View Full Version : So few bisexual women??

Jun 23, 2008, 1:09 AM
Well, I joined this site a while ago. And it occurred to me that being bisexual means you like both sexes right?

Well how come there are so many bisexual men, but so few bisexual women?

I like to talk to some of the men, but what about the women? It just doesn't seem like a fair ratio.

I just felt like stating my opinion, which is that there should be a little more bisexual women.


Jun 23, 2008, 2:01 AM
LOL We're here, Hon. I think its a pretty fair mix, you just have to find a few of us. :}

Jun 23, 2008, 2:45 AM
Rude or what?

Jun 23, 2008, 2:55 AM
Oh look..its one of the Hydra heads.....

Jun 23, 2008, 3:10 AM
the ratio here isn't bad. Eager dudes to bi-women ratio is in the neighborhood of 1:1. Problem is, not even bi chicks like the bi men.

I'm the ultimate proponent of our macho, matriarchal society except on this point.

What? Men can show "weakness"?

Jun 23, 2008, 3:17 AM
We do like bi men! They are the best in bed!

Jun 23, 2008, 3:28 AM
Life itself isn't fair.

I read in one person's profile on here how they said how if life was fair they'd be able to bed all the hot supermodels and hot actors that they want.

Jun 23, 2008, 10:29 PM
Damn Straight! High 5, Gina! lol

Jun 23, 2008, 10:43 PM
OK, I just did a personal ad search. I made sure that I didn't select a country or a second area/province.

When the search results came up, there were only 19 pages of personal ads for women, versus 121 pages of personal ads for men.


I don't think that's a fair ratio. I will double check to make sure the options were the same to make sure that I am posting correct information. If I have made a mistake, then I will correct it.


Jun 23, 2008, 10:51 PM
the ratio here isn't bad. Eager dudes to bi-women ratio is in the neighborhood of 1:1. Problem is, not even bi chicks like the bi men.

I'm the ultimate proponent of our macho, matriarchal society except on this point.

What? Men can show "weakness"?

(you meant Patriarchal, correct?)

Well, I admit I joined this site precisely to meet bisexual men. . .Just, I'm picky.:tongue: If I wouldn't bed you if you were straight, I'm not gonna change the rules because you're bi.


Jun 23, 2008, 10:52 PM
Danny-You're writing about how all of this somehow isn't fair, and how there are in your opinion too many ads for men but you don't even have an ad for yourself in your profile.

Just wondering why do you think that there should be more bisexual women? You've never actually said why you've just said how it's not fair, why do you think that it's not fair?

Jun 24, 2008, 12:07 AM
Well, I haven't found the time to create one recently.

2) Yes, I do like to meet men, but I just wanna meet some women as well. I mean, I want to use the fact that I am bisexual as best as I can.

3) With women, I get to discuss things that somehow, I feel that it wouldn't be as, how should I say it? It just seems like the deep conversations I have with women, just wouldn't translate very well as if I had the with men.

All in all, it just seems that there are things that I can share with women, that I can't share with men. I guess I've just been raised to think that way so I still feel a little awkward when I have conversations with men that I usually have with women.

That's pretty much it.


Jun 24, 2008, 12:13 AM
The bottom line is that gals (bi or straight) don't have to join groups to find playmates. Whether bi, straight, or gay - gals rule and guys drool. It's the facts, man.

Jun 24, 2008, 12:24 AM
Trust me, there's plenty of bisexual women on here, but some of us already have a male partner, and are'nt looking for another, sorry for your dilemma, but some of us just want what we want

Jun 24, 2008, 5:01 AM
OK, I just did a personal ad search. I made sure that I didn't select a country or a second area/province.

When the search results came up, there were only 19 pages of personal ads for women, versus 121 pages of personal ads for men.


I don't think that's a fair ratio. I will double check to make sure the options were the same to make sure that I am posting correct information. If I have made a mistake, then I will correct it.


The reason could be that there are more men will actively get an account on this site and then become inactive when they don't find what they want. It is pretty even between men and women that are currently active on the site. Have patience my friend!

Jun 24, 2008, 2:47 PM
In real-world bi spaces in my experience the gender splits do go pretty evenly 45-45 (the other 10% is misc...). Maybe, as the song says, you need to get off the internet?

Lisa (va)
Jun 24, 2008, 3:03 PM
Just a thought of mine, but I know more bi women than bi men. But also it might be that more men seem to have difficulty in their bisexuality and are looking for some form of acceptance and/or support: whereas, from a society standpoint it's more acceptable for two women to be together and pretty much in some cases encouraged.


hugs n kisses

Jun 24, 2008, 3:09 PM
The bottom line is that gals (bi or straight) don't have to join groups to find playmates. Whether bi, straight, or gay - gals rule and guys drool. It's the facts, man.

NakedInSeattle-That's not true at all.

If I wanted to get laid with anyone all I'd have to do is walk into a bar/club (even non queer ones) and I'd be able to easily find someone to have sex with.

Hell I don't even need to leave the house, I could go on dozens of sites even this one and I'd be able to find someone.

Danny-You seem to be making up excuses.
Just what can you talk about with women that you can't with men? Why should it be this site's obligation to have lots of bisexual women just for you?

Jun 24, 2008, 3:58 PM

Danny-You seem to be making up excuses.
Just what can you talk about with women that you can't with men? Why should it be this site's obligation to have lots of bisexual women just for you?

Danny's only 13 so it's not really "excuses", just a little new to things. Hopefully he has moved onto the teen sites he was referred to.

Jun 25, 2008, 6:09 AM
Danny's only 13 so it's not really "excuses", just a little new to things. Hopefully he has moved onto the teen sites he was referred to.

How do you know DannyCapricorn is really 13? If he is 13 why is he hanging out on a site for adults and not banned from here?

I think it's funny that the owner of this place cares more about banning people who have unpopular opinions than he does about allowing someone who is supposedly underage to register, post, and stay here when they shouldn't be here (the owner of this site could get in lots of legal trouble), and the supposed underage poster shouldn't have lied about their age in the first place.

Jun 25, 2008, 7:12 AM
I agree, theres not too many bi ladies out there, or at least around me....come on ladies...don't be ashamed...maybe this website should advertise some more, I only found it by mistake lol! So glad I did but needs more ladies, expescially in jersey :)

Annika L
Jun 25, 2008, 10:34 AM
Not fair?

Is the implication that the site does something to discourage bi women from joining or participating? Or perhaps that bi women aren't doing their part, and should participate more in order to be fair?

If the ratio bothers you, then call it "unfortunate"...but I've seen nothing here that indicates unfairness toward or by women.

Jun 25, 2008, 10:53 AM
Well, I haven't found the time to create one recently.

Which takes all of five minutes.

Can't win the lottery if you don't buy a ticket. :bigrin:

Jun 25, 2008, 2:06 PM
In my opinion... (having had a bi wife and several significant others in my life who were bi) bisexuality in women is much more accepted culturally and much less so in men. That being said, I think that more men seek the comfort of like minded men and a forum where they can say that they're bi and not fear being attacked by the rest of the group. It's comfortable here.

I can't prove this but I believe that the ability of women to express themselves more openly, (i.e., to be excited to see a friend on the street, to hug another woman, to hold hands for a few moments on meeting or kiss, and even to go to the ladies room together and "share" intimate information) means that they are free to experience their bisexuality and don't need this forum as we men do.

So.... there probably are more men than women on a site like this. And more of them have the one line profile, "bimale looking for nsa fun." and there are way more pics of men's parts than women's.

Is it fair? Well, most bi men are looking for other bi men. :) And, if it's true that most women are only two drinks away from being bi, probaly any meeting site would work. (It's only a joke, No angry rebuttals, please.)

I like the site and the people I've met so the ratio of men to women is unimportant.


Jun 25, 2008, 11:00 PM
I pretty much agree with what Trinity said. Since I'm not a bi woman myself, I can't speak for their experience but it certainly seems like society is a lot more accepting, even encouraging, of girls who go both ways. It makes sense that a woman who has some attraction to other women wouldn't feel quite as conflicted or feel as much of a need to seek out support as her male counterpart.

Again, that's just my take as a bi male. I'm sure the experiences of others, and their reasons for joining this site, will vary. :)

Jun 26, 2008, 10:41 AM
Are you joking? My wife and I have spent the last few years looking for a man to join us (I'm bi while she is straight). All we can find are couples where the woman is bi but the guy is straight!

We have met with a few men (:bigrin:) but it does seem to be a problem in general for us to find a couple with similar tastes.

Jun 26, 2008, 2:34 PM
In my opinion... (having had a bi wife and several significant others in my life who were bi) bisexuality in women is much more accepted culturally and much less so in men. That being said, I think that more men seek the comfort of like minded men and a forum where they can say that they're bi and not fear being attacked by the rest of the group. It's comfortable here.

I can't prove this but I believe that the ability of women to express themselves more openly, (i.e., to be excited to see a friend on the street, to hug another woman, to hold hands for a few moments on meeting or kiss, and even to go to the ladies room together and "share" intimate information) means that they are free to experience their bisexuality and don't need this forum as we men do.

So.... there probably are more men than women on a site like this. And more of them have the one line profile, "bimale looking for nsa fun." and there are way more pics of men's parts than women's.

Is it fair? Well, most bi men are looking for other bi men. :) And, if it's true that most women are only two drinks away from being bi, probaly any meeting site would work. (It's only a joke, No angry rebuttals, please.)

I like the site and the people I've met so the ratio of men to women is unimportant.


You've never lived in an area where there's lots of homophobia where even 2 women who are bi/dykes run the risk of being beat up, having threats made against them, or face constant harassment by other people.

Also not all women are bisexual like your post suggests, and men can just as easily be as "open" as you've suggested that women can.

Jul 1, 2008, 3:32 AM
I'm a bisexual woman and I don't think it's very fair that the ratio is so far off. I personally believe that the odds of me finding someone here are slim to none compared to guys leaving me left with few options. Thats why I agree with Danny. I've been on this site for a little while now and have only talked to three women! How rediculous is that, because my options suck! But, what can we do but advertise for ourselves! :flag4:

Jul 1, 2008, 7:44 PM
I'm a bisexual woman and I don't think it's very fair that the ratio is so far off. I personally believe that the odds of me finding someone here are slim to none compared to guys leaving me left with few options. Thats why I agree with Danny. I've been on this site for a little while now and have only talked to three women! How rediculous is that, because my options suck! But, what can we do but advertise for ourselves! :flag4:

Here is my advice for better or worse. You have been here since May of this year. It took me four months of being here before I even got a PM returned. Be patient, keep at it, write lots of PM's (literate, non-pushy, well thought out PM's), chat a lot and befriend as many people as you can, and don't expect instant results. Just my :2cents:

Honestly when I joined here I did not expect to find any bi-girls. Everyone that I know in the real world can go get what they desire there. And yes I do agree that the cultural climate for bi women is much more tolerant than for men. Half the guys I work with would love a night with two bi girls but the thought of two men having sex brings out the inner homophobe in nearly all of them.

Jul 3, 2008, 3:42 PM
there are bisexual women here you just have to look:tongue:

Jul 4, 2008, 6:07 PM
i'm a bi woman... i find it's harder for me to find a bi guy...well my age on this site lol. i would love to find a bi guy here that is close to my age and what not. I found a few girls here...no meetings yet but maybe :P.... but i love guys too... i have the same problem but finding a guy who is looking for girls here as well

ok i rambled not sure if that made sense haha

Jul 5, 2008, 12:41 AM
we find it easy to find bi women but we actually look for them.