View Full Version : If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be??

May 10, 2008, 11:39 PM
I thought it would be fun to see where people fantasize about living. So, where would it be for you and why??

For me it would be Amsterdam, and I think most people know why!

May 11, 2008, 7:49 AM
Me lives ther...don wanna move ta!!! Tho wudn mind a luffly holiday place in Paris an anotha in Tahiti...:bigrin:

May 11, 2008, 11:06 AM
For me, it would be somewhere Warm! Like Frannie said, Tahiti, or the Polynisian islands somewhere. With warm soft sandy beaches, waves lapping against the shore on a secluded area, lots of sun and nothing but quiet, and total relaxation during the day. Oh and dont forget some handsome, hunky, Cabana boy(or pretty girl) to run suntan lotion or lotion allll over my body. mmmmm.

Then an island party at night with exotic foods and drinks, and a myriad of new and erotic people to be around, dancing with, and Possibly play with, as well. :}
Damn, I need to win the lottery! lol

May 11, 2008, 11:12 AM
Something about the Aussie men that I find sexy, appealing, and delicious.
Oh and the country is beautiful as well. :tong:

May 11, 2008, 11:20 AM
Someplace where being naked and having sex is a normal and accepted part of daily life. Someplace where "guilt" isn't one of the driving forces of daily activity.

May 11, 2008, 12:06 PM
Someplace where being naked and having sex is a normal and accepted part of daily life. Someplace where "guilt" isn't one of the driving forces of daily activity.

That's a great place!

There are so many choices, the world is such an amazing place. I would be interested in living in Brooklyn, it's really vibrant. Another place I would really enjoy living would be along the Mediterranean Sea. My ancestors are Italian and I always thought that I would feel something special if I lived there.


weird dream
May 11, 2008, 12:36 PM
what dave said :
"Someplace where being naked and having sex is a normal and accepted part of daily life. Someplace where "guilt" isn't one of the driving forces of daily activity."

i'm in india and being myself is impossible here, i really want tio go live in europe or somewhere where being openly bi is okay - doesnt ahve to be welcomed, but at least tolerated.

May 11, 2008, 12:59 PM
That's a great place!

Another place I would really enjoy living would be along the Mediterranean Sea. My ancestors are Italian and I always thought that I would feel something special if I lived there.

:flag1:Me 2.. prob is not much gud for bein free a guilt...hav a few Italian m8s...they fulla guilt... summat 2 do wiv the way the Catholic church infects everday life... depends me sposes wetha ya believe in Catholic doctrine...

May 11, 2008, 1:11 PM
There is no place in the world like Jerusalem.....

May 11, 2008, 1:16 PM
I would like to find a place that for the most part--has a rather nice climate--with it mostly being warm--and what I would really want--it would be a place that has a sense of history to it---near some body of water whether that water is an ocean--large lake-- or river so I can boat in some form---

I would lilke it to be a place that still has a sense of "the cafe culture" which I mean is a place that has nice little eateries with good food served well, but not commercial----more of a mom and pop sorta of place---and a place that you can take your sweet time eating your meal---and everyone likes to chat and such----

My vision of such a place is in a village in countries like parts of France, Italy, Spain or Portugal or perhaps even Greece.

The overall vibe of the place is laid back---focused more on true enjoyment of life and not being a big huge success and having fancy houses, cars, clothes and crap like that---but simply living a life with enjoyment.

May 11, 2008, 2:44 PM
There is no place in the world like Jerusalem.....

Anyas welcum 2 it Jamie babes... lessen ya means England ... don mind England believe it or not...haffa me family liv ther an even tho they speak funny an wudn wanna liv ther mesel..its a fun laid bak place mostly ifya knows wer 2 go...:bigrin:

May 11, 2008, 3:27 PM
Anywhere except Asia and the Middle East. (although I did want to go to live in South Korea when I was 15 to study Tae Kwon Do)
Personally I like the US, but would be a better place to be if I were rich, this living pay check to pay check sucks.

May 11, 2008, 3:57 PM
Germany, but only Berlin and Weimar

Jutland in Denmark and the southern tip of Sweden have a charm all of their own - plenty of sea air, beaches, sand dunes, and plenty of peace and quiet to hear my soul speak

May 11, 2008, 4:59 PM
I want to live in South Carolina. I want to live somewhat near an ocean and get away from the cold winters here in Iowa. Someday I'd like to visit there and sightsee. :bigrin:

Eddie altamonte
May 11, 2008, 5:09 PM
Ibiza, Spain or Southern Coast of France or Greek Isles

May 11, 2008, 10:27 PM
Key West.

I've been there enough times to know that it's bi-safe.

It's still in the US. :)

Good Weather.

Sunset in Mallory Square.


May 12, 2008, 12:53 AM
i'm happy right where i am!

May 12, 2008, 1:34 AM
Right here in my own little piece of Australia :upside:

Cheers Chook :bigrin:

May 12, 2008, 1:37 AM
I'm pretty happy right where I am, at least for now. But I'd love to have a little cabin in Alaska that I could retreat to for some quiet time.

May 12, 2008, 3:27 AM
I like the weather of where I live now. I think if I were to change it would be to Maine or somewhere in Ireland. I am not certain, but I think they have similar weather.


May 12, 2008, 5:21 AM
Central or South Florida. I just love it there. Oh wait !!!! That is where I live.
Oh well Right here then........LOL

May 12, 2008, 9:39 PM
I want to live in South Carolina. I want to live somewhat near an ocean and get away from the cold winters here in Iowa. Someday I'd like to visit there and sightsee. :bigrin:

Mrs. F I had to laugh. You see everyone is naming such exotic places but you are much more realistic. So I found the perfect song for you

"I got people in Boston, ain't you Daddy still in Des Moines?
We can pack up our bags, tonight let's flip a coin.
Heads Carolina Tails California":


I have thought about this question a lot and I've decide I'll go wherever the hunk in the video goes.

I live in NC to be closer to my parents. If I must be in the US it is a nice here as anywhere else. I love the mountains and the coast being so close. The springs and falls are long and beautiful and everything is lush. While it gets a bit hot in the summer the mountains are a good 10 to 15 degrees cooler. The piedmont and coastal waters are already warm enough for long swims. I just jumped in my favorite swimming hole near my parents, a rock quarry nestled in the woods of a state park. The water is already in the mid to upper 70s. If you can't move out west than the Carolinas, Georgia or Virginia are the next best places the US has to offer. I like cool mountains and warm coastal waters. Florida is too hot and there is no escape.

But I would rather live in Europe, either France, Spain or perhaps Italy. I feel so much freer than in the prudish US. I like the cultures and speak the languages. I liked Australia and would move there if the Aussie hunk I had a one night stand with called me and asked me to. Otherwise Australia is too dry and too far from the rest of the world.

May 12, 2008, 10:07 PM
Gilligan's Island....providing of course that the Professor, Maryanne, and Ginger were part of the deal.;)


May 13, 2008, 7:05 PM

such a tough choice...

1) Canada--no one wants to blow up the cold... besides Canucks
leave everyone the fkk alone (LOL)

2) Alaska--see above, plus they allow a bit of what the OP was thinking...

3) Australia--people like their accents and kangaroo too much to fkk with

May 14, 2008, 3:39 PM
Damn...such a tough choice...

1) Canada--no one wants to blow up the cold... besides Canucks leave everyone the fkk alone (LOL)


righton vitt! cummonnnnnn up :bigrin:

May 14, 2008, 4:24 PM
1) Canada--no one wants to blow up the cold... besides Canucks
leave everyone the fkk alone (LOL)

After posting this question, I showed it to my Wife. She agreed that Amsterdam would be a great place to live,but she also LOVES Vancouver BC and thinks she would like it there more. So, our new official answer to our own question is HIM= Amsterdam HER= Vancouver, BC

***Thank You For All Of Your Great Answers, We Both Read All Of Them And Enjoyed Seeing What Everyone Had To Say!!!!:)

May 14, 2008, 4:34 PM
I too agree with Vitt and Dido with Peg:
No. 1 is Canada where the seasons change and the summers are warm and every spring the flowers pop out along with the short shorts and halter tops. It almost make one think that people really don't like wearing clothes up here. Yea!

My No.2 choice would definitily be New Zealand. Unlike Aussi Land New Zealand is lush with greenery & friendly people with wonderful accents and zero poisnous plants or animals. Yes I said ZERO. The climate and way of life is almost Identical to Canada but on a smaller scale. You can snow ski in the morning going sailing at noon and scuba in the p.m. It is truely wonderful.

Ocasio otoko
May 14, 2008, 11:09 PM
I thought it would be fun to see where people fantasize about living. So, where would it be for you and why??

For me it would be Amsterdam, and I think most people know why!

I'd like to live in Japan, but not in a huge city like Tokyo or Okinawa, or Osaka, rather a midsized city. I like the japanese culture, since they're full of old traditions and new modern customs, which makes for a huge contradiction socially, lol. They have a discipline and respect and spiritualism we seem to lack in the West. And once in their ancient times before the West influenced them, the men were very bisexual.
Also because I'd love to go ice skating and to the hotsprings, then travel south to their tropical beaches in Okinawa. The downside would be that is one of the regions of the world prune to tsunamis, volcanos and earthquakes.