View Full Version : Love and Wee Caution

Jun 12, 2008, 8:11 PM
This is my 3000th post in .com and so it occured to me to try and make it a little special. Writing in proper English is pretty special for me as most of you will appreciate. For all the fact I write so much in Franspeak, I do love the English language, especially in its written form since I do not believe there can be any language which expresses so much, so beautifully in so many different and varied ways. Not even my own Scots tongue which is every bit as expressive, and I love every bit as much but would be the last to say that it is a beautiful flowing written language.. and of course Franspeak is simply a language which a gaggle of nutty girls devised to speak to each other online and in a different form by text.

Over the last three years, having become a member very quickly after .com's establishment, I have had my ups and downs in this place. I have laughed in the main, but have also cried along with so many of you at your joys and your ills, and at my own. It has simply been a thrill to know you. I can be a little curt sometimes, and even sound quite vicious (ask Showme's shins or those who have had Cleave's tender ministrations) but it has always been such fun and always meant as no more than fun.. because most of you are such fun people and take things in such good part. I have had a few fallings out with people. Allbi for one. But I have a mood and a little seethe and it is all, if not forgotten next day, forgiven, and yet to be honest what was there ever to forgive? A disagreement between friends. My God I have them all the time and we all let our tempers flare and say things we shouldn't. If I held grudges I would have no friends whatever. Life would be much too lonely and loneliness and I are not good bedfellows....

I have grown hugely fond of Mumsie. Yet almost everyone who comes in contact with Kate does. I let her bounce me on her knee and it is a simple pleasure which is silly and yet means a lot to me. As do her gentle chastisements if I do or say soomething outrageous. Rare I know you will agree. And to old Goat Face, my lovely wonderful, adorable Curio, who tries to "bend me"... I love the old coot and I always look forward to his perving... and slapping him down! This site wouldnt be the same if he were not a part of it. There is Peg who is such a love, now my grandmumsie, and always willing to cheer the world up. At least when behaving herself. Which isnt often. It must be in the genes. I have mentioned Show already, but here we have another potty perv who the site quite simply wouldnt be the same without. He helps keep my leg fit from all the kicking he gets, so he is invaluable for that if nothing else. Also Allbi, for whom it took me such a long time to warm to, but of late begin to understand a little better where he is coming from and have developed an affection which kind of sneaked up on me when I wasnt looking. I really must keep off the plonk more!

Quite a few others have become important in my .com. life clicked and found love in their lives with others often not from the site. Gel for one, and it gave me such a thrill when she landed her lady. I am a romantic little cow and an idiot for a soppy ending. Gel and Jill getting together cost me a fortune in tissues. As did AllyKat and Bethy Boop. No one purrs quite like our Ally and that purring doesn't half get to me. As chat regulars will know. And Bethy is quite stunning let me add. Wee Sammie19 finally getting her Meg was an especial thrill, since she is my best friends cousin in life, and I know just how much that meant to her and just how happy they are right now. And V landing her beau surprised me, but also made me feel really good. Even if he is a lesser mortal. No accounting for taste V babes, and none of us are perfect.... just be happy.

My pleasure knows no bounds when I think of just how many astonishingly wonderful people I have met on this site. Met...the gorgeous and delicious meteast, of whom I will say just a little later in a sadder context, the ebulliance and joy of life from Cherokee MountainCat, the droll, if thats the correct word, way which Jamie tries to keep us on the right side of the law while chasing my mumsie into the closet. And Chook. What can I say about Chookie? Another old coot who is just so funny. I love the banter with the old fool but for the life of me wonder how Aussie puts up with him! With difficulty probably, but I have no doubt she can slap him down if and when he gets out of line too much. I could go on and on, so please forgive me those of you not mentioned, but I daren't forget my favourite Transgirl Marie Trollop. We moan at and to each other as well as laugh. And flirt.We even swap confidences and she has a way with her that is terrifically appealing. She has also helped me more fully understand the trials and tribulations of TG people. Yet another on .com so easy to love. And there is Janet Haney, Andie, Emma, Chat and a hundred others. The list of fabulous people on site is almost endless.

There are many who seem to have slipped off the radar over the last three years. Some pop in from time to time but most seem to have gone and wont return. One is of course the wonderful Huneypot, whose circumastances affected me more than any other who will never return. Yet I knew her but little. Her humour, compassion and downright naughtiness was a joy to behold and I shall treasure those memories garnered over just a few short months till the end of my life. It is one of my greatest regrets concerning this site that I took a much needed break, for I fully expected her to be here when I did finally come back. But no... she had left and I could cry when thinking of just how much more we could have shared and how much better we could have known each other. I know just how badly it has affected Meteast and truly wish things could be other than they are. Sadly our kismet is just that. Fate... and we can no more alter it than become unborn. I wish it were different Rache, honestly I do.

I havent mentioned Ran. Quite deliberately till now. In my moments of greatest despair, in times of my utmost insanity, and when making decisions which were just unbelievably stupid, she, together with my very best friend, was always there to stop me tipping over the edge, and tempering my worst instincts. She was my shoulder, and have lost count of the number of times I blubbed on it, yet know that if ever again I am so daft as to start blowing my life apart, she would be there for me to help pick up the pieces. Both my lovely Kate and I are only too aware of the debt we owe her.

Thats the thing about this site. If Ran disappeared altogether, say by being kidnapped by aliens, or worse, run off and disappear with her adored Jags, there are so many people on this site to whom to turn to if I truly needed them. Most of us can if we just ask. For people on this site are amazingly warm hearted, and are prepared to go the extra mile for their friends. I have many wonderful friends in my life who I love dearly and wont ever let them go. I know there are trolls and others who are just here as spoilers, but to those members of .com who are gay or bi or tg or straight or anything else, and who have the best interests of our kind at heart you too shall always be my friend, and, as imperfect, as awful and as bloody thoughtless as I can sometimes be, will always be yours.

I write this in part because it is Franpost number 3000, and because I want you to know just how important you have become to me in my life, but also for another reason... of late I have observed a definite change in the site and its content and tone. Something has gone from it and until today I couldnt quite put my finger on it. It was another member who identified it not me. Bisexual.Com has lost its vibrancy. Its vitality. Any who enters chat can see it for it hits them square in the face. Especially if they haven't been in for a while. AllyKat going AWOL for a bit noticed and quantified the problem, while I couldn't figure it, yet knew something wasnt right.The quality of posts on forums has deteriorated so much and it is much more rare for serious discussions to take place than was the case not so long ago. And where they do take place there is much less tolerance of different opinions, and too much spiteful ridicule banded about. Maybe I am as much at fault in this as any one else. I can be a bit short with people sometimes, and can hit out when I think it is right to do so... or needlessly and thoughtlessly, when something has just got up my nose.

As a community, while I am gay, not bisexual, which wasn't always the case, and my partner certainly considers herself bi, I am as much a part of this community as anyone else. We do not have that many places in the world we can just kick of our shoes and have a good natter and let our hair down.. get things off our chest.. and try and help one another.. for all the progress which the LGBT communties have made in the last half century. We just cant afford to let this sanctuary go, be crushed by trolls or our own complacency. It must be nurtured and defended as well as we are able.. and make it make it better. As gays, bi's, tg's or whatever, we have more in common than we do not. In fact we have more in common with straight people than we do not. Many of our members are straight people looking for their own answers concerning people they love. This site is a small yet invaluable tool for our kind and supporters and sympathisers to do what we can in helping us make progress in our struggle to be considered equal of the straight world, and we allow it to decay and lose it at our peril.

I am an incurable romantic and wear my heart on my sleeve and this often leads me to be a little soppy. But I truly would hate to lose this site for while I have an extensive contact list on Yahoo, it is only here we get together en masse and laugh and cry and put the world to rights... and of course flirt.. which is always fun. I have my life in my home town and a wonderful bunch of friends. Bisexual.com is another town to me where I can escape to with another circle of lovely people I love.. and for it..and for those lovely friends.. named and unnamed here, I shall always be eternally grateful.

Jun 12, 2008, 8:46 PM
We love you too Fran. I don't know you all that well, but hope to get to know you better in the coming days. I can say that you being here always puts a smile on my face, as do your posts.

Jun 12, 2008, 11:53 PM
Congratulations on your 3,000th.

I am not a long time member. But, do enjoy it here so far. I enjoy reading your posts, although I do not always agree with your point of view.

And, I admit I much prefer reading you in American English. For me, Franspeak takes too much concentration and takes away from following the meaning your messages.

Thanks you!

Jun 13, 2008, 1:00 AM
A very beautiful post Fran...and it's been a pleasure to know you through your posts on this forum over the last few years.... I hope you'll continue to write... posting your thoughts and feelings because, they have a value in their gut level honesty which is a rare find these days...... but now for the real challenge....can you translate all of that into Franspeak lol?

Happy 3000th:frog:


Jun 13, 2008, 1:16 AM

You sneaky little mynx.;):eek:
All this time making us think that you had bad written grammar and then you hit us with this well crafted treatise.:bigrin:

When you decide to write, you really write.

That was a very nice post. Congrats on 3 grand.

Keep keeping us on our toes with your pearls of wisdom and surprises. :)

Jun 13, 2008, 1:16 AM
Get some therapy, you're into this site WAY too much and you're letting it and other people who are complete strangers control your life which is not a good thing. :2cents:

shameless agitator
Jun 13, 2008, 1:26 AM
Beautiful post Fran. You can be downright eloquent when you want to. I have to agree, this site has been a real safe haven for me ever since I joined a couple years ago. There have been numerous times I've considered abandoning it because of the trolls and general downhill slide it's been on for a while now, but you're right. This community is way too important to let a few halfwits ruin it. We need to nurture this site and each other and if we just ignore the fuckwits they'll hopefully get bored and bugger off.

Jun 13, 2008, 1:28 AM
I think I'm crying..

Jun 13, 2008, 1:35 AM
I think I'm crying..

I hope that was said in jest.

Yes you do look like Homer Simpson. :)

Jun 13, 2008, 1:38 AM
Get some therapy, you're into this site WAY too much and you're letting it and other people who are complete strangers control your life which is not a good thing. :2cents:

Gee...I was trying to post to this thread and unfortunately, this troll got here before me. Which brings up a point that I was hoping to address but thanks to him...I am about to violate a personal policy that I was hoping to adopt to ignore the trolls and let them die on their own in hopes of returning our site to the once pleasant place that Fran has so sweetly implored us to do!

Karma, Jude or whatever the hell you wish to call yourself right now, you are not fooling anyone with your fake id's and your trumped up profiles...you are a troll and while you may be taking a slower approach this time around, you are a troll nonetheless. You are a bitter and sad person who sounds to me as though you could use the love and understanding a site such as this could offer but instead you choose to put others down.

And with that...I implore the rest of you to ignore any and all future posts....we simply must do something to keep from feeding into this crap and join together as a site to combat the negative vibes he keeps feeding us.

Pardon that interruption and now back to the original intent of my post!

Frannie, my dear...I have been here almost as long as you have, and knowing you has truly been a delight! I am so very happy to be your Mumsie....and those "chastisements" as you call them are only given out of love! I love ya, sweetie....you've become a very dear person in my life and I know that whenever you are around, I am sure to smile! I agree with you that there are so many lovely people here...so many to share a laugh with, so many to discuss life issues with...so many to run to in time of need. I know I get frustrated from time to time and consider bailing out but the thought of never having contact with you and the others that I hold dear keeps me from doing that! I agree with you that we need to return to the site of old...and from here on out, I am going to bite my tongue before posting..(sorry..just had to let that last bit of steam out....he pissed me off for posting that shit in this very lovely thread! LOL!) I'm going to let the words of the trolls go in one ear and out the other! I am going to concentrate on the good that this site has to offer and ignore the rest!!! I'm going to concentrate on my friends and welcome the newbies (as long as they aren't trolls LOL!) I agree with you, Frannie...I know...we're agreeing on a forum topic..ain't it great???? hehe

<<<bounces Frannie on her knee>>>> Just remember not to kick showme TOO hard, to take a deep breath before getting huffy with allbi cause you know he's a sweetie, and to always know that while your precious curio may be a perv, he's a luffly perv...just as you are a luffly tart! LOL!!!

Congrats on your 3000th post, my dear....keep posting and keep smiling....you make this site a better place by doing so!

Love ya,
Kate, aka Mumsie

Jun 13, 2008, 1:42 AM
Get some therapy, you're into this site WAY too much and you're letting it and other people who are complete strangers control your life which is not a good thing. :2cents:

If you want to make friends here, then stop behaving a troll.

Jun 13, 2008, 1:44 AM
Gee...I was trying to post to this thread and unfortunately, this troll got here before me. Which brings up a point that I was hoping to address but thanks to him...I am about to violate a personal policy that I was hoping to adopt to ignore the trolls and let them die on their own in hopes of returning our site to the once pleasant place that Fran has so sweetly implored us to do!

Karma, Jude or whatever the hell you wish to call yourself right now, you are not fooling anyone with your fake id's and your trumped up profiles...you are a troll and while you may be taking a slower approach this time around, you are a troll nonetheless. You are a bitter and sad person who sounds to me as though you could use the love and understanding a site such as this could offer but instead you choose to put others down.

And with that...I implore the rest of you to ignore any and all future posts....we simply must do something to keep from feeding into this crap and join together as a site to combat the negative vibes he keeps feeding us.

Pardon that interruption and now back to the original intent of my post!

Frannie, my dear...I have been here almost as long as you have, and knowing you has truly been a delight! I am so very happy to be your Mumsie....and those "chastisements" as you call them are only given out of love! I love ya, sweetie....you've become a very dear person in my life and I know that whenever you are around, I am sure to smile! I agree with you that there are so many lovely people here...so many to share a laugh with, so many to discuss life issues with...so many to run to in time of need. I know I get frustrated from time to time and consider bailing out but the thought of never having contact with you and the others that I hold dear keeps me from doing that! I agree with you that we need to return to the site of old...and from here on out, I am going to bite my tongue before posting..(sorry..just had to let that last bit of steam out....he pissed me off for posting that shit in this very lovely thread! LOL!) I'm going to let the words of the trolls go in one ear and out the other! I am going to concentrate on the good that this site has to offer and ignore the rest!!! I'm going to concentrate on my friends and welcome the newbies (as long as they aren't trolls LOL!) I agree with you, Frannie...I know...we're agreeing on a forum topic..ain't it great???? hehe

<<<bounces Frannie on her knee>>>> Just remember not to kick showme TOO hard, to take a deep breath before getting huffy with allbi cause you know he's a sweetie, and to always know that while your precious curio may be a perv, he's a luffly perv...just as you are a luffly tart! LOL!!!

Congrats on your 3000th post, my dear....keep posting and keep smiling....you make this site a better place by doing so!

Love ya,
Kate, aka Mumsie

Just what the hell are you talking about?

I'm a single guy from Texas and I'm not Jude or whoever you think I am.

Jun 13, 2008, 2:09 AM

You sneaky little mynx.;):eek:
All this time making us think that you had bad written grammar and then you hit us with this well crafted treatise.:bigrin:

When you decide to write, you really write.

That was a very nice post. Congrats on 3 grand.

Keep keeping us on our toes with your pearls of wisdom and surprises. :)

LOL Falcon...I remember the first time I read a post from Fran written in proper English...it was a very serious topic and she posted something that was so eloquent that I had to do a double take at the name on the post! LOL! Yes...our Frannie is a very intelligent young lady, and while I don't always agree with her point of view, she is very passionate when she posts and she always stands by her convictions. For that, I applaud her!


Jun 13, 2008, 2:16 AM
LOL Falcon...I remember the first time I read a post from Fran written in proper English...it was a very serious topic and she posted something that was so eloquent that I had to do a double take at the name on the post! LOL! Yes...our Frannie is a very intelligent young lady, and while I don't always agree with her point of view, she is very passionate when she posts and she always stands by her convictions. For that, I applaud her!


Believe me, I never questioned her intelligence. Only her literacy. But now I see that her usual writing style was a Trojan horse :eek: to keep us all off balance a bit.:bigrin:

Jun 13, 2008, 2:22 AM
I have to admit that I enjoy the Franspeak because it is very much like solving a puzzle! LOL! I just read it over and over, trying to speak the words as if she were talking to me face to face, and lo and behold, I get it! It's kinda scary that I can understand it actually, hehe! Matter of fact, I am considering compiling a "Franspeak to English" Dictionary to help others muddle through her posts! LOL

I know it confuses and confounds people when she uses Franspeak...but to know Frannie is to love her...and for her to talk any other way would just not be Frannie!


Jun 13, 2008, 2:29 AM
I have to admit that I enjoy the Franspeak because it is very much like solving a puzzle! LOL! I just read it over and over, trying to speak the words as if she were talking to me face to face, and lo and behold, I get it! It's kinda scary that I can understand it actually, hehe! Matter of fact, I am considering compiling a "Franspeak to English" Dictionary to help others muddle through her posts! LOL

I know it confuses and confounds people when she uses Franspeak...but to know Frannie is to love her...and for her to talk any other way would just not be Frannie!


This website seems like a big clique, a huge cult, and one with tons of needy people who should get therapy instead of going on the internet asking random strangers questions about STDs, their sexuality, and other issues that these strangers know nothing about.

Call me the black sheep of LOL "the family!"

shameless agitator
Jun 13, 2008, 2:38 AM
Fran, how the hell did you figure out this was your 3000th? I can't seem to find anything to tell me how many posts I've made anywhere.

Jun 13, 2008, 2:40 AM
Fran, how the hell did you figure out this was your 3000th? I can't seem to find anything to tell me how many posts I've made anywhere.

It's under your username, you have over 1,127 posts.

Fran made this post her 3,001 post and not her 3,000th post. One number off.

All of Fran's post here about dyke romance are really boring and pointless and just show how she favors lesbians over bisexual women, heterosexual women, and relationships that don't involve two women.

Oh God! Not the Patriarchy! Men/those of the male gender, and the Patriarchy are so EVIL!!!!!!! </sarcasm>

Like it or not there's never been a true Matriarchy and if civilization had been left in female hands, we would still be living in grass huts.

Patriarchy, routinely blamed for everything, produced the birth control pill, which did more to free contemporary women than feminism itself.

It may be difficult for feminists to grasp, but the ‘patriarchy’ was always much more concerned about where men’s penises went than women’s tongues.

God damned matriarchy.

All matriarchies are anti-homosexual, conformist and prosaic. Find yourself in a matriarchy walk don't run to the nearest frontier. If you run, some frutrate latent queer cop will likely shoot you. So somebody wants to establish a beach head of homogeneity in a shambles of potentials like West Europe and U.S.A.? Another fucking matriarchy, Margaret Mead notwithstanding.

shameless agitator
Jun 13, 2008, 2:42 AM
D'oh. Thanks

Jun 13, 2008, 4:31 AM
It's under your username, you have over 1,127 posts.

Fran made this post her 3,001 post and not her 3,000th post. One number off.

All of Fran's post here about dyke romance are really boring and pointless and just show how she favors lesbians over bisexual women, heterosexual women, and relationships that don't involve two women.

Oh God! Not the Patriarchy! Men/those of the male gender, and the Patriarchy are so EVIL!!!!!!! </sarcasm>

Like it or not there's never been a true Matriarchy and if civilization had been left in female hands, we would still be living in grass huts.

Patriarchy, routinely blamed for everything, produced the birth control pill, which did more to free contemporary women than feminism itself.

It may be difficult for feminists to grasp, but the ‘patriarchy’ was always much more concerned about where men’s penises went than women’s tongues.

God damned matriarchy.

All matriarchies are anti-homosexual, conformist and prosaic. Find yourself in a matriarchy walk don't run to the nearest frontier. If you run, some frutrate latent queer cop will likely shoot you. So somebody wants to establish a beach head of homogeneity in a shambles of potentials like West Europe and U.S.A.? Another fucking matriarchy, Margaret Mead notwithstanding.

I sense a little male insecurity here. Thats fine with me, but I don't wish men to be any less secure than women have felt for millenia. I do not wish to live in a matriarchal society any more than people have in societies run by men throughout history. My vision of the world is where men and women live free and equal, without want, in good health and well educated. Where they and not an elite, intellectual, economic, political, industrial or otherwise run that society. Its a dream and one which I actively try and play my small part in achieveing.

My main purpose in replying to you Karma hun is simply to say when I posted, the number of posts stated 2999. It should have been number 3000, and after I posted stated 3000. How it has rolled over to 3001 I cant say but all I can suggest is that Drew sat down, recounted as he periodically does having nothing better to do and found an extra post. It doesnt matter anyway. What matters is what I or anyone else says... even you.

Jun 13, 2008, 4:43 AM

It's time to confess Frances (still a lovely name) that you are really a Professor of English in some famous University whose PhD and lifelong research theme has always been 'creative writing and its contribution to free thinking in a liberal society'.

Flickin massivel Man. Am lak reely lookin at youse tru ma cool specs an sayin 'Booyacasha'. Kno'wo(t) I mean, init? Aaieee - respect!

shameless agitator
Jun 13, 2008, 4:46 AM
I sense a little male insecurity here. Thats fine with me, but I don't wish men to be any less secure than women have felt for millenia. I do not wish to live in a matriarchal society any more than people have in societies run by men throughout history. My vision of the world is where men and women live free and equal, without want, in good health and well educated. Where they and not an elite, intellectual, economic, political, industrial or otherwise run that society. Its a dream and one which I actively try and play my small part in achieveing.

My main purpose in replying to you Karma hun is simply to say when I posted, the number of posts stated 2999. It should have been number 3000, and after I posted stated 3000. How it has rolled over to 3001 I cant say but all I can suggest is that Drew sat down, recounted as he periodically does having nothing better to do and found an extra post. It doesnt matter anyway. What matters is what I or anyone else says... even you.What it is, I've realized is it's not showing what number the post is, but a running total that's displayed on all of your posts. So the post you started this thread with was your 3000th, but when you posted again it changed the number on it and all of your others to 3001 and when you replied to the troll it changed them all again to 3002. For the record, I only saw the first sentence in his post and thought perhaps he was trying to behave like a human being after all, or I would have never acknowledged him at all.

Jun 13, 2008, 5:00 AM
What it is, I've realized is it's not showing what number the post is, but a running total that's displayed on all of your posts. So the post you started this thread with was your 3000th, but when you posted again it changed the number on it and all of your others to 3001 and when you replied to the troll it changed them all again to 3002. For the record, I only saw the first sentence in his post and thought perhaps he was trying to behave like a human being after all, or I would have never acknowledged him at all.

Well in your defense, shameless...he edited his post AFTER you responded. That's when he added his rant. I saw it in the original form and as a true gentleman, you were polite enough to acknowledge his "help".

<<<<sighs and reminds herself of her pledge not to respond to the trolls...(but damn I am gonna need a support group ASAP to get me through this!! LOL!) Starts counting down to such time that Drew decides enough is enough!!>>>>


shameless agitator
Jun 13, 2008, 5:19 AM
Thanks Kate. I couldn't believe I missed that vitriolic crap.

Jun 13, 2008, 8:10 AM
Hugs to our lovely Fran! Thanks for your beautiful words and sentiments,

Jun 13, 2008, 9:55 AM
When I wrote the original post, I thought long and hard about including the names of three members in the text. This was not because I did not care or because they were people I did not like or wish to remember. Quite the contrary. All three are people I care about deeply, but for reasons of my own felt it best to say nothing. I still do not intend to say who they are but I know at least one has been badly upset by my ommision. To her I ask forgiveness but felt it for the best and still do. That any of these three members should be upset saddens me, because all have played a large and important part in my life on this site which has been enriched by knowing them. Each in their own way provided me with love, laughter and joy at different times, and one great heartache and anguish, yet knowing them I would not have missed for the world.

Jun 13, 2008, 11:54 AM
I will take a break from chasing Mumsie into the closet to thank you for the kind words.

On the subject of Franspeak, I remember one wonderful moment when Chris32 (a real judge, not an internet judge like me) thought you really talked like that, and you answered something like "bollox, u doesnt think me really talks like this dus ya?" It was one of the funniest moments on line here.

Jun 13, 2008, 12:26 PM
Well true to form, Fran, you have hit your 3000 with a bang....and are never short for words. :)

I'm so glad that you've been here over the years and stayed even after threatening to leave during the tougher times. Funniest thing, the first was cuz of a man. Thought we'd never get you back after that one. You're a lot tougher then you were back in the beginning....I'm sure the cleve didn't hurt non either. lol And I hope you noticed I did stop calling you Frannie ;)

Congrats Frances! Luffya!!!!

When I wrote the original post, I thought long and hard about including the names of three members in the text. This was not because I did not care or because they were people I did not like or wish to remember. Quite the contrary. All three are people I care about deeply, but for reasons of my own felt it best to say nothing. I still do not intend to say who they are but I know at least one has been badly upset by my ommision. To her I ask forgiveness but felt it for the best and still do. That any of these three members should be upset saddens me, because all have played a large and important part in my life on this site which has been enriched by knowing them. Each in their own way provided me with love, laughter and joy at different times, and one great heartache and anguish, yet knowing them I would not have missed for the world.
They've been touched by your physical presence and love and know how you feel without words having to be said sweetie.

Jun 13, 2008, 12:28 PM
I have to admit that I enjoy the Franspeak because it is very much like solving a puzzle! LOL! I just read it over and over, trying to speak the words as if she were talking to me face to face, and lo and behold, I get it! It's kinda scary that I can understand it actually, hehe! Matter of fact, I am considering compiling a "Franspeak to English" Dictionary to help others muddle through her posts! LOL

I know it confuses and confounds people when she uses Franspeak...but to know Frannie is to love her...and for her to talk any other way would just not be Frannie!

KateJust the thought of Franspeak with a southern accent makes me giggle.

Jun 13, 2008, 12:33 PM
My main purpose in replying to you Karma hun is simply to say when I posted, the number of posts stated 2999. It should have been number 3000, and after I posted stated 3000. How it has rolled over to 3001 I cant say but all I can suggest is that Drew sat down, recounted as he periodically does having nothing better to do and found an extra post. It doesnt matter anyway. What matters is what I or anyone else says... even you.

All it means is you blabbered on after you did this post. The number changes everytime you post in all the threads, not just the one you're posting to. So even tho this was #3000 the number here will never stay that....The way you go on Fran it's probably #4000 by now.:tong:

Jun 13, 2008, 12:45 PM
Franny--Great post and I love it when ya do a post in non-Fran speak--I always blow out a few brain cells trying to decipher them and I can't spare all that many brain cells anymore!

To Kate and others in regards to Karma---I don't think he is our usual "Sybil" troll----the content of most of the posts---while maybe not the nicest---are of a higher order than the 'drive by poster"

Franny--your post was very touching--and like you--I had times that I had thought of bailing from here as well---but once I got over my being in a tizzy about some of the things that happened--I figured I would stay.

It would be nice if we could have at least one post though that someone does not dump their mental shit around the room!!!

I look forward to reading more of your posts Fran--even though I am bound to short circuit some more brain synapses in trying to figure them out!!!

Jun 13, 2008, 1:45 PM
All it means is you blabbered on after you did this post. The number changes everytime you post in all the threads, not just the one you're posting to. So even tho this was #3000 the number here will never stay that....The way you go on Fran it's probably #4000 by now.:tong:

Think me jus been told me talks 2 much...:(

Jun 13, 2008, 4:12 PM
aw Fran! thanks for the kind words grambaby and mega congrats on your 3000th, or whatever number ur at in your postings, you're #1 with me...

not that I understood a word of it mind you! :bigrin:


Jun 13, 2008, 5:05 PM
Think me jus been told me talks 2 much...:(

awwww you know me luvs ya babes mmmmuah!:love1:

Jun 13, 2008, 5:13 PM
Dear Frannie,
Congratulations on your 3000 post. It was a, how do you say it? Luffly one? Hee hee. I remember my first few days here, I saw your posts and tried to read them and gave up. Sometimes even now I'm too tired to translate, but when I take the time, they are gems and worth the effort.

I wandered here when my relationship with my bi sweetie seemed to be souring. I wanted to find another like him, and maybe understand him better. We are again together in that not really together, but family none the less, and the benefits ain't half bad either, kind of way. But I must say I fell in love with the place. Yes, it's like a small town pub to come and listen to the folks banter away.

You are right, the real meaty conversations have dwindled away. As I think back, even though many of us disagree about religion and politics, for most part, we do so with reason. It was the first idiot troll that slowed Volty down on political posts. In fact, when I posted something about missing them, Volty wrote me to shut up before the troll got started up again.

I have noted that the place has changed. We cannot let it. Let's go back to having intelligent, good hearted conversations about things we care about and to hell with the troll/trolls.

Let's take our beloved .com back!

So, Volty and the rest of you, watcha thinking about today? Global warming? Obama? How much longer do we have for an oil based economy do you think? Taken and good pictures of late?

Jun 13, 2008, 11:23 PM
hey jude, don't make it bad
take a sad song and make it better
remember to shut us out of your life
then we will all feel a little better


Jun 13, 2008, 11:24 PM
It's just a website people, a sex site at that and nothing more.
Shouting something over and over doesn't make it true. If this is just a sex site, go and get laid. Stop telling the rest of us that we shouldn't be doing something else other than what you think we should, fascist.

Jun 13, 2008, 11:44 PM
It's under your username, you have over 1,127 posts.

Fran made this post her 3,001 post and not her 3,000th post. One number off.

The Posts: number is not a static number. It's a variable. Look at some of the posts you have made. They all show the same number. Every time you post, all your posts increment by one.

Karmacoma, (or what ever your name is this week) you aren't as smart as you think you are, are you?

Jun 14, 2008, 1:21 AM
JudeQuinn--another successful graduate of the Dale Carnegie courses!!

Jun 14, 2008, 5:42 AM
Shouting something over and over doesn't make it true. If this is just a sex site, go and get laid. Stop telling the rest of us that we shouldn't be doing something else other than what you think we should, fascist.

Will u stop this Allbi... peeps reely r gonna talk bout us!!!!:tong:

Jun 14, 2008, 5:45 AM
I think it's funny how much this site is a huge clique and people act like they're so open minded and friendly but they're anything but this. Lots of people here do seem to be lacking real life relationships/friendships so they go online here and get fake ones.

Darkeyes, CSRAKate, OnewhoCares, Flounder/MRS.F, Shameless_agitator, and others here are like this.

Funny how peeps seem 2 know all things bout peeps they don reely hav the 1st idea bout...

Jun 14, 2008, 7:17 AM
Funny how peeps seem 2 know all things bout peeps they don reely hav the 1st idea bout...
Funny sometimes how some people don't help their own cause by the impression they give isn't it Frances? Is that a gentle nudge? Perish the thought.:rolleyes:;)

Jun 14, 2008, 8:32 AM
Funny sometimes how some people don't help their own cause by the impression they give isn't it Frances? Is that a gentle nudge? Perish the thought.:rolleyes:;)

Dus me detect sounda lil gentle smack on the bootie ere Kate me luffly???:tong:

curious married m
Jun 14, 2008, 8:39 AM
Dus me detect sounda lil gentle smack on the bootie ere Kate me luffly???:tong:

HeHe CK, you know how I would love to give a helping hand smacking lil Frannie's bootie. Or just watch naked as ya smack it. What can I say, I am persistent in the pursuit of a 3some wiv ya'll. MUAH CMM

Jun 14, 2008, 8:41 AM
HeHe CK, you know how I would love to give a helping hand smacking lil Frannie's bootie. Or just watch naked as ya smack it. What can I say, I am persistent in the pursuit of a 3some wiv ya'll. MUAH CMMThat'll b rite an all ya ole coot!!! Pursue long as ya wan..ya jus won catch up....:tong:

Jun 14, 2008, 12:23 PM
I think it's funny how much this site is a huge clique and people act like they're so open minded and friendly but they're anything but this. Lots of people here do seem to be lacking real life relationships/friendships so they go online here and get fake ones.

Darkeyes, CSRAKate, OnewhoCares, Flounder/MRS.F, Shameless_agitator, and others here are like this.

It's just a website people, a sex site at that and nothing more.

When the day comes that I decide to "OUT" your real identity, I think I will post your profile and let everyone know what you are "REALLY" into...but I don't have time for that right now....I need to get back to my "fake" life and attend to my "non-existent" husband. What are you doing right now? Perhaps masturbating over pictures of men in leather??? Doing a bit of brushing up on your BDSM lingo???

Ahhh....memories of days gone by and assholes that just won't go away!

Jun 14, 2008, 12:37 PM
Funny how peeps seem 2 know all things bout peeps they don reely hav the 1st idea bout...

Oh..he knows us quite well, Frannie....but the main thing he doesn't like about you and I first off...we're female!!!! I'm afraid he doesn't have much room in his life for the likes of us....unless of course we're into humiliation. But he knows you and I would be more likely to laugh in his fucking face before we would allow that from the likes of him.

Memories....how quickly they come back...............

Jun 14, 2008, 1:07 PM
Half time at the footie and so I take the time to pop in a quick post..

I began this thread because I care about this site and even more about the members of it and as a warning about its deterioration. Suddenly I am all over the place raging and screeching at people who have gotten right up my nose. Why? I am not suffering from PMT. My life is good and generally have no complaints. So for a day or so I am going to chill but will be back hopefully in better fettle to put up with the idiosyncratic comments of others. I find myself doing what others have been, and disrupting the site and causing even more unpleasantness than had hitherto been the case. I have been gettin personal and that is not how I like to be, so maybe after tonights shenanigans with the girls in town later my mood and attitude will be better.:(

Second half. Speak tomorrow. Love you all. x

Jun 15, 2008, 8:28 AM
Jus wondrin who the loser? Peeps who like each othas company an a bitta fun an a laff or peeps who luff 2 b destructive an hyper critical for no useful purpose...