View Full Version : Voodoo legislature

Jun 28, 2008, 3:19 AM
This which for my own purposes I find particularly interesting...


As if we shouldn't know that it is sanctioned by the Church; But again for my own purposes called to mention that it is a projected advantage to alternative medicine and esp. in the area of mental health.

We are finding more and more the properties of certain holistic and indigenous enthogenic botanics in corrective behavioral and psycho-emotional therapies as they emrge in the raising of "green" culturalization. With increased awareness of the existence and lost exploitation of species of the organic kingdom of plant and fungi for sources of food, medicine and energy.

Consider the rise of the role of microscopies in redefining critical depencies between living organisms, and contrasted with newly arising questions of possible macroscopies, some relative kingdom of organisms that may also share dependances, or influence and exchange resource.



Though considering the context of defense in this case [real evidence notwithstanding real witness] to the events in question; either way of convolution of affects on the side the provision of cause, whether liability is incurred on the side of personal trauma or it's forced removal-Entheogenics may have prescribed a therapy otherwise cowled in Western ignorance and revoltion what divines, some concotive of witchery and voodoo legislature *ahem*, deemed correlatively inconsistent with the err-wise sanctioned thorns of lament, who's stripes are born in religous othrodoxy-

a voluntary treatment of the trauma, had the church itself not outlawed it.

Besides this argument rambles- whether the point is one to be taken moving forward indeed, like the Ecclesiastes (*sic*) before them, not un-like Super Heroes, be restrained the powers of these
priests, the "Gods OF Men".

Jun 28, 2008, 1:27 PM
Please help me here, proseros...as many times as I have read your post, I have yet to ascertain whether or not you are promoting said "exorcism" as an alternative to the proper treatment of mental illness. While I appreciate your writing style, at times it leaves me a bit "cross-eyed":) and I would hate to misunderstand what you are saying. From what I am understanding at THIS point, and before getting any clarification, you might just be promoting alternatives to standard medicine, i.e. holistic medicines, which may indeed have some merit, but it is very dangerous to promote self healing or "voodoo" tactics when dealing with some very serious and debilitating mental issues. While it is far from a "perfect science" psychiatry and/or psychology DOES have it's merits and in many cases, is the route that MUST be taken for many. I hope you can clear this up for me, if you don't mind....:)


Jun 28, 2008, 3:01 PM
Please help me here, proseros...as many times as I have read your post, I have yet to ascertain whether or not you are promoting said "exorcism" as an alternative to the proper treatment of mental illness. While I appreciate your writing style, at times it leaves me a bit "cross-eyed":) and I would hate to misunderstand what you are saying. From what I am understanding at THIS point, and before getting any clarification, you might just be promoting alternatives to standard medicine, i.e. holistic medicines, which may indeed have some merit, but it is very dangerous to promote self healing or "voodoo" tactics when dealing with some very serious and debilitating mental issues. While it is far from a "perfect science" psychiatry and/or psychology DOES have it's merits and in many cases, is the route that MUST be taken for many. I hope you can clear this up for me, if you don't mind....:)


Aha. But that is exactly the point my dear! As most would I expect, have eschewed anything beyond what we have learned to accept is "proper"
treatment, and so responding with fear, for lack of knowledge, we defeat ourselves-Not since we are certain of any right or wrong way, besides what is already dismissed without full consideration of the idea as it stands on its own merit.

Or have we forgotten it is historically the Church that, in its own perpetuation of mysticism, does not recognize any "proper" application of medicine or science that includes indigenous holistic treatment of disease, preferring more onerous mutilations we still accept as "proper" in the midst of supression of everything else that might have served better than chemical lobotomization and long term confinement, the same "voodoo" tactics that have failed and continue to fail.

We are always concerned that something other than what has already been, is being shoved down our throats-promoted if you will, convinced what we have is worth the money we pay for it-indigeny has been healing itself (and performing "exorcisms") for thousands of years, long before Willows were mowed, or before any had been sanctioned by the Church.

What I am saying is that this case forces consideration of what may, looking forward, evolve a trend of inclusive science and medicine in the approach to treatment of disease states. And especially in the case of mental or emotional trauma, and also addiction-Assumed dangerous because limited to recreation and psychical research, nowhere else bridging the gap between the reality of science and the un-reality of mysticism perpetrated by the Church itself. The pie-in-the-sky is probably real as long as anyone is willing to include quantative proof provided the means to confront which are everywhere in nature (therefore available to science and medicine).

Psilocybe, Salvinorum, Iboga, Muscaria, Peyote, etc... not of which have proved more dangerous than either their abuse or neglect and supression. Certainly nowhere near as destructive or dangerous as what we have been taught to rely on as proper, I point to this instance as an example of how such science may have succeeded where primitive mysticism-though protected by law- obviously failed.

As I said the argument would ramble on forever, and so would we.

Jun 28, 2008, 5:51 PM
lol Growing up on a reservation back home, I saw all kinds of holistic medicines, and I can tell you for a fact that many herbal and fauna remedies Do infact work where "Modern" medicines cannot. My Grandmother was one of the greatest "Herbalists" that I have ever encountered, and all that she used were herbs and plants that she had found growing in the wilds of an Arkansas forest. People came for miles to but her herbs and "potions" because they Believed that it worked for Them. I had seen some miraculous things come out of her misterings and herbs. I myself had benefitted many times from some of her home grown medicines, as did many people in my family, and in the families of people around us.
Its a matter of Belief, and somnetimes the ways of Nature work vastly better than prescriptions drugs.

I had seen her take some of the 'oddest' things and use them tp help people with..most things that defied conventual medicines. I mean..to Me they cseemed odd but to those who benefitted from them, they were wondrous. For instance: Did you know that purple thistle boiled down thick is a natural analgesicand deadener for burns, cuts, scrapes, scorpian bite and insect bites? Also great for sunburn..lol
And if you rubbed up on poision Ivy or Sumac, that a plain, ordinary forest or garden slug would make the burn and itch go away and halt the spread of the blisters? Same principal if you got bit by a Blister Beetle. And, used in Tiny quainities, Payote was used to stop most pains, severe ones such as child birth or menstral pain, kidney and gall stones, most Any kind of major pain. It was only used as a last ditch effort until that person could be taken to the town hospital.

There are so many other remedies that I saw her make that I cant name them all here, but you get my gist. She never hd an education in her life, except what had been passed down from generation to generation.
I still shake my head over some of the things I have see with Native Americam holistic medicines, but I respect it Immensely. :}

Jun 28, 2008, 8:20 PM
i have no degree. i do have life experience. both man made and natural medications work wonders. but the issue is finding the correct dosage for an "individual". all medications man made or natural can be very dangerous. they can make you physically and mentally ill and even kill you if not dosed properly or if you are allergic to them. also psychotherapy can work wonders but also can be dangerous. some it does good for, some it does not. part of it is doctors and therapists are humans too. they can be good or they can be bad. some people despite any type of help just do not make it. they end up in jails, institutions, and more.
me i cannot take many things i am chemically sensative, to drugs and even foods. i can become mentally and physically ill from them if i am sensative or allergic to them. it is not fun. but i am grateful for the medications man made and natural that work for me. not to grateful to the ones that don't.
and medications are not a cure. they help but the person also has to be willing to work on themselves no matter what limitations they do or do not have. i think that eople are not stupid, they do do stupid things.

Jun 30, 2008, 6:37 PM


Jul 1, 2008, 8:51 AM
... My Grandmother was one of the greatest "Herbalists" that I have ever encountered, and all that she used were herbs and plants that she had found growing in the wilds of an Arkansas forest...

hey cat, my Irish granny was the same... she knew so much about plants and their attributes. My first hardcover book came from her.....entitled "Herbs". She knew a lot of the medicinal qualities of them and told me about which plants to keep eyes open for on the path of life. Too bad I have SUCH a rotten memory... I've unfortunately forgotten a lot of them, but remember that jewel weed (those tiny orange orchid-like flowers) kill the sting of nettles on contact !

came in handy yestday LOL.