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Jun 4, 2008, 11:00 PM
can someone help me get into the chat room......i cant seem to get there?

Jun 4, 2008, 11:41 PM
Just click in, Hon. It sometime takes a while for it to come up, and if you are on Dial Up, it can take forever. Just be patiant, and it'll pop up eventually. :}
Come on in and see us. We may be a little crazy, but we're great fun. So kick off yer shoes, come in with a sense of crazyness, and come on in! :}

Jun 4, 2008, 11:46 PM
i clicked on and waited like 10 minutes...and nothing is coming up....:(.... im on dsl....so i dunno if something else may be an issue..... i checked my java...and its good....i dunno....

Jun 5, 2008, 9:08 PM
I get in but have a promblem staying in after 5 or ten mins. it goe 's off and then I have to cleck back in . my wife says it's becouse i' behide a fire wall and I won't torn it off. if any one could tell me why taht happens I would apearshate it.

shameless agitator
Jun 5, 2008, 10:04 PM
The server just has issues. It kicks everybody out periodically. All you can really do is just grit your teeth and bear with it.