View Full Version : Do lesbians wish they had a penis?

Jun 13, 2008, 8:06 AM
I am deducing from the widespread use of strap-on dildos, that lesbians may have inner desires to be able to fuck like a man? And what do you people think about strap-on dildos. How could we improve them. Change the harness system? What? Also I would like to know how important to you consider the use of strap-on dildos in sex!

Jun 13, 2008, 9:24 AM
*decides 2 bring Cleave outa retirement.. gets im outa is case on wall.. sets up new pickle jar on mantle all shiny an clean.. fills wiv preservin fluid... visits congenital idiot....*


Jun 13, 2008, 10:42 AM
Actually, that's an interesting question.

One of my dearest and longest friends (22years now) is a Lesbian. She has talked about subjects like this with me in the past and one thing has come out of it, and that is this;
Some Lesbians wish they had a penis. Certainly not the majority, but some do while most don't.

By that same token, there are men (gay and Bi) out there that wish they had a vagina. Again, not many, but there are a few.

One is given to ponder the theoretical possibility that those individuals are just a bit short of a desire for a sex change. (just an "I wonder" moment)

Then there are some (both men and women) that wish they had both. but those are fewer, still, than the previous mentioned cases. Probably one in a million, literally.

Maybe some input from our Trans persons on the site would be helpful on this subject.

Jun 13, 2008, 11:10 AM
Jus cos we mite like 2 b penetrated don mean we wanna do it wiv sum hairy smellie wiv a cock.. an jus cos we mite like 2 penetrate our partner don mean we wonna hav 1 attached wer our puss shud b. Wen we make luff or hav sex we luff 2 b pleasured jus like ne 1 else.. an equally we luff our partner gettin all the pleasure we can give em.. strap ons an otha toys r merely things wich help us more fully enjoy the sexual experience. Penetrative sex is 1 part of the whole experience... yas a stereo-typical brain dead guy wiv is mind in the sewer DieSt, an hav alla the arrogance an bullshite wich cums wiv it..ya luffs 2 get off in shockin an bein genrally obnoxious... it aint big or smart 2 b as u r.. an tf on this site an beyond ther r lotsa men who hav progressed beyond the primordial slime wich u seem 2 luff splashin bout in wivya m8s..

Jun 13, 2008, 2:01 PM
Darkeyes, you hit it right on; while many males somehow think that a penis is the be all and end all, it actually isn't. there are many ways to make love and enjoy sex and a penis is only a small part of that. I would guess that very very few lesbians actually wish or even think about having a penis other than a strap on which I am guessing isn't used by more than a minority of lesbian couples. Penetration is certainly pleasurable but this can be accomplished with a wide variety of "toys" hehe


Jus cos we mite like 2 b penetrated don mean we wanna do it wiv sum hairy smellie wiv a cock.. an jus cos we mite like 2 penetrate our partner don mean we wonna hav 1 attached wer our puss shud b. Wen we make luff or hav sex we luff 2 b pleasured jus like ne 1 else.. an equally we luff our partner gettin all the pleasure we can give em.. strap ons an otha toys r merely things wich help us more fully enjoy the sexual experience. Penetrative sex is 1 part of the whole experience... yas a stereo-typical brain dead guy wiv is mind in the sewer DieSt, an hav alla the arrogance an bullshite wich cums wiv it..ya luffs 2 get off in shockin an bein genrally obnoxious... it aint big or smart 2 b as u r.. an tf on this site an beyond ther r lotsa men who hav progressed beyond the primordial slime wich u seem 2 luff splashin bout in wivya m8s..

Jun 13, 2008, 2:06 PM
Nah, I'm just not buying it. Undoubtedly there are some lesbians (particularly those who lean on the not-transsexual but possbily-transgender side) who wish they had a penis, and I think everybody, at some time, has wanted to be able to experience the genitalia of the opposite sex. But overall, I just don't think that the usage of strap-ons indicates a desire for a penis.

There are a lot of reasons why they're used: they can let both people be pleasured at the same time (particularly when they're double-ended like the Feeldoe, Nexus, or Share or house wonderful vibrating eggs/bullets etc. for the wearer), they can allow you to penetrate your lover hands-free so you're able to look them in the eye and share that sort of deep, intimate connection, they can let you play with gender-bending, etc., etc..

So, no. Many lesbians don't use strap-ons, or only occasionally. For me, personally, it's not that important- I'd like a girl who's comfortable using one and who gets the itch to do it maybe once a month or more, but it's not like strap-ons are #1 in my sex life.

As for improving strap-ons, I'm pretty happy with what's out there, but some possible improvements:

* I have a friend who really wants the balls of strap-ons to be made of a different material than the shaft- something softer and more realistic, so that when you're doing it doggy-style, you can feel that great "ball-slapping" fun. And it'd give you the ability to really fondle them while giving a blowjob. I'm not saying all strap-ons need balls (not at all), but I've always thought it was weird that the ones that do have them flat and rock-hard- why even have them there? Her blog about it: http://jizlee.com/wordpress/?p=33

* For my trans boys and butches who like to pack soft 24/7 or just a lot of the time, the biggest desire is for a strap-on that can be both flaccid and then can become rigid, so they don't have to switch out their dildos when they want to have sex on the fly. How this'd be made, I don't know, but it'd be really, really cool if it could.

* Easier harnesses! 'Nuff said. The less complicated they are, the better.

* Changeable O-rings, so you can use all your dildos with one harness.

Anyways, yeah. Why exactly do you want to know? Are you a sex toy designer?

Jun 13, 2008, 2:59 PM
Some dykes do and you can tell because they take on a man's name, learn/force themselves to pee standing up, some will go as far as injecting testosterone, and many have penis/prostate envy! ;)

Jun 13, 2008, 3:04 PM
Hmm, shape of a penis, given male authoritative names, hangs on 3 of the 4 walls in every sex shop around, and they fill every lesbian porn ever made.

Nah, they hate the penis. It serves no purpose at all.

And Darkeyes, assuming all penis stinks is just insulting. Thats the equivalent of stating every woman has a yeast infection and all vagina is ugly and never needs to be touched.

Jun 13, 2008, 3:08 PM
Ya. men are so stupid thinking their biological reproduction area could ever serve a purpose. Good thing all your popular sex toys are never shaped like a phallic.

I understand one point your making being there is more then one way to get off, but am at a loss about "how stupid men are".

What do you expect from someone like Bree who lies to his/her wife that he/she is married to about being Transsexual?

Jun 13, 2008, 3:12 PM
I doubt they want a penis, just something that hits the spot.
I can empathise with that.


Jun 13, 2008, 3:24 PM
Maybe dildos are shaped like penises because that is what the vagina is designed to accomodate? I dont have any strap on experience personally, but as far a penetration vs. clitoral stimulation, the penis comes in second every time (sorry guys, but its the truth ;))

Men love their penises, and thats great, I love them too, but a penis isnt the end-all be-all of sex. Some lesbians probably do wish they had one to test-drive so to speak, but I think most women are quite happy with their vaginas.

As for porn, most porn is made by men for men, even girl on girl, so I wouldnt rely on that for information on what women want.


P.S. karma, at the risk of adding my name to your bad list, disagreeing with someone is one thing, but personal attacks are just uncalled for.

Jun 13, 2008, 3:32 PM
P.S. karma, at the risk of adding my name to your bad list, disagreeing with someone is one thing, but personal attacks are just uncalled for.


Jun 13, 2008, 8:19 PM
Improvements? Stem cell research.

or...how about a booth you can just walk into and access a complete genetic rebuild of your own body from your own dna?

Frankly (pun intended here ; )

I find all this talk complete bullshit. If any man or woman of any kind had only walk into previously described booth to change their sex....are you seriously telling me that they WOULDN"T?

Sorry, not buying it.

Jun 14, 2008, 5:31 AM
Lots of lesbians are actually the stereotypical "man haters" that darkeyes and Bree are.

Misandrogyny is rampant among them and they're hypocrites and lesbians like this deserve to be shunned for the human cunts that they are.

Been accused bein a mysandroginist before hun.. s'ok.. aint true.. but don expect ya 2 believe that.. but hypocrisy?? That me dus get rite het up bout.. jus cos peeps don drop ther knicks for guys, slag off the worst kind an don tolerate idiots 2 well.. that don make em hypocrits. If n wen ya knows me a lil betta an ya still cum 2 that conclusion then me knos zactly wot me class u as..

Jun 14, 2008, 6:03 AM
Hmm, shape of a penis, given male authoritative names, hangs on 3 of the 4 walls in every sex shop around, and they fill every lesbian porn ever made.

Nah, they hate the penis. It serves no purpose at all.

And Darkeyes, assuming all penis stinks is just insulting. Thats the equivalent of stating every woman has a yeast infection and all vagina is ugly and never needs to be touched.

Didn mention ne thin bout all willie's bein stinkin.. did go on bout gr8 smellie guys .. don mean every guy hun, its jus me lil way a gettin a point ova an meant 2 b read in a humorous manna wile tryin 2 get ova a more serious point..... but will say this 2 ya... hav neva liked the iff of a guy afta we finished havin sex... mayb thats 1a the reasons me a lesbian cant say.. certainly aint the only 1.. but it certainly aint cosa dislike or contempt for men..

Jun 14, 2008, 7:04 AM
Lots of lesbians are actually the stereotypical "man haters" that darkeyes and Bree are.

Misandrogyny is rampant among them and they're hypocrites and lesbians like this deserve to be shunned for the human cunts that they are.

You know not of what you speak Jude. Frances can be and often is a little flowery in her writing, as she is in her speech, but she no more is capable of hating men as a breed than I am able to avoid breathing to survive. She does have a considerable dislike of certain types of men and I suspect you may be one, but without knowing you either how can we judge? She is certainly no hypocrite as many of her men friends will attest. As a matter of fact most of her men enemies will do so as well. They may not like her, and but they will agree on that.

She is also scathing about certain kinds of women, but that does not make her a woman hater so I suggest you go away and think more carefully before you make such statements.

I also say to you what I say to her when she employs profanities to describe people - go wash your mouth out with soap - I have some particularly nasty tasting soap with which I threaten my 9 year old when she uses foul language if you wish to borrow it. Using the word "cunt" in its proper context is one thing, but using it to describe another human being so contemptuously is quite another and not worthy of you or anyone else.

Jun 14, 2008, 8:26 AM
She said it, not you. So why are you defending her?

I know she's your partner/girlfriend and all but get real, she's your partner so of course you're going to defend her, make excuses for her, and say that it's just her "flowery language". :rolleyes: I guess now we know who holds power in your relationship and who the butch and femme are! ;)

She's the one that said that all penises stink and she's a mysandroginist even if to her it's a joke or she thinks it's funny, yet when I say cunt you all flip out.

I'm not a man. I'm a transsexual female.

Personally hun me don give a sod wetha yas the dogs bollox.. u notha 1 that cant read.. ther certain kindsa peeps an certain typesa posts that get on me tits.. peeps that rite stuff wich is for ther own titillation an 2 shock an no otha reason is summat wich is the stuff a the dead.. it is neitha smart or cleva or funny or serves ne useful purpose cept for the riter 2 get off on, an mayb help peeps jus like em 2 do the same.. an peeps who don read accurately the stuff wich is laid out fore em r in ther own way worse..cos they bend stuff 2 suit ther own pointa view.. Nazis an Fascists do that.. unscrupulous peeps wiv ther own less than nice agenda... ya knos nowt an ya thinks nowt.. an until ya proves otha wise by havin summat 2 say wich is constructive an informative an haff intelligent suggest ya go an sit in corner an behave yasel fore ya gets yasel inta trubble... butch? femme? Christ... grow up ...

Jun 14, 2008, 10:12 AM
I only know folks here by what is read. As far as Fran goes, she's never seemed a man hater. Nor has she appeared to be a hypocrite. I read her comment here and understood the humor as well as her serious point. To repeat, I _read_ her comment. Perhaps, I have a better sense of literal comprehension than most but her comment wasn't that difficult to 'get'.

This isn't written in defense, merely observing. And what I observe is Fran is a nice lady, she may have set opinions, still a nice lady. Who doesn't have opinions? I don't always agree or like everything Fran, or anyone here says. Doesn't mean I need to bash them over it.

Sometimes keeping your trap shut and simply reading isn't a sign of being an idiot, but of being thoughtful. And other times you just might be a real idiot for the day, so better to not open the trap. We are all human and capable of error or divinity. Communications illustrate this every day.

In case you missed the point here, everyone take a step back. Now, give yourself a minute to breath and try putting yourself in the other person's shoes. See where they're coming from, then if you still need to disagree, do it without being an ass. Simply put, be mature. It is a mature themed site.


Jun 14, 2008, 12:04 PM
I would do this if her posts were written in standard English so other people can actually read them and understand what she feebly tries yet fails miserably to try to write and communicate to other people here.

I'm not the only one who refuses to read her garbage Eurotrash ghetto slang posts that I can't understand most of, that are better suited for SMS (texting on a cellphone), or an IM chat/chat room, than here.

I am Eurotrash am I? That smacks of racism to me. One thing you should know is that I am not from a ghetto, and Franspeak is not slang. It is as you rightly observed derived from texting which I have never made a secret of. You don't have to read it but you so obviously do and make the effort of understanding it. Its not hard is it? As you can see I can write in proper English and sometimes do. That normally I do not is because I am a generally fun loving person who likes to express her personality in whatever way she can. By using Franspeak this I do in my own way. I don't ask you or anyone else to like it or read it. Merely to accept it as apart of who I am just as I accept the fact that being Transgendered is a part of who you are. Your attitude got under my skin and is still there and unforgivably I lost my rag at you. That I choose not to apologise for that to you, but do so to others on site is because I find you a not nice person which may be an error on my part, but I very much doubt it.

Now I am off to watch a game of football on telly played by 22 European guys who happen to be in the main wonderful at what they do in a pitch playing the beautiful game.

Jun 14, 2008, 12:45 PM
This has been one of the more confusing threads I have read in my life. Which is not at all surprising considering this is one of the most confusing site topics.

What have I learned today:

I don't hate any of you.
Both sex's serve a purpose.
Transgendered peeps get my love.
I am not a dart board for simply being a picture of handsome sexy and humble masculinity. :tongue:
Genitalia are gonna stink if you're dirty. (d'uh)

Jun 14, 2008, 1:12 PM
LOL mindfinding

Lisa (va)
Jun 14, 2008, 2:18 PM
You can deduce pretty much anything from different sources, but in the end it always boils down to the individual in question, not everyone is gonna be alike just because they are homosexual or heterosexual or somewhere in between.
I can only speak for myself: personally when I make love to a woman it is as a woman to another woman, and when I make love with a man it is as a woman making love to a man. In either case there is much more to being intimate with someone other than penetrative sex, just as there are many 'toys' other than dildo's / strapons than aren't designed for penetration.
It's just a matter of thinking in the simplest terms, what ever works for you and your partner.


hugs n kisses

Jun 14, 2008, 3:28 PM
I think they do wish they had a penis. I was once at a private party flirting with a cute lil blonde, whom I did not know was a lesbian, and her bull-dyke girl friend came up and told me she was going to cut my dick off. So taking that in consideration, I guess she wanted a penis.

Jun 14, 2008, 10:04 PM
ROFLMAO! Leave it to Chu for intense logic. LOL

Thank you for providing much needed comic relief for the next three weeks. :) Yours rates up there with a line from Ghost Busters. Dan Aykroyd in the scene where they advance through the N.Y. Public Library basement.

Dr Ray Stantz: "Listen... do you smell something?"

Ghost Busters kicks ass for hilarious quotes. More over at IMDB (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0087332/quotes).

Jun 14, 2008, 10:52 PM
I love ghostbusters to death haha