View Full Version : Trolls and such

Jun 20, 2008, 12:34 AM
I think instead of calling them Trolls, we should call them bunnies. I've noticed lately they are reproducing like rabbits.

Jun 20, 2008, 12:38 AM
Who are the trolls/bunnies so I can watch out for these people?

I have read posts by welickit that are something that a troll would post.

Jun 20, 2008, 12:52 PM
Here we go with the Hydra again. This time it acts innocent. Oh brother, can it be any more lame?!!?

Jun 20, 2008, 2:00 PM
LOL that's what I thought. It gets curiouser and curiouser, in the words of Alice.

Jun 20, 2008, 2:06 PM
Yeah, i basically thought the same thing too haha

Jun 20, 2008, 3:09 PM
I'm not a troll. I don't care if you don't believe me.

I know that people seem to enjoy ganging up on new members of message boards but this place and the people here are really bad about it.

Jun 20, 2008, 3:43 PM
What amuses me is how quickly he/she/it takes the bait, and how obviously and consistently he/she/it reveals themself!

Jun 20, 2008, 3:51 PM
I'm not a troll. I don't care if you don't believe me.

I know that people seem to enjoy ganging up on new members of message boards but this place and the people here are really bad about it.

I don't know whether you are a troll or not Juan. I hope not, but I have found people generally welcoming on this site to all new members until something is said or posted by them to make them reassess their opinion. Occasionally, almost immediately some are found out and it is those destructive people who deserve to be ganged up on. It is probably best simply to ignore them but the nature of people being what it is, this is often a difficult thing to do.

Jun 20, 2008, 4:02 PM
[QUOTE=PlacentaJuan;105485]I'm not a troll. I don't care if you don't believe me.

Yeah right, and Margaret Hamilton didn't play the Wicked Witch in The Wizard of Oz.
I never said you were a troll. That term is too limiting. Multi-headed, venomous Hydra. Now that is more descriptive.

Jun 20, 2008, 9:12 PM
I'm not a troll. I don't care if you don't believe me.

I know that people seem to enjoy ganging up on new members of message boards but this place and the people here are really bad about it.

that's funny because i have only ever seen everyone here welcome the crap out of new people unless they did something that sent off a red flag...

Jun 20, 2008, 9:30 PM
Frenchvikki is right.

We only gang up on trolls. When someone joins a site and immediately starts up with being insulting or abusive, that indicates, to us, that the person doing it is a troll.

If that description fits you, then so be it.

AAHHH! it's a nasty troll! Everyone light the torches and sharpen the pitchforks!! :devil:

Jun 21, 2008, 12:29 AM
I just find it funny that you can always seem to guess which threads the "bunnies" or "bunny" will reply to. You'd think that this person would kind of change things up, keep people guessing, instead of being so obvious all the time...

Jun 21, 2008, 2:32 AM
I'm sorry to say this is a step or two beyond a troll.
If this 'troll' is in the usa, then the police/FBI should be notified.
Y'all don't quite recognize what it is you're dealing with.
When a serial killer is caught, those who had dealings with him/it almost universally say:
"I suspected"
"The signs were all there, I just couldn't believe it"

this web site is not worth the loss of a single human life.
I'm very sorry to say what I just did, but I believe it.
Drew, please shut the site down. There is a predator circling our 'waters'.

Jun 21, 2008, 2:51 AM
Shutting the site down is not a solution. It will only embolden the troll to do it to other people and other sites.

If you surrender your liberty for temporary security, you deserve neither.

Jun 21, 2008, 6:15 AM
Closing the site down is not an option. Not in the face of such idiocy and insane hatred. Is this not what he wants? They are paranoid words, not bombs. Do we flee from mere words? Upon which site would he turn his attention next after being so suitably rewarded and encouraged?

Jun 21, 2008, 6:50 AM

There have been a couple of people who are/were once members here who have opted instead of helping this community along to deliberately insult and 'verbally castrate' those of us who have a basically peaceful contenance, but who have respectful conversation with others.

Two of them have opted to remove their profiles in the recent couple of weeks, ( which is around the same time these Blog Gremlins started popping up) and one person was banned moons ago.

Those names will not be listed here (yet.. right now its in poor form), but I suspect that they are the culprits. Like <<God>> said, all of this crap started with a thread that dealt in global warming... we can tell who these people ( I do suspect there is more than one person) are by who they "attack"--just go through previous posts about certain topics and see who argues in the most assinine manner a la spoiled child that doesnt get their way, or see who turns intelligent conversation into verbal attacks and personal insults...

So there you have it. My Miss Marple moment of the day. Its for those of you who care to ponder and those of you who dont to shun. Either way it sharpened my thinking skills so I can go to work intelligently! :impleased


Closing the site down is not an option. Not in the face of such idiocy and insane hatred. Is this not what he wants? They are paranoid words, not bombs. Do we flee from mere words? Upon which site would he turn his attention next after being so suitably rewarded and encouraged?

Jun 21, 2008, 7:33 AM
Just me here , trolling. Its been like forever since ive posted. So im trolling for a bit k . MUAH HA HA HA HA HA HA HA

Jun 21, 2008, 7:42 AM
:yikes2: !!!!! (((((((((( GEL!!!! )))))))))) !!!!! We miss ya sweetie! :) :doggie:

Just me here , trolling. Its been like forever since ive posted. So im trolling for a bit k . MUAH HA HA HA HA HA HA HA

Jun 21, 2008, 10:20 AM

There have been a couple of people who are/were once members here who have opted instead of helping this community along to deliberately insult and 'verbally castrate' those of us who have a basically peaceful contenance, but who have respectful conversation with others.

Two of them have opted to remove their profiles in the recent couple of weeks, ( which is around the same time these Blog Gremlins started popping up) and one person was banned moons ago.

Those names will not be listed here (yet.. right now its in poor form), but I suspect that they are the culprits. Like <<God>> said, all of this crap started with a thread that dealt in global warming... we can tell who these people ( I do suspect there is more than one person) are by who they "attack"--just go through previous posts about certain topics and see who argues in the most assinine manner a la spoiled child that doesnt get their way, or see who turns intelligent conversation into verbal attacks and personal insults...

So there you have it. My Miss Marple moment of the day. Its for those of you who care to ponder and those of you who dont to shun. Either way it sharpened my thinking skills so I can go to work intelligently! :impleased


I totally agree. It is entirely unlikely that a totally new member would be motivated to join this site only because they wanted to attack people they did not know. This is a long-time member that has a history of similar behavior. So, this behavior first changed to higher level and frequency of nasty personal attack against specific people and segments of the community that are judged "unworthy of respect". After being banned multiple times, the strategy has changed to a multiple personality attack, in which, I suspect this caustic member has enlisted one or more or less caustic friends.
I have my very short list of suspects too.
Maybe, I should be very upset about this individual and his friends. But, these attacks totally lack style, intellectual reasoning and wit. When challenged with an effective counter-attack, the response is another unreasoned, knee-jerk response (A fuck you, your friends, family and pets response). Am I supposed to take this person’s opinion or anything they do or say seriously?
Of course, it is not a good for a person to evolve in such a negative way. Sometimes I find this person so “over-the-top-outrageous” that I find it actually amusing. But then, I feel guilty because I should be feeling sad to see this happen.

Jun 21, 2008, 10:51 AM
Well, here's the latest news on at least one troll.

Placentajuan has decided that, since I blocked him/her/it, that it would be better to send insulting and harrassing e-mails instead.

I sent a message off to Drew with the copy of the offending e-mail and the trolls profile name, so that is one troll that will soon be dealt with.

And if it decides to continue after it has been banned, then I have programs that can track his physical address from his e-mail, so that I can send it to the correct legal authorities.

Perhaps some jail time will help it's disposition.

Jun 21, 2008, 11:15 AM
Where did these pissy lil people come from? They just suddenly appear and unfortunately like parasites, they stay and multiply.

Jun 21, 2008, 11:25 AM
Where did these pissy lil people come from? They just suddenly appear and unfortunately like parasites, they stay and multiply.

Like cockroaches, and they also come out more at night....

Jun 21, 2008, 2:29 PM
That's why I started this thread in the first place, I couldn't sleep one night and was up trying to post legitimate responses to a thread and got irritated cause the troll was beating me to it every time LOL

It was interesting watching him respond to my post almost immediately...but not as interesting as it would be if they just went the hell away. I don't see how this could be fun to them. I've had some questions I wanted to post on here but didn't want to start another battle or watch some dumbass try to bait me into getting mad. When things calm down a bit, maybe I'll think about actually posting again. I hope no one else feels the way I do about it. In a way, it's like letting them win over and over again but I'm too tired to fight with them anymore.

Jun 21, 2008, 2:45 PM
:yikes2: !!!!! (((((((((( GEL!!!! )))))))))) !!!!! We miss ya sweetie! :) :doggie:

((((((((((( Del )))))))))))))))) miss you baby girl ! :grouphug:

Jun 21, 2008, 2:51 PM
I've had some questions I wanted to post on here but didn't want to start another battle or watch some dumbass try to bait me into getting mad. When things calm down a bit, maybe I'll think about actually posting again. I hope no one else feels the way I do about it. In a way, it's like letting them win over and over again but I'm too tired to fight with them anymore.

I would be really surprised if you were the only person who felt that you cannot say what you want, or post questions that you want to ask in this forum lately.

It's obvious to me that Drew doesn't care about this site anymore and that I can't take seriously anything said along the lines of "oh, he went in to help me and stop this right away". I used to respect him, I really did. He created a place that had a good run of being a worthwhile community for bisexuals and our friends.

It's also obvious to me that if one was serious about removing trolls, it would have been done early Friday morning. Placenta and Jude were members of this site before that time, and Drew's last log-in was overnight in the early hours of Friday morning.

What do I see? Selective banning, the continuing presence of homophobic, biphobic and transphobic posts, ignorance of the pleas of a writer to remove his picture and a complete unwillingness to post anything himself in the forum, to give us his honest opinions on what is going on.

I think it's about time, too, that other bisexuals outside this community, who have networks and groups of their own, learn about what has happened to this site and that they should think twice about whether it's a good place to visit. Maybe it still could be, if there was a way to moderate parts of the site, because it is sorely in need of VISIBLE help.

Jun 21, 2008, 2:55 PM
Well, the wife and I play MMORPG's; for those unfamiliar, that's Massive Multiplayer Online Roleplay Game.

In these games, there are servers that are designated "PvP", or player vs Player. Basically a gaming free for all where you can attack any player at will, without having to get permission from the defending player.

This is where the similarity to our trolls begins.
In these games, on those PvP servers, there are people that get the dubious title of "Player Killers".

They get their jollies from attacking and killing smaller, weaker characters, over and over again; driving decent players away from the game.
Just like our trolls, who get their jollies from insulting and harassing us over and over again; hoping to chase people away from the site in the hopes of forcing it to shut down.

Fact is, like terrorists and serial killers, it is the only way that they can feel that they have any control of anything. Like cowards, they hide behind the anonymity of the internet to do it.
Of course comparing them to terrorists and serial killers is an insult to terrorists and serial killers.

Jun 21, 2008, 2:56 PM
I hope something will change, I really do. I have enjoyed this site and the people I've met since I joined. It does seem counterproductive to allow some posters to continue. Hopefully there's a method to that madness. Until then, I'm just going to sit back and keep my mouth shut LOL

And when things calm down, when people realize something should be done to stop it, this will return to a nice, normal site where the biggest argument ends in an agreement to disagree, not hateful words. I have noticed lately that a lot of the people who used to post have stopped. I hate that.

Jun 21, 2008, 7:04 PM
Well, the wife and I play MMORPG's; for those unfamiliar, that's Massive Multiplayer Online Roleplay Game.

In these games, there are servers that are designated "PvP", or player vs Player. Basically a gaming free for all where you can attack any player at will, without having to get permission from the defending player.

This is where the similarity to our trolls begins.
In these games, on those PvP servers, there are people that get the dubious title of "Player Killers".

They get their jollies from attacking and killing smaller, weaker characters, over and over again; driving decent players away from the game.
Just like our trolls, who get their jollies from insulting and harassing us over and over again; hoping to chase people away from the site in the hopes of forcing it to shut down.

Fact is, like terrorists and serial killers, it is the only way that they can feel that they have any control of anything. Like cowards, they hide behind the anonymity of the internet to do it.
Of course comparing them to terrorists and serial killers is an insult to terrorists and serial killers.

This reminds me of the South Park episode making fun of WOW...haha. I love that game.

Jun 21, 2008, 8:26 PM
I own a message board like this and I have a tight ship. My site is a support group called TGIF: Transgender Girls In Florida. It's a pretty cool place to hang out without any hook up ads, spammings, flamings, etc. It's heavily moderated by 10 cool TG friends of mine and the messages goes through us first before the board. We either approve the message to go through or deny (denied msg goes back to the poster with explanation) The last thing people want to see is junk that haters, bullies, spammers and hook up ads. We don't allow our site as a venue for hook up ads. However, it can be used for dating if the posting is tastful. We allow men and genetic women who are family/friends/supporters and even admirers in the group as long as they conduct like an adult. We screen people before we allow them to join. Sometimes we slip up and accidently let trollers in by mistake. I know I had my own share of being mislead with their suspected clean applications. Their postings of messages or uploading photos that we don't allow in the group gets denied immediatly and the subject banned on the spot.
Like I said, it's heavily moderated and very effective. :cool:

Jun 21, 2008, 9:01 PM
i've actually been wondering lately if people are growing unhappy with the way this site is being run, that perhaps they should begin their own forums and such. Looks like you already have something else to look forward to just in case Delilah. It sounds lovely by the way.

Jun 22, 2008, 1:33 AM
I'm sorry to say this is a step or two beyond a troll.
If this 'troll' is in the usa, then the police/FBI should be notified.
Y'all don't quite recognize what it is you're dealing with.
When a serial killer is caught, those who had dealings with him/it almost universally say:
"I suspected"
"The signs were all there, I just couldn't believe it"

this web site is not worth the loss of a single human life.
I'm very sorry to say what I just did, but I believe it.
Drew, please shut the site down. There is a predator circling our 'waters'.

Someone suggested this may actually be someone who has been here a while. Suddenly this all makes sense.
If this was someone 'off the street' we would be in danger. For someone to just jump in... they'd have to be pretty psycho.
But someone who has been here a while, just finding an unbridled venting/anger path... we should be annoyed and disappointed, not afraid.

Jun 22, 2008, 9:42 AM
Someone suggested this may actually be someone who has been here a while. Suddenly this all makes sense.
If this was someone 'off the street' we would be in danger. For someone to just jump in... they'd have to be pretty psycho.
But someone who has been here a while, just finding an unbridled venting/anger path... we should be annoyed and disappointed, not afraid.

I have not read any physical threat by this person. But, why does the origin of this person make a difference? Personal verbal attack and harassment seems to be escalating. This person is changing his method regularly, so you do have to pay attention to how it all evolves or (hopefully) dissolves. At some point you have to know when to quit poking a stick in a rattlesnake nest and totally avoid interaction.

Jun 22, 2008, 9:59 AM
Please. We all know what to do and that is never to respond to troll provocation. Ignore them whatever they say. Act as if they did not exist. Can we not do that? Or is it that there are just so many decent members that there will always be some who will out of anger and frustration reply to these selfish and nasty people? Can we not as a community just not see what they say? Or is that impossible?:(

Jun 22, 2008, 10:05 AM
Someone suggested this may actually be someone who has been here a while. Suddenly this all makes sense.
If this was someone 'off the street' we would be in danger. For someone to just jump in... they'd have to be pretty psycho.
But someone who has been here a while, just finding an unbridled venting/anger path... we should be annoyed and disappointed, not afraid.

Slow down, there is no evidence that he has the ability to find out anyone's real identity here, or that he has threatened anyone.

Jun 22, 2008, 1:28 PM
Why don't we make troll policy? If we can agree on a set of actions to use against this person (or these people), it would help.

Jun 22, 2008, 6:28 PM
here's something I wrote in other threads about this topic on here:

It's called learning to ignore the person.

I've been on message boards before where I got really nasty private messages, IMs, and emails from people on there and there's no point in reporting them, just ignore them.

Pick and choose your battles wisely.

Not too many people, like message board owners/admins, or other people on message boards even care about trolls/flaming, or if you got a nasty private message, IM, or email from someone else there.

They'll just tell you to suck it up and ignore it and not get your feelings hurt.

The owner of this board by the looks of it doesn't seem to care about the state of this place.

Hell, the main article is really old!

Jun 22, 2008, 8:01 PM
ThatSubliminalKid nailed it.

If I were a griefer, troll, whatever... I would surely be getting a kick when I started a new identity and saw that my behaviour had provoked such a response.

In my day to day life I often encounter people that are the "real world" equivalent of trolls. I don't buy into the games they play. I ignore them and go on about my business.

Just my advice I guess...hope it helps in some way.

Jun 22, 2008, 8:15 PM
Damn, another Troll banned before I could chew some face off..lol

Jun 23, 2008, 7:20 AM
You're rather mentally slow.

Jun 23, 2008, 11:46 AM
You're rather mentally slow.

Jude, darling, you're looking rather trollish today.

Jun 23, 2008, 11:50 AM
If we fail to feed the trolls and put them on our ignore lists, then they will starve and die.

Jun 24, 2008, 4:21 PM
Its not the way the site is being run, Hun. Its the mental pygmys that come in here(and other groups) getting off on causing chaos and distension, and trying purpously to upset people. He/she/it believes they can bully folks and get away with it. Let me tell you from personal experiance: If you Allow this idjet to bother you, or intimadate you and you dont do anything about it, they are just going to continue. I stand up to them everytime one opens its yap at/about me, and believe me, they tuck tail under cowardly bellies and run every time. They dont expect this and are surprised when someone "gets in their faces" They like personal attacks because they think it causes hurt to the person they are attacking. That's how I know its the same one over and over, for each has the same insult line. They Really need to get out more..lol
In the words of Buzz Lightyear "He's a sad, pathetic little man" LMAO

Jun 24, 2008, 4:23 PM
Hey Jude? Take an Airborne Fornication, fool.

Jun 24, 2008, 7:02 PM
Hey Jude? Take an Airborne Fornication, fool.

That, and also he can perform a physically impossible act of autoerotism.