View Full Version : Working in the sex industry

May 20, 2008, 2:15 PM
OK, serious question and remember this is anonymous:
Who out there has at one time or another worked in the sex industry?
It's something I've personally had contact with and now that my library employment is being potentially restructured, I may need to explore it on a long-term basis .... that is, if I can find a gig.
I'm interested to hear from those who have had contact with the industry directly or indirectly and how they have found the experience. Personally, I imagine there are worse jobs. Maybe many will disagree. But no knee-jerk value judgements, please. I want serious opinions from informed people.

May 20, 2008, 5:23 PM
Are there not sex worker organizations in your area?

May 20, 2008, 6:18 PM
You already are a whore and you'll ALWAYS be one if you pimp yourself for HIV which you will get if you're a whore and sell your body for SEX!

Reaches out and slaps the snot out of you. Shut the fuck up.

The sex industry also involves phone sex and unless you want to try my mother's story of getting mononucleosis from pencils, shut up already.

May 20, 2008, 6:36 PM
I did one scene and two web cam brodcasts for a website. Pay was good, and have had no ill effects from it and that was about 2 years ago. My wife knew I was doing the shoots and supported me in my decision to do so. A few select friends also know about it. Have never had someone come up to me and go.....aren't you so and so from so and so address. Could it come up and bite my ass.....I'm sure it could. Worried about it.....not to much.

And before I get the same whore lecture.....LOL.....The site I worked for did a full blown medical/testing prior to working for them. They have all the "models" tested at their cost. Other then that...it was just the same as fucking around with a "date." Was a little erotic/weird at the same time being filmed with two different cameras and clothed people walking around. LOL

Hope that helped....if any.

May 20, 2008, 8:38 PM
Try the non-contact facets first. . .phone sex. Then work your way toward it.

Phone sex worker seems to be the most flexible and safe way to earn money. I did know of one woman that did do it on the side to make money, she said it was relatively profitable.


May 21, 2008, 8:28 AM
Actually, Taylor, this is true. I know a lot of tgirl friends of mine who have their own 900# set up and advertising on either Craig's List and dirty flyers in bookstores. They even showed me their in takes. I was shocked to see how much they make. They tried to get me to do it but I work nights. But then again, someone out there is horny enough during the day...lol
I wouldn't mind doing it. Hell, I can talk a man out of his clothes over the phone and hear him moan and groan. I have performed some phone sex but didn't do anything for me. I like skin to skin. However, I did it to see if I had it in me. Hmmmmm I just might look into getting my own 900# hot line :eek:

May 21, 2008, 9:19 AM
Think me told this lil cautionary tale in forums before..but 1ce..wen me an me m8s invaded Amsterdam for a fun an rite mucky weekend..me wos approached by sum silly sod in a caff who offered me summat like 500 quid 2 make a movie.. bad move ... ne daft sod who tries that sorta thing wen me m8s r about is askin for trubble... an so the wit an piss takin skills of the bootgirls came 2 the fore..an the poor guy left PDQ wiv doleful look on is face wishin the ground had opened up an swallowed im... nasty evil cows...:tong:

May 21, 2008, 4:09 PM
Actually, Taylor, this is true. I know a lot of tgirl friends of mine who have their own 900# set up and advertising on either Craig's List and dirty flyers in bookstores. They even showed me their in takes. I was shocked to see how much they make. They tried to get me to do it but I work nights. But then again, someone out there is horny enough during the day...lol
I wouldn't mind doing it. Hell, I can talk a man out of his clothes over the phone and hear him moan and groan. I have performed some phone sex but didn't do anything for me. I like skin to skin. However, I did it to see if I had it in me. Hmmmmm I just might look into getting my own 900# hot line :eek:

Heh... "Phone Sex. . .the safest sex work ever. " :p


May 21, 2008, 4:41 PM
Heh... "Phone Sex. . .the safest sex work ever. " :p


... an the mos borin an all....:(

besides..hurts me bootie sprawled ova a lil fone...:tong:

shameless agitator
May 21, 2008, 10:24 PM
I've heard some pretty horrific stories from strippers and streetwalkers I've known over the years. My advice would be that if you are going to get into the industry, to go with phone sex as the others have suggested, or if you do want to get into prostitution, to work in a brothel where there's somebody on standby to ensure your safety. Porn doesn't pose the same physical dangers as some of the other options, but it has the potential to seriously bite you in the ass later. Imagine having your parents/children/grandchildren stumble across it later :eek:

May 21, 2008, 10:52 PM
Is there really such a thing as FREE SEX?
It seems to me it is like everything else. It costs you something.
Sometimes though, it is not only fun, but really worth the price
Usually, it is not filmed, or at least not for all to see.
But, maybe that just makes it even better for some people.
That depends on who does you and what you do and how many who you do.
But, if you do,

I hope you make lots of money and become a porn star.
Wow! I hope I get your autography.
But, I wouldn’t think it a good idea to run for public office.

Phone Sex? Phones are to let me know when to expect the real thing will # & # & # & # & # finally % me until my eyes :crosseye:.

May 22, 2008, 8:36 AM
... an the mos borin an all....:(

besides..hurts me bootie sprawled ova a lil fone...:tong:

Boring, but if done right, it's good coin for minimal risk.

And I think that's what the OP wants.

Though a phone up my snatch isn't comfortable... unless it's on vibrate.:tongue:


May 22, 2008, 9:10 AM
wow, everything you ever wanted to know about how to set up an "adult line"


May 22, 2008, 9:26 AM
wow, everything you ever wanted to know about how to set up an "adult line"


Dayammmmmmm.....had no idea it was so easy to do that! Hmmmmmm...been wanting a new hobby.....been worried about money.....all I need is a good wireless headset and I could start my own business while still cleaning my house and walking my dogs!!! LOL!!!!!! "oooooh baby....yeah baby....sooooo HOT!.....Wait, hold on....'Bosco...Will you please pee and let me get back inside!!!!'.....no...not you, baby!"

Seriously...I had no idea there was such an animal as an actual "How to" guide on the internet....guess where there is a demand, there is an answer! Gee...I need to get out more! I'm wayyyyy too surprised by things like this! LOL!!!


May 22, 2008, 9:44 AM
Dayammmmmmm.....had no idea it was so easy to do that! Hmmmmmm...been wanting a new hobby.....been worried about money.....all I need is a good wireless headset and I could start my own business while still cleaning my house and walking my dogs!!! LOL!!!!!! "oooooh baby....yeah baby....sooooo HOT!.....Wait, hold on....'Bosco...Will you please pee and let me get back inside!!!!'.....no...not you, baby!"

you could specialize in water sports.... :tong:

May 22, 2008, 1:40 PM
wow, everything you ever wanted to know about how to set up an "adult line"


Thanks for the tip, Peg. I checked out the site and unfortunately, it's for those with US numbers... Again, I'm cursed by not being American.