View Full Version : Just want to say...

May 21, 2008, 8:10 AM
I just wanted to say that Ive been on this site for a while now its one of the best Ive ever come across. Everyone here is so nice, most are very polite and even though Ive had some disagreements with others in the past, stepped on toes and once made a couple of people angry with me (Sorry darkeyes!) They have all been good people and nice enough to forgive me when Ive had my head up my ass lol (Thanks darkeyes!) lol I came here very naive and Ive learned much, even about myself.

So a huge thanks to Drew and everyone else on this site!

May 21, 2008, 8:52 AM
I just wanted to say that Ive been on this site for a while now its one of the best Ive ever come across. Everyone here is so nice, most are very polite and even though Ive had some disagreements with others in the past, stepped on toes and once made a couple of people angry with me (Sorry darkeyes!) They have all been good people and nice enough to forgive me when Ive had my head up my ass lol (Thanks darkeyes!) lol I came here very naive and Ive learned much, even about myself.

So a huge thanks to Drew and everyone else on this site!
That wy me toes still so sore??? No wonda me got angry wivya.. don memba eva gettin ratty wiv ne 1..eva!! Dus me allbi??? tee hee. Me nice..an an angel....:tong:

Ne ways..yas very welcum hun...:)

May 21, 2008, 8:54 AM
AWWW that was very nice! :)
I haven't had anyone step on my toes but there is one particular member here who wanted to suck on my baby toe! :eek:
I agree with you, this is a cool site with lots of cool people :cool:

May 21, 2008, 8:57 AM
Me nice..an an angel....:tong:

You forgot TART! LOL!! and a luffly tart indeed!

That was a very nice message...glad to know you've enjoyed your time here! I think we can all learn a lot here if we allow ourselves the chance to do so.


May 21, 2008, 9:03 AM
Miss Three..

Have you been dancing with our Frances again..man I keep telling her NOT to lead. I have done my share of stepping on toes, and to be quite frank....I have gone into debt over all the anti inflamitory toe medication for all the cute piggy toes I have stepped upon.

But one of the wonderous of things about this site is the willingness of the people here to forget when their toes have been stepped upon....and they are smart enough to know to wear steel toe boots when I am around.


May 21, 2008, 9:25 AM
You forgot TART! LOL!! and a luffly tart indeed!

That was a very nice message...glad to know you've enjoyed your time here! I think we can all learn a lot here if we allow ourselves the chance to do so.

oops...def..a luffly luffly tart..how cud me forget that????:eek:

May 21, 2008, 9:48 AM
That wy me toes still so sore??? No wonda me got angry wivya.. don memba eva gettin ratty wiv ne 1..eva!! Dus me allbi??? tee hee. Me nice..an an angel....:tong:

Ne ways..yas very welcum hun...:)
Fran, my dear, you are an enigma.

May 21, 2008, 10:35 AM
You forgot TART! LOL!! and a luffly tart indeed!

That was a very nice message...glad to know you've enjoyed your time here! I think we can all learn a lot here if we allow ourselves the chance to do so.


Hear, hear!!:tong::flag4::flag3::three::cool:

May 21, 2008, 10:37 AM
Miss Three..

Have you been dancing with our Frances again..man I keep telling her NOT to lead. I have done my share of stepping on toes, and to be quite frank....I have gone into debt over all the anti inflamitory toe medication for all the cute piggy toes I have stepped upon.

But one of the wonderous of things about this site is the willingness of the people here to forget when their toes have been stepped upon....and they are smart enough to know to wear steel toe boots when I am around.


What have you been doing in my closet??!?!?!?! :eek::eek::eek:


May 21, 2008, 1:18 PM
Fran, my dear, you are an enigma.

Puzzled....tee hee...:tong:

May 21, 2008, 5:03 PM
Thanks for the kind words, Andyoumake3. There is a good group of people here.

May 21, 2008, 6:17 PM
I agree Honey. We have a fantastic bunch of people here, and I have only had to 'come down on' a couple of them. And there's one that I have been being Very good and patient with, and havent bitten his face off but once in chat! lol Little PITA that he is!..lol
Anyway I am so very glad that you found your way to us, and that you like it here. ;) Please feel free to pop into chat sometime, and getto know us. We are a crazy bunch, but we are fun. :grouphug:

May 21, 2008, 7:29 PM
I am glad that you found us and like it here--we have had our trying times-mainly caused by a few jerks-fortunately with one in particular--the powers that be at this site are on to this person and acts very quickly to stop them from doing too much----I hope that you get to meet some of the people here in the real world at some point if that is your pleasure----and have fun here chatting, etc.

May 21, 2008, 8:36 PM
I agree! While we have all had our toes, stepped, pulled, broken...it's still a great place and I do not know what I would have done without this place when I needed it most. I can't even begin to explain the support I got here and the friends I have made. :bigrin:

shameless agitator
May 21, 2008, 10:08 PM
I agree. This place really feels like family. We have our ups and downs & there have even been a few times when it seemed like the trolls were getting the better of us & I was ready to leave, but they always seem to get bored & sod off eventually. Glad to have you here.

May 21, 2008, 11:25 PM
I haven't been here long either. But I can honestly say that I have made some friends I already cherish. I'm kind of an awkward, shy(well not too much anymore) goofy person, and the people here have made a genuine effort to draw me out of myself. For that, I am forever grateful. It's a confusing, scary world we live in and those who reach out to others really can make a difference in someone's life.

May 22, 2008, 1:29 AM
That wy me toes still so sore??? No wonda me got angry wivya.. don memba eva gettin ratty wiv ne 1..eva!! Dus me allbi??? tee hee. Me nice..an an angel....:tong:

Ne ways..yas very welcum hun...:)

You don't remember which is prolly good then lol lets just say, I was extremely ignorant towards you, you put me in my place, I smartened up and now have a better understanding and a great deal of respect for ya :)

May 22, 2008, 5:29 AM
You don't remember which is prolly good then lol lets just say, I was extremely ignorant towards you, you put me in my place, I smartened up and now have a better understanding and a great deal of respect for ya :)

Hun me don memba it soz...but thats not suprisin... me has a short fuse sumtimes an can get rite shirty wiv peeps... but don hold grudges cos me prefers 2 get on wiv peeps ok...am glad ya feel as ya dus.. sumtimes its nice 2 know that me lil tantrums hav helped an that they not jus tantrums wich serve no useful purpose.... kissie. x:tong: