View Full Version : Three-sum

May 21, 2008, 2:45 PM
I would like to know you opinion on three-sum partners. My hubby and I have had a three-sum before and it was more like a one-time thing. I would rather find someone who can have a relationship type deal with us that way we don't have to keep looking for someone new everytime. So what do you guys think is a one-time deal better than a relationship deal or is that asking to much of another person?

May 21, 2008, 4:41 PM
As far as I'm concerned, there is nothing better than FWB. Friends First always seems to work out better for everyone, IMHO. You don't have to keep looking for someone new every time you (or they) are in the mood for some group fun, you have Friends you can do other things with besides Just sex *Not that there's anything wrong with just sex!!!*, and you can feel Safer with a regular partner in regards to STD's. You already KNOW what the other members of your "group" enjoy and don't have to stumble around each time to figure it out so the sex seems to go smoother and be Much more enjoyable for all involved! Anyway, that's my 2 cents worth. Hope it helps.

May 21, 2008, 6:00 PM
We both say that friends with benefits is much better. If you go for the one night stands you will find plenty of cheating husbands out there that will have sex with anyone that has a pulse. Makes us wonder what a cheat has to offer other than a disease he picked up from his last one nighter. Although he can probably provide really professional cheating and lies.

May 21, 2008, 6:17 PM
Although the intrigue of a threesome suduced me at first when I finally had the experiance with a couple I was left fealing empty inside... Being one who likes intamacy for more than just sex I found that I was always wanting after I left the couple that I had the threesome with... I enjoyed being with them but just could not get excited about the "having fun" part and then running away. They enjoyed the experiance but they had someone to be with when they left.. just a thought for you if you want to experiance the threesome experiance again... remember the heart of all concerned it will make for a stronger experiance next time.

May 21, 2008, 6:49 PM
[QUOTE=heaveng87;102912]I would like to know you opinion on three-sum partners. My hubby and I have had a three-sum before and it was more like a one-time thing. I would rather find someone who can have a relationship type deal with us that way we don't have to keep looking for someone new everytime. So what do you guys think is a one-time deal better than a relationship deal or is that asking to much of another person?[/QUOT

Finding someone and establishing a realtion with one extra person for a threesome is very difficult, but they are there, Unfortunately the majority of this indivudual like to jump from one to next.....Stick to one person be patient and wait til you find it, too dangerous out there and too many diseases by having multiple partners, condoms don't protect you for all diseases there, don't take a chance. Good luck

May 21, 2008, 8:45 PM
I had a threesome once with a friend and his gf of the time.
I felt rather awkward really, like I was almost intruding on their private time, even though I was openly invited by both.

I have had other threesomes before, of the three of us are single and loving it type. But although I didn't feel like I was intruding or anything, I did find the first few times a bit awkward to get the balance right. Someone always seemed to be left out, if only briefly, at any one time.

I would like to get into a proper Triad though, a three-way relationship. I feel if you can find your Mr and/or Miss Right(s) (so yourself + ff, mf, or mm), where you are all happily devoted to one another, even though there is three of you, then yes I think it can work. I admit, finding the other two people would likely be hard. Heck, I find finding just one other person to devote your life to is hard. But I'm a bit of an old, if new-age, romantic at heart, and I shall strive on to find my Mr and Miss Right.
I mean, some cultures these days still have monarchs with harems of partners and lovers on the side.
I believe it is possible, if only because I don't want to believe otherwise.:three::bibounce:

May 31, 2008, 2:48 AM
I've had a 3sum 3 times and none of them were that great. First off I think the couple has to be on the same page and really love and trust each other and want satisfaction for all involved. And it would be better if all three were friends first. That's why I'd be more interested in a 4sum (2 couples). that way we could just swap. I'd like to try it at least once anyway.:bigrin:

May 31, 2008, 9:33 AM
It's not unrealistic to play with the same third partner again. It would be unlikely to find them conveniently on the shelf and at your disposal as your primary relationship klunked its way towards emotional equilibrium. Make a good friend you can call up every now and then, but also be prepared to take their calls every now and then. It's a two way street.

the mage
May 31, 2008, 9:38 AM
Polyamoury is an exciting dangerous game for a couple to play.
It can lead to disaster if you're not really open about desires..
We now have 2 lovers in our lives here and its going very well.

HONEST communication is needed. That is the hard part.