View Full Version : Tattoo My Mound

May 16, 2008, 11:29 PM
I am thinking of getting my pussy pierced and tattooed. I know what I want for a piercing, I want my outer labia done, basicly a ring through my outer pussy lip, up towards the top.

But I also want a tattoo on the other lip and dont know what I want. I have thought about flowers and vines or a long stem rose or maybe the honey pot from whinnie the pooh, with honey spelled hunny and written across the front.

What do you think? Any Ideas?



May 16, 2008, 11:34 PM
Ouch!!!!!!! :bigrin::bigrin:

But hey, if that makes ya happy--go for it!! :tong::tong:

May 17, 2008, 12:19 AM
As one who as been both percied in that area and tattooed my theory is that it must be representive of who you are.... try living as if you have the tat for a while... think about the fact that your life can change directions and that your tat might not repersent a new life style or life desision... as long as you can live throught these choices and still like your tat then you will enjoy it for the rest of your life... In terms of your percing the question is why you are getting the peircing... if you are getting it for astetics only then you will be totally happy with it... If you are wanting to get it fro pleasure then you might want to think about getting your hood peirced for two reasons... 1 they tell me that you can reach orgasm by just walking when you do have one and and two that your partner can place your peircing between their uper lip and gums and have total access to your clit with their toung... there are a few thoughts for your consideration... ask your local peircer and or tat artist if you are right for any of this due to diferent gentics... I'm told that counts... and good luck... P.S. one finally thought if these are your first be ready for the extreem:flag4:

May 17, 2008, 1:10 AM
Ouch!!!!!!! :bigrin::bigrin:

But hey, if that makes ya happy--go for it!! :tong::tong:


Gives anyone an excuse to go sight seeing!! :bigrin:

May 17, 2008, 2:23 AM
My vote's for the hunny pot... Don't get a bearded monkey... saw one in a magazine one... they'd somehow integrated the monkey into the pussy lips... the novelty wears off real fast. I mean, that's like getting Christmas themed novelty Charlie Brown socks tattooed onto your ankles.

Go the Pooh!

May 17, 2008, 2:57 AM
hey, Flo,
I know one woman who has had her pussy pierced. She has 5 rings through her labia from top to bottom. She can urinate o.k. but cant have sex unless the rigs are removed.

As far as that tattoo goes, my suggestion is for you to use a marking pen and draw a type of 'tattoo' on your pussy, and see how you like it or dont like it. It will wash off in a few days, and if you didnt like it you wont be stuck with it, but if you liked it you can then have a tattoo placed there.
good luck!

I am thinking of getting my pussy pierced and tattooed. I know what I want for a piercing, I want my outer labia done, basicly a ring through my outer pussy lip, up towards the top.

But I also want a tattoo on the other lip and dont know what I want. I have thought about flowers and vines or a long stem rose or maybe the honey pot from whinnie the pooh, with honey spelled hunny and written across the front.

What do you think? Any Ideas?



May 17, 2008, 7:31 AM
No thank you. Pass on all counts.

May 17, 2008, 11:12 AM
I found this one to be quite interesting.

May 17, 2008, 11:52 AM
Oh Man! Thats Gotta hurt! lol Made my pee-pee hurt to just Look at it..lol
But if thats what you want hon, go for it.

Eddie altamonte
May 17, 2008, 3:38 PM
I know this might be wierd but how about a kitten...u can show ur pussy...cat to anyone who would appreciate it

May 17, 2008, 6:45 PM
I found this one to be quite interesting.

I wonder what that's gonna look like when she's 80? :eek:

May 18, 2008, 7:20 AM
my wifes tattoo

May 18, 2008, 1:36 PM
I found this one to be quite interesting.

That tattoo is hot!

May 20, 2008, 2:03 AM
Thank You for all of the great ideas and advice. I like to hear what everyone thinks. Its cool to see the how people from different parts of the world (and country) have such different opinions on things.

Anyway, while I admire the butterfly tats, I dont think that would be for me! But I love those pics that were posted, very hot!

Thanks Everyone!!!!

Flo :tong:

May 20, 2008, 3:10 AM
My ex-girlfriend wanted to get peirced again down below. She had her big nips done before we met. So I got her peirced with 3 rings in each outter labia, a vertical curved bar in her clit hood with the larger ball resting constantly right on the head of her clit and then the last was a horrizontal ring in her clit hood. It was great fun to run a pair of fine chains clipped to her nipple rings down thru the clit hood ring, then use them to "lace" her labia rings together with a delicate padlock on the end to keep them all in place!! And talk about an endorphine high!! Had all 6 labial rings done in one sitting and when we walked out (actually I almost had to carry her out cause she was Flying so high) she kept her legs open and kept playing with them all the way home saying "Look, they jingle when I play with them"....and talk about a Wonderful addition to oral....I LOVE the extra toys!!! So if you're seriously thinking of getting genital peircings, I would definately say Go for it!

May 20, 2008, 2:11 PM
Yeah, I've seriously thought about getting my downstairs pierced.
See my thread, 'Tattoos and Piercings'.
I'm really into the idea of drawing inspiration for tattoos from paintings.
Let us know how it all works out, hey?

May 21, 2008, 8:03 AM
Oh hell no freakin way! LOL Im not against tats or piercing, I think both are very sexy, even in that area on "OTHER" people lol but omg that would hurt!

Someone else had said to try drawing a tat like pic and see if you like it first, great idea! They are also completely right about thinking out what you really want to have. That goes for anywhere on your body. What youre into and what you like today may not be what you will want to be looking at in ten years. For instance, my best friend who had "Wheres the beef" Tatood just above her bikini line, now is tired of wearing one piece suits at the beach. She said, it seemed like a good idea at the time. She became a lesbian a couple of years after she had it put on and its a strange tat for a lesbian :) lol So really think out what you want to have before you do it permanently. Also before you get pierced, make sure you get it in a comfy spot, I dont know if they make a clip on sort of ring you can try out down there, but if its not in a comfy spot you might find yourself uncomfy when sitting or walking etc.

Good luck! and hey, dont be shy about showing us the results! hehe

May 21, 2008, 5:37 PM
Talking about getting her mound tatted remnded me of one guy that used to come to this site--he had pics of it on his profile-he had a dragon tattoed on his cock---another big OOOUUUCCHH!!!

I really wonder how such tender areas for both genders are able to be tattooed and not cause some sort of permanent damage!!????

May 21, 2008, 5:58 PM
Just as a follow up to my earlier post on this....just bear in mind that a peircing, no matter Where it is, if you decide later you don't want it anymore, once removed WILL HEAL....Tattoos on the other hand (or Anywhere for that matter), once applied are both Very expensive and VERY PAINFUL to have removed if you later decide you Don't like them anymore! PLEASE keep that in mind when deciding for CERTAIN that you want your genital area tattooed!