View Full Version : Request to Drew

Jun 13, 2008, 4:20 PM
cleanup required :bigrin: in aisle "Forum"

we thank you

Jun 13, 2008, 5:15 PM
Jude, sweetie, didn't momma tell you about getting more flies with honey? Drew helped me out just yesterday and responded within hours.

Jun 13, 2008, 5:51 PM
How about Drew actually does something and assigns a moderator since he refuses to post on the forums, change the poorly written excuse for an "article" on the main page, and actually hangs around and moderates his site instead of being like the Wizard of Oz?

Well I'll be buggered......Never in my life did I think that I'd ever see such a high maintenance transgendered tart...If you aint happy here piss, off and start up ya own bloody site and run it the way you like,that way you can stop putting shit on the people that run this one because when it's all said and done there ain't too many unhappy people here. :(

Cheers Chook :bigrin:

Jun 13, 2008, 8:10 PM
Proof positive that you don't have to have SRS to be a rancid bitch.


.....but the real punch line is.....some take some sort of PRIDE in being one.

Now THAT"S FUNNY........(I don't care who you are)


Jun 14, 2008, 12:14 AM
LOL FF - that was funny :rotate: ROFLMAOF

Jude dear, before you continue talking for others, ypu best take care of your side of the street first. :2cents:


Jun 14, 2008, 9:02 AM
...Drew helped me out just yesterday and responded within hours.

right on H.E. and same here. He is around and deleting offensive postings as fast as possible. This website is run much more efficiently than where I used to hang out.


Jun 14, 2008, 9:20 AM
I totally agree, Peg. Drew is on top of it, and is about to take out more trash.
****Trash pick up is now scheduled**** :tong:

right on H.E. and same here. He is around and deleting offensive postings as fast as possible. This website is run much more efficiently than where I used to hang out.


Jun 14, 2008, 9:25 AM
Oh oh! :eek: I just bought my 219th pair of high heels! I'm high maintenance Transsexual :eek:
You'll never find me in Craig's List :tong:

Seriously, I couldn't resist the open toe gold straps stilleto by Couch. This is HOT! I'm on a hunt for a cute outfit to go with the pumps :tong:

Jun 14, 2008, 10:19 AM
Don't mind jude guys, shes just still pissed cause someone dropped a house on her sister, and she knows that she is part of the trash pickup.:tong:

Jun 14, 2008, 12:10 PM
You don't know anything about me or my life.No but you appear to know a lot about ours pretty well according to you!

Jun 14, 2008, 12:55 PM
No but you appear to know a lot about ours pretty well according to you!

Jude knows us Frannie..knows us quite well...He ( ohhhh sorry...for this identity I need to use SHE) is going to slip up someday and forget whether or not to be the transgender or the black businessman, when in reality, they are neither!

Jun 14, 2008, 3:21 PM
I decided that it is best that I not become a transgendered whatever.
1. no matter how much make up i use, i'd still be one ugly woman.
2. adams apple
3. ever seen the price of women's shoes
4. I'd break an ankle wearing hi heels
5. women dont fart they fluff, would have to quit eating mexican food
6. knobby knees
7. I'd have to duct tape what back between my legs?
8. bra straps hurt

Jun 15, 2008, 7:12 AM
I dont get the sunday paper anymore... but i thank you guys for the sunday funnies !!!! ROFLMMFAOOOOOOOOOOO:tong:

Jun 15, 2008, 8:35 AM
Jude knows us Frannie..knows us quite well...He ( ohhhh sorry...for this identity I need to use SHE) is going to slip up someday and forget whether or not to be the transgender or the black businessman, when in reality, they are neither!

Point me wos tryin 2 make mumsie is e/she/it don kno ne of us as well as in er/is/its arrogance an twisted logic e/she/it thinks it/she/he dus...

Jun 20, 2008, 9:20 AM
he's baaaaaaaaaack

Jun 20, 2008, 9:27 AM
We had this same problem from another site and the forum became moderated. Each post that has been sent is pending for approval or rejection. I suggested to him in an email that he should do the same. I volunteered to help moderate. I'm sure there are people here who can help and has the experience. Guarantee you this that boards will be better off that way.

Jun 20, 2008, 11:18 AM
We had this same problem from another site and the forum became moderated. Each post that has been sent is pending for approval or rejection. I suggested to him in an email that he should do the same. I volunteered to help moderate. I'm sure there are people here who can help and has the experience. Guarantee you this that boards will be better off that way.

Sorry, but I am against the moderated forum approach. I think we are doing a pretty good job of identifying and then naming the Hydra. Each head gets more desperate. I believe that as we continue to show the Hydra for what it is eventually this game will lose its fun for this person and the many heads will go away. We must stay vigilante but supportive of each other. I believe new people now have the added mistrust to deal with and that is unfortunate. Don't let this one bad apple spoil the whole bunch. When this person gets tired and we can get back to normal we will all see that moderating these forums would make the site less appealing and more restrictive.
Until the persistent Hydra is gone I think we just have to put up with the distraction for awhile. Viva bisexual.com!!

Jun 20, 2008, 12:40 PM
I was telling Jamie yesterday that I think the Troll repellant is under the sink next to the raid and other pest eradicators...lol
Cat ;)

Jun 20, 2008, 10:28 PM
It's a troll. You treat it just like an ogre.....light the torches and grab the pitchforks.:tong:

Jun 21, 2008, 8:12 AM
I think you're right. I'm just concern of the "real" new people that joins and then leave because they think this site is hostile.

Sorry, but I am against the moderated forum approach. I think we are doing a pretty good job of identifying and then naming the Hydra. Each head gets more desperate. I believe that as we continue to show the Hydra for what it is eventually this game will lose its fun for this person and the many heads will go away. We must stay vigilante but supportive of each other. I believe new people now have the added mistrust to deal with and that is unfortunate. Don't let this one bad apple spoil the whole bunch. When this person gets tired and we can get back to normal we will all see that moderating these forums would make the site less appealing and more restrictive.
Until the persistent Hydra is gone I think we just have to put up with the distraction for awhile. Viva bisexual.com!!

Jun 21, 2008, 1:45 PM
I've thought that myself. About the real people who come in here not understanding why there are so many jerks who posts in the forums. I would hate to think of decent people being chased away by just one or two idiots.