View Full Version : Damn JAVA!!!

Jun 16, 2008, 12:51 AM
I've installed Java again on this doggone computer and for some strange reason i keep getting this message when i try to go into chat "unable to access main.bisexual.com:8080" and telling me that the chat system is down or that i need to change a TCP to 8080...

now maybe i'm loopy... but WTF?!?!

is it just the computer i'm using or is it the system??

in the words of charlie brown... "AAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGHHHH!!!":(

Jun 16, 2008, 12:54 AM
I have had that happen to me too Vi--I have no idea what is up with that!!

Jun 16, 2008, 10:15 AM
Is this a new computer? Perhaps your firewall is blocking outbound access to port 8080

Jun 16, 2008, 11:36 AM
Is this a new computer? Perhaps your firewall is blocking outbound access to port 8080


I think "ShieldsUp" would determine whether or not her 80 was open? (ie all 3 scans, filesharing, common ports and all service ports).

I'm on DSL and it shows my 80 as closed.. Win2K, no firewall.

there have been requests for help with this problem from other chatters, but so far no replies from the PTB.

So, I googled:

java.security.AccessControlException: access denied (java.net.SocketPermission)

and came up with this page, which may as well be written in chinese for all that I can make head/tail of it:


any thoughts as to how we can help vitt?

I'll keep looking, but one thought does come to mind and it's worked for me in the past which is uninstalling the last installed version of Java then reinstalling the latest V.6.6 from http://www.java.com/en/download/manual.jsp.


Jun 16, 2008, 11:55 AM

You are confusing inbound and outbound ports.

The 8080 port referenced in Vitt's post is the port on the chat server NOT the port on her computer. Your scanner will only show what ports your (or her) computer are listening on (very few if any on a home Windows computer.)

Firewalls can block specific inbound AND outbound ports. A firewall on Vitt's computer or network could block specific outbound ports, meaning it may not allow connections to specific ports on remote computers/servers. port 8080 is a common "backup" port to port 80 which is the default port for http protocol (websites). The chat server for bisexual.com listens on port 8080. Sometimes, however, malicious sites will use port 8080 to deliver malware, so it is not uncommon to see firewalls block access to remote servers on port 8080 which is what led to my question.

BTW, blocking remote ports by a firewall is entirely useless. Malware can be delivered by any port so blocking one that is commonly used for both legitimate and nefarious purposes is pointless as it can just as easily be delivered on port 80 (standard websites). Blocking access to port 80 on remote servers would be really bad since you wouldn't be able to get to 99.9999% of websites.

IOW, firewalls that block REMOTE ports aren't really doing you any favors, only making life harder, unless they block all ports, which of course, defeats the purpose of having an internet connection.

Firewalls should block LOCAL ports only.

Jun 16, 2008, 1:44 PM

anyone know how can we help vitt?

Jun 16, 2008, 2:07 PM
The questions that would go back and forth to troubleshoot this problem could take awhile... not something suited to this mode of communication. I've given Vitt my number so she can call me if she still needs help.

Jun 16, 2008, 2:35 PM
Not necessarily.

Why would you assume she's a stranger? You just joined the site, so don't presume you know the status of my relationships with anyone else on the site.

Jun 16, 2008, 2:41 PM
I've been on sites where someone gave out their home postal address/phone number out to someone else and then that person posted it publically! :eek:

So? Again, you ASSumed something about two people you know nothing about. I'm not an idiot. I don't give out my number to people I haven't gotten to know. And I'm damn sure I'll never give it to you.

Jun 16, 2008, 2:53 PM
This situation happens with me when I use my Verizon Wireless Internet access card--and not all the time--but I am fine when I am on ATT broadband----so it has to be something to do with the provider I am sure!!

Jun 16, 2008, 2:54 PM
Why would I want to call an American who is a total stranger?

I'm just saying to be careful, no need to be a total ass.

Did someone appoint you the forum mother?

You didn't say "be careful." You asked "Why would you give your phone number home or mobile, out to a stranger on the internet?"

If you were worried someone else might read that I gave Vitt my number and think giving out numbers to everyone on the internet is ok then say so. Don't ask a question as a thinly veiled attack on my intelligence/sanity. And don't get defensive and call me an ass when you are called to the carpet for it.

Annika L
Jun 16, 2008, 3:27 PM
Indeed, Kali has her Mother aspect as well! Welcome!

Jun 16, 2008, 3:32 PM
No need to get all defensive.

I'm sure there's someone here who's needy that is the 'forum mother'.

Sticking your nose in other people's business when you know nothing about those people and offering unsolicited advice in a manner that is offensive isn't appreciated, mom.

Jun 16, 2008, 3:34 PM
No need to get all defensive.

I'm sure there's someone here who's needy that is the 'forum mother'.

Gee..somehow I resemble that remark....which only goes to prove that Karma got tired of being a black businessman/lawyer and has moved on to yet another identity. What a thinly veiled attempt....already showing your true nature so early in the identity!

Annika L
Jun 16, 2008, 3:38 PM
LOL, Kate, look closely...I already beat you to that observation!

But don't take it personally. Kali demonstrates her love for you!

Jun 16, 2008, 4:05 PM
Hi: I have verizon fios h.s.i. and also have javo I have the same promblem.
I go to chait and sometimes i have to tobble click and it will let me in and then 5 to 10 mins later it kicks me off. then I have to click again to get back on. my wife says that it is becouse of the fire walls and I wont turn them off.

Jun 16, 2008, 4:32 PM
Hi: I have verizon fios h.s.i. and also have javo I have the same promblem.
I go to chait and sometimes i have to tobble click and it will let me in and then 5 to 10 mins later it kicks me off. then I have to click again to get back on. my wife says that it is becouse of the fire walls and I wont turn them off.

No, it's not due to firewalls. If it was you wouldn't be able to get in. If you have an older, slower computer that will happen a lot (freezing/booting).

Annika L
Jun 16, 2008, 10:20 PM
Actually, Kate, I think the love may be personal! :tong: You are specially blessed!

Jun 17, 2008, 1:24 AM
Has this turned into the question game thread?

Jun 17, 2008, 2:04 AM
I've been having the same problem. Can't get onto chat. IT says either the server is down or I've got a firewall. I can tell you, I've disabled my firewall from McAfee and the windows firewall. I normally don't have both running at the same time, but regarding this problem, I don't think it's because of firewall. I've also tried to update my java and that's taking way too long to download and install so I just cancelled it for now.

Jun 17, 2008, 2:50 PM
Funny, I was chatting with a friend just this morning on Yahoo who also said that they also could not get into the chat room. Must be more of a problem than we know.

Jun 17, 2008, 8:53 PM
What are you talking about? I just joined this site today. Way to make a newcomer feel welcome. Do you do this to everyone?

Don't take it all so personal unless you actually are a mother type who feels the need to be everyone's personal therapist and guardian angel in your own mind.

I've been on other sites where there are moderators/forum users who try to be forum mothers, and it's a huge clique/mob with group think, and what you wrote is just proving to me that this site is just exactly like that.

Hmmm....his words sound so very familiar to me......wonder why???

I think it's funny how much this site is a huge clique and people act like they're so open minded and friendly but they're anything but this. Lots of people here do seem to be lacking real life relationships/friendships so they go online here and get fake ones.

Darkeyes, CSRAKate, OnewhoCares, Flounder/MRS.F, Shameless_agitator, and others here are like this.

It's just a website people, a sex site at that and nothing more.

This website seems like a big clique, a huge cult, and one with tons of needy people who should get therapy instead of going on the internet asking random strangers questions about STDs, their sexuality, and other issues that these strangers know nothing about.

Call me the black sheep of LOL "the family!"

Need I say more?

Jun 17, 2008, 9:13 PM
Kate-I don't care if you're comparing me to other people here, complete strangers and what they've written about this website.

This only proves that this site is one big clique and not that friendly to new people or outsiders, since other people besides myself wrote about this being here on this site.
Actually James hun..in the main we welcum mos peeps if they cum in ere an don get nasty..don mind em disagreein an don mind em shoutin ther gobs off an playin silly buggas.. but wen they a lil unpleasant an get personal then wtf shud we welcum em??? An fore ya get all touchy aint referrin 2 u particularly tho ya dus seem 2 hav a lil attitude... but thats ok long asya not offensive bout it...

Jun 17, 2008, 9:20 PM
Most message boards get cliquey but this one is exceptionally bad about it.

I have never noticed this site as being "cliquey"....they welcomed me with open arms...me, a str8 woman - who is in love with a bi man. All I have ever received from this site is support. No, no one has pushed us (and he has not pushed me) to do 3-somes and honestly, he has not been with another guy since we have been together, and we have been together for two years. I have no idea why you would think this site is "cliquey"....I, for one, have not seen it. But everyone is entitled to their own opinion.

Jun 17, 2008, 9:30 PM
Kate-I don't care if you're comparing me to other people here, complete strangers and what they've written about this website.

This only proves that this site is one big clique and not that friendly to new people or outsiders, since other people besides myself wrote about this being here on this site.

I was merely making an observation that the last few newbies have been "disgruntled" and rather troll like in their behavior...posting negative comments from the get go. Just found it amusing how closely they are beginning to sound "alike"....the same person, perhaps???

And at the risk of sounding too "mother like"...I have ALWAYS welcomed new members...with open arms and an open mind...it's just when they start with the negative comments that I begin to feel otherwise.

Jun 18, 2008, 12:53 AM

I laughed so hard...

I had to run and go pee!


You rock my socks... pity you're str8 :tong:

Hmmm....his words sound so very familiar to me......wonder why???

Need I say more?

Jun 18, 2008, 12:59 AM

I vote we no longer call Pan "Sybil"....

We have a REAL one in our midst... its bad when the split personalities dont know which continent/state they are in at the time....

reminds me of a groovy song by napoleon the 14th called "split level head":

hope you enjoy :)

and btw... dont be a menace to society while drinking your juice in the hood:cool::rolleyes:;):tong:

Jun 18, 2008, 1:19 AM
I just tried, and got into the chat just fine. Several others were there also. I am running Firefox on a Linux operating system with the latest Java for Linux.

Jun 18, 2008, 12:12 PM
i have got the same dam problem. can not chat because of it FUCK.

Jun 18, 2008, 1:30 PM
Just tried it again with my MS windows XP machine. Worked fine with that also. Running Firefox and Java on the XP as I am with Linux also.

Jun 18, 2008, 6:20 PM
We love to monitor these arguments. The replies let you know who is an asshole that you don't want to meet. If you can't accept someone else's opinion or point of view without putting them down, it says something about who you really are. Now it becomes obvious why some are allbithemselves.

Jun 18, 2008, 11:04 PM
We love to monitor these arguments. The replies let you know who is an asshole that you don't want to meet. If you can't accept someone else's opinion or point of view without putting them down, it says something about who you really are. Now it becomes obvious why some are allbithemselves.

LAMO hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha

Jun 19, 2008, 9:21 AM
We love to monitor these arguments. The replies let you know who is an asshole that you don't want to meet. If you can't accept someone else's opinion or point of view without putting them down, it says something about who you really are. Now it becomes obvious why some are allbithemselves.
Awww, how witty are you? Never heard that one before! Bet your mommy is so proud!

There was no "opinion or point of view" that needed accepting. Sybil asked me a question in an insulting manner to which I replied in kind. Sybil did NOT state a point of view, merely suggested there was something wrong with me for giving my phone number, in private, to a friend. As you have, Sybil spoke about something he/she/it knew absolutely nothing about, instead he/she it assumed that Vitt and I are strangers. The level of sarcasm I used replying to him/her/it was on par with the (not so subtle) insult he/she/it used... similar to the level of sarcasm your post warrants.

Jun 19, 2008, 1:15 PM
What are you talking about? I just joined this site today. Way to make a newcomer feel welcome. Do you do this to everyone?

Don't take it all so personal unless you actually are a mother type who feels the need to be everyone's personal therapist and guardian angel in your own mind.

I've been on other sites where there are moderators/forum users who try to be forum mothers, and it's a huge clique/mob with group think, and what you wrote is just proving to me that this site is just exactly like that.

Listen, Kate is a smart, capable, accomplished and passionate woman that some pathetic loser like you would never have a chance of getting. And that goes for your ten other identities, too!

Jun 19, 2008, 3:57 PM
Whew! Oh good, so its not just me. :} I was afraid it was this new tower I'm using oe something. Hopefully it'll get straightened out soon. I was in chat for a whole 2 mins yesterday before getting booted out, and I couldnt get back in..:(
Yer Cat

Jun 19, 2008, 4:01 PM
No, it's not due to firewalls. If it was you wouldn't be able to get in. If you have an older, slower computer that will happen a lot (freezing/booting).

thank you for your answer.
my computer is a 2005 and we have fios h.s.internet

Jun 19, 2008, 8:55 PM
thank you for your answer.
my computer is a 2005 and we have fios h.s.internet

Hmmm. Win XP? What browser are you using? IE? Firefox? something else?

Jun 20, 2008, 7:49 AM
i have the same problem as the OP (see my post, that has NEVER been answered by the administrator, in the 'report bugs' section, dated 2/3/08).

for me, ie7 seems to be the problem, as firefox works.
that eliminates the IP, the firewall, java etc...
maybe it is the ie settings but i dont know!

if you figure it out let me know!

Jun 20, 2008, 8:37 PM
i have the same problem as the OP (see my post, that has NEVER been answered by the administrator, in the 'report bugs' section, dated 2/3/08).

for me, ie7 seems to be the problem, as firefox works.
that eliminates the IP, the firewall, java etc...
maybe it is the ie settings but i dont know!

if you figure it out let me know!
Microsoft has put out a huge amount of really tremendous software. IE... well, it's better than Vista, but that's not saying much. :) I strongly encourage everyone to install Firefox and see if that solves the problem. And, y'know, use it instead of IE whenever possible. If for no other reason than to dramatically reduce the risk of having a malicious website (or a normally-safe site that's been hacked, which is more common) planting adware/spyware on your computer.

If Firefox doesn't solve the problem, let me know... I might be able to rig up a test app at some point that'll give us more information about the problem.