View Full Version : Cats, Dogs, or Other?

Jun 3, 2008, 10:11 PM
I was curious about pet choice among the bisexual community. Perhaps it is the people I've talked with or the logos I see, but it seems to me there are a lot of cat people here. I have a unproved theory that bisexuals prefer the independent nature of cats as it reflects their true nature. Thoughts? I myself prefer cats (4 to 1) ratio in our house and the dog is recent.

Jun 3, 2008, 10:27 PM
Most of the bisexual guys I run into are dog people. The straight guy I'm working on seeing is a dog AND cat person. Then there's the whole lesbian/cat thing. I'm not sure if pet preference is orientation dependent.

Good theory though.


Jun 3, 2008, 10:37 PM
I am a Kinsey 4 bisexual. I prefer dogs to cats. However, cats seem to like me.
Go figure. I do like large cats, like jaguars, cheetahs, etc. But, not as pets.

Jun 3, 2008, 10:45 PM
I do like large cats, like jaguars, cheetahs, etc. But, not as pets.

Why not? :tong:

Myself, i'm a cat person. Dogs are far too demanding in my opinion.

shameless agitator
Jun 3, 2008, 11:14 PM
I miss being able to have a dog. I won't have one if I can't let it go outside and roam freely. In some ways I prefer dogs as you can play with them more & they tend to be more companionable, but I definitely love kitties & people are always being surprised when their unsociable cats come and climb in my lap. I used to have a couple who liked to ride around on my shoulder like parrots.

Jun 3, 2008, 11:19 PM
i grew up on a farm and always had cats and dogs as pets. Today i have a cat but would prefer to have a dog - hell, man's best friend right? Wife won't let me get one though.

Jun 3, 2008, 11:42 PM
I think I'm a dog person but I have had minimal experience with cats.

Jun 3, 2008, 11:50 PM
My unproven theory seems to be running contrary to what I thought!

Jun 4, 2008, 12:16 AM
I've been a pussy person all my life I can't remember there ever being a time where we didn't have a cat, but I have a great passion for parrots and have bred them successfully over the last twenty years, with my wifes help of course.

Cheers Chook :bigrin:

Jun 4, 2008, 12:44 AM
I am partial to cats...love the sleekness and cleanliness of them...Mine are more like people than cats...they were a lot of comfort to me when i lost my mom in January..somehow they knew what I was going thru and the coomfort they gave was phenominal. I also have a small dog...who by the way thinks he is a cat. He was raised with the kittens and washes just like a cat does...it is so comical to watch. He is my companion and my protector...a Shi Tzu...with a rotty heart...LOL
Either will do for me..I was surprised when my independent male cat decided to plop himself down in my male friend's lap...something that that cat NEVER does...but he just made himself right at home...so...that was proof enough for me that the man could be trusted...* if the cat don't like em...:bigrin:

The Barefoot Contess
Jun 4, 2008, 10:04 AM
I love animals, but usually those who are not domesticated. There is something about keeping pets locked in a house/apartment that I don't quite like. I like horses, eagles, sharks, animals that for me represent some sort of freedom from the domestic life (I know it is not always the case with horses).
If the choice is between cats and dogs, then I have to say cats. I like dogs as well, but there is something about cats' independent spirit that I love. The truth is I used to be very afraid of them, but not anymore :-)

Jun 4, 2008, 10:41 AM
I'm a cat guy. I like pooches, but they are emotionally shallow. A cat makes you work for their affection.


Warmpuppy (Traitor to his screen name)

Jun 4, 2008, 10:50 AM
Well, considering that my "Star" sign is a Lion (Leo) and my Tribal sign is a Cougar, I guess...hmmm lemmie see here...that my preference would have to be felines..lol
I actually love animals of all kinds, but I have always loved cats of all kinds. Domestic, wild, it made no difference to me.
You'll find that alot of women, not just bi and lesbian, have more of an afinity toward the independant nature of cats. :}
Just my humble 2 cents worth, but I do agree with Sis...If an animal doesnt trust a person, neither do I. I used to have a cat that my former roomie and I used to call our "Date Meter" If we brought a new guy into the house and Buddy acted aggressive towards him, or sprayed on him, then we took second looks at this dude. One guy I went out with got the shock of his life. First date Mr.Cheap took me the store to buy some things, and instead of taking my to dinner like he said, he bought me Chinese food from In the store. We took it back home where Buddy lurked on the back of the couch watching this guy eating like a vulture. My roomie said, "Tone, better watch Buddy, keep an eye on him, he's got That look...."

He was glaring at my date intently. The guy reached over and playfully tugged on my hair, and that did it. Buddy was off that couch in a heartbeath and launched himself at Dude's ass. He jumped up and Hung off his exposed skin with his front claws(Ya know when a sloppy guy sits down and his pants hang halfway down his ass?) for a couple of seconds. The guy yelped and jumped up. Buddy was on the floor growling, hissing, and spitting, and was puffed up 10 times his normal size. (He looked like an orange bath-puff..)He actually backed the guy up to the door!
When I could finally stop laughing I told him he might oughta go. So I handed him the rest of his Chinese Yuck ala mode, and bid him a good farewell.
Cats are a kick, Ya'll
Your Cat

Jun 4, 2008, 7:41 PM
I like dogs and cats.
Unfortunately, I'm allergic to cats, but they love me. Psychologically, cats are attractive animals.
German Shepherds and Beagles are great dogs.

Jun 4, 2008, 7:44 PM
I'm straight and very much a cat-person - I have been "owned" by several cats in the past as well as currently....and I seem to be most partial to black cats for some unknown reason and I currently have one that still lives with my parents (they wouldn't let me take him when I moved to Las Vegas) and I have a black cat now that resides with us (Tasha) who thinks she is The Princess.

Bisexualnewbie is bi and is a dog-person...

We now have a cat and a dog (Dachshund)........:cool:

'Newbie and Tasha, the cat, "tolerate" each other. Bella, our dog, wants to be "friends" with Tasha and Tasha *barely* tolerates Bella and actually chases her occasionally and swats Bella's face if she gets too close to Tasha (no claws extended tho). Tasha is not known for her, um, "diplomatic" personality. She is actually quite the b*tch, tbh! LOL Sometimes it seems like a animal daycare here: "Bella, leave the cat alone! Tasha, stop swatting the dog! ARRRGH!!!!" *Oh well* Bella is quite the "Daddy's Girl" - as well as being spoiled - well, both are pretty spoiled! :bigrin: Tasha will never be snuggly toward anyone - she is very standoffish, but she tolerates me more than anyone else, as I've had her since she was a kitten and we've been thru some pretty rough stuff together over the 10 years we've had each other. I would much rather have 4-legged "fur-kids" than the human-kind...

Jun 4, 2008, 7:49 PM
I would have to say I am more of a snake person. My second choice would be a pot belly pig. I had one before and she was great.


Jun 4, 2008, 8:26 PM
I've been a pussy person all my life I can't remember there ever being a time where we didn't have a cat, but I have a great passion for parrots and have bred them successfully over the last twenty years, with my wifes help of course.

Cheers Chook :bigrin:

Me a pussy person an all Chookie :tong:..but me allergic 2 cats... they don haff botha me eyes gimme blotches on the skin an start me off wheezin...:( Me lil doggie tho died last year an broke me heart...:(

Jun 4, 2008, 8:29 PM
Well it looks like it is tilting more towards cats at this point. A new observation is that the cats seem to like bi men even if the men don't care for the cats.
Cherokee Mountain Cat has pointed out would I always knew: cats and dogs are great barometers of other people!

Jun 4, 2008, 8:41 PM
For most of my life here in Maine , I have had one cat and one dog in the house . Before living in Maine , I have always wanted one of each .

Jun 4, 2008, 8:55 PM
I like cats and dogs and they all like me. I grew up with both. I tend to like dogs more and I think it's because I've had dogs in my life for about 25 years. :doggie: I would have had cats too but I became allergic to them in my late teens. :paw:

Jun 4, 2008, 8:55 PM
Well it looks like it is tilting more towards cats at this point. A new observation is that the cats seem to like bi men even if the men don't care for the cats.
Cherokee Mountain Cat has pointed out would I always knew: cats and dogs are great barometers of other people!

Didn say me wos a cat person.....me a pussy person:bigrin:.... who luffed er lil doggie!!!:)

Jun 4, 2008, 9:27 PM
I have 2 cats, two dogs and a bunch of fish. I love all but, German Shepherds rule my heart! :)

Jun 4, 2008, 10:39 PM
Didn say me wos a cat person.....me a pussy person:bigrin:.... who luffed er lil doggie!!!:)

AHHHH so you love the doggie position Fran, I always thought you was a secret worshiper of pink piccalo :tongue:

Cheers Chook :bigrin:

Jun 5, 2008, 2:15 AM
cat person. been one my whole life

Jun 5, 2008, 2:21 AM
Cats-----Gotta be cats, I have had both dogs and cats in the past. But, will only have a cat now. They are just a better fit for my lifestyle and personality type.

Jun 5, 2008, 5:22 AM
AHHHH so you love the doggie position Fran, I always thought you was a secret worshiper of pink piccalo :tongue:

Cheers Chook :bigrin:

Only the 1 strapped on u no hoo..... tee hee:tong: an no..me not talkin bout nice chinese gennelman fore ya try an get smart!:bigrin:

Jun 5, 2008, 5:51 AM
more of a cat person me, out of the two.

otherwise, I actually do like the rodent family - mice, gerbils, rats (pet kind), chipmunks, guinea pigs, etc.
First pet I ever had was a gerbil, and in growing up we nearly always had a cat adopt my family, before, during and after the gerbils. Ginge used to actually protect the guinea pigs we had running freely about the back garden from other cats that would have happily eaten them otherwise.

Jun 5, 2008, 7:10 AM
I'm kind of the odd ball. I like black feathered vultures. I think they are beautiful and elegant. I also have a thing for tarantulas. I think they are soooo cute and adorable. I also like my fish tank. I have several pirahnas. They eat a lot though. Last time, I sent one of my dates to go feed them and I think that nut case disappeared on me. Oh... oh and my favorite, the scorpion. They are sooooo cutsie wutsie.... I just love showing them off to my visitors. oops... before I hurt his feelings, I need to mention my pet Asp. He is a slithering pal who just have the need to sleep under pillows.

By the way, I'm having a little cocktail party. Anybody would like to attend?

Jun 5, 2008, 11:28 PM
I like cats and dogs.

Jun 9, 2008, 6:25 PM
I like both.

Mr. Magick
Jun 10, 2008, 4:28 AM
I have had both and like both. My cat passed away a couple of years ago and my ex got the dog in the divorce. I'm thinking I want another dog. 20 lbs limit at my apartment tho. Any ideas on small breeds that can uphold my manly reputation. :bigrin:

Jun 10, 2008, 6:38 AM
Cats. love all animals and have an appreciation for the differences in all kinds but living with a cat(s) creates balance in my world.

Jun 10, 2008, 11:05 AM
I am not a pet person. When a child I pestered my parents for pets but was never allowed any. While growing up I began to realise that the fact that we were out all day made this unrealistic and unfair on any pets we may have had, but my father's logic that animals should be allowed freedom in their natural environment was ultimately what persuaded me to his view. I do love animals and have no criticism of dog and cat owners except those who treat them cruelly. Smaller pets such as hamsters, gerbils, aquarium fish and caged birds are something different and do not think that they should be so confined. But the wild is where animals belong and it is where they will be most happy even making allowances for what we call the cruelty of nature. It is in nature I love to see animals best.

Skyclad Jewel
Jun 10, 2008, 3:55 PM
I had a blue heeler who was my constant companion for over 11 years until she passed away. I've always considered myself a dog person and never had a cat until a few years ago when I acquired one through my mom. He's a Manx rumpy and I'm crazy about him.

Annika L
Jun 10, 2008, 9:11 PM
We always had both cats and dogs in the house when I was growing up, but I always preferred the cats. Unfortunately, my partner is allergic, so we can't have one! :(

Jun 11, 2008, 12:04 AM
In the truly bisexual tradition, I refuse to choose. (I am currently owned by a 15 year old Tonkinese cat, but I anticipate getting a dog before long. Probably a shelter animal.) I often hear people talk as if you have to pick one or the other. Personally, I find that they each have something special and unique to offer. Hey, I guess they're kinda like people ! hmmmmm

Jun 11, 2008, 5:42 PM
I love both cats and dogs---but it seems with a somewhat busy lifestyle---cats fit in better--so I have not had a dog in many years--but I would love to have one--I have had cats now for years and love them----I have two of them now--a long-lived cat of mine passed on this past winter---and she has not been replaced--I think I will stick with the two cats--and might get a dog--something not too big but not too small either--and he or she has to get along good with the felines--I will definitely buy Caesar Milan's (The Dog Whisperer) books on how to raise dogs---gonna make sure I do it right this time!