View Full Version : Help Me!

May 31, 2008, 9:36 PM
Okay, I just recently turned 18. Well, a few months ago, I was spending the night at my best friends house, and my best friend went outside to talk to his girlfriend, and his little brother (16) climbed down to the bed (its a bunk bed) me and my friend share, and slid underneath the covers with me, which freaked me out.

He then, pushed his dick up against me and wrapped his arm around my waist.

Now I have had a girlfriend for two years, never even looked at males! But suddenly, my dick just jumped straight up. I was completely shocked. Well he started sliding his hand down my stomach and I finally spoke up.

Asked him what he was doing, and suddenly, he jumped up, climbed into his bed and ignored me for a week. Well I spent the night again a week later, and the same things happened, until he finally found out I had a hard on. After a few weeks of coy little foreplay. He put himself ontop of my pelvis and was rubbing back and forth. And I started to moan. Then he slammed down on me instantly and kissed me... The first kiss ever with a guy. I loved it, instantly I pulled off his shirt and we were all over each other. But I didnt go beyond kissing and groping. Well luckily the lights were off, because after about 20 mins, my friend was coming back from his systematic conversation with his girlfriend.

We ripped apart from each other, and now we keep flirting coy-like behind my friends back. This guy makes me so horny, hes sexy, muscular, cute, wonderful body... I mean its shocking. And yet me and my girlfriend are still sleeping together regularly. I just havent told her about it.

Well the problem is my friend. I dont want to keep hiding it from him, but at the same time, I DONT want him to find out. His brother is all about Secresy as well... I just dont know what to do...

May 31, 2008, 9:57 PM
As I read your little story, what struck me was this....it read as just that....a little story. I'm sorry, but I don't believe a word of it, and I just have this feeling you are older than 18. If I'm wrong, string me up, but I really don't believe you.

May 31, 2008, 10:07 PM
well yea, I guess it is hard to believe. It shocked me too, Ive known the kid since he was in 1st grade and I was in 3rd. Eh, I guess you dont have to believe it. I mean, I know Im 18 and that its happened. I guess I put so much description into that people think its fake. Its not. I just dont know what Im gonna do yet...

May 31, 2008, 10:33 PM
Ok, let's see where this could go. You're 18, he's 16. You're afraid his brother (your friend) will find out what's going on. Let's say he does. Just for the sake of conversation, let's also say that he freaks out and tells his parents. At this point the parents are likely to have you charged with statutory rape, contributing to the delinquency of a minor, and whatever else they can make stick. You will be branded as a sex offender, or maybe even a sexual predator, depending on the laws in your jurisdiction. Either offense will follow you for the rest of your life, severely limiting your prospects for a good career, decent housing, and girls you could actually bring home to mom. So....my advice to you is wait two years until he's legal and can make his own decisions regarding his sex partners. Actions have consequences, and this particular action carries some pretty severe ones. Also, keep in mind that the same scenario could occur if your girlfriend finds out and decides to seek revenge. It's your life, but if I were you, I'd keep it in my pants for now.

May 31, 2008, 10:46 PM
i am not sure about NC but some states the legal age for concent is 16... i'd find out that first.... but you are cheating on your g/f when you hook up with this other guy though...you do know that right? how you you feel if she did that to you? the first thing that came to mind reading that was you're cheating on her.

Jun 1, 2008, 6:22 AM
As I read your little story, what struck me was this....it read as just that....a little story. I'm sorry, but I don't believe a word of it, and I just have this feeling you are older than 18. If I'm wrong, string me up, but I really don't believe you.

why don't you believe it? It's not exactly shocking.


Jun 1, 2008, 6:48 AM
". I just dont know what to do..."

Whenever you find yourself in a situation where you don't know what to do, do the thing that a monkey would do if it had a credit card.

shameless agitator
Jun 1, 2008, 6:50 AM
Not2Str8 & Rangers fan are right. You're seriously playing with fire here. Besides the issues they brought up, you're also likely to lose your friend over this. My advice would be to leave this one alone. No piece of ass in the world is worth going to prison over. Talk to your girlfriend about your newly discovered same sex attractions. If she's okay with you exploring, then you can find a guy who's legal & not related to your best friend. If she's not, you can either put that side of yourself aside for a while or leave her & explore without her.

Jun 1, 2008, 11:09 AM
Question for Jamieknyc wenya turns up hun... if me or ne 1 my age hada lil fling wiv an American girl, or boy for that matta (shivers) age 16 or 17 in the UK wile she or he wos on holiday...an memba the age of consent ere is 16.. an a year or so lata went the US on hol 2 a state wer the age of consent wos 18 or 21... wot wud or cud, if ne thin American law, state or federal say an do??? Or if that relationship wos had in ne country wer the age of consent wos 16. Jus askin cos US law all 2 often seems 2 interfere wer it has no biz.. wud it in such a case?

Jun 1, 2008, 12:08 PM
why don't you believe it? It's not exactly shocking.


Dafydd, I did not say that I found it shocking. There is little in the world today to shock anyone, for we have been exposed to so much violence, death, destruction etc etc on our television screens......I think I stopped being shocked by what I saw, when I saw that famous film clip of the Vietnamese man being shot in the head.

I said I didn't believe the ''young man,'' and I think that I stated why. However, so I can make myself clear to you, I'll say it again. The piece just did not read as coming from a ''freaked out,'' young man, now confused about his sexuality. It's how it came over to me, not you, nor anyone else. just me!

The ''young man,'' however old he is, may be correct, and it may be the fact that he put so much detail in, that caused me to doubt the truth of the post. If you read his reply, you would have seen that he fully understood that.

Let's face it, this is a large website, and there must be many posts that are not truthful, but started by the poster, simply to see what sort of reaction they get.

I'll ask you the question you asked me. Well, part of it, but in reverse. Do you believe the story, and if so, why? Does that mean you believe every post you read?

I gave my opinion, and it can only be mine. Some of the advice given has been sensible. Back off! Teenagers can often be confused about their sexuality, and if the ''young man'' writing this post really is 18, he would be wise to ''keep it in his pants.'' Such an encounter with another, younger male, may prove to both that they are bisexual, or it may just be another teenage ''phase,'' and one that they will one day wish to forget about. Wo knows?

By the way, I didn't see you offering any advice, not that I did, but you didn't even address your post to the ''young man,'' but to me. It almost seems as if you don't think I should have the view I still think may be correct. Well,fortunately, we are entitled to have views.

To the ''young man,'' I'll say this. Just enjoy being 18. Don't commit yourself to any definite calling where your sexuality is concerned. In private schoold events like this happened and may still happen now, but not because the young men, or women were bisexual in later adult life, but because of all their rampaging hormones, and being in almost ''confined,'' with people going through the same feelings. Whatever you are now, or become in the future sexually, intellectually, physically etc etc, just enjoy being young. Once you hit 25, the years rush past!

Jun 1, 2008, 7:13 PM
Too true everyone. Thanks, you've helped me see what I needed to. I'm going to confront my girlfriend on what happened... and drop him... Caramel was right, I should just enjoy what I have. Although the "young man" thing was rather annoying lol. I am a senior ( I GRADUATE THIS WEEK WOOT!!)

UNCC Class of 2012!!

Anyway thank you all

Jun 1, 2008, 7:22 PM
Ok, let's see where this could go. You're 18, he's 16. You're afraid his brother (your friend) will find out what's going on. Let's say he does. Just for the sake of conversation, let's also say that he freaks out and tells his parents. At this point the parents are likely to have you charged with statutory rape, contributing to the delinquency of a minor, and whatever else they can make stick. You will be branded as a sex offender, or maybe even a sexual predator, depending on the laws in your jurisdiction. Either offense will follow you for the rest of your life, severely limiting your prospects for a good career, decent housing, and girls you could actually bring home to mom. So....my advice to you is wait two years until he's legal and can make his own decisions regarding his sex partners. Actions have consequences, and this particular action carries some pretty severe ones. Also, keep in mind that the same scenario could occur if your girlfriend finds out and decides to seek revenge. It's your life, but if I were you, I'd keep it in my pants for now.

very severe. do not go on with this

shameless agitator
Jun 1, 2008, 7:34 PM
Question for Jamieknyc wenya turns up hun... if me or ne 1 my age hada lil fling wiv an American girl, or boy for that matta (shivers) age 16 or 17 in the UK wile she or he wos on holiday...an memba the age of consent ere is 16.. an a year or so lata went the US on hol 2 a state wer the age of consent wos 18 or 21... wot wud or cud, if ne thin American law, state or federal say an do??? Or if that relationship wos had in ne country wer the age of consent wos 16. Jus askin cos US law all 2 often seems 2 interfere wer it has no biz.. wud it in such a case?Unfortunately, Fran the situation you described could get you jail time in the US. I was just reading a story about a couple who got married in Mexico before emigrating to the states & the husband wound up being arrested on statutory rape charges. American laws tend to be really puritanical.

Jun 1, 2008, 10:14 PM
Just a heads up for most people. Do NOT think age of consent means anything! In most states it just designates when a person can have some control over their sexual rights. (Birth Control, abortion, and how severe punishment is for sex offenses) Consent mainly has to do with professionals like doctors and therapists and whether a minor can seek treatment without parent permission. In most states an 18 yr old can only have sex with an 18 yr old or OLDER! (But within two years until age 21 if you want to play it safe.) At 16 it gets complicated. The general rule is that a 16 year old should only have sex with a 16 year old if they want to be safe from the law. Oddly enough oral sex is still considered sodomy in most states and mandatory reporters don't have to report intercourse between consenting minors but do if there is oral or anal or if the physical age is too great, (strange formulas for that), or emotional, intellectual impairment is evident. Bottom line: Be careful who you are having sex with!

Jun 2, 2008, 5:26 AM
Unfortunately, Fran the situation you described could get you jail time in the US. I was just reading a story about a couple who got married in Mexico before emigrating to the states & the husband wound up being arrested on statutory rape charges. American laws tend to be really puritanical.
Kno of a cuppla cases wer an adult had sex wiv a 15 yo merican girl ere..an who copped it wen in america.... but if we can get dun for havin sex wiv peeps who r legally of age wen visitin ur place then lotsa peeps, me included, betta avoid it like the plague! Wich me finds sad!:(

Jun 2, 2008, 9:51 AM
I looked up the age of consent for North Carolina--and it is age 16--so legally you can engage in sexual activity with each other--it is something though---some states still hold that the age of consent is 18 so in those states----having sex with anyone under that age--even if you are 18 plus a few hours and your partner is not yet 18 and even though the couple may have been having consensual sex for sometime---once the older person turns 18--- the legal status of that sex changes and the older party, by the LAW--he or she is now a rapist, pedophile and sexual offender!!!

I had a case like this when I was a probation officer here in Ohio--it was not a pretty situation I can tell ya that!!

I say to this person---you are free to be with this kid---but if you do---you do have the obligation of telling your girlfriend that you are doing something with someone else----as to whether you tell her you are with another guy or not---that I leave to your judgement----

Take care--play safe and all the best--and thank god I am well beyond the turmoil of that age!!!

Jun 2, 2008, 10:15 AM
This is interesting. When I was 16 I had a relationship with a 20 year old American student here in the UK. If I moved to the United States - could I now cry rape? Or is it only one way? Does statutory rape in such cases only count when its non americans who are the older party?

Jun 2, 2008, 12:56 PM
hmmm well i can remember when some southeastern states laws were marrige at 14 so it obviously means sexual freedom at that age, but heres one to think about, if the laws in your jurisdiction are for 18 remember they don't have a staue of limitations on this so legaly if you made him mad 5 years from now he could still get you in court and charged as a sex offender.:(
thats how people are getting these priests 20 and 30 years later.

Jun 2, 2008, 1:06 PM
This is interesting. When I was 16 I had a relationship with a 20 year old American student here in the UK. If I moved to the United States - could I now cry rape? Or is it only one way? Does statutory rape in such cases only count when its non americans who are the older party?

to answer your question: i have heard of americans going to other countries where sex with kids is legal and when they return to the united states they are charged and tried. sounds screwy i know. i always thought you had to be tried in the jurisdiction where the alleged crime was committed. this country is too obsessed with sex crimes. i have had sex when i was 12 and it didn't bother me. i think people are too conditioned by society and the governments bullshit that keeps telling them they are victims and they belive it.

shameless agitator
Jun 2, 2008, 7:07 PM
This is interesting. When I was 16 I had a relationship with a 20 year old American student here in the UK. If I moved to the United States - could I now cry rape? Or is it only one way? Does statutory rape in such cases only count when its non americans who are the older party?Nationality of the younger party is irrelevant. What matters is where it happened. For you to claim statutory rape, the sex would have had to occur in the states where you would have been below the age of consent. American law wouldn't apply in Europe

shameless agitator
Jun 2, 2008, 7:09 PM
hmmm well i can remember when some southeastern states laws were marrige at 14 so it obviously means sexual freedom at that age, Actually, no. In those states they can get married at 14 with parental consent & then obviously sex would be legal. If you didn't marry them first though, it would still be considered statutory rape.