View Full Version : fat/bbw.

Jun 5, 2008, 11:48 PM
What's up with all the fat women on this site? Doesn't anyone actually work out or keep themselves in shape?

I can't think of ONE thing that's positive about being fat, let alone a fat woman since there's absolutely nothing at all.

Jun 5, 2008, 11:55 PM
I see you didn't bother to post any pics of yourself... at least I have enough self confidence to do so.

Jun 6, 2008, 12:00 AM
I see you didn't bother to post any pics of yourself... at least I have enough self confidence to do so.

How do you resize/upload pics?

Jun 6, 2008, 12:39 AM
Well aren't you just all sunshine and roses!

What a rude SoB you are.

Good grief...why you even bother to spew all that BS is just mind boggling.

Youre a woman too....tsk tsk.

Hope you find a new home because people like you are pathetic.

Jun 6, 2008, 12:58 AM
Sorry Suzie--this is not a woman---just a sick, sad, sorry assed fuck who apparently has a major issue with this site and cannot leave well enough alone----

Get a life you stupid sack of shit!!! (not you suzie) the nearly burnt out 25 watt lightbulb brained person responsible for this and the many other "drive by" postings put up by this person under many names---

Very quickly these posts will be gone too when Drew sees them and kills his latest persona and deletes the profile and idiotic mindless postings!!

Jun 6, 2008, 12:59 AM
Hey cuntlapper why dont you reverse ya fat arse to a mirror and remove the "Danger Wide Load" from it

Cheers Chook :bigrin:

Jun 6, 2008, 1:05 AM
Yeah after I went into chat and saw the conversation I figured as much.


Jun 6, 2008, 1:34 AM
What a fucking genius you are cuntlapper....your opinion is not only ignorant and uncalled for, it also shows your total lack of intelligence, as well as your closed minded outlook. you worthless pile of useless humanity. here's hoping you never have the chance to reproduce.

Jun 6, 2008, 1:57 AM
What a fucking genius you are cuntlapper....your opinion is not only ignorant and uncalled for, it also shows your total lack of intelligence, as well as your closed minded outlook. you worthless pile of useless humanity. here's hoping you never have the chance to reproduce.

So I'm not into fat women? What's wrong with that? Yes I do have children.

Jun 6, 2008, 2:20 AM
So I'm not into fat women? What's wrong with that? Yes I do have children.

You mean to tell me some silly cunt had the guts to fuck you??????

Cheers Chook :bigrin:

Jun 6, 2008, 2:28 AM
You mean to tell me some silly cunt had the guts to fuck you??????

Cheers Chook :bigrin:

Yes I do have two children.

I'm not going to tell you more about them because it's none of your business and I already wrote about my ex husband.

Dirty old man, if you saw me in public you'd want to have sex with me.

Would I let you? No I wouldn't, I have standards.

Jun 6, 2008, 2:41 AM
Yes I do have two children.

I'm not going to tell you more about them because it's none of your business and I already wrote about my ex husband.

Dirty old man, if you saw me in public you'd want to have sex with me.

Would I let you? No I wouldn't, I have standards.

In ya fucking dreams idiot, and if I ever cracked a fat over you I'd amputate my dick.

Cheers Chook :bigrin:

Jun 6, 2008, 2:46 AM
In ya fucking dreams idiot, and if I ever cracked a fat over you I'd amputate my dick.

Cheers Chook :bigrin:

Why am I even bothering to reply to you and your rude flames?

Jun 6, 2008, 4:36 AM
The name says it all about this person. Her self esteem is just so high this is all she could think of for a screen name. Anybody can type what they would like to be on a keyboard. Who knows what this person really is in real life and honestly who cares. This is just my opinion. Hopefully this person will just go away.

Jun 6, 2008, 6:06 AM
Hey chook...he has two kids...but I bet they are adopted....LOL No self respecting woman or any size would lay down with him

Jun 6, 2008, 6:15 AM
being fat or as they say BBW does not mean i do not exercise or eat properly. and despite you not liking fat bitches some do. i am very clean, exercise, try to eat properly. i also am more understanding and open minded than some who have no manners. and i also accept that i may not always be what another prefers and do not force myself upon them. you either like me or not just as i may like you or not but if you respect me despite dilikes i will respect you.
and if you talked to some of us bbws maybe you would learn that maybe we have more weight than you that we are just as human as every other person. and some of us have more weight niot just because of eating issues but maybe also becuase of other issues. i do not hide behind cruelty and lack of manners and i care for others despite differences and came here niot to be insulted by close minded persons. i came here to be with others who have also been judged and treated like shit for being different who just want to be themselves and not have to hide completly who they are for people who are so close minded like cuntlapper.

Jun 6, 2008, 7:47 AM
MissyMissy... you rock, girlfriend! :cool:

being fat or as they say BBW does not mean i do not exercise or eat properly. and despite you not liking fat bitches some do. i am very clean, exercise, try to eat properly. i also am more understanding and open minded than some who have no manners. and i also accept that i may not always be what another prefers and do not force myself upon them. you either like me or not just as i may like you or not but if you respect me despite dilikes i will respect you.
and if you talked to some of us bbws maybe you would learn that maybe we have more weight than you that we are just as human as every other person. and some of us have more weight niot just because of eating issues but maybe also becuase of other issues. i do not hide behind cruelty and lack of manners and i care for others despite differences and came here niot to be insulted by close minded persons. i came here to be with others who have also been judged and treated like shit for being different who just want to be themselves and not have to hide completly who they are for people who are so close minded like cuntlapper.

Jun 6, 2008, 7:58 AM
In me life hav dallied wiv a few wotya cud call bbw's. They yummie cuddly an fun 2 b wiv. Do accept that beauty is in eye of the beholder an ther is a limit 2 size an shape wich me finds attractive... but its a matta of personal taste an ther lotsa luffly fun gals out ther who me mite not eva dreama sleepin wiv but wud neva dreama eitha of ridiculin or humiliatin em an am proud an chuffed 2 call friend an me luffs em dearly...

Jun 6, 2008, 5:11 PM
I have read a number of the posted comments of this Cuntlapper person. They all have the same tone and much of the same words as the troll that will not go away. Sort of like that "Groundhog Day" movie except we get a troll over and over again. Kind of funny and sad at the same time. Be glad your not them.

Jun 7, 2008, 7:55 AM
I sure hope Drew kicks you off the site. Dont come in here insulting people when they haven't done a damn thing to you. These are good, educated sexy people unlike you. I highly doubt you'll be having any hits from anyone from here. The people on this site tend to have a lot more class than you'd be able to scrape up together.

All "fat/BBW's" are not fat due to being lazy sitting around and eating you dumb ass moron. You must think you're perfect to bring your snobby attitude here and look down on other people. You're definitely superficial and I know that Dirty old man wouldn't touch you with his enemies prick.
I'm a BBW and I'm damn proud of it!

You are thoughtless, rude, ignorant and have no class. I suggest you get a life... shoo pest!

Jun 7, 2008, 9:06 AM
I just want to say that the whole point of this site is tolerance and acceptance. If you can't accept us for who we are, then get the fuck out. I have met some wonderful people here, and don't give a hoot whether they are anorexic or 500 pounds. If that's all you care about Cuntlapper, then your issue is with yourself, not us.

Jun 7, 2008, 9:13 AM
Darn it, I should have read the post about this idiot being banned before I spouted off and got mad LOL Once again, I'm late.

Jun 7, 2008, 10:39 AM
I think Ms/Mr Cuntlapper has shaded eyes and really dosn't see the beauty in the BBWs. Sure, there are women and men out there, who are morbidly obese, and they know it and are under medical care for it. But, for the most part, the BBWs I've seen and talked to on here, and real time, are very wonderful people, intelligent, and outgoing. They don't hide behind fake names or profiles such as Cuntlapper!

BBW Lover, forever!