View Full Version : Have you received hate email here?

May 23, 2008, 9:10 PM
I’m curious to know if anyone else has received hate email here.
“Please stop lying faggot” was the exact message. There was also a message in my personal mail that said “I know your nothing but an old fag”. Don’t worry about me. My feelings about my self worth are not so fragile to be vulnerable to a stranger hiding behind a computer. I do, however, have advice to the sender: Please go see a therapist it seems you have some anger issues to resolve.

I looked at the profile and I found the person is from Ontario and it said this:
Banned - some idiot from Spain

Perhaps someone can enlighten me on what “Banned-some idiot from Spain” means.

I love Canada and have loved many a Canadian but I suppose our typically peaceful neighbors to the north also have their share of psychos. So for the record I don’t “Blame Canada”. (You have to be a South Park fan to get that one.)

When I think back on all the forums and message boards on which I have posted I can only think of one other time I received something resembling hate email. That was on a sports forum from someone who supported my team’s archrival. Some sports fans can be a bit over the top.

What I find interesting about the experience is that it seems to support some of the other messages I have read about the site being under siege or the writers of the articles receiving hate email. My first advice to anyone who receives hate email is not to let it affect you emotionally or change your perspective. We all know there are sick people out there but there are also plenty of kind soles.

The thread I had started that caused such an emotional stir in this person was this:


Many of my friends have heard my stories of sexual pursuit like the ones I shared in that forum. They have shared similar ones with me. Why do these stories solicit such a powerful emotional reaction that someone feels obliged to send hate email? I have many theories but I’d be interested in hearing from others. I’ve posted on many gay sites and never received hate email. I’m wondering if bi sites attract some people who are so conflicted and repressed about their sexuality that they feel the need to lash out at others.

May 23, 2008, 10:37 PM
Yes, I have experienced hate mail here also. It was a few months back. It caused me to leave the site. I was thinking, if this is the kind of folks that communicate here, I do not want any part of it. Then, after thinking it through a little further, I decided the flame thrower may not have been typical of the majority of folks here. So, I returned. I am glad I did. You all, for the most part, are a good group.

shameless agitator
May 23, 2008, 11:03 PM
Banned-Some idiot from Spain means our Mod, Drew, banned his sorry ass & apparently he was actually from Spain, not Canada as his profile stated. Disseminator was simply a troll. He's had many different profiles and seems to be running a game of tag with Drew. He creates a profile, posts a bunch of stupid shit & Drew bans him. He then creates a new profile & the cycle starts all over again. He's easy to spot. He creates a new profile with no info, posts something offensive in nearly every thread on the front page of the board & starts a few threads that are obviously meant to be inflammatory. His latest trick is making his name look similar to that of a real member. It's best to simply ignore him.

May 23, 2008, 11:20 PM
No hate mail here. But keeping an eye out for it.

May 23, 2008, 11:21 PM
Good work Drew. The guy must have a very sad life. I wonder how he figure out he was from Spain?

shameless agitator
May 23, 2008, 11:33 PM
The IP will tell you. He sent me one claiming to be another member after I said I couldn't believe he would say some of the shit this guy was posting with a similar name.

May 23, 2008, 11:36 PM
Good work Drew. The guy must have a very sad life. I wonder how he figure out he was from Spain?

IP addresses have different designators to indicate what country they are from, just as there are designators at the end at some web addresses to indicate country of origin . . .(.ru, .za, .nu, .ir ,etc.).


May 23, 2008, 11:47 PM
Methinks our psycho adolescent is very into viruses and such.
It certainly fits the personality.
Our little pain in the ass changes names frequently and emulates other's names apparently.
"What kind of damage can I do to make my mark?"
He probably tortures/kills little animals.
I used to know something like this pathetic excuse for a human. He used to haunt 'Gay World' of WINMX chat room.
The guy would sign on as someone else... even learning tricks such as how to make it appear another member has child porn... even when that person was online in chat room! He'd announce someone has kiddie porn on their computer, and sure enough, browsing shared files, you'd see kiddie porn... Except I knew a girl he tried it on (no way she would ever have it) and she was panicing in chat room OMG! I've got..... A search later revealed nothing on her computer.
He also spoke of cracker groups he belonged to (hacker- legitimate, cracker-illegitimate). So surely there are programs you can use to crack into an unprotected home computer online (in Spain.. or elsewhere) and make it appear that your posts are coming from that computer. Psychos like this... they think this way.

May 24, 2008, 3:28 AM
I got a rude mail here a while back from a crackpot. After I sent him back a Very flaming responce telling how close he really Was to his Mother, and what I really thought of him, I never recieved anything else.
Usually if you stand up to idiots like these and show that you wont take any..uhmmm..chit...they'll take the hint and back off. Its that way with immature bully. Get back in their faces and they'll leave you alone. :}

May 24, 2008, 4:22 AM
So far no hate mail here. If hate mail does come, it'll be ignored, deleted.

Here's a clue for the haters. Life is too short for hating or worrying over being hated.

My opinion of haters is that they are trash. I'm aware of several places trash may vanish without a trace.

May 24, 2008, 7:03 AM
No hate mail. In fact, not much of anything mail. However, a woman from the Phillipines recently emailed me after seeing my profile on this site. So her story goes, she is the widow of a wealthy dignitary and has been eluding her oppressors who are trying to take all her money. She wanted me to find a secure place in Australia for her fortune(!!) She also took the time to share some information about her hobbies. Biiiizzzzaaaaare!

May 24, 2008, 9:09 AM
I've never received hate mail here - to the contrary - I have found this community site to be supportive for the most part.

Just like any other community where members can freely join you will get a mix of folks that are a cross section of society in general.

Some of the folks who post here are bound to be struggling with very powerful emotional/mental/spiritual issues - so I try to be open minded and tolerant. If someone is consistently negative/lashing out or making threats - then I think it would be appropriate to report them to Drew.

I think one of the most powerful things we can do in this life as humans is to show compassion and love where it is deserved.


May 24, 2008, 10:12 AM
I got a rude mail here a while back from a crackpot. After I sent him back a Very flaming responce telling how close he really Was to his Mother, and what I really thought of him, I never recieved anything else.
Usually if you stand up to idiots like these and show that you wont take any..uhmmm..chit...they'll take the hint and back off. Its that way with immature bully. Get back in their faces and they'll leave you alone. :}

The only problem with that strategy is if the hacker hijacked an innocent person's email. I'm not a hacker so I don't know these things but I wouldn't be surprised to find it is possible. I also felt more of a sense of pity than anger from the email.

I have found in my extensive career experience of dealing with big aggressive male egos it is best to set up a good defensive strategy but then diffuse their anger. I remember a number from Hong Kong that was being passed around the office of a recording that sounded like an irate client. The recording was voice activated such that when a pause occurred if you tried to speak the fake client would start yelling at you again. It took the hot tempered guys a long time to realize they were yelling at a recording. The message was passed around the industry and cost the businesses a pretty penny in the end.

I feel hitting the ignore button is always the best reaction. In fact if you feel no anger from a raging fool then you have really won the game. But I also liked the idea of opening a thread on the subject so that if others receive hate email they won't take it out on the site's community.

May 24, 2008, 10:19 AM
No hate mail here either.

May 24, 2008, 10:51 AM
Well i have not recieved any here in the almost 4 years ive been here. And please don't let 1 person run you off the site. There are a many wonderfull people here. Don't judge everyone here buy one person that obviously either leads a lonely life or has other issues.

May 24, 2008, 11:27 AM
I don't know if you have been following my posts in a few other threads on here-but "deseminator2" is simply the same person who has been coming on in the past under many names--just before that-it was "themage" which is a not too bright take off of the original person's name "The Mage"

This person has been coming in and either posting up things on posts he starts or ones already up--he had been coming up with some of his own names but lately-his "MO" is to go through the member lists to find names he likes or whatever--then changes them slightly so everyone thinks its is someone that was liked---the most blatant example of this is when he called him self "flexisexual" which was very close to "flexisexuality" and when he did that----he said that "I am back" trying to make people think he was the original person--he also uses their basic profile info as to location, etc.

This person has a pattern of coming on for several days and doing his "drive by posts" as I call them----all of his stuff is so nasty that Drew deletes his new profiles and postings almost immediately---

As far as the original question is concerned--I have receieved "nasty gram" emails from this person in his various guises.

It has been a few days since the last spate of postings by this person--but just wait---he will be back soon--

So folks----I say to you to please--before posting up knee-jerk responses to the stupid shit postings he puts up----think about it and don't post automatically-either to the ones he puts up under one of his alter egos or into pre-existing threads----he feeds off of the responses to his bile----

If you really pay attention to his patterns--it is very obvious that it is this person back again.

I am glad that Drew is hip to this dude's fuckeupedness and nips his crap in the bud---but I am frustrated that so many of those who post on here have not figured out what this person is up to and continue to respond to him.

As to the original question----I have received some "nasty gram" emails from this person ---most recently as "deseminator2"

May 24, 2008, 12:31 PM
Nope..cant say me has eva received h8 mails in ere... else wer..but thats anotha story. Hav howeva received quite a few givin me a gud bollokin for summa the things me sed in chat..an for summa me posts..but ya havta expect that so bein a big girl now can defend mesel an take responsibility for ne thin that mita upset peeps... don worry me gettin slagged off..ifya put yasel forward its summat ya havta expect occasionally.. sumtimes me gets a lil seethy bout wot peeps say in ther messages but don reely take it personally...cos mostly peeps don mean it personally..they expressin an opinion an thats ok wiv me... jus so long as they don mind the bollokin they mite jus get bak.....:tong:

May 24, 2008, 3:34 PM
I've not received any communications such as this, but I think it was a drunk (or stupid) asshole ... so I'm glad you didn't get it bother you! John

May 25, 2008, 12:30 AM