View Full Version : Do not feed the troll

shameless agitator
Jun 6, 2008, 2:02 AM
I've noticed lots of people are playing into the troll's hands and giving him/her/whatever teh attention it's after. Not only does this encourage the idiot, but with the more insulting posts there's a chance of getting yourselves banned as well. I think we're all better off just ignoring it.

Jun 6, 2008, 2:07 AM
I've noticed lots of people are playing into the troll's hands and giving him/her/whatever teh attention it's after. Not only does this encourage the idiot, but with the more insulting posts there's a chance of getting yourselves banned as well. I think we're all better off just ignoring it.

First off I'm not a troll. I just registered today.

My ex girlfriend told me about this site since she used to post here and told me how it's not a sex site or like Craigslist, and I'm going to tell her how she is mistaken.

Jun 6, 2008, 2:46 AM
I agree with you Shameless.....and to you cakehead (cuntlapper) if you got so much to say about people why dont you have the guts and front them in the main room instead of acting the fucking goat in the forums.....I dare you but I reckon you havent got the gut ya spineless wonder.

Cheers Chook :bigrin:

Jun 6, 2008, 2:48 AM
I agree with you Shameless.....and to you cakehead (cuntlapper) if you got so much to say about people why dont you have the guts and front them in the main room instead of acting the fucking goat in the forums.....I dare you but I reckon you havent got the gut ya spineless wonder.

Cheers Chook :bigrin:

Main room? I'm not here to chat or cyber or flame people unlike you are.

Jun 6, 2008, 2:51 AM
Main room? I'm not here to chat or cyber or flame people unlike you are.

Get in there ya fucking hag and have a go, or else fuck off and leave people alone.

Cheers Chook :bigrin:

Jun 6, 2008, 2:56 AM
Get in there ya fucking hag and have a go, or else fuck off and leave people alone.

Cheers Chook :bigrin:

I don't want to chat with you or cyber with you so please stop asking me.

Jun 6, 2008, 3:00 AM
I don't want to chat with you or cyber with you so please stop asking me.

Now I know I'm dealing with a total fuckwit

Jun 6, 2008, 3:04 AM
Now I know I'm dealing with a total fuckwit

You're on ignore. I don't want to have cyber sex with you or chat with you.

Jun 6, 2008, 3:58 AM
First off I'm not a troll. I just registered today.

My ex girlfriend told me about this site since she used to post here and told me how it's not a sex site or like Craigslist, and I'm going to tell her how she is mistaken.

I like how you know you're the troll. Pretty funny if you ask me.

Jun 6, 2008, 4:35 AM
Ho hum.. even allowin for lil trollie..this the worst loada ovanite posts me can eva rememba... shudda stayed in me bed....:(

Jun 6, 2008, 6:43 AM
Shame on ya.
You're feedin' the troll!
Tsk, tsk.

shameless agitator
Jun 6, 2008, 7:07 AM
Ding dong the witch is dead.

Looks like Drew caught up to our latest incarnation of the troll. Anybody want to start a pool on how long it takes him to come back? I give it a week.

Jun 6, 2008, 11:25 AM
I see that our friend with multiple personality disorder has been banned already---but the posts "she" put up have not yet been removed---I am sure that Drew will get to that pretty soon----

I know that perhaps I should not get all in a lather about this--but the thing is my fellow denizens of bisexual.com---"cuntlapper" is yet one more manifestation of a series of names we have seen who have posted up crazy stuff--if you look not all that closely to certain patterns in the postings---it points to them being the same person--the reasons I say this:

1. When they happen---the person as a rule tends to come on at around the same time of day which in my case is around midnight Eastern time---sometimes a bit later or earlier depending on how what you call the "wee hours of the day."

2. The person--regardless of whether they are a man or woman---immediately goes and posts up a slew of things on just about everything that is up on the main page of the board----let's face it folks---most people don't do that---if they are normal and not the rare totally extroverted person--they are a bit reticent to post initially---they may start by posting up telling us that they are rather new to exploring their "bi" side--they are having troubles dealing with this and such--and that they wanted to find a nicer place to try to figure this out----that they like this place-and they want to take part---they don't go and scatter shot put up a bunch of posts---and even if they do put up a large number of initial posts---they are usually nice in nature, don't contain profanity and don't "flame" people---most people when they are new to a place--want to make friends--not go and attack every other person--this person did not read his Norman Vincent Peale and Dale Carnegie to be sure

3. Names of these "people"--first--one pattern----the names often are a slight variation of those who were once at least semi-active members who no longer visit here that much--or they are names like "cuntlapper." Now tell me folks---how many of you really think that all that many women would use the handle "cuntlapper"???? I guess some would but not too many---and even if they did--they would not post up in the way this person does.

4. Patterns of what the person talks about----if we still had the posts up that the various other names this person has posted under----it would not take very long to see that there is a very similar tone and pattern to the both the content and style of all of these posts----even though I won't call myself an expert in this regard---I do read a great deal and make at least part of my living from writing so I think I have a good handle on "voice" and such and all of the content of the post of "cuntlapper" and the others is very similar in nature.

I do have my suspicions about who this person really is and unfortunately--that person's original name is still up since he does not make that strident of postings under his 'real' name----

What gets me about this person----I can understand that you don't like this or anyother site for whatever reason---but there are many sites on the web and if you don't like one---move on and find someplace else----I know that the nature of what this site can touch on some very deep and disturbing places for some--I think that this is the case with this person---this person certainly does have some very real issues--and I think that in the content of many of the messages this person has done--there are the kernels of why this person goes off on this site and its members-----he is the victim of either sexual abuse or something of that nature.

I say to this person in all earnestness and sincerity-in spite of the fact I think you are a jerk---you are very much in need of some intense therapy to deal with whatever issues there are that trouble you----while it is really not that big a deal that you come and stir things up on a web site---I am sure that aspects of this behavior is having a very real impact on the way you function in the real world and it is obvious---you are in need of some help---go out and get it----it will do you some good and maybe you can find some peace so we can find some too!!!!

I know that all of what I said in this ramble will fall on deaf ears---and most likley might get deleted anyway since Drew and crew do a pretty good job of sweeping away the broken glass and such when our friend unleasehes another round of "drive-by" postings----I just had to say it--I know that perhaps I should not respond with some of the profanity--but it does piss me off that he does it and since he is so intent on rattling our cages--I figure I might as well return the favor and have a bit of fun of my own!!

Jun 6, 2008, 2:17 PM
Well said ... and interesting theory. This could be the start of a book ....

Jun 6, 2008, 2:49 PM
In regards to the Troll. I dont normally lose my temper, but I did last night and blew up on his/her/its sorry ass. Shameless, is totally correct--it only feeds off of strife and chaos, and in calling him a narrow minded needle dicked little prick, I was wrong. I shall not feed the ignorance and stupidity of the Troll any longer, and accept my punishment of being beated with wet noodles by a dozen naked male strippers...*Hangs head and trudges off to the bedroom to await her punishment*
Your Cat

Jun 6, 2008, 2:54 PM
Ok shameless...I'll take that bet...I say 10 days...what do I get if I win????? Might be kinda interesting.

Jun 6, 2008, 3:54 PM
wow whats been going on in the last few days, been workin and just seen a new profile cuntlapper and then read the post. guess i got more things to do then study who's doin what lol. personaly i wouldent stupe or bother myself about someones raves or idioticy, if i don't like the post or it's of no interest i'll just move on to the next. if a looser posts and i read it, i wont bother to answer in it. wether to flame em or whatever. from reading posts in some sites i belong to one can see how important the post is by how many reply. if everyone just ignored a person on a site and not feed into their bullshit, which by the way some get their nuts off making others mad, they would eventualy either change or go away, and thats what everyone wants right? one should be smarter then the idoits and not feed into them or play what ever games they are trying to play. some people just crave attention, some live in a fantasy world, some have multiple personalities, ect..tra, ect..tra, ect..tra. i guess 12voltman knows and studys the site more then i ever would and seems to have a handel on his suspicions, but making them public in the fourms which anyone can read might be just feeding this person and giving them the attention they want. but then again this is just my opinion and my :2cents: peace and blessings to all>pan/|\

Jun 6, 2008, 4:05 PM

WTF?!?!?! LMAO

I dont show up for a full week and what do I find upon my return?

Scatter brain bullsh*t and battered psyches!!
(giggles profusely)

Apparently some numbnut decided to rattle some bones around here again, eh?


I agree with Volty... reasoning ability and common fkkn sense tells you who these morons ( more off than on!!) are... I mean what kind of name is C***lapper???? DAMMIT JIM!! (ROFLMMFAOOOOOO)

I've been laffin for about 20 minutes reading the after effects of this gooberbrain and I swear dOOds and dOOdettes, please please please no matter how tempting--

Dont take the bait!!! :tong:

Jun 6, 2008, 5:08 PM
this thread is pointless and incendiary. who cares? stop getting your knickers in a twist. just ignore the twats. insecurity feeds the need to argue with iditiots. bollocks ..can't believe i contributed to this redundant thread


Jun 6, 2008, 6:49 PM
Shame on ya.
You're feedin' the troll!
Tsk, tsk.

I know but I drew the line when it reckoned I was trying to chat and cyber with it LOL........Now that worried me :tongue:

Cheers Chook :bigrin:

Jun 6, 2008, 6:53 PM
I know but I drew the line when it reckoned I was trying to chat and cyber with it LOL........Now that worried me :tongue:

Cheers Chook :bigrin:

Can't blame ya there, Chooky...that just added insult to injury....and the very though sent shivers down MY spine...I can only imagine what it did to you! LOL!!


Jun 6, 2008, 9:24 PM
You tell em Kate! lol. Made poor Chook's wikki wacky it did! lol

Jun 7, 2008, 10:36 AM
Great smiley there Vi---and a good post---I did do my bit to feed it though--in a way it is sorta fun---

The one thing for sure--this person may wait a bit--but like the Ahhhnnnnoollddd terminator robot---the troll says: "I'll be bbbbbbaaaacckkkkk!

We have not seen the last of this person for sure---it is the Everready Bunny of trolldom!!

I know that my appeals for this person to get some help is going to fall on deaf ears----this person is sorta living in a world of his or own making--more so than the average bear does to be sure!!