View Full Version : artistic link

Dec 18, 2005, 11:55 PM
well, have searched thru the entire site, all the old forum posts etc, and couldnt find a suitable one for this , so...
i kno, that a lot of us have hugely varied tastes in art work and erotica etc.. i also kno that as bi folk we seem to have a much larger need for variety.. this includes our poor 'lil 'ol puters, in the form of screensavers and wallpapers..

try this link; www.deviantart.com i dont thnk you will be disappointed at all.. about the only thing i didnt find were western themes and native american themes, and i already wrote them about that..


Dec 19, 2005, 12:13 AM
Thanks Rich, I've been to this site before. They have some very cool artwork.

Dec 19, 2005, 1:23 AM
Cool site Rich...Thanks for sharing... :paw: :paw:

Dec 19, 2005, 10:53 PM
you're welcome folks, and yeah i think i had it bookmarked before on another puter i had..

Dec 20, 2005, 9:44 AM
Thanks Rich for reminding me of it... I had visited it before for some poetry, but I didn't notice that it has also some great visual art...

All the best,

ray :male: