View Full Version : What Kind of Games are they Playing

Jun 7, 2008, 2:32 PM
I believe there are too many members who are here just to place a game. They, write a nice profile, post some nice photo's, and I must admit are very attractive. However, when it comes to meeting the "sales pitch", not many are worth the time or effort. Many, won't answer e-mails. Some, write, meet for an ice-breaker meeting, to look each other over, are excited, exchange phone numbers, then when the time comes to "show-up", they don't. For men, it's probably an ego trip, my cock is "this big", when they are lucky to have 3 - 4 inchs, and lucky if it gets stiff. The no-shows don't even contact you, by phone or e-mail, to say sorry. Yet, the next day they are back on this site, ignoring you. What kind of game are they playing? What ever it's called, it's not fun with very little to no enjoyment. Sad to say the local Virginia guys, so far all seem to be full of hot air, and a lots of it. It would be a whole lot better if e-mails were answered. Tell me I am too old, to ugly, to much, not enough, or just a plain "not interested" whould do fine.

Jun 8, 2008, 8:08 PM
Yea and verily!!

There are plenty of people like that.. however there are a few that are not.

Met my significant other on this site. We've been rather kewl ever since. Hell, I was suprised when he actually showed up at my door!

It takes time to find the ultra kewl people. I find that those who can talk about more than sexual matters are the more sincere.:cool:

Jun 8, 2008, 9:20 PM
I read your profile. Great goal, I wish you a lot of luck. But, I doubt it is possible. It seems you would need to be "out" to get that organized. I would not worry about bad connections. Everything has to be just right or it does not happen. So, keep you focus on making new connections and a few will be good ones.

Jun 10, 2008, 6:31 AM
It is tough to fufill desires, needs and wants. It is also tough to throw an idea out there and ask for opinion and support. Applause for doing that and taking the risk here on the forum. It is a first step towards reaching your goal!

There are matches out there - it just takes time to find one that works for all involved. Don't give up and move on from those that are playing games.

best wishes and as always - hugs,

Jun 10, 2008, 10:32 AM
I believe there are too many members who are here just to place a game. They, write a nice profile, post some nice photo's, and I must admit are very attractive. However, when it comes to meeting the "sales pitch", not many are worth the time or effort. Many, won't answer e-mails. Some, write, meet for an ice-breaker meeting, to look each other over, are excited, exchange phone numbers, then when the time comes to "show-up", they don't. For men, it's probably an ego trip, my cock is "this big", when they are lucky to have 3 - 4 inchs, and lucky if it gets stiff. The no-shows don't even contact you, by phone or e-mail, to say sorry. Yet, the next day they are back on this site, ignoring you. What kind of game are they playing? What ever it's called, it's not fun with very little to no enjoyment. Sad to say the local Virginia guys, so far all seem to be full of hot air, and a lots of it. It would be a whole lot better if e-mails were answered. Tell me I am too old, to ugly, to much, not enough, or just a plain "not interested" whould do fine.

Just for your own information, in case it helps to hear this, you are whining. Whining is usually a sign of an immature personality. That personality problem could make it difficult to enjoy socializing.

Jun 12, 2008, 1:26 PM
The "no shows" have a great deal to be afraid of. If it's their first time and they constantly get scared, thus lacking courage, well of course your going to think they're playing you.

And maybe some of them are. I have dealt with a great deal of people in my life and have been able to study many of them. I've noticed many people talk a big game and then back out when it's time to move. From watching people talk about how they're going to dance all night, get to the club and never have the nuts to boogey, to people who want a job and then never go to the interview for fear of rejection.

People can just plain suck sometimes, and other times they can be to scared to move. Who knows, may they are to embarrassed to confront their desires in reality.

Making friends on this site is hard like crazy, but I still post here because of few of you ain't that bad at all. You be good folks, arrrr. *pirates are cool.

Cheers :tongue:

Jun 12, 2008, 10:48 PM
The "no shows" have a great deal to be afraid of. If it's their first time and they constantly get scared, thus lacking courage, well of course your going to think they're playing you.

And maybe some of them are. I have dealt with a great deal of people in my life and have been able to study many of them. I've noticed many people talk a big game and then back out when it's time to move. From watching people talk about how they're going to dance all night, get to the club and never have the nuts to boogey, to people who want a job and then never go to the interview for fear of rejection.

People can just plain suck sometimes, and other times they can be to scared to move. Who knows, may they are to embarrassed to confront their desires in reality.

Making friends on this site is hard like crazy, but I still post here because of few of you ain't that bad at all. You be good folks, arrrr. *pirates are cool.

Cheers :tongue:

all of this is coming from someone who is a married closet case. :rolleyes:

Jun 13, 2008, 12:08 AM
all of this is coming from someone who is a married closet case. :rolleyes:

What is wrong with closet cases?
I am an unmarried closet case.
I have a lot of fun in my closet.
I am lucky to have a closet friend with the right hardware to keep me happy.
Why not complain when you don't have what you need to keep you smiling?

Being out for my partner or me would not enhance our lives at all. I will not destroy my life and his to attain your respect that would be stupid.
Do you only respect those that are "out"?
You would do it different? That is fine. But, it is not the only way to make it from birth to death with no regrets.

Jun 13, 2008, 1:22 AM
all of this is coming from someone who is a married closet case. :rolleyes:

Asshole, I'm not in the closet in my marriage.

Jun 13, 2008, 1:31 AM
Asshole, I'm not in the closet in my marriage.

Say, do you always assume you know people? Or is this the first time you misjudged someone before you met them? Just askin.

Read TideWater's profile. He's closeted, married, and cheating on his wife.
Men like him are to be avoided.

Jun 13, 2008, 1:32 AM
What is wrong with closet cases?
I am an unmarried closet case.
I have a lot of fun in my closet.
I am lucky to have a closet friend with the right hardware to keep me happy.
Why not complain when you don't have what you need to keep you smiling?

Being out for my partner or me would not enhance our lives at all. I will not destroy my life and his to attain your respect that would be stupid.
Do you only respect those that are "out"?
You would do it different? That is fine. But, it is not the only way to make it from birth to death with no regrets.

Just the idea that being out would somehow destroy your life or his is an ignorant statement.

Fine, stay closeted and stay a fool.

Jun 13, 2008, 1:59 AM
Karmacoma, for those that haven't noticed yet, IS A TROLL.

He may even be the same dumbass troll that has been getting banned and coming back as a different profile. Some people never learn.

The fool has posted a lot of hateful and troublesome posts in more than half a dozen threads.

He just created the profile yesterday night (6/12/08 at 11:07pm).

First thing he did was post hateful and antagonistic things on a few threads, as he continues to do, even now.

Put him/her/it/whatever on ignore and he should evaporate or get banned quickly enough.

Jun 13, 2008, 2:05 AM
Karmacoma, for those that haven't noticed yet, IS A TROLL.

He may even be the same dumbass troll that has been getting banned and coming back as a different profile. Some people never learn.

The fool has posted a lot of hateful and troublesome posts in more than half a dozen threads.

He just created the profile yesterday night (6/12/08 at 11:07pm).

First thing he did was post hateful and antagonistic things on a few threads, as he continues to do, even now.

Put him/her/it/whatever on ignore and he should evaporate or get banned quickly enough.

Actually no, I'm a businessman from Dallas Texas.

Jun 13, 2008, 2:13 AM
Here's more hot air for you. What that I'm in Virginia.

In case you've sent me an e-mail on site here's a listing of why I've not responded.

1. I work 40+ hrs a week, that limits any time on the Internet.

2. You're too far away, still. I'm on the other side of Virginia. Gas being what it is, kind of difficult to justify such a journey.

3. You are only offering sex. This fella enjoys the whole ball of wax, thanks.

4. You're being 'discrete' sounds quite similar to cheating to me. I don't cheat, nor help others cheat. Wife knows I'm bi, approves and even would like me having a steady boyfriend, within the boundaries of respectability and such.
I.E., everyone would be discrete as to not cause trouble from the perceptions of other folks around. Wife and I are open, privately.

5. Read number one again. Okay, when do I have time, or interest?

6. Besides all those, I'll throw you another loop. Presently I'm sexually hungry for Hispanic guys. Guess working in a plant full of cute Mexicans (nationality), can do that to you. You're probably a white guy, or black. Either way, I'm being selective at present and well point blank it's just that time of the month for me.

7. Age really isn't a huge factor to me, but anyone over twenty years older than causes some pause. Conversely I don't tend to be interested in serious relationships / sex with anyone not above the age of twenty. I'll talk to ya, be friends and so on, but please understand I'm attempting to be respectful and thoughtful with these silly 'guidelines'. It genuinely is nothing personal.

8. Even if I could muster the interest, you're a killjoy.

9. My name is Nobody.

10. I suffer from several communicable mental illnesses and we wish to spare you the trauma and infection.

Real people? We do exist, but with folks like you we wonder at times and we wander. I know it's difficult finding what you seek. Been there for quite a bit. Best advice I can offer is what was passed to me, "hope and wait."

Well good luck. Take it easy.

Jun 13, 2008, 2:50 AM
Actually no, I'm a businessman from Dallas Texas.

Doesn't make you less of a troll, if what you are telling us is true. But based on your behavior here, why should anyone believe you?

So far, your actions belay the words on your profile.

Have you even paid attention to what you have posted all night?

An attack is a piss poor way to say hello.

Business man or not, you behave like a troll. You can just as easily be lying about everything that you have on your profile, as well as being a businessman.

With all of the angry, hateful, antagonistic posts that you have made, why should anyone believe that you are telling the truth where anything about yourself is concerned?

If it walks like a troll, talks like a troll and acts like a troll.......it's a troll. And you are acting the act, walking the walk and talking the talk of a troll.

If you are not a troll, then start being courteous and respectful of people here.

Since you have failed to properly read these posts that you are responding to, then you probably missed the fact that, even when any of us disagree, we make an effort to be civil, but you can't even manage that one basic common courtesy.

You can't be much of a businessman if you can't manage to come up with some basic courtesy and respect.

Since you have been on this site, a mere 3 and a half hours, you have attacked peoples intelligences, religions, sexualities, relationships and anything else that comes along.

Being as this is a site who's focus is on Bisexuality and the community that we are part of, attacking people's sexuality is the most ignorant thing that you could do.
What kind of imbecile attacks their own?

You have only been a member for a few hours and you have managed to piss of more than your fair share of people, all of whom who have been here infinitely longer than you, and will still be here when you have long been banned from the site for your trollish behavior.
And you can't chalk it up to a social faux pas, because what you did was just plain disrespectful and angry.
If you were really a businessman, then you would not be that stupid.

Start being courteous to everyone here and who knows? You might just make some friends. That is what your profile claims is one of the things that you are seeking here; or is that a lie?

But if you insist on taking your behavior to it's final stupidity, all you will get is banned.

Jun 13, 2008, 2:53 AM
Doesn't make you less of a troll, if what you are telling us is true. But based on your behavior here, why should anyone believe you?

So far, your actions belay the words on your profile.

Have you even paid attention to what you have posted all night?

An attack is a piss poor way to say hello.

Business man or not, you behave like a troll. You can just as easily be lying about everything that you have on your profile, as well as being a businessman.

With all of the angry, hateful, antagonistic posts that you have made, why should anyone believe that you are telling the truth where anything about yourself is concerned?

If it walks like a troll, talks like a troll and acts like a troll.......it's a troll. And you are acting the act, walking the walk and talking the talk of a troll.

If you are not a troll, then start being courteous and respectful of people here.

Since you have failed to properly read these posts that you are responding to, then you probably missed the fact that, even when any of us disagree, we make an effort to be civil, but you can't even manage that one basic common courtesy.

You can't be much of a businessman if you can't manage to come up with some basic courtesy and respect.

Since you have been on this site, a mere 3 and a half hours, you have attacked peoples intelligences, religions, sexualities, relationships and anything else that comes along.

Being as this is a site who's focus is on Bisexuality and the community that we are part of, attacking people's sexuality is the most ignorant thing that you could do.
What kind of imbecile attacks their own?

You have only been a member for a few hours and you have managed to piss of more than your fair share of people, all of whom who have been here infinitely longer than you, and will still be here when you have long been banned from the site for your trollish behavior.
And you can't chalk it up to a social faux pas, because what you did was just plain disrespectful and angry.
If you were really a businessman, then you would not be that stupid.

Start being courteous to everyone here and who knows? You might just make some friends. That is what your profile claims is one of the things that you are seeking here; or is that a lie?

But if you insist on taking your behavior to it's final stupidity, all you will get is banned.

Heh I'm a Lawyer so I'm used to being crass and "attacking" people. ;)

Jun 13, 2008, 10:05 AM
Heh I'm a Lawyer so I'm used to being crass and "attacking" people. ;)

So, being a business man and lawyer has caused you to be crass and attack people? Or, have you always been that way?

Jun 13, 2008, 11:22 AM

It didn't take me long to figure out who you were, SHAME ON YOU! At risk of spouting off and getting banned, I'll only say this.....How dare you come in here and befriend us, then in the same breath, insult us? I don't understand what kind of games you are playing. Just leave us alone.

Jun 13, 2008, 1:26 PM
So, being a business man and lawyer has caused you to be crass and attack people? Or, have you always been that way?

This guy is no lawyer or businessman. And I bet you he isn't black, either.

Jun 13, 2008, 4:11 PM
After, viewing a few more postings from Karmacoma it appears he is the same troll that just keeps coming back. I have no idea of his ethnicity/gender and do not care. I just know he/she has a mental problem that he/she wishs to share with us. Now that I know who it is, I am going to ignore him. Of course, he/she will get kicked out only to return again and again. But, it does not take more than a day to discover he/she is back and ignore him/her.

Jun 15, 2008, 12:37 AM
All I can say is there is always going to be people that everyone doesnt like so what I do is not even acknowledge them or engage in any conversations so dont feed the troll or anyone else. Whether its on this site or any other situations theres always going to be someone you have to ignore good luck everyone.

Jun 15, 2008, 12:59 AM
Usually when someone can't meet people it's that someone.

Anyhow, it's not even worth getting upset over either way.

Jun 19, 2008, 8:17 AM
Look Like he won got you all talking about it

Jun 19, 2008, 4:40 PM
Hell, I'm a Virginia guy, so I'll weigh in. Dunno if I'm one of the ones who failed to reply to one of his emails, but...

Brother, the fact is that different folks come here for different reasons. Your profile (and your original comments on this thread) makes it clear that you want to hook up in real time for some no-strings sex on the sly. I, on the other hand, do not. I have my bisexual cravings, but my wife wouldn't approve and I don't want to cheat on her. So instead I drop by here now and then, maybe have a fun chat or check up on the threads ...INSTEAD of cheating on my wife. I guess I'm testing the waters a bit here; sorry if that comes across as teasing. But this isn't fundamentally an adult dating site (if that's what you want, try craigslist or the like), so I think you've made the mistake of expecting too much and then casting spit and blame when your expectations aren't met. If people are agreeing to meet you somewhere and then ditching you, well, that's shitty. But just because everyone doesn't answer your emails ...how am I or anyone else obliged to reply to a complete stranger just because we share an area code and visit the same website?

Nevertheless, I'll do you the courtesy now: "Sorry, I'm not interested. I'm not ready to meet anyone real time right now. And even if I were, you're a bit beyond my age range, plus your profile doesn't especially jazz me and lacks photos. Also, your public rant above is a turn-off."

Good luck. I do hope you find what you're looking for.

Jun 19, 2008, 10:49 PM
I always answer e-mails and private messages and I've no complaints. I found a bisexual couple in my city and I'm glad =)

Jun 19, 2008, 11:06 PM
Tidewater-I read your profile.

You describe a lot of what you want but you don't really say what you want to do to others.

I'm also one of those people who refuses to be with someone who is cheating on their spouse who has no idea that their husband is bi/gay.

I can understand someone wanting to be discreet but some people take it way too far and want to meet up in public and won't even show the other person who they're meeting a pic of their face!

I think for a lot of people it's mainly fantasy and they don't really want sex with other people at all. They just want to know that they're still wanted by other people even if they have no plans on meeting that person. Or they're just into collecting pics so they can jerk off to amateur porn.

Jun 20, 2008, 12:05 AM

Happy Birthday Tidewater
Hope you get what you want and have a fantastic year ahead!

Jun 20, 2008, 12:21 AM

Happy Birthday Tidewater
Hope you get what you want and have a fantastic year ahead!

That cake looks pretty cool, i'm gonna try making it take a picture and send it to arana