View Full Version : gas prices

Jun 17, 2008, 9:59 AM
what will they think of next huh?


Jun 17, 2008, 9:45 PM
Living in the big city has it's benefits.

That is, the stealing scum that live in the poor part of town have eliminated "pump before you pay" gas stations.

Jun 17, 2008, 9:46 PM
hmm...this gives me an idea :rolleyes:


Jun 17, 2008, 9:51 PM
Well, honestly, as we turned my car back in because the lease was up and our other car is not running at the moment (power steering rack needs to be replaced).....we're only spending $15.00/week on gas for his motorcycle LOL (Triumph Daytona) But, yeah, I'm grateful actually that we ONLY are spending that much on gas, because otherwise we'd be screwed.........

Jun 18, 2008, 1:12 AM
Gas prices go up, up, up... love 'em!
Soon, I'll be the only huge vehicle on the road!
Back in the '80's, I rode my bicycle to work and back, but it was too dangerous ("what the hell are you doing with a bicycle on OUR road?!?). In the '90s I worked to conserve. Then I got a motorcycle to conserve gas for years... while it was little more than a $1 per gallon. I wrote letters to the editor of my local newspaper in the early 90's to encourage people to expand roads with bicycle/pedestrian paths rather than more motor traffic lanes... that we should do this while gas is still cheap. The only response was that 'if you think gas is so cheap..." from some soccer mom bitch. Gas was less than $1 per gallon. Oil was somewhere around $30 (or was it $20) per barrel.
Now, I've grown cynical and wealthy. I can easily afford $10 per gallon and still drive my huge 8 cylinder, 2 metric ton vehicle, and I will.
Now, it's my turn to wantonly waste while everyone else is running about "oh, no, what can we do to conserve gas?!?" The willfully ignorant American mentality of SUVs in the 90's, that continued right up to 2006 suddenly has become "Oh no! We have to do something!"
Go ahead and do something. Ride a bicycle; while I pass you in my huge vehicle within a foot or two ... 40 miles per hour faster, laughing at the irony. I did my part in conserving. LOL.... now it's time for me to guzzle!
Although... kevlar... carbon fiber cover reinforcement of my tank to prevent those terrible poor people from stealing my gas... might be a good idea.

Jun 18, 2008, 3:37 AM
Ride a bike.


To quote Chris Rock in the movie Dogma "You ever heard of a fat disciple? Nope"

Its cheaper than buying that "alli' crap for 30-60 bucks. Way cheaper than Jenny Craig too.

Who knows... I may invest in a Vespa for the summer months... maybe an old car that gets 50 miles to the gallon from the 1980s (yes, they DID exist) for the winter.

At any rate, until they come up with transporter beams, transportation will suck :tong:

Jun 18, 2008, 9:02 AM
LMAO Bluebiyou... I have a biker buddy (also VERY well off $$) who did the same thing... were he here he would say something to the effect that he would thumb his nose in my general direction! too funny :bigrin:

Peg (got a lil gasmiser in 2004)

Jun 18, 2008, 9:24 AM
As a transit commuter, I get the last laugh at all of you!

Jun 18, 2008, 11:10 PM
As a transit commuter, I get the last laugh at all of you!

I don't see what's so funny. I have freedom of movement and private transportation. There is no substitute.

Jun 18, 2008, 11:15 PM
I don't see what's so funny. I have freedom of movement and private transportation. There is no substitute.

and he's in NYC which means high overpriced rent for a dangerous crime ridden area!

Jun 19, 2008, 6:39 AM
Pfft. I just open a portal and go POOF there. lol...im weird i know. But yeah gas sucks bad. But i run everywhere so eh im fine. unless its to far away then i drive.

Jun 20, 2008, 8:43 PM
I don't see what's so funny. I have freedom of movement and private transportation. There is no substitute.
I rather enjoyed taking the bus when I worked somewhere that had decent transit service. I'd get up, stagger over to the bus stop, snooze most of the way in, then amble in to the office. No fighting traffic, I got more time to relax in the morning & evening, it got me everywhere I wanted to go any time I wanted to go there. I could stay late and have a few beers and not worry about how I was going to get me and my ride home... I miss it. I wish my current office had better transit service.

Jun 21, 2008, 1:57 AM
I rather enjoyed taking the bus when I worked somewhere that had decent transit service. I'd get up, stagger over to the bus stop, snooze most of the way in, then amble in to the office. No fighting traffic, I got more time to relax in the morning & evening, it got me everywhere I wanted to go any time I wanted to go there. I could stay late and have a few beers and not worry about how I was going to get me and my ride home... I miss it. I wish my current office had better transit service.

You staggered to the bus?.... I've never fought traffic. I live a pretty boring or serene life I guess. Don't even need to have a few beers. What's that for anyway?

Jun 21, 2008, 4:50 AM
You staggered to the bus?.... I've never fought traffic. I live a pretty boring or serene life I guess. Don't even need to have a few beers. What's that for anyway?

He was probably drunk in the morning since he staggered to the bus and fought traffic.

Jun 24, 2008, 9:38 PM
You staggered to the bus?.... I've never fought traffic. I live a pretty boring or serene life I guess. Don't even need to have a few beers. What's that for anyway?
I was staggering to the bus because I didn't bother really waking up. :) I'd snooze on the ride in, then go to the gym and get a workout, then shower and head in to work. And maybe you've never had to fight traffic, but that means you're in a very small minority of commuters. Working downtown was fantastic, because everything I wanted was so close. Any type of restaurant, any service, pretty much any type of store I wanted... And being that Ottawa's had a few competent mayors over the years, I still had my choice for parks within easy walking distance. And then on the way home, I got to sit down and read a book for half an hour. Way better than my current half-hour drive.

As for having a few beers after work... I really feel sorry for you if your work environment is so poisonous that the concept of socialising with your coworkers is so alien to you...

Jun 25, 2008, 12:20 AM
I was staggering to the bus because I didn't bother really waking up. :) I'd snooze on the ride in, then go to the gym and get a workout, then shower and head in to work. And maybe you've never had to fight traffic, but that means you're in a very small minority of commuters. Working downtown was fantastic, because everything I wanted was so close. Any type of restaurant, any service, pretty much any type of store I wanted...

You better hope your needs don't change considering you're at the mercy of where public transportation wants to take you.

Me? I don't have that problem. I can pick up and leave anywhere, anytime, any place and no need to look at bus schedules either. Oh, and if I want to fart, I can do it in the privacy of my car.

Oh the life of a common man!

and being that Ottawa's had a few competent mayors over the years, I still had my choice for parks within easy walking distance. And then on the way home, I got to sit down and read a book for half an hour. Way better than my current half-hour drive.

Wait, you have a half-hour drive?

As for having a few beers after work... I really feel sorry for you if your work environment is so poisonous that the concept of socialising with your coworkers is so alien to you...

Here's where we have a difference. I don't need beer in order to socialize. That's Socialize with a Z... the way God intended it to be spelled.

Jun 25, 2008, 2:26 AM
He was probably drunk in the morning since he staggered to the bus and fought traffic.

Now the fucking idiot is talking to himself.......way to go mate, at least you two know what the fuck you are both talking about, truth be known its the only way the turd can get the answers he's looking for.........For Fucks Sake!!!!!!

Cheers Chook :bigrin:

Jun 25, 2008, 8:23 AM
I try to do my part in conserving. I ride my Harley and get 40-46 mpg (depending on how much I twist the throttle). Even at today's prices I fill up on a $20 bill. But I enjoy riding so much that I ride more miles, thus have to buy more gas. I save on the cost per mile to operate but I spend more in the long run. Oh Well!! At least I am enjoying the transportation.


Jun 26, 2008, 8:50 PM
I have a "Reporter" mounted to my garage and a shotgun at the ready.....
Trust me, a license plate and a tank of gas isn't worth your life.

hmm...this gives me an idea :rolleyes:


Jun 27, 2008, 1:17 AM
pretty soon this type of stealing will be grand (instead of petty) larceny!!


Jun 27, 2008, 8:22 AM
you know i am not stoopid. i know the game of oil and government. we can engineer anything ,anyway we want and do it efficiently too and quite so.
now i am going to make an example to you to support my point and the rest is up to you to use your heads and not let (like you say you don't) let other people dictate your thinking.

this is not the first time we've had petrol problems right?? . trust me you know its a game ,AND IT IS !!
my example was this car i bought and just by driving it and listening to it run while on the hy~road i was able to find its sweet spot and travel VAST VAST VAST distances.
From time to time i re~google search this model just to see if they are still on the road and how their owners are feeling about them and i am never disappointed.
OK enuff BS as i am sure i have your attention bi now.
For me this auto was German engineered and Japanese built. This was a Datsun which everyone always knew that they were gas sippers anyways But did you also know... i got 500 miles to a tank of fuel? that's 10 U.S. gallons !:eek: want another ? i had to do 69 mph in order to achieve this mileage !:bigrin: Federal speed limit was 55mph at the time ,(so i got a lot of tickets back then which screwed with the overall efficiency of the vehicle):tongue: Want another screwy fact?... i could not throw the transmission into overDrive or i would lose optimum gas mileage. there were so many things about the car i could go on and on :soapbox::offtopic: but my point here has been made and you must begin to realize what suckers we all are and how much more you are going to be duped...DUPED !!! all this technological advancement we are enjoying and we can't even live as one yet? isn't that freaking sad like shit?
we need to see the world for what it is and say ,live ,and breath it with every fiber in our beings as we go thru this thing (test) called life.
becoz this is only gasoline we are talking about here and what a small and petty thing idiots have preoccupied our souls with...(god this is so sad) when the answers are grooved into our foreheads and all we have to really do is look at each other long enuff to read exactly whats going on.
Now i'm not really some great speaker bi any means and i limit myself more than i want to when it comes to saying exactly what it is we should be doing as far as saving our own butts here on the planet in an orderly fashion. but at least i can say something that can leave no doubt in your mind how i wish things are. and if i'm worth my wish, i'm gonna wish it whenever i can.
Someone is to blame for all this misery and i suggest we find them fast before the point of no return happens and only a select few find the way out of the shit hole world we find ourselves wading in. Find them and don't let them steer us ever again ! becoz it is NOT really their fault we have been duped...its ours! in so many ways these days we dupe ourselves and we have always had all the answers...what a pity we concern ourselves with piles of smaller pictures.. when if the big picture isn't right then none of family albums are going to amount to a squirt of piss.

sorry ,but i vent for us all !

Jun 27, 2008, 10:04 AM
You'd think that the rapid rise in oil prices would start to level off---but it just keeps getting worse--on this day---market per barrel price of oil is now well over $140 per barrel and it seems that $150 per barrel crude oil price is but days away----at the rate its going up---$200 per barrel really is not that far off and at at that price range--we are talking about $10 per gallon gas--that will really, really hurt--

$100 to fill up the tank on a car like a Honda Civic, Toyota Corolla or Ford Focus!!!!

All I can say about that is BEAUCOUP OOOOUUCCCHHHHHHH!!!!

Jun 27, 2008, 5:05 PM
Personaly i don't have any problems with gas prices at all no matter if i drive Alfa Romeo or Ferrari (probably cause i get fuel straight from Shell). And i sugest you to buy some nice Fiat cars instead of Honda and Toyota.

Jun 27, 2008, 6:20 PM
my point here has been made and you must begin to realize what suckers we all are and how much more you are going to be duped...DUPED !!! all this technological advancement we are enjoying and we can't even live as one yet? isn't that freaking sad like shit?

I think you are right on most of your points, and I can understand your anger and frustration. We do have the technology to have avoided the pain we are experiencing right now.

However, I don't blame big oil. I do blame government leaders that they didn't have the foresight to guide us around this mess. They could have provided incentives for transportation, housing and industry to become more efficient. Instead they chose to let the markets run unguided.

It's a fact that Americans prefer big cars, and that is what everyone was buying -- Yukons, Expeditions, F-150/250s, Ram 2500 4x4s. That is what the car manufacturers were providing. They are all too happy to give us what we want, and charge all the more for it. All the efficiency gains of the last 30 years have been lost on bigger and bigger cars. There has been no incentive for consumers to buy less.

I feel strongly that there should have been incentives for manufacturers to build, and consumers to buy smaller, highly efficient cars. I feel that this is where our government leadership has failed us...miserably failed us.

A little foresight and planning would have done two things. It would have put a national fleet of more efficient cars on the road, thereby reducing demand for fuel, and maybe prices too. 2nd, it would have prepared individuals and families for the gasoline price shocks that the government leaders knew were inevitable.

The world has around 700 million registered cars on the road right now. We will have a billion within just a few years, and I've read reports that at the current growth rate we will have 4 billion cars by 2050. The problem is that there is no possible way we can produce enough gasoline to power all those cars. The US Administration HAD TO KNOW this situation was coming, but they did nothing. They wanted to drill their way out of this mess. Even if that plan were put in place, it would fall far short. If they would have had a program to get one 50mpg car in just half the garages in the US, it would have made a huge difference.

Oh well. Too late now. Or.....maybe not. Let's see what the next 4 years brings.

Jun 27, 2008, 6:40 PM
You'd think that the rapid rise in oil prices would start to level off---but it just keeps getting worse--on this day---market per barrel price of oil is now well over $140 per barrel and it seems that $150 per barrel crude oil price is but days away----at the rate its going up---$200 per barrel really is not that far off and at at that price range--we are talking about $10 per gallon gas--that will really, really hurt--

$100 to fill up the tank on a car like a Honda Civic, Toyota Corolla or Ford Focus!!!!

All I can say about that is BEAUCOUP OOOOUUCCCHHHHHHH!!!!

75 million baby boomers are trying to draw as much as they possibly can for their retirement nest eggs. They are looking for investments with growth potential. Their traditional investments in real estate and blue chip stocks are a bust right now. The only booming investments are energy stocks (and possibly credit card companies). Energy investment and speculation, along with unprecedented demand for transportation fuel is driving prices through the roof. I think the explosive demand for oil will keep the energy bubble from bursting. I only see prices continuing upward.

Jun 27, 2008, 6:57 PM
I don't see what's so funny. I have freedom of movement and private transportation. There is no substitute.

I saw a projection this morning that gas prices will be $12 a gallon by 2010. At that point, 'freedom of movement' in southern California is going to be an expensive luxury.

Jun 28, 2008, 2:09 AM
Personaly i don't have any problems with gas prices at all no matter if i drive Alfa Romeo or Ferrari (probably cause i get fuel straight from Shell). And i sugest you to buy some nice Fiat cars instead of Honda and Toyota.

It must be nice being ultra rich and having your daddy pay for all of that. :rolleyes:

Buy or lease an Alfa Romero, Ferrari, or a Fiat? Yeah right! We're not all super rich and living in a bubble like some people are. ;)