View Full Version : To friends of Huneypot

meteast chick
May 27, 2008, 8:31 PM
I know these strains of info are coming slowly, but I post them as soon as I get them. Remember my info comes directly from an Irish friend of hers. I just clean up the spelling a little but everything else is exactly as he sent it. All I can say is, after seeing this, I responded that I felt somehow refreshed that she was finally going to have peace. Someday may we all find that...

sorry i havent been in contact but very seldom use this myspace any more,the news about donna is not good her have family have followed medical advice and stopped feeding her she now just gets fluids so she will slowly fade away! i see her every day and funnily enough since the removed the feed tube she is a lot more comfortable and peaceful! will keep you informed and things progress!

luv and huney kisses,

May 27, 2008, 10:22 PM
Thank you...Rachelle

Fight on huney...I love you!

her ever luvin

May 28, 2008, 5:41 AM
God Rache..am positively speechless.. not many peeps do that Huney.. thinkin of ya. Kissie n huggle.:)

May 28, 2008, 7:10 AM
Dearest Rachelle and Used Bear...........

Words fail me to express the sorrow I feel in my heart as I know of the devoted love you have for our dear Huney...I am hearted to read from Hoppy that she seems to be at peace and in a world surrounded by those whom she loves at home and those from here who love her so. My thoughts, prayers and big ole arm are around you both.


May 28, 2008, 7:30 AM
I dont know her but my heart goes out to you and everyone who was lucky enough to be touched by her presence. She sounds like a lovely person. May peace be with her now and always :)

May 28, 2008, 9:12 AM
I did not know her, but I am sorry to hear about this.

May 28, 2008, 10:18 AM
I did not know her, but I am sorry to hear about this.Didn kno er that well Jamie..but wos jus gettin 2 wen me had a lil break from .com.. found er funny compassionate an not a lil rude..she wos in short a luffly person an me wos rite disappointed wen me started cummin bak in an found she had moved on... chat not quite the same wivout er... we did hav lotsa giggles... an the flirtin wos fun 2...:tong: So wile me finds er illness upsettin, me memories of er r ne thin but.... an always will b...:bigrin:

May 28, 2008, 10:41 AM
For those of us who love Huneypot, this news is very disturbing yet in some ways, we are trying to find comfort that she may have finally found some peace. Huneypot was indeed fun to be around...she brought life into the chat room anytime she graced us with her presence and you couldn't help but love her! She could be mischievous and silly, but she could also be very compassionate and loving. Indeed...if she loved you, you certainly knew it! She was the first of my cyber "kids" along with Smurfy and she gave me the biggest honor of all when she drew the attached picture for me...saying that this is how she saw me. I was moved to tears upon receiving it and I will always cherish it.

Hugs and love go out to you, Meteast, for I know how very much you love her. And Usedbear...my loving Bear....my arms reach around you and hold you close....as I know how very close the two of you are!

Huneypot, my thoughts and prayers remain with you...may you find comfort and peace...and please know that I will always love you. I consider my life much richer for having known you. I'm not prepared to give up on you yet....you are such a fighter...but more than anything, I want you to have the serenity you so greatly deserve!

Much love,

May 28, 2008, 4:56 PM
Hey Met,Thank you for the update. I first saw this at 5 in the morning on Wensday. I tried to reply this morning but i could not. I was upset and could not reply. But now i can,and i want to thank you for keeping us up to date. Huney is a most wonderfull person,and like Kate said if she liked you you knew it!! Well i dont have the words like most people do to pay proper respect to Huney. But i do hope she knew how much she meant to everyone,and how much better she made our lives buy just knowing her. Take care Rachel,and you to Bear, i know how much you love Huney...

May 28, 2008, 5:20 PM
:( I am just in shock! Huney was just the most beautiful person on the inside. She welcomed anyone and everyone and made you feel like you had been her friend forever. She could make you laugh when you needed to the laugh the most. I've thought about her so much throughout this time she's been away and praying she would somehow find her way to peace. She will be missed by anyone who knew her and her heart of gold!

I thank you so much Rachelle for keeping us informed (as you get the info) and please thank her friend for letting us know of her situation. Please tell him to give her a kiss :kiss: from all of us here in the Bi world let her know that we are all thinking of her.

And a hug to everyone on here who is so close to her...:grouphug:


May 28, 2008, 7:01 PM
I've started to post to this thread several times but could not find the words to express my grief. I still cannot. Donna touched me in many ways, her friendship, her advice, her laughter. I would do anything just to hear her laugh and say "awww" one more time. She had the ability to make anyone she touched feel special. Why is it that those with the most beautiful spirits seem to be taken from us much too soon?

I love you, Donna. I hope that, if even for a moment, I gave you at least a fraction of the joy you gave me.

May 28, 2008, 10:02 PM
Thank you Rachelle. I do not know Huney well, but she was kind to me more than once. Fight on Huney, and if it comes to pass, I hope you find eternal peace. We will look for you when it's our turn.

Usedbear, Belle, and Mrs. F, Hugs and kisses to you all. I know this is hard for all of you, and I am here for you all. Lean on me as you need too.

Lastly, I want to thank God for giving us the time we all had with Donna. She really brightens our world, and will be missed for a long time to come.

Thanks for letting me share.....

May 29, 2008, 12:33 PM
Thank you Rach.
Huney was and still is a very special part of many lives.
I am like Allbi, I have tried to post something several times, never feeling like my words would do her justice.
If ever there has been a kind, loving soul..it was Huney. She loved deeply and was a little ball of energy and fun. I think each of us that knew her has been touched in some special way. She made everyone feel special.
I pray that she is in a good place of love and peace, of beauty and joy.
If anyone deserves that special place its Huney.
Rach and Bear......My heart and love go out to you both for reasons we all know. To Smurf and Kate and all of us that love her....Goodness did we have a million laughs! LOL!
May the blessings of the Almighty be with Huney, her family and all that love her.


May 29, 2008, 3:36 PM
Thanks for the information about Huneypot meteast---while you never really want to see someone leave this life---there are those times that it might be best for the person to "move on."

It is especially a sad thing when the person in question is rather young and such is the case for Huney.

I am sad to hear that her life is seemingly winding down---but if her passing provides her with some peace--then it may not be such a sad thing for she did have a very tough life.

She put up a good fight to try to get over those things in her life that she faced----but sometimes---we are just not meant to win over them.

I do wish all the best for Huney and her family----and wish them strength in this sad time----

meteast chick
May 30, 2008, 1:41 AM
I thank you all for your kind words and expressions of love, sympathy and in many cases empathy. Huneypot did so very much for all of us, but not all the same. She used humor as armor. She was good at it. She helped me through what so far has been the most difficult time of my life. Allthough we have both gone on, my love for her has never waned. She's beautiful inside and out. I'm having trouble not talking about her in the past tense, but until I hear otherwise I can only assume. I fell in love with a woman I could never meet on this earthly plane. How fucked is that? Many have told me it isn't. It was good for me. I can only hope I helped her too, and that's what I'm going to leave with.

If I can, I'd love to speak for her and tell all of you thank you. You all have done so much. Good on all 'o ya huns!

luv and irish kisses,
Rachelle aka meteast_chick


May 30, 2008, 4:01 AM
It certainly seems to be a time where the resident Angels of earth are being if not called home, at least called in for a meeting.

There is a LOT of pain going on in the world right now, I suppose the only thing any of us can ever really do in a situation like this, is to keep what those we've lost held sacred, sacred.

The best way to honor them is to pick up the load that they carried, and keep what they believed in alive, and moving.

Sometimes I wonder if that isn't what the presence of Angels disguised as people is all about anyway. They come here, influence us with their beauty of being, and then leave us to keep their memory alive as we honor their way in our own lives.

When things look darkest for me, I always try to be someones Angel.

Remember, whether you want to believe it or not, I'm telling you, that you can meet and be with Huney, or anyone else you've ever lost ........in your dreams. They are there, and we may be with them often, and yet never remember in our waking hours. She is not gone, only distant.

With Love,


May 30, 2008, 9:39 AM
:( I scrolled down this and came to her pictures and just had tears rolling down my cheeks. She helped me to learn about life in this world and no matter what mood I was in, she would make me laugh! I'm speechless right now from looking at those pictures. The big one is beautiful....like her! :)

Thanks Rach for sharing those again.

May peace be with you right now Donna! :grouphug:

May 30, 2008, 11:52 AM
I've no idea who Huneypot is, but she sounds like a well loved and cared for member...

I'm sorry that I never got to meet her..

Jun 3, 2008, 6:30 PM
Walt Whitman said that he see's God in the face of every man and woman he meets.
It is said that there is beauty in truth so it follows that there is truth in beauty.
Death is a physical act...immortality is divine.

In Donna I have seen God.
I have witnessed beauty.
I have experienced truth.
I aspire to her immortality.

her ever luvin'

Jun 3, 2008, 9:10 PM
I've no idea who Huneypot is, but she sounds like a well loved and cared for member...

I'm sorry that I never got to meet her..

Just a glimpse


Rach, thank you ever so much for the efforts you have given in trying to keep us informed of Huney's situation.
I too, am speachless at this time and am having a hard time seeing through these moisture clouds in my eyes.
My heart is saddened at this time, but these tears are of love and joy that Huney is nearing peace.
I didn't know you well Huney, but I do remember you - I send an essense of my spirit to you and with you for your enlightened journey down that road paved not by human hands. I love you Huney.

And thank you with all my love and respect Rach.


meteast chick
Jun 4, 2008, 4:12 PM
Thank you thank you thank you! In Gaelic they have a phrase that goes "Maireann croi eadrom i bhfad." It means a light heart lives longest. I think that fits perfectly...

It came to my mind when I was looking over her old posts that Donna, aka huneypot, singlehandedly made this Yank want to visit Ireland. I want to share some of the pics she sent me of her favorite places. In addition, I found this video of her hometown and if I had just gotten to visit just one of these gorgeous spots with the woman I loved...I'm sorry, I won't finish that.



Jun 4, 2008, 7:53 PM
Awww Rache... yas brot a wee tear 2 me eye... (((((((((((((((((((((((((rachelle))))))))))))))))) ))