bisexual.com a free community [w/o sexually explicit pics/images] then- go for it.

Jul 5, 2008, 3:23 PM
Hey there Drew--

IS it a matter of money to support the 'free' community here?

that is one of the major draws to this community.. is that we don't have to pay for it.. which means people who have no other way to communicate with like minded individuals; people in closet, teens, etc. HAVE OTHERS To TALK TO.. including questions/answers/exploring of the sexual nature.

will that change? with paid ads?

the pics. we can do without.. like another poster said.. if you really are interested in sharing intimate images you can do so via email.

what about the comics? will that still be allowed?

but the TALKING/CHATTING/MESSAGEs that is a freedom that is valued greatly by me. I enjoy being able to explore and talk candidly with others, either to answer questions from newbies, or just to fucking have fun!

those chats will they be MONITORED?
no other way to enforce a g-rated site- except to have monitors.
will that happen?

I have made friends, long term friends, from here and bisexual.org [which is still not back on it's feet after losing fritzy.] BOTH sites have been so inexplicably part of these relationships and a more solid sense of myself.
I can't imagine not having them.

bottom line Drew.

if the only way to keep Bisexual.com a free community [w/o sexually explicit pics/images] then- go for it.

Teens should not be allowed to post here because it's an adult sex site!

Whoever heard of a site that discusses sex and is an adult sex site that's G-Rated and where nude pics aren't allowed at all?

Jul 5, 2008, 3:28 PM
In a word, "no".

The point was made also by others:

How can you have a site honestly dealing with the mature aspects of bisexuality and be G rated?

I never saw Bambi humpin' Thumper on Walt's movies.

Besides... the internet was not made for children in the first place, it was made for adults, by adults. The earliest bulletin boards were mostly adult. The engineering geeks had to have SOME sexual outlet!
To superimpose 'children friendly'... was probably the brainchild of some fundamentalist christian, thus the honesty and truth of the whole world must be strained through a child's fairy book filter.
I'm all for saying... "anything goes" on the internet, and like alcohol... it's the parent's responsibility to keep kids off.

Jul 5, 2008, 4:22 PM
In a word, "no".

The point was made also by others:

How can you have a site honestly dealing with the mature aspects of bisexuality and be G rated?

I never saw Bambi humpin' Thumper on Walt's movies.

Besides... the internet was not made for children in the first place, it was made for adults, by adults. The earliest bulletin boards were mostly adult. The engineering geeks had to have SOME sexual outlet!
To superimpose 'children friendly'... was probably the brainchild of some fundamentalist christian, thus the honesty and truth of the whole world must be strained through a child's fairy book filter.
I'm all for saying... "anything goes" on the internet, and like alcohol... it's the parent's responsibility to keep kids off.

Wow. . .that should surprise a lot of decency advocates that happen to be atheists, Jews, Muslims and "other".

I think he's talking about the pictures, as he posted earlier . . .hell ,you can get dirty pictures anywhere else. . .you can get bisexual dirty pictures anywhere else for that matter.

Many sites that I know of that have google ads have dirty words. . .no dirty pictures.

So for that matter, I'm taking mine down.


Jul 5, 2008, 6:01 PM
wow, once again a simple discussion has turned into a reason for people to flame each other and name call.
I came to this site cause it gave a place to talk to like minded individuals about sexual orientation, likes, dislikes and maybe meet some folks to actually RL meet.

If the rating needs to change so that Drew can get advertising to help keep the site going then so be it. But please let us not spend time tearing each other down just because we all have a slightly different view on such a simple subject.

As always, just my :2cents:

Jul 5, 2008, 6:54 PM
I'm not taking any offense from Taylor. She's okay... just expressing her opinion.

Which still doesn't change my opinion, though.

Just say 'no' to sexing/dumbing down our site and expressions.

You know, those motherfuckers... 240 years ago... especially Thomas Jefferson... they were right... beyond their wildest dreams...
To fight the everlasting oppression of life in it's compromising forms....

Freedom of speech
Freedom of press
Freedom of Religion
Right to bear arms.

Expand from there...

Jul 5, 2008, 8:31 PM
drew, all I can say is do it, change the site.... give us back the bisexual.com with the info, the articles and the cartoons......

its what attracted me to bisexual.com and keeps me here....

I am bisexual... but I am not a bedroom slut, porn perving, cream pie munching bisexual....but a intelligent and well informed, hard working, stable minded and mature bisexual that has more than getting laid, on their mind and I want bisexual.com to open up and show that side of bisexuality, as well as the side of the bisexuals that like their pics and vids and cream pies.....

like most bisexuals I like a place where I can hang out and relax and be myself.....but unlike porn loving, bed mate seeking bisexuals, I have a limited range of places that I can go...... at last count I had bisexual.com.... porn lovers and bed mate seekers, had approx 13 billion sites

when they say, keep the site the way it currently is.... they get their porn pics and vids and threads about cocks and cream pies.... and I get, no articles, no cartoons, and a chatroom where I can get intelligent convos, but also hassled by pm's wanting cyber, and chats in the room, disturbed by people wanting to see role played fucking....

now we have the ability to create new rooms for role playing and fucking and cyber..... but that doesn't happen a lot cos of people that beleive that their need to get their rocks off is the single main aspect of bisexual.com being in existance...... and for some of them, thats true.... but I am missing the intelligent, warm and friendly non sexual chats

I don't wanna take away anything from the porn loving cream pie munching bed mate seeking people of bisexual.com..... but I would like the chance to unwind, relax and have fun in bisexual.com too


And that brings us back to the same old issue of DIVERSIFYING the forums-Which has been shot down again and again by the same creampie munchers that are comfortable with the two-dimensial dross we see here every single damned day and who believe that being bisexual has everything to do with tracking down the filthiest mongrel alive to co-sign any kind of mindless crap one can think of.
Bisexuals - ARE PEOPLE! We are all colors, all heights and weights; we are husbands,wives, siblings, and parents. We are educators, students, scientists, musicians, engineers and technicians, and dancers and singers and artists; We are Catholics, Christians, Wiccans, Muslims, Left-Wing and Right-Wing; We are healthy, we are ill, we happy, sad and angry.

And you almost never hear anyone talking about anything going on in this real world with real people in it-AND IT IS SICKENING. The minute someone deviates from the primordial comfort-zone of dick size and pussy patrolling all hell seems to break loose. I logged in 10 minutes ago and the top thread- "Nudest resorts". And no offense to the participants in that thread or the person who started it but there's SOOOOOO much more we all can be exploring and learning about ourselves and our lives and each other-And long as we are not too lazy and limited to nothing more than trifling tittilations.

For goodness sake, you'd thing the site was already 'G' rated the way most of the forum consists of such juevenile jacking off. And its no wonder we are all so horribly sterotyped as 'confused', 'on the fence' and otherwise recognised as non-existent freaks (I've said this before) in the range of anything between bicycle seat sniffers and child molesters. As long as anyone 'claiming' to be bisexual is unable to offer nothng more of themselves to the world than their lascivious languishes then naturally anyone who says so will be socially dismissed from now on. We keep saying "bisexuals are no different from anyone else"...

Well if that is true, then dammit-PROVE IT!
My :2cents:...

Okay then maybe a lit'l more. 20 cents; quarter or so I suppose...

Jul 5, 2008, 8:38 PM
I will miss being able to be naughty at times, but like others have said - there are many OTHER sites you can get hardcore stuff on - I appreciate the supportive community here.

Jul 5, 2008, 9:19 PM
I honestly have to say Drew, that this site is perfect the way it is. I understand money issues but the freedom this site has given me and my partner is incredible. I also understand and want the needs of younger bisexual people to be adressed. Young and confused bi's need a place just like this to help them figure out and understand themselves. However ADULT bi's also need the same. We need this place, some people like naked pics, some don't but as adults we have a choice. We don't need to be censored we need to be able to express and explore our bisexuality in a way that suits us, EACH of us and we're all different, in different ways. I think that the creation of a more "G" friendly teen site is an awesome idea. Call it a "sister" site or whatever but it might help elieviate money issues as well as open up this wonderfull world to all those who NEED it.

Jul 5, 2008, 10:34 PM
A big resounding NO...censorship should come from our own sensibilites not imposed by others. If you don't like the music, change the channel. People come here for many reasons and each should have access to that which interests her/him. The internet and cable TV are the last bastions of freedom of speech.
However, I am not a communist. I believe that Drew should not have to operate this site 'out of pocket'. I will gladly pay a fee to be a member. I am a patron of Drew's other site, which is a pay site. I first joined as a way to compensate Drew for this site and have come to enjoy that site.
The misnomer in the word freedom is the root, 'free'. Nothing is free, even the air we breath will come to cost us.


Jul 5, 2008, 10:54 PM
At current count, I see about a 2:1 ratio of people wanting the site to stay the same. *But* I also see a lot of posts indicating clearly that many people did not understand that your use of "G-rated" meant only the elimination of pictures, and *not* any clean-up of language or discussion topics. In fact I waited until today to vote, because until your most recent post, I did not see myself as having enough information on which to base a vote. I know many people do want to be able to come here for a quick pic fix, but I would not be surprised if a differently-worded question would have garnered a very different response from the community at large.

Great feedback. I may clarify and post another poll.

- Drew :paw:

Long Duck Dong
Jul 5, 2008, 11:58 PM
this is one of the aspects that is annoying me..... the pay site aspect

not everybody that comes to bisexual.com has the ability to pay....and that is not cos of a lack of money, but difficulties in getting the money to drew

I respect that it is not drews issue to provide a number of ways for people to pay for access to his sites......and thats why I am thankful that bisexual.com is free to us.... but at the end of the day, its not a free site cos drew has to pay for it

if I was to use something like western union to pay to access a site, it automatically carries a $45 charge ( $32 just to set up the transaction and another $13 cos its over seas ) that doesn't include the exchange rate

not everybody lives in the US, where paypal is a option.....

here in nz, we had the option to credit paypal accounts using prepaid credit cards... and that worked for a lot of people..... until paypal pulled the plug on it..... then the banks introduced huge charges for using normal credit cards to credit pay pal account, effectively cutting off a lot of nz'ers from playing their fav games or joining pay sites

AGAIN its not drews responsiblity or obligiation to maintain bisexual.com as a free site........but when people make the suggestion that part of bisexual.com should be pay to view.....they are actually suggesting that the site be restricted to people that can pay and screw the rest......

Jul 6, 2008, 12:15 AM
I voted No, simply because I am by no means "G" rated and have no intention of ever going that direction. I would most likely bail on the site, as it seems many others would as well. Besides, how many people really click on internet ads? I know I certainly don't!

Jul 6, 2008, 1:53 AM
I will miss being able to be naughty at times, but like others have said - there are many OTHER sites you can get hardcore stuff on - I appreciate the supportive community here.

Well said. When I'm in the mood for pr0n, I know where to go. This is the last place I come in that category. That said, I'm frequently disappointed to log onto this site only to find thread after thread of "Cut or uncut?" and "When was the first time you swallowed cum?". Ugh... What's worse is that most of those threads are started by guys old enough to be my grandfather.

I'm as big a tough guy as the next bisexual man but for crying out loud. There's a time and a place for everything.

I come here for perspective and the desire to relate to others of like mind.

And when I say "RELATE", I don't mean "My dick in your ass". I mean my desire to open my heart to others.

Jul 6, 2008, 8:18 AM
Well said. When I'm in the mood for pr0n, I know where to go. This is the last place I come in that category. That said, I'm frequently disappointed to log onto this site only to find thread after thread of "Cut or uncut?" and "When was the first time you swallowed cum?". Ugh... What's worse is that most of those threads are started by guys old enough to be my grandfather.

I'm as big a tough guy as the next bisexual man but for crying out loud. There's a time and a place for everything.

I come here for perspective and the desire to relate to others of like mind.

And when I say "RELATE", I don't mean "My dick in your ass". I mean my desire to open my heart to others.Wow.. sumtimes me dus think ya talks such bollox Socal babe.. but on this mus admit ya has it jus bout spot on...:bigrin:

Jul 6, 2008, 9:35 AM
[QUOTE=Long Duck Dong;106888]....and that is not cos of a lack of money, but difficulties in getting the money to drew
not everybody lives in the US, where paypal is a option.....

Thank you LDD,
I was not aware of that fact. Something to consider.


Jul 6, 2008, 11:25 AM
I was only planning on doing away with the raunchy pics (in profiles and posts), and the ads too at the bottom of each page, which are only there because Google Adwords cut us off.

I don't think I want to get into restricting raunchy text - I would have no idea where to draw that line. And I don't know if text violates Google's TOS anyway. But I am sure the pics do.

Just a thought...

I was looking at the context clues in Peg's thought...
Words are definitely important.. and the way Google's TOS is worded, it can mean ANYTHING at any given time ( damn Big Brother and 1984 anyhow):

"sites which display google ads may not include "Pornography, adult, or mature content".

WE might want it to intend pictures only, but THEY want something else. If they intended only pictures, logic would dictate they would say so. But instead they say "content" which denotes a broader connotation.

Considering in the eyes of the legalese ridden, money hungry elite of corporate America, the word "content" can mean anything from pictures, words, phrases, and who knows what else. Besides, being a corporation, they , as per usual, reserve the right to change their terms of service at any time they choose without our knowledge.

Its a case of read the fine print, read between the lines, and take muchos caution before succumbing to the internet's version of "Wal-Mart". It would be like giving them the freedom to control our thoughts, our language, and our way of being. Its way too Orwellian for my taste.

IMHO:2cents: and 4 bits.

Jul 6, 2008, 2:37 PM
No problem going g-rated as far as I am concerned.

I shy away from posting pix these days anyway. Too much chance they will be hijacked and used for illegal purposes.

I prefer to make it clear that photos are available by request if anyone is interested in meeting me.

Jul 6, 2008, 3:00 PM
No problem going g-rated as far as I am concerned.

I shy away from posting pix these days anyway. Too much chance they will be hijacked and used for illegal purposes.

I prefer to make it clear that photos are available by request if anyone is interested in meeting me.

If we could make the photos private, that would work for us also. I think, like others have stated, it is more the adult content, rather than the photos, that come into question.

I like photos because it shows the true people, and weeds them out from the fakes. If we are chatting with someone, and they say they have no photos, that is a red flag for us.

Drew has to do what he thinks is best for the site, but, we like the site the way it is.

Jul 6, 2008, 3:36 PM
If we could make the photos private, that would work for us also. I think, like others have stated, it is more the adult content, rather than the photos, that come into question.

I like photos because it shows the true people, and weeds them out from the fakes. If we are chatting with someone, and they say they have no photos, that is a red flag for us.

Drew has to do what he thinks is best for the site, but, we like the site the way it is.

The more I read the previous posts, the more skeptical I am about going g-rated.

It just occurred to me that by going that route we may be opening ourselves up to some serious legal problems.

For example. If a young teenager were to get into a private chat with an adult, how the the adult know he/she was underage? I think the kids call it being a "poser". The kid could pass themselves off as being of legal age and the adult would have no way to know if they were or were not of legal age.

Next thing you know, mommy and/or daddy catches the kid in a sexual chat exchange, the parents report it to the authorities and POW...The FBI is at your door handcuffing you for child stalking, Bisexual.com gets shut down and we all make the 6 o'clock news.

If Bisexual.com states right up front, as it does now, it is an adult site and some kiddie "poser" sneaks their way in...The onus is on them. Our butts are covered.

Maybe I'm just being a little paranoid, then again, maybe not.

shameless agitator
Jul 6, 2008, 3:45 PM
Actually, there would only be legal problems if the kid admitted to being a kid and the adult still tried to arrange a meeting for sex.

Jul 6, 2008, 4:01 PM
Actually, there would only be legal problems if the kid admitted to being a kid and the adult still tried to arrange a meeting for sex.

I'm still not willing to take the risk. Too many legal loopholes.

Jul 7, 2008, 2:45 AM
hope I can still add my :2cents:...

Having been involved in other bisexual 'social' or 'networking' sites (vs dating sites, since bi.com is not a dating site either), I know that major changes in policies result in major losses in dedicated members every time. There are ways to create G-rated areas without sacrificing what everyone at bi.com has grown to love and contribute to over the years.

This is what Google says about what is considered an "acceptable site" for consideration of their paying ad placement:

Site Content
While Google offers broad access to a variety of content in the search index, publishers in the AdSense program may only place Google ads on sites that adhere to our content guidelines, and ads must not be displayed on any page with content primarily in an unsupported language. View a list of supported languages.

Sites displaying Google ads may not include:

Violent content, racial intolerance, or advocacy against any individual, group, or organization
Pornography, adult, or mature content
Hacking/cracking content
Illicit drugs and drug paraphernalia
Excessive profanity
Gambling or casino-related content
Content regarding programs which compensate users for clicking on ads or offers, performing searches, surfing websites, or reading emails
Excessive, repetitive, or irrelevant keywords in the content or code of web pages ... and the list goes on.

Elsewhere on GoogleAds, it descrives 'prohibited site content" as sites which portray adult content, violence or excessive profanity, drugs (including alcohol and tobacco), or copyrighted material. So it would seem that Bi.com may run up against a few conflicts of interest, includding the current banner ads for adult websites already being displayed on the site.

The issue still remains that although Drew may change a few things now to meet somewhat obsure standards that Google has put out, who's to say that Google can't keep requesting more changes over time that further limit free expression or access? So the question becomes: is Bisexual.com going to choose to change the site and then, in essence, be governed in some way by those make the rules? I believe there may be better answers out there.

Bi.com could create a main page by which all traffic must visit first go to either "log in" or view as a non-member. Restricting access to those who do not login as an adult should meet the requrements of GoodleAds since no 'adult' content would be accessible by minors or casual visitors to the site. Also restricting access to all potential adult content (Discussion Threads, Profiles, Photos, Chat, etc) without having or creating a profile and logging in. This may lose some regular lurkers, but it won't hurt them to get a discreet profile and log in to look at the smut wih the rest of us... ROTFL!

One of my personal concerns is what do we do with all the G-rated traffic that GoogleAds may end up bringing along to Bisexual.com??

In addition to censored mainpages void of sexual content, consider creating a Teen-Friendly space that *if/wen* someone creates an account under a certain age, then they automatically get redirected to a teen-friendly area of the website. They would never even see the "Adult" chat, nor would the Adults have access to the Teen areas to prevent any icky predatory behaviours. Personally, I think between the ages of 15-18yrs is an appropriate range - much younger and it could be viewed as promoting teenage sexual activities, be it however indirect.

You could prevent teens and adult changing their ages to access the other areas by making it mandatory to include full birthdates in order for a new profile to be accepted. I've seen sites that once you put in the year and submit your profile, the profile user cannot change the year again - you have to send or call in vaild ID for the changes to be made by Admin. Once a teen's profile matures enough to be eligible to access the main site, there can be a page link that requests for Adult Status. Maybe make a rule that takes length of participation in Bi.com as well: say an active program for at least 6 months before upgrading to adult, etc. - or the program could automatically change you over once you turn of age, etc., as long as members cannot change their date of birth in their profiles.

The Point is that unless Bisexual.com has constant policing, not to mention thread and chat monitors, then it cant effective meet the requirements are described by GoogleAds. You cant stop someone from posting something, only tell them not to, or erase if they do, but somewhere along the line, dick pics and cyber are still going to happen on this site, possibly moreso than some general interest sites. After all it is our sexuality that is bringing us here together... not that it's a 'sex site' but we have a lot of mature and adult content all over this site because it was intended for adults.

So IMHO it would be better to set up a safe catch-all page for incoming traffic to Bisexual.com, so everyone filtered through the correct login to access what they want. That way, Bisexual.com should be able to responsibly keep a G-Rating without changing what everyone here has grown to love, while satisfying its existing members by not changing what we have all contributed to in making this site a success.

Advice for Drew?? Place the GoogleAd banners on the Main (and teen pages), then keep the adult areas banner-free (or 'mandatory log-in' pages), and only have the full 'adult' access links appear for chat and forums once logged in as an adult member. Fairly certain that this would be one of the few ways that Google wouldn't challenge us, and everyone still gets what to be what they like best: themselves.

Jul 7, 2008, 8:58 AM
Hooray for Sapphy!

I like her solution. (well, I guess, I mean, I haven't actually TASTED her or anything...


Chikan.....as in protect life. (I got it)

Jul 7, 2008, 4:00 PM
I can get on that solution as well.


Jul 7, 2008, 4:49 PM
I was only planning on doing away with the raunchy pics (in profiles and posts), and the ads too at the bottom of each page, which are only there because Google Adwords cut us off.

I don't think I want to get into restricting raunchy text - I would have no idea where to draw that line. And I don't know if text violates Google's TOS anyway. But I am sure the pics do.

Does that mean that the Dick Man thread (which everyone agrees has considerable artistic value) is going to get nuked?

Jul 7, 2008, 5:39 PM
as for the adult content, i have no problem with removing pics that are questionable by google standards. actually, in my opinion, not an infringement of your 1st amendment right, IN MY OPINION, some of the pics here are barf bag worthy.
however if we are to become a g-rated site, does that mean kate cant hit me in the head with a wet fish again?

Jul 7, 2008, 8:23 PM
I think that you should do what you have to do to get money for the site so that there can be new articles and features. If it means getting rid of naked pictures, who really cares? They're everywhere else, I think it's a worthwhile sacrifice...

Jul 7, 2008, 8:38 PM
This is a site for adults. Why should we make it "G rated" or into a site for kids/Teens or have a section for teens?

There are gay/bisexual support sites out there for Gay/lesbian/Bisexual teens and this isn't one of them.

As far as the nude pics go, what's the big deal about that?

We're all adults here and this is an adult sex site! There are personal ads for a reason people! Don't be such prudes.

If Dickman is porn or deals with sex/genitals that would probably be deleted, how about the comic that's here that has sex and nude bodies in it.

Jul 7, 2008, 9:13 PM
This is a site for adults. Why should we make it "G rated" or into a site for kids/Teens or have a section for teens?

Hosting a website is expensive, folks. Even a small site on a cheap server can start at $15/month (you can go cheaper, but in my experience, those hosts are so unreliable it's not worth it), so who knows what bisexual.com costs.. and if you have to pay for articles, comics, and other content... it adds up quick. I, for one, am all for Drew not going broke to pay for our entertainment. :) If going G-rated allows the site to continue largely unchanged but not bankrupt Drew, then great!

Jul 8, 2008, 7:26 AM
I voted yes, but would like the site stay free. I know it takes money to run this site and have no problem paying for the use to see friends.

Jul 8, 2008, 11:30 AM
whats the point, i mean why change what works, typical something is working everyone who counts is happy with it and someone wants to change it, dam puritan attitudes i guess. love it or leave it , there are plenty of white washed sites out there if this one is not to your likeing leave and find another. typical controling mentality to want to change something for the common good, just another asshole trying to make the world fit what they deem as right. there now i vented. quit trying to change something you are new to. or feel it's not right for you, don't go away mad , just go away !!!

Jul 8, 2008, 12:35 PM
whats the point, i mean why change what works, typical something is working everyone who counts is happy with it and someone wants to change it, dam puritan attitudes i guess. love it or leave it , there are plenty of white washed sites out there if this one is not to your likeing leave and find another. typical controling mentality to want to change something for the common good, just another asshole trying to make the world fit what they deem as right. there now i vented. quit trying to change something you are new to. or feel it's not right for you, don't go away mad , just go away !!!
Dude, the "asshole" is the site owner and is asking for input. You are WAY out of line.

Jul 8, 2008, 4:33 PM
What allbimyself said^

Aside from that it is usually a good idea to read and respond rather than not read and react. I see a lot of reactionary posts in the thread ayeing or naynig the idea, and it still doesn't seem that anyone has even noticed that Drew re-clarified what he meant in the by 'G' rating in the first place. This is not a 'dick size' or 'creampie' thread and I think we should be investing a bit more thoughtfulness this time around esp. if any of us value the site as much as we claim. Those of you who are too inured with the particular comfort zone you've carved out for yourself here are only reacting generically to the idea and not considering all the variables actually involved. While there is nothing wrong with resisting change there is something wrong with denying its inevitibility and leaving no optimal room for change. That not only harms you the end user but at the end of the day it harms everyone. So let's do a little more occipital rather than frontal lobe thinking about this instead of grunting and snorting (denoting cynicism). Remember that variation and change only opens up new possibilities, and as invaluable a resource and community as we have here, it'd be pretty foolish not to exploit them for all they're worth-Shit, if you really want to know my friend, Drew isn't required to ask you shit about what you think or how you feel and at the end of the day for all Drew could care we can be posting in Martha Stewart in the paper flowers forum. It is very a honorable thing that Drew has even given you the opportunity where other site owners would've sold the domain and flipped us all to fuckdom (Big hug for you Drew-Thank You).

So relax. Get with the program, do some actual thinking and let's work together to help Drew help us make this the best damned bisexual site on the net.

Jul 8, 2008, 5:04 PM
I agree with Allbi, in so far as this is Drew' site and he has given us the privledge to be here free of charge,I do not think calling him names is of any benefit. I think that his asking us, the members here what our opinions would be speaks volumes as to the kind of man he is. He could have just gone ahead and made changes that would only benefit him, the business man, after all this is a business. But he chose to ask us what WE think.


Jul 8, 2008, 6:15 PM
Proseros-Actually this site is going to be sold soon. Drew hasn't said anything about that. See here- http://valleywag.com/340283/bisexualcom-goes-on-sale-in-10-days

Sheesh, did someone mention dead horses? That's old news and wasn't ever accurate. If you check the ACTUAL auction list bisexual.com wasn't ever being auctioned. AND, as I said, it's old news. The auction is LONG over.

Jul 8, 2008, 7:07 PM
hmmmm, sounds like the same way the government takes away freedoms by offering money or other things for cooeration, like it did with the states over the speed limit, the states that agreed to post 55 mph speed limits got the funding and the ones that didn't lost it. are we going to be bought for a advertisement that will possibly force us to change how we speak, how we post, how we feel to express ourselves. isn't this supression of a freedom by google, do as we say, be as we say you must else your not welcome. i'll tell you that google has more xxx rated pic links and i use it's image site just goto the preferencs and put do not filter my searchs and you can pull up any pic known to man or woman , sexual even with anamils so who are they to say we have to give up freedoms and become g-rated. PLEASE GIVE ME A BRAKE !!!!:mad:

Jul 8, 2008, 7:14 PM
i wasn't speaking of drew, i was speaking of any who come into this site and want it changed, i was speaking in general of people who just like to change things to suit their own moral standards like google saying we have to be g-rated web site before were good enough for them, when they have all sorts of sites in their search engine and all types of pics.

ok all that aside the pics is not the problem, what else is in their tos do we have to be careful of what we say, how about in the chat room and posts, such as topics and replies, must we restrict language, must we restrict topics, must we restrict photos, must we restrict our profiles and ads. i have read others tos and they restrict quite a bit concerning anything sexual. and being sexual people this would limit us a lot. seems to be truly g-rated we would have to restructure the entire site. g- to my knowledge means general public. my thoughts on this are the general public dosent accept gay or bisexuals so how do you propose this. also my expirence is once you try to get along with the general public they want more and more just like gun control. lo. this is your site drew do with it as you wish but i myself refuse to give into any form of tyrany for any price. sorry but i believe and cherish what few freedoms i have left. question , do you really need google, arent their any other sites to advertise for and get the funding needed ? are their any other options other then giving in and giving up what we have come to know and like ?

Jul 8, 2008, 7:44 PM
hmmmm, sounds like the same way the government takes away freedoms by offering money or other things for cooeration, like it did with the states over the speed limit, the states that agreed to post 55 mph speed limits got the funding and the ones that didn't lost it. are we going to be bought for a advertisement that will possibly force us to change how we speak, how we post, how we feel to express ourselves. isn't this supression of a freedom by google, do as we say, be as we say you must else your not welcome. i'll tell you that google has more xxx rated pic links and i use it's image site just goto the preferencs and put do not filter my searchs and you can pull up any pic known to man or woman , sexual even with anamils so who are they to say we have to give up freedoms and become g-rated. PLEASE GIVE ME A BRAKE !!!!:mad:

You are SOOO right! My employer expects me to be to work on time and work! Just because they pay me they think they can tell me what to do!

Let me explain how it works. Advertisers pay google to put their ads on websites. Most of these advertisers don't have the budget/staff to go through millions of websites to find good fits, so they use google's service. Now, MOST advertisers don't want their advertisements associated with certain things, e.g. hate speech, adult content, etc. Since they are PAYING for that advertisement, that IS THEIR RIGHT. To reach the largest market, google sets a broad net, trying to capture the largest number of advertisers and the largest number of websites. That's just good business sense. If you owned a business you wouldn't want your advertisements appearing on a site that advocated racism. Would that mean YOU were violating the free speech rights of those websigtes? Of course not. It would mean you decided not to do business with them. Some businesses don't want their ads appearing on adult sites. That doesn't make them evil, it means they've made a business decision. Businesses make marketing decisions on attracting the largest number of customers.

So, google has set a TOS that makes sense from their business perspective. THEY ARE NOT CENSORING! They don't have that power. They are simply saying "if you want to place advertisements on your website, your content must not violate our TOS." You are free not to do business with them if you don't want to do that.

Just like they can NOT make a website remove content (they can only remove you from their advertising program), no website can make google give them money without that agreement.

Just as an employer doesn't have to give anyone that demands one a job, google doesn't have to enter advertising agreements with every website.

Now, Drew must make a business decision on whether or not the resultant income from google adwords would be beneficial and whether changing the format of the website would adversely affect the traffic the site receives (which also affects the income he could receive from those ads).

I don't believe it would be a good fit for this site. I think changing the format would destroy the community that has developed here. From reading the agreement it would cover things beyond simply removing graphic pictures, but I'm not a lawyer. If it would, those changes would destroy this site, IMHO. BUT, it isn't my decision or yours. It is Drew's. He has been gracious enough to ask for our input on that matter. Ignorant tirades don't help the discussion.

Long Duck Dong
Jul 8, 2008, 8:07 PM
drew said that changing the site may open the way to cater for people that have a interest beyond sex talk and porn pics

when there is talk about changing the site, we seriously need to look at what the changes mean

Drew indicated that it would mean that porn pics and vids would be restricted.... not banned, and that people would still be able to transfer them thru PM's mails and email.....

it is possible that some moderation of the site may need to be done......but drews vision is to return the articles to the site and continue providing a site that caters for 95% of the people that come here....

its a sad day when people are being called assholes cos they liked the old bisexual.com, not the current one with outdated articles and information

I have said it before and I will say it again.... not all bisexuals are controlled by sex and not all of us are here to look at nude bodies and talk about cocks pussies and cream pies......

if reading a well worded, intelligent and informative article in bisexual.com, and desiring to continue doing that, makes me a asshole.... then I am proud to be a asshole that enjoys learning about others around the world and people that have different views and opinions

I look forward to reading things by onewhocares, 12voltman, diamond dog, allbimyself, taylormade, darkeyes etc etc etc.... that is the highlight of my day

if I wanted to sit at home and look at a erect and nude penis, I only have to drop my pants...or surf the net......

to find intelligent, mature posters and threads.... I come to bisexual.com

but we are losing that aspect of bisexual.com... cos the pressure is on to have porn, porn....porn....porn.....and did I mention porn

if we are going to have the attitude that bisexual.com is simply a hook up site and porn viewing site.... then why have a article section... why have cartoons..... why have a forum..... WHY call the site bisexual.com.... why not just call it another hook up and fuck.com site

Jul 8, 2008, 9:46 PM
You have my vote Drew! If people want to show each other pics they can do it without putting it in ads. I think the site will be great with whatever you decide!

Jul 9, 2008, 12:22 AM
Curiouser and curiouser!

Hey Drew? I dunno if you see what I see going on here, but looking closer, perhaps the real issue more than how the site is rated [or who is rating it for that matter], is it's functional context more than it's content. And to be honest I believe that-may be-far more important. As mentioned earlier, there are two opposed concerns.

bisexuality, and bisexual sex. The question is from a business and practical point of view, where to draw enough of a line to-as we all would like-have the best of both worlds?

Cipher began a very imortnant and wonderful thread http://main.bisexual.com/forum/showthread.php?t=5668 asking us to really think about and explore why we come here to begin with. Now yes we are all adults and want to be able to embrace the joys come along with it. We want to be able to be maturely frivolous and lascivious and share our 'dirty minds' and trade our draws. So yes of course the freedom to be able to have and use adult content to entertain-as well as educate and inform, is something that is important.

But in that thread you will see-and its exactly why reading in that thread turned on the water works for me a bit-that the majority segment who responded in this thread above all else, values a sense of community.

Porn you can get anywhere and anyway. Community is something personal to the individual. It reflects a degree of stability and permanence that-I think-a lot of us just do not have in our lives when it comes to being who we are, and gives us a place where we can go and BE WHO WE ARE and still be human.

At the same time yes, there is still the question of hooking up, making friends, crushing enemies, acquiring compatible and like minded love and lustfully languishing in the glow of the unique identities we harbor and hold. That is something you never ever want to go away and if possible want to build on and expand as much as possible.

The problem arises when you log on and discover that few are discussing anything more than sex and porn and sex and sex and sex again. That is not a bad thing, but it is a bad habit that the Internet affords us free indulgence in no matter to what degree; immediately the ego becomes diseased with a need to "dance naked and howl at the Moon" and be all the things that one in any other circumstance could not and would not comfortably.

Perhaps there is too much emphasis on the theme of the site itself, and some of us have been saying that since forever, because the level of focus thereon invites little or nothing more-hence trolls and other base elements that feed off something that again is very individual and personal.

I would have to say that if anything is to change it would have to be a point of view. Our forum has no structure, little diversity and is not inclusive of all the other things bisexuals are besides bisexuals. If for instance I want to argue about whether or not Jesus was a stoning hippy, I have to argue that concern with EVERYBODY. I don't say, have a 'science and religon' forum to tastefully isolate my considerations. And so for politics, news, sports, health and fitness and whatever else.

I remember years ago I was part of such a community whos site owner asked visitors to suggest new forums. The community participated, the forums were created, and the community flourishes today more than three or four times what it was then. Another case in point-Sometimes the ladies just want to talk to the ladies. Sometimes tyhe men just want to be boys amongst themselves- And almost every BB has a 'general forum' to discuss anything within relevant limits. So renovating the forums to be more inclusive and diverse is probably the single most valuable upgrade the site can stand.

It is not enough then, that the site is modest enough to suit our needs, since we through our interaction and exchange become more and more complex, and should adjust accordingly. Also there are hundreds of people looking for a community like this one but not finding it 'intersting enough', or 'diverse' enough to stay long enough. I think there is enough to go around for everybody and I really wish the teen "bashing" would STOP. There should be a place for them to find community just as there is a place for us, and I have said this before-I'd rather they were HERE getting educated and having whatever fun they can have here, than be out there, getting pregnant and getting infected and getting depressed and committing suicide and abusing drugs because they don't have anyone to talk to about what they are feeling or going through in their LGBT lives. If you want to be socially responsible you don't tell this segment of that population they are too young to be what they are because that is not going to stop them from either being who they are or hating the resto f the world from excluding them because of it.

Consider the fact that the domain name is worth its weight in gold almost literally-It is very specific, and because of that should be the biggest, most inclusively comprehensive site on the Internet dealing with bisexuality.

Jul 9, 2008, 10:56 AM
the thing i have always loved about this site is thats it's open to all thoughts and all peoples ideas and questions, it is very diverse and totaly open, no matter the subject, if there are restrictions that will all cease to exist, if you remember in the 70 when the word ban was coined people lost a lot of freedoms because someone didn't like it. when on this site as it is now one has the freedom to post and express their feelings no matter what it is even if it's wrong, which makes it very interesting to see what others are thinking and gives one a chance to comment on personal problems that would never get mentioned in any other site because of it's content, some are not so elequent with words as other and are blunt, this leads to topics not being able to be presented for fear of violating the tos. ben franklin said thoes that give up freedom for temporary safety deserve neither the freedom or the safety. this tells me he wasnt ready to give up any freedoms for what ever reason and thats exactly what one would be doing if it goes g-rated. i always liked the phrase : thoes that forget history are doomed to repeat it". how many times did it seem a good idea at the time when freedoms were givin up for a noble cause and then regretted later. i understand this is bussiness for drew and he has to make a decission but would ask that the site be left alone. don't think for a minuet you not giving up freedom when one has to be careful of what one says or posts. i have seen it too many times where people with all there good intentions and noble ideas have decided on change to regret it later. there are plenty of white washed sites g-rated that one can go to but this site is unique, free and open for any kind of topic even to ones who are not so good with words but can express then selves openly with out fear of violating the tos. this site has evolved naturaly into what it is and reflects it's members, all of them not just the ones that think they know what it should be. personaly i think it would be detramental to the site community to change to g-rated because if you check the profiles, pics, posts and replys you'll see a diversety amoung it's members and a freedom to express them selves without fear. i also want to thank drew for the site and it's use, i have enjoyed it's freedom. if it changes so much that i feel uncomfortable then i guess i'd just move on as i figure many others would too. i have enjoyed responding to posts and a few posts of my own. i have enjoyed the chat room and it's freedom and the open minded people. i only wish closed minded people would come with closed mouths. for they are detrimental to freedom. and an abomination to the 2nd amendment. posting a nude photo is a freedom, an expression of ones self, not like some that say oh we dont need boner pics. when were told what we do and don't need thats supression of freedom. someone forceing their moral and noble ideas on you, kinda closed minded. it's not the idea of just the pics, the next thig will be the language, then the topics, then being monitored and watched as you type every word. this is a disease common within society now to control and monitor to make shure everyone is within the moral confines of what a few deem apporpreate. for as seen on the site the majority want other wise, just look at the vote on changing to g-rating. thoes who are alright with the change are the minority. the majority was it to stay as it is. democracy is about the majority vote. but as usual i'm just one voice with one opinion.

Jul 9, 2008, 11:58 AM
I simply find it amazing that you rant about "your" freedom of expression and speech but want everyone that disagrees with you to "come with closed mouths."

This website is NOT a democracy. Until you realize that simple fact your arguments are worthless. There are no freedoms of speech or expression here. Whatever privileges we have can be taken away by the site owner for any or no reason. That's HIS right. He was generous enough to ask for our input, BUT there is nothing that forces him to honor the vote.

For what it's worth, I agree with you that changing the site to conform to Google's TOS would be a major mistake.

However, we have to make Drew see that it would be bad for him. Arguing that he's denying you imaginary rights is not helpful, quite the opposite. Let me put it this way, if someone came into my home as my guest, say for a dinner party, and this person's behavior or speech I found offensive, I would be well within my right to tell him to shut up. If he started screaming "I'm being repressed! I have the right of free speech!" I'd toss him out on his ass.

In case you don't understand something, the freedoms we enjoy are freedoms that the GOVERNMENT cannot restrict. You come onto someone's property (and make no mistake, this site IS Drew's property) they have every right to ask you to leave if they don't like what you say and/or do.

Jul 9, 2008, 12:24 PM
allbimyself did you read the total reply and try to comprehend it. freedom is freedom no matter what form it's in. this site has grown naturaly on it's own by the members. and what i'm saying is i think it's awsome and drew has asked what we think of it going g-rated, so i answered with, i am opposed to it. thats all i gave my reasons. sounds like you are all for it, you have a right to your opinion as i do mine. i am all for total freedoms not ones regulated or scrutinized on. and this site gives us that. if he chooses to go g-rated for the money then so be it. others have other reasons for not wanting it to change mine just happens to be the freedoms it allows. has nothing to do with government besides your rights if left to the government will not exist in the future. because some people wont fight for the rights they already have being bullshitted that it's for the common good. would it be for the common good on this site then the majority wants it to stay as it is?

Jul 9, 2008, 12:24 PM
I'm not sure what a "G" raiting is anyways- but if it helps the site then fair enough... if it helps then fair enough.

At the moment if its only talk of porn sex and sex- then this needs to be changed!

OF course everyones view of bisexuality is different, but I for one Like the person for who they/she/he is and not only sex sex sex sex sex.

Ugh... Maybe time for a change would be a good thing!

Jul 9, 2008, 12:29 PM
This is a site for adults. Why should we make it "G rated" or into a site for kids/Teens or have a section for teens?

There are gay/bisexual support sites out there for Gay/lesbian/Bisexual teens and this isn't one of them.

As far as the nude pics go, what's the big deal about that?

We're all adults here and this is an adult sex site! There are personal ads for a reason people! Don't be such prudes.

If Dickman is porn or deals with sex/genitals that would probably be deleted, how about the comic that's here that has sex and nude bodies in it.

Just for my two cents, I've never thought of this site as a sex site... Maybe with the change a new definition is needed...

Just because there's personal ads, still dont mean that this site has to be a standard run on the meal sex site now.

Jul 9, 2008, 12:33 PM
Yes, I read your posts, painful tho it was. Obviously you did not read mine as I stated clearly TWICE that I did not agree with the change.

My point is that your arguments for not wanting the change are irrelevant. Twist what you said around all you want but your original posts are there for all to see.

BTW, just for your information, your deleted post was seen by several people. At least you had the good sense to delete your ad hominem attack (I'll wait if you need to look that up). But, to answer your question, I have a profile, it is simply turned off at the moment as so many of you think a profile is an ad. I am no longer "allbimyself" so I turned it off to avoid receiving numerous private messages of which I have no interest.

meteast chick
Jul 9, 2008, 12:49 PM
Good for you allbi. I'm with you. I'm certainly pro Freedom of Speech, pro democracy, and pro keeping the site along the same lines as it is. In that same line, let me tell you if the option is paying for my membership or having people delete genitalia pics, then sayonara pix!

As far as I'm concerned I'm glad we have a site moderator and owner as kind as Drew to ask for our :2cents:. So again, thank you Drew.

luv and kisses,

Jul 9, 2008, 1:07 PM
[QUOTE=allbimyself;107156]Yes, I read your posts, painful tho it was. Obviously you did not read mine as I stated clearly TWICE that I did not agree with the change.

My point is that your arguments for not wanting the change are irrelevant. Twist what you said around all you want but your original posts are there for all to see.

the attack was a spontainious reaction without thinking sorry. thats why it was deleted.
but my point on freedom is relevent to the people using the site. like i said before, there is such a diverse membership and to exclude or prohibit any of the now topics, profiles, or subject matter would drasticly change the site. this is the main poing of going g-rated. true sometimes it gets sexual , sometimes it's personal, sometimes it's emotional, topics ranging from raw sexual acts to the weather, this is unique and should be protected not castrated and changed is all i'm saying. the bussiness part is up to drew, but never think it isn't about freedoms, if the site is changed it will restructure the entire membership, people will come and people will go. but as with any knowledge, it will be knowledge lost because of what i mentioned before, about the diverisety if the topics. one reads posts of people not afraid to say what ever is on their mind, one can look into the true mind of some people, and one who wants to study society in general and it's peoples littel secrets and problems that even their own familys or wives dont know about. this would all be lost. and their questions unanswered. some say we dont need the sex sex sex aspect of it, but i say when people speak about their sexual expirences and relationships openly then this is worth studying and is of value. some seek answers, opinions, they seek help with topics that would be banned on a g-rated site. me my self if i am lucky enough like your self to find someone so be it. but i'm not totaly on here to do that, i'm on here to read the posts comment and if it's helpful thats all good but if not then at least i'm saying something unlike many who never post reply or even answer messages or have no profiles. i have been on this site long enough to see attitudes of people who are just contradictory to any idea or post. seem what they call trolls what ever that means, lol. i just thought by answering drew's question of what i thought would give some insight to others who might want to comment on what i feel. so u see all issues are valid even mine even if you think it tireing to read. i appoligize for the fact that i'm not so educated as to know proper english or spelling but i try to get my point accross.

Jul 9, 2008, 9:43 PM

Lately I haven't been able to be around as much as before, but still I try to find some time to answer my messages, check if a new chapter of the bisexual comic has been added, read a few posts in the forum or even pop in the chatroom to say hi to old friends!

I love this site and the variety in it, you have comics, you have a chatroom, you have a poetry tool (even a raunchy one), some serious articles, lots of threads on the forum, people's profiles, people's pictures, etc. and that's what I think it makes it great. I love the freedom to choose what I want, but I respect also the people who don't like to see nude pics or sex-related posts. I think we could include some kind of warning on the posts if someone is going to include explicit pictures or raunchy language (I try to do it in my posts since long ago) or even on our personal profiles, given readers the choice to skip those posts and/or profiles.

Now then, I do understand perfectly your point of view about maintaining economically the site. Being the owner, even if you could have other sites like "3 pillows", you are still entitled to do whatever you want with your site, even looking for ways to maintain it or even having a profit out of it.

Nevertheless, I wonder if there would be other ways of producing income, even with other systems Google adsense-like. Google has a double standard policy, all they want is to do big business, and while for Google Adsense, they follow that policy, if you use their search engine, on the contrary, they follow a quite different standard. I have just done this experiment: I went to http://google.co.uk (but you can do the same with http://google.com) and then I chose to change my preferences for any search with google. I set it up to strict filtering (filter both explicit text and explicit images), although you could also use moderate filtering (filter explicit images only - default behavior) but I again repeat that I set it to strict filtering (to show their double standards) and save it. So now this filter should be apply to any search... I typed "sex for free" in the searching box and it returned "Results 1 - 100 of about 250,000,000 for sex for free with Safesearch on. (0.71 seconds)" (I just cut it and pasted from there). Well, you could argue that being a searching engine, it has to show everything... Well, no! It's in a safe (strict) filtering mode! (Imagine parents letting kids to use it because it's safe search!).

Even worse, at the top and also on the right of the page, they displayed ads called sponsored links (between you and me, that means that these companies pay Google to be advertise there). Just 2 examples I pick from these sponsored links read: "Free UK Sex Contacts" and "Free HotSexMovies". Don't you think that's a really dirty double standard while they don't want you to have explicit images, while they are including, even on safe search mode, lots of explicit ads from companies and receiving lots of money for that?

All the best,


Jul 9, 2008, 9:48 PM
Sorry for the size of the fonts. Since this was changed, I found the size 4 too small to read it comfortable, and 5 a bit too big...

I prefer the size choice from before the change (but it's much better now to apply several options to the same text, as you don't have to select the text once and again).

I guess this also shows that some changes are good and others not... lol

All the best,


Jul 9, 2008, 10:41 PM
I guess it's fair not to just say "Please, don't do this or that!", but then to give some other choices.

I still don't know much about all this, but for what I've read, it seems that google even doesn't say how much they are going to pay you for the ads you place on your site (which I find it a quite strange policy, for not saying something else, but they defend themselves saying that it depends on the ad), but then you can work out how much calculating with the statistics reporting the number of hits, ads, etc. and the total money. I think it was just a few cents (I believe this was for the pay per click) in one modality and if it works on a percentage of a possible buy, then the percentage is quite small compared with other companies. For instance, some have told me that if Google pays you, let's say $1 for a $100, other companies could pay $10 for the same buy of $100.

I don't remember much now of the research I did on the matter, but I also remember that to get some money then, you need to get a huge number of hits at least. Pay per click is just maybe 1 cent, so the statistics were more or less like from 100 viewers, 1 person clicks on the ad, from 100 people that click on the ad, 1 person buys something... So, if it is just by clicks, you need just to make a dollar, 100 viewers to make a click (a cent) so 100 times that to make a dollar, 100 x 100 = 10,000 viewers to get a dollar!!!

I'm not quite sure about the accuracy of this information, but I think you should check other schemes even for your own benefit.

Some have suggested bisexual.com's own trademark of items, some others an association with some sexual toys and shops. I think they deserve to be investigated more, as they could give you maybe much more percentage of the buys. Some companies selling books (and other items) online give also much better percentages than Google.

Other companies with Google Adsense-like schemes seem to pay more also. I guess it's a matter to spend some time researching what is best for you.

I wouldn't mind to have another "light" version of bisexual.com, but I'd miss terribly this current bisexual.com, if it disappears due to that. I wonder if you could link one to each other and getting benefits from the light version to maintain this one...

Well, those are some of my thoughts on the matter...

Ah, yeah, I wanted to comment on another thing before I stop... I used to be a very active (free) member in the forums at gay.com (uk version) and it was so well regarded that it pulled many participants from the USA, France or Germany, because they said they couldn't find that good atmosphere in the versions or similar sites available in their countries. Then, all of sudden, it seems that the moderators stopped cleaning up the messages, and letting lots and lots of insulting and advertising posts to invade those forums, and some people straightaway stopped reading those forums, some others like myself stayed for a few months waiting for things to get better, and when this didn't happen, I left, but I checked every 3 or 4 months if there had been a change for the better... Last time I checked, I couldn't find the forums I loved so much, and I couldn't even find a UK version anymore... Imagine how much money they lost with all these people who stopped going to gay.com.

That's another thought and also maybe you could check up ways of getting revenues in sites like gay.com (free version).

All the best,


Jul 9, 2008, 10:59 PM
Right now, it seems that the poll gives a 70% of the participants wanting the site to remain like it is, and 30% to change it, but still even with those numbers, you are the owner, and I do understand the money issue...

All the best,


Jul 11, 2008, 11:06 PM
Thanks for the input everyone. I've decided that Bisexual.com will remain unchanged for the time being.

- Drew :paw:

Jul 12, 2008, 6:43 AM
adding one last comment....

Drew: please let one/ a few trusted people go through and organize and/or moderate the forums. The website I am affiliated with did just that and was able to streamline the topics, preventing unnecessary duplication and either lock/prune out overstated discussions.

One of the main issues is always space on a server... space = money, so less space = less money... the only way to effectively do that is to organize the topics into group headings (aka: Relationships, F+F, M+M, Sex Q&A, Anything Goes, Birthdays, etc) and then people will know where to go to read old posts and be able to find topics of interest instead of just posting the same questions over and over.

Myself and others have offered to help... Set up a formal contract and let someone be an official board moderator for Bisexual.com, and take some of the crazy workload off your shoulders... We love it here and we all want to make it as effortless as possible for you to keep things up-and-running.

PS: I think that if you create a main login page and post GoogleAds on *just* that page, and everyone *has* to go thru that page to view the site, then you could make money and keep the site as-is at the same time. Worth a try... Good Luck, Drew!!!! :tong:

Jul 12, 2008, 6:46 AM
Thanks for the input everyone. I've decided that Bisexual.com will remain unchanged for the time being.

- Drew :paw:
Ya mean me still gonna run riska a openin up a knob pic Drew?? Gross!!!Tee hee:tong:

Jul 12, 2008, 2:45 PM
woooo hooooo - horay for drew

curious married m
Jul 12, 2008, 4:38 PM
Ya mean me still gonna run riska a openin up a knob pic Drew?? Gross!!!Tee hee:tong:

Oh you lil tart ya know ya just luffs DickMan when he flashes that smile at Ya:bigrin:

Jul 12, 2008, 9:17 PM
I'm sure you can find some adult equivalent to google.

Jul 13, 2008, 10:50 PM
Well, for what it is worth, I support the idea of a "G-rated" site. If people want to share their "x" rated photos they can do so through email, etc. The posting of genital photos, etc is not helpful in developing relationships, etc and in fact I don't know anytime they would be "beneficial"

Let's go for it!!


Jul 18, 2008, 11:57 PM
g-rated means no discussion of sex at all - think about a g-rated movie - it has to be something that you would be comfortable letting your 3 or 4 year child/niece/nephew watch without exposing them to something before they are ready for it - and i don't think a 4 year old should know what is the best way to ease into pegging - but wow if we went g-rated this board would be a lot deader -

i frequent another forum that is g-rated for google and i find it a bit oppressive in that respect -

so i voted against it because as it is this community offers a diverse range of topics to a diverse group of adults - if anything i would advocate splitting the server memory in 2 and give 1/2 to the adult community and the other 1/2 for those under 18 because i do not know if anywhere online but chat rooms where for bi teens to communicate -


Jul 19, 2008, 9:58 AM
I have no problem with it being G-rated.
I love to look at the pics of naked people, but I can go other places to see that. ;)

Shhhhh 47/F/usa
Jul 12, 2009, 3:59 PM
Which ever way you go, please, please, please make sure you have a good SLA with whom ever is pushing the ads. What I mean by this is make sure that if they are pushing ads that they will be 100% free of mal/spy ware and that if they are found to be violating that agreement that they will take immediate action to delete that and all like content.

Yes please no ads with malware or spyware like so many other sites. I'd like to know a little more about what kind of features the extra revenue from google ads will provide before I cast my vote for change or no.

Jul 12, 2009, 4:02 PM
FYI...this thread is almost a year old and has resurfaced for some reason. There are no longer any plans for this as Drew made the decision a year ago not to go with the google ads and leave everything as is. Just wanted to let everyone know this so they won't start worrying.

Jul 12, 2009, 4:27 PM
FYI...this thread is almost a year old and has resurfaced for some reason. There are no longer any plans for this as Drew made the decision a year ago not to go with the google ads and leave everything as is. Just wanted to let everyone know this so they won't start worrying.

Exactly. This is an interesting resurface .

Jul 12, 2009, 4:53 PM
There is very few people in my real life that know about my bisexual feelings and actions. This site a where I go when I need release and someone to talk to. I know it is sad but for the most part this place is my bisexual sex life. I really dont want it to change.

Jul 12, 2009, 4:58 PM
It's really not. Anyone can do it.

Yes, but why would they?

Jul 12, 2009, 5:28 PM
To destroy the possibility of it happening again.

Ah. now I know, and knowing is half the battle.


Jul 12, 2009, 5:37 PM
Bisexual.com is thinking of going G-rated in the sense that pictures and videos of genetalia and sexual activity would not be allowed. This would permit us to place Google ads on the site once again, giving us $$$ to pay for new articles and features.

What are your thoughts?

i say leave it alone.

Jul 12, 2009, 6:05 PM
I'll say it again....this thread is a year old.....nothing is going to change!

Jul 12, 2009, 10:13 PM
i worry about a g rating because there is already an issue of "youths" being in chat as well as looking at profiles. and there are a few persons here that are adults that are questionable when it comes to children. i cannot honestly proove that the adults are pedophiles or that the youths are youths.
i would like to know how that would be handled when it concerns the ads and such.
i do not like restricting some people from the site but there are laws about youths being on certain types of sites.
and i like to be naughty. i could go without putting up some pictures but i am me and would like to write on my profile. i get many compliments that it changes a lot.

Jul 12, 2009, 10:58 PM
I voted to leave the site the way it is. I do not like censorship. But, I do realize there are monetary considerations. Don't forget the "Golden Rule:"

He who has the gold, rules.

Jul 12, 2009, 11:06 PM
I'll say it again....this thread is a year old.....nothing is going to change!

Either they're not reading the posts or they don't believe you...

Jul 12, 2009, 11:33 PM
Kate, yes indeed this was settled some 13 months ago or so. Why has it been resurrected? Possibly the threads are deads because of the same old stuff No more "debates" about the state of the globe etc etc. and I do miss all of the positions!!?? Oh well, it was nice to see darkeyes come from under the, or the perceived "Big Brother Syndrome" teehee. WB darkeyes!!!!:eek:

Jul 13, 2009, 12:06 AM
While it's sad that pics and videos would have to go, I've been hungering for new articles and whatnot, so I'd be okay with it. Just so long as we can still talk about sex!

Jul 13, 2009, 4:46 PM
Want people to cut your meat for you, too? We have knives for that.

Just go with it instead of expecting everyone to do everything for you.

Those support group junkies in Fight Club aren't fictitious :2cents:

Quoteing the exact post that has resurfaced a thread that is over a year old.

So if you want to know why, there you go - Azrael made a reply to it, and up it went.