View Full Version : Why do Bi's find it difficult to be with CD's?

May 9, 2008, 2:47 PM
I've always been a CD inside the house and have managed to keep it a secret most of my life, even from two former wives. I don't go out dressed, and never really had the desire to. However, I do like to be with a male that can except a little sexual play by fantasizing with me, and allowing me to carry out my role play, but it seems they are few and far between. Is there a difinite reason why most males can't play or be with a CD, or is it because females are what really drove them to be Bi? Just curious.

mn freak
May 9, 2008, 3:38 PM
Personally, I love the whole rainbow. I would like to try things with a CD/TS/TV.

May 9, 2008, 5:52 PM
I would have no problem with meeting a CD. It would be exciting.

May 9, 2008, 6:28 PM
I wouldn't find it difficult. I could enjoy it.

Oh, I just had the idea that maybe pansexuals might be more likely to play with you when you're CDing than some bisexuals.

or is it because females are what really drove them to be Bi? Just curious.

Good luck with it in the future. :)

May 9, 2008, 6:35 PM
Are you even close to passable? You don't have a picture on your profile so we aren't sure? We are a bi couple and have no problem with a CD, however look in the mirror for the answer to your question. If the mirror presents an offensive image it might be best to find another CD or improve the image. If the mirror presents somewhat more of a desirable image then photograph it and post it for others to see. Most here don't do blind dates.:bipride:

May 9, 2008, 7:11 PM
I would love to try it with a CD sometime!!
My personal opinion!

May 9, 2008, 7:37 PM
Different people are into different things. Find the ones that are into it or write a personal ad.

The CD/femme drag with men dressing in women's clothing doesn't interest me at all; but the whole drag king/butch drag where women dress and pass as men does but I know that most of them are dykes and don't want anything to do with men.

I don't understand what you wrote about "females driving men to be Bi"? What does that mean?

Mr. Magick
May 9, 2008, 8:10 PM
Personally I think Cross Dressers are kinda hot. I tried it myself in my teens, more than 20 years ago, lol. :flag3:

shameless agitator
May 9, 2008, 8:50 PM
I think a CD could make an interesting playmate. As DD said though, not everybody is into the same things. It could be that some of the bi men you're running into have their tastes at far ends of the spectrum. What I mean by that, is they like their men very masculine & their women very feminine. Anything that blurs the line may make them uncomfortable.

May 9, 2008, 9:17 PM
I've always been a CD inside the house and have managed to keep it a secret most of my life, even from two former wives. I don't go out dressed, and never really had the desire to. However, I do like to be with a male that can except a little sexual play by fantasizing with me, and allowing me to carry out my role play, but it seems they are few and far between. Is there a difinite reason why most males can't play or be with a CD, or is it because females are what really drove them to be Bi? Just curious.

Not that I would make any kind of value judgements about guys cross dressing Mystic--but I think it is because I am a bisexual that I don't care much for doing things with guys dressed in women's lingere, etc---with men-I want their masculine nature--not some approximation of a woman--because if I want a body that is wearing something like a bikini top and bottom--that body will be the body of a female---and not a guy---I am simply not turned on at all by a guy dressing as a woman--but I do find transgender men to women to be a different story--that sorta is kinda hot-not that I have yet been with a trans person as yet---
As DD said---it comes down to what "turns ya on" I guess and what one finds to be hot----I am just not personally turned on by a guy crossdressing!!

To each his or her own as it were--and as I said to start this post--I don't make any value judgements about guys CDing--just that I am "not into it!" But if you are--more power to ya and I hope ya find someone to play with!!! :bigrin::bigrin::bigrin:

May 9, 2008, 11:30 PM
Well,I certainly wouldn't have any problem with it...its my ultimate fantasy,and I can't wait!

May 10, 2008, 1:04 AM
I befriended a very nice guy in my area. He is a CD and he really like guys when he is dressed as a girl. His sexual preference is straight when he is in his male mode. But when he is dressed as a CD, it's like a whole different personality emerge even sexual preferences. I wondered about that. But he had a lot of rejection.
I wanted to do something about it because I kind of knew what the problem was. Men who likes CD or TS, wants someone passable. Wants the whole illusion to work. And I just happen to LOVE doing make overs. I love it when I get to make over a genetic woman or a CD or another TS. It's something fun for me (no, nothing sexual). Lately I have been doing a make over with my hair and experimenting. Anyways, being a TS Lady, I know how important to be passable.
I've had older CD telling me because of their age or size, they feel it's too late to play the role. I'm like... "whatever, girlfriend" lol
And boy did I tranform them into something they couldn't recognize.
My CD friend is now enjoying surfing the net and finding guys to play with. Predominatly are bi men ;)
I hope that helps.
Being a full time TS, most men that ask me out are straight. Just for the record...lol

May 10, 2008, 10:29 AM
I've always been a CD inside the house and have managed to keep it a secret most of my life, even from two former wives. I don't go out dressed, and never really had the desire to. However, I do like to be with a male that can except a little sexual play by fantasizing with me, and allowing me to carry out my role play, but it seems they are few and far between. Is there a difinite reason why most males can't play or be with a CD, or is it because females are what really drove them to be Bi? Just curious.

Superficial a it may sound, it would come down to appearance and demeanor. Sexual attraction regardless of either gender is part physical, part mental, part emotional, and to some extent part spiritual (for lack of a better word). A hairy body and bald head dressed in feminine clothing does nothing for me and has about the same effect as a woman with a beard that talks with a voice as deep as mine. I have seen CD’s who would give even the most attractive women I’ve ever dated a run for their money and whose physical demeanor would confuse even the straightest of straight males. I would consider with interest someone that passable…What’s not to like?…by the same token if it was a male that I had a connection than ran deep on many levels…. that wanted to explore the role playing aspect of playing a female...then I would probably indulge him in that fantasy to a limited extent.

One year for Halloween I dressed as a Playboy Bunny. From the backside between my long hair and (then) tight ass, I looked pretty good…..but it ended there I was one very ugly woman…and that was the intent…to shatter that Playboy stereotype. I will admit to make that gender leap was a challenge….and my degree is in Theatrical Arts…but there was a certain eroticism to the role play…what if….I can see why it would be a turn on for some…and a necessary need for others. My intent is not to offend with this post to those that subscribe…but to merely express a personal opinion. LOL I don't think I've jepordized by bi-ness in the process.


May 10, 2008, 10:29 AM
Well--for me---the thing that makes it not something I would be into---I could never pass at all---I have arms and legs that are way, way, too muscular to ever pass as being feminine----it would not be a pretty thing at alll--for me to dress in drag--I would have to do it in a comedic fashion and play it very campy or some such thing----and that would be ok and funny---but trying to actually pull it off---that ain't happenin'--like the late, former governor of Texas---back when they had a good one before George Bush--Ann Richards once said--"That dog don't hunt!!"

I do have a funny story about doing something with a guy dressed in drag---one time when I lived in a particular apartment complex--we had a party put on by the management by our pool--it wound up being a great party---they had a DJ spinning music and he also did karaoke--I know-some people think that karoke is kind of "low brow" but I love to do karaoke--I had been putting in my requests and every so often it was my time to get up and do my thing--like most everyone there--the beer had been flowing good and everyone was "happy" so I was selecting some fun party type songs--like Garth Brooks'--"Friends in Low Places" and songs like that---as it happened---I had chosen that one song about "Trashy Women"--- one neighbor--purely by coincidence--had gone into his place, then came out dressed in drag----

We wound up doing the song as a duet---and it was so much fun---the biggest part of that was that his timing to come out dressed like that was well timed even though not planned---and no--nothing happened between us other than singing the song---I had not yet "discovered" my bisexuality at that point!! LOL

Still --it was a fun little experience---

May 10, 2008, 11:22 PM
We are a bi-cpl and both of us are interested in cd's. We have never followed through on it, but we have talked about how much fun it would be to play with a cd.
We are alot more open than most people but can see how some guys, even gay or bi, may not be into a man in drag.

May 11, 2008, 11:26 AM
For me, it's simple. I just prefer my men to be men. To add to that, I'm generally not terribly attracted to super-feminine women either.

May 11, 2008, 11:55 AM
I have been wondering about this topic in a round about way... I think I have come to a conclusion but could be biased in my way of thought. Most people that come to a bi site are totaly open to "straight sex" in other words sex with the oposite sex in day to day life. They come here hoping to find interaction with the same sex. This is not a sexist thing that they are doing its just a matter of comfort that they have in a stuctured "safe enviroment"... my salution to this delema was to go to "straight" rooms to talk to women and and gay or bi rooms to talk to men... in retrospect this would not be Ideal for you but could help with the thought prosess you are looking for. The one major thing that I got from this website though is that everyone here is very friendly and very suportive/ caring of one another and that is a big plus for all of us in the GBLT comunity.... it was once said that friends are the family that you choose for yourself... and I think that you be able to find that here... good luck and happy hunting:):flag3::)

May 11, 2008, 1:41 PM
There have been lots of interesting and well thought out answers. I would add another possibility. In any encounter, there is the issue of chemistry. I think good chemistry emerges when both people feel good and relatively comfortable in their skins and in the role that they are playing out in any particular encounter.

When I hear a story like Mystic's, I begin to wonder if Mystic was and is so nervous that it turns off their partner, who may have been nervous themselves. Often that nervous can be overcome, but just as often it leads to rejection.

Another issue maybe expectations. If your expectations are that you are going to be meeting someone who is passable and they are not, then that will put you off. On the other hand, if you are a CD who is very feminine and your Bi partner looks and acts too macho or in another way that does not meet your expectations, then it may not work out either.


May 11, 2008, 2:27 PM
Personally, I like CD's anyways... The lines for me is not as simple as man or woman. Drag queens and kings are also attractive as well.

Its about the person both inside and outside, not just the outside that im attracted to... but then im pansexual...

As a few members have also stated that its not their thing, to each their own...

May 11, 2008, 2:35 PM
As others have said before, some of us have no issue with being with CD's, but the chemistry is critical.
We won't just jump into bed with everyone that we meet. The same goes for the CD's that we meet. Some we like and some we don't really care for. It's like everything else that we do, sexually.
Some Bi guys only play with guys one on one, while others only prefer to play with guys when they are with a woman as well; Still others don't care, one way or the other.

All told, it really comes down to personal tastes, prejudices and preferences.

May 11, 2008, 8:37 PM
It could be that some of the bi men you're running into have their tastes at far ends of the spectrum. What I mean by that, is they like their men very masculine & their women very feminine. Anything that blurs the line may make them uncomfortable.

I'm afraid I am an example of the above. I do like my men to be men and my women to be women. I must admit I find the whole CD and trans thing does seem to confuse matter for me.

Not that I have anything against anyone who should choose to live their lives that way, that's purely up to them and I hold nothing against them for it. Heck, living in Brighton I'm surrounded by peoples of all shapes sizes and persuasions, I wouldn't last long if I had any axes to grind with anyone's personal life choices.

Anyhoodle, it is essentially much as most other people have already said, just different horses for different courses.

May 12, 2008, 2:25 PM
First off

Being trans is no different than being male or female- it isnt a matter of understanding it just *is*.

I mean really!

Its not a *choice* anymore than being bi or gay or straight is a choice.

As far as crossdressing goes its hard what to say compells people to crossdress, as there are a variety of different reasons.

I know several crossdressers who would give anything to be female (or male) but because of spouses and/or children resist transition. This is a way that they can cope with the anxiety of being born the wrong sex and still face daily life as their designated gender.

Others crossdress as sexual play (or fetish.)

Would I be with a crossdresser or transperson? I have in the past, it depends on the crossdresser or the transperson. As it would with anyone Male , female or other.

May 12, 2008, 4:35 PM
I'll second Marie's comment that being trans is definitely NOT a choice. My preference would to have been born a female. Since that wasn't possible, my second choice would be to have been born a non-transsexual male. But nobody asks us, we're just born how we are, and I was born female in a male body. This has screwed me up in ways I am only now starting to realize, but NOTHING about the transition I am currently engaged in feels like a choice -- it feels like the only way to remain sane and healthy at all.

I can also back Marie up on the fact that there are lots of reasons why people cross dress. Personally, I do it less than my therapist would like, and almost never publicly, but when I do, it is an exercise in bringing my presentation more in line with my inner sense of self. This tends to be what most transsexuals get out of cross-dressing.

Other people do it for sex play, as a sexual fetish, for self-expression, or for other reasons.

As a bisexual how do I feel about it? Well, I tend to focus more on the person than on their sexual tastes, fetishes, and so on. So while cross-dressing doesn't "turn me on" (either when I do it, or when somebody else does), hearing that a partner or potential partner liked to cross-dress wouldn't be a deal-killer for me, either.

What hearing that would do, though, given my personal experience, is make me scrutinize that person carefully for deeper gender issues. I would not want to enter a serious relationship with an understanding that somebody is comfortable with their gender, and then discover after several years that they are in fact transsexual and want to transition. It may be selfish of me, but I think that living through one transition in my life may be all I can take.

My :2cents:,

May 13, 2008, 2:29 PM
I've always been a CD inside the house and have managed to keep it a secret most of my life, even from two former wives. I don't go out dressed, and never really had the desire to. However, I do like to be with a male that can except a little sexual play by fantasizing with me, and allowing me to carry out my role play, but it seems they are few and far between. Is there a difinite reason why most males can't play or be with a CD, or is it because females are what really drove them to be Bi? Just curious.

I have no problems with a CD, or any other fetishes people may have.
Exploration is an endless journey.

Good luck

May 13, 2008, 3:08 PM
Cross dressing for some is a way of life, and for others its a sexual fantasy.. for some still its a transitiioning phase...

Correct me if I'm wrong but the thread was meant to be about why cant bisexual people be with cross dressers.

Some people cant understand why a man wears womens clothing, or why women wears mens clothes... Each to their own....

Being transgendered for some, might, just might, start from wearing the opposites clothes...( They soon realise that cross dressing isnt for them and want to start transitioning to the other gender) However not all cross dressers are transgendered... There is a line... Not all transgendered people are cross dressers.

Being transgendered for me, and being a cross dresser may apear to be similar but its not. In my time i've known some straight cross dressers, and some bisexual ones to.


weird dream
May 15, 2008, 8:30 AM
Though I'm not a cd in - edit - real life - edit - outside the house, I become one with the right person and in private... would love to be one in the right place and setting outside...I actually feel feminine, laid back, and sexy.

Some guys online have expressed disgust, some have loved it..I think the guys that like it do like the idea of a man acting like a woman - not campy, but with care, affection and some desire for your partner's satisfaction. And the feeling of having someone who seems vullnerable. The guys who don't, seem to thing its 'not right' - perhaps they get turned off by the denial of manhood, perhaps it seems too campy, perhaps they find women more attractive than a cd - in the sense that a a cd may not be able to pass off as a woman completely but rather, is somewhat 'halfway'.

anyway, thats my two bits..


May 15, 2008, 9:53 PM
The biggest problem in being with a CD, is finding a CD to be with. I have often dreamed of being with a CD and treating her as a lady. And even turning the tables and being the lady myself has been a thought.

May 16, 2008, 12:31 AM
For me, all connection begins and ends by what I see when I look through the windows.

Because I believe that all men and women are both women and men (or have been) one good look into their eyes can tell me who they are in this moment, or today, or this month.

I have discovered that AS I LEARN about the androgenous <sp?> nature of my own spirit, I have discovered that I can, in kind, recognize and relate to others who feel more comfortable expressing another side of their own spirit.

For me, it's all about recognizing that the bodies we all have are just that. Bodies. Love and genuine attraction comes in the form of lusting over bodies, or connection to another spirit, or just the ability to share with another and celebrate the commonality of shared perspective.


May 16, 2008, 1:12 AM
I don't understand what you wrote about "females driving men to be Bi"? What does that mean?

I have to ask that myself..exactly what do you mean by that? Do you really think that bisexual men choose their sexuality because a woman "drove" them to it? You might want to explore that rationale a bit for your own self discovery. I mean...I might be wrong, but you seem to have a warped interpretation of what being bisexual really means. If that is how you view bisexual men, then there may be a deeper problem than just finding a willing partner. I don't mean that in a sarcastic or demeaning way...please don't get me wrong, but I'm sensing a bit of denial here. Looks more like you need to discover who and what you really are. Do you not consider yourself bisexual? Do you think that merely because you want sex with men dressed as a female, that you are not still a man wanting sex with a man? I am well aware that many cross dressers are indeed heterosexual, but if you have a desire to have sex with men, then you are more than just a cross dresser....you are bisexual. If you choose to identify as a female while having sex with men, then it may go deeper than just a sexual attraction...it could be a gender identity issue.


May 16, 2008, 9:11 AM
I have to ask that myself..exactly what do you mean by that? Do you really think that bisexual men choose their sexuality because a woman "drove" them to it? You might want to explore that rationale a bit for your own self discovery. I mean...I might be wrong, but you seem to have a warped interpretation of what being bisexual really means. If that is how you view bisexual men, then there may be a deeper problem than just finding a willing partner. I don't mean that in a sarcastic or demeaning way...please don't get me wrong, but I'm sensing a bit of denial here. Looks more like you need to discover who and what you really are. Do you not consider yourself bisexual? Do you think that merely because you want sex with men dressed as a female, that you are not still a man wanting sex with a man? I am well aware that many cross dressers are indeed heterosexual, but if you have a desire to have sex with men, then you are more than just a cross dresser....you are bisexual. If you choose to identify as a female while having sex with men, then it may go deeper than just a sexual attraction...it could be a gender identity issue.


yeah, what she said.

Personally, I find it much more difficult to be with a non coffee drinker.

May 16, 2008, 9:18 AM
Personally, I find it much more difficult to be with a non coffee drinker.

Lol. More of a tea man myself, but I do like a nice latte. Can't start a working day without my milky caffeine fix these days. :bigrin::offtopic:

May 16, 2008, 3:10 PM
I have to ask that myself..exactly what do you mean by that? Do you really think that bisexual men choose their sexuality because a woman "drove" them to it? You might want to explore that rationale a bit for your own self discovery. I mean...I might be wrong, but you seem to have a warped interpretation of what being bisexual really means. If that is how you view bisexual men, then there may be a deeper problem than just finding a willing partner. I don't mean that in a sarcastic or demeaning way...please don't get me wrong, but I'm sensing a bit of denial here. Looks more like you need to discover who and what you really are. Do you not consider yourself bisexual? Do you think that merely because you want sex with men dressed as a female, that you are not still a man wanting sex with a man? I am well aware that many cross dressers are indeed heterosexual, but if you have a desire to have sex with men, then you are more than just a cross dresser....you are bisexual. If you choose to identify as a female while having sex with men, then it may go deeper than just a sexual attraction...it could be a gender identity issue.


Kate, I don't claim to know what Mystic was talking about there, and he hasn't yet responded to clarify, but without thinking much about it, I just assumed he meant by "females driving them to be bi" that the person started off identifying primarily as homosexual, but then their interest in females drove them to explore bisexuality. As opposed to starting off identifying as straight, and then having an interest in males spark that exploration. Again, I could be completely wrong, it's just how I read it. If I'm right, then I don't see that as a warped notion of bisexuality.

As far as exploring whether this is a gender identity issue, my advice to Mystic is to focus on whether he considers himself, or identifies primarily as, male or female. If he identifies strongly as male, but enjoys cross-dressing as a sexual kink, either with men and/or women, that does not sound to me like a gender identity issue. But if he identifies as a woman, or feels more comfortable being thought of as a woman during sex, then there could be a gender identity issue to unravel.


May 16, 2008, 4:28 PM
Thanks, TM...that does clarify a bit....I guess as a woman, I take offense to the notion that bisexual men get driven to it by women because I am a woman married to a bisexual man! LOL!! I hardly think I had anything to do with it and if that were the case, then I think I would not still be married after almost 28 years, and happily so, I might add! LOL! Seriously, it is difficult enough to accept and embrace my husband's sexuality and fight the many fears of sexual inadequacy that I have felt throughout the years without having someone suggest that my gender has caused it. I think it is important for bisexuals to realize that many times the harsh reactions a spouse may have when faced with that information is based on fear and not repulsion...fear that you will never be enough for them and that they will always be seeking something else to satisfy those feelings of attraction to the same sex. At the same time, all the bisexual spouse may want is a chance to live a life without living a lie and can be very happy within the confines of the marriage. It has taken many years of open communication and true honesty to get where we are today and I do believe that we are proof that communication, along with a very active imagination can lead to a very happy marriage.

So excuse me if I took off on a tangent...just felt a need to explain why that comment sent up so many red flags for me.


May 16, 2008, 7:57 PM
I think it is important for bisexuals to realize that many times the harsh reactions a spouse may have when faced with that information is based on fear and not repulsion...fear that you will never be enough for them and that they will always be seeking something else to satisfy those feelings of attraction to the same sex. At the same time, all the bisexual spouse may want is a chance to live a life without living a lie and can be very happy within the confines of the marriage.

Well gosh, if you are ever feeling sexually inadequate I would HOPE that you would call me, because then I could come and have sex with you both and give you an honest evaluation. =)

Just trying to be helpful



May 16, 2008, 10:47 PM
Well first off I am a 61 year old returning bi curious closet CD'er who has done it since a teen, I can't pass but enjoy wearing the clothes as well as being turned on by others either CD'ing or TG's,TS. I was married till my wife's passing and she knew of my CD'ing and was not accepting of it. I have come more to my bi side now as I age and found this site hoping to find some answers. The thing I have seen is there is just as much prejudice in the gay world as in the so called straight world...my conclusion is do your own thing and just be honest and safe and don't hurt others. Just like Baskin-Robbins 31 different flavors so is Life!!!!

May 18, 2008, 9:06 AM
Hi all,

Very new so please be gentle with me lol.... It has to be personal preference and whatever suits you is ok.. Half of my limited bi experience was with a CD and as it happens initially also very enjoyable...

I have no problem with it personally and "never say never", if the circumstances were right might even indulge myself. Depending on if the other party wanted convincing or not.. I think being a late starter to the bi experiennce and having had years of sexual suppression I supposse it made it easier for me to enjoy the sexual experience with another that was definately male but proporting to be female... think its that stockings and heel thing..

Who knows when my sexuality develops and I know for sure that I consider myself truly bi sexual, The CD thing may take on a different view for me...

Hope that makes some sense it does to me... maybe bi's dont have trouble being with CD's you just have to find the right ones as with everything in life..

May 18, 2008, 7:36 PM
I've always been a CD inside the house and have managed to keep it a secret most of my life, even from two former wives. I don't go out dressed, and never really had the desire to. However, I do like to be with a male that can except a little sexual play by fantasizing with me, and allowing me to carry out my role play, but it seems they are few and far between. Is there a difinite reason why most males can't play or be with a CD, or is it because females are what really drove them to be Bi? Just curious. I guess the last sentence does need a little clarification>>> In my case my former wives could never understand why I wanted to wear female clothes and make love to them. They thought it was not right and would not allow me to do it. I had a male companion that was quite close so I decided to confide in him, and explained my desires of dressing as a woman and love making. He said he would be more than happy to let me dress as a woman and make love to him. It didn't take long for me to make up my mind and the rest was history. So I guess you could say my wives drove me away and I have been divorced for 30 years now. The other part of the sentence is why bi males can't play with or be with a CD is still a mystery, since I still find it hard to find Bi males that are into a little fantasy. I can understand why many males just want the pure feel of a man. Still confused as ever...Mystic

Sep 5, 2008, 8:52 AM
All bi-males don't find it difficult to be with CDs. I'm bi and am turned on by CDs, there are so few that I have ever come in contact with, only no pass type. There may be a little CD in me , I enjoy wearing panties. I'm total turned on bi CD gurly's


Sep 5, 2008, 11:15 AM
i personally dont mind :tong:

u get best of both worlds then huh :)

Sep 5, 2008, 11:42 AM
I guess there might be a difference between CD's and passable T's. I LOVE Tgurls. I'm obsessed with one here in Minneapolis who is in a band. Great question as to why I find one so incredibly hot and the other not so much. Although I'm attracted to metrosexual guys but not super affeminate guys so I guess that might be another psychological inquiry!

Sep 5, 2008, 12:10 PM
Personally, I enjoy being with CDs for sex (I'm CD myself) more than with other men. I can really, so to speak, let my hair down with another CD. That doesn't mean I don't like to undress and enjoy sex with a man who isn't CD. I agree with someone on top of this post who says the biggest problem is finding another CD. On that score, the last CD man I met and enjoyed sex with was a younger guy I met in a Wal-Mart shopping for hose in the women's department.

Sep 5, 2008, 12:11 PM
I have no problems with CD's. Even do it a bit myself.

Sep 5, 2008, 1:06 PM
loves x dresser love MarieDelta no issues its personality of anyone no matter what they do that is my issue.

Sep 5, 2008, 1:26 PM
When I was in college, we had a Halloween Party. I had a full beard, but nonetheless I dressed in a short leather skirt, fishnet stockings, 2 inch heels and transparent blouse and two balloons with the ends (you know the area of the balloon opposite from where you blow it up that looks a little like a nipple?)painted with red nail polish to highlight my "nipples". My girlfriend did my makeup - lipstick and a little rouge on my cheeks above my beard but she did a great job on my eyes. My finger and toe nails were a matching red. I was a bearded hooker.

Every time I sat down, my friends (and the party was a small one - I knew and was friends with everyone - no strangers) would get up and move away from me. In retrospect I think it was because I presented a confusing gender identity. Some aspects of my appearance were decidedly feminine and some were definitely male. The ambiguity of my appearance made them uncomfortable.

So based on that experience, my hypothesis is that a cross-dressed man who can achieve the most feminine appearance will cause less anxiety in other men. The greater the ambiguity of appearance, the more anxiety in other men and also women, I think. It is the degree of being an unresolvable dilemma that causes rejection (if that makes any sense).

Just a few thoughts.


Sep 5, 2008, 4:30 PM
My husband and I are searching for a guy to be with that doesn't mind cross dressing. My husband is not passalble and it's usually only done in the bedroom (perhaps for his own thrill he'll wear stuff under his clothes during the day). Sadly, we've had only a few responses. But out of those something might actually happen.

Sep 5, 2008, 6:59 PM
I love 'em!

Sep 9, 2008, 12:08 AM
For me it would be fun, it,s great when sex is playful

the term often used is "fooling around"

I can see defenite possibilities in opening my mind to that

great thread!

Aug 9, 2009, 9:14 PM
i am constantly being hit on bi and bi curious men.it always flatters me,i agree that posting pics are very important in helping meet others who are into this.i have never met a bi man that isnt into a crossdresser like me. i wish you all best and may sll your dreams in life come true, hugs,kristy

Aug 9, 2009, 10:03 PM
My roommate in college was one of the prettiest boys I ever saw. He would get so aroused when I'd buy bikini panties for him. We borrowed some clothes from a neighbor lady one time and he looked even better as a girl. He was slightly chubby and it took little effort to give him cleavage. He had a great ass and in tight fitting petal pushers......he was a knock-out! But, I could not entice him to go out in public dressed as a female. He was not convinced that he looked good enough to pass for a girl. But, you can take my word for it, he was delicious.....as either gender!

I certainly would not have had any problem being with him, anywhere!

roy m cox
Aug 10, 2009, 5:06 AM
oh i love Cross dressing ever since my child hood , id get in to my mothers dresser and would wear some of her clothing like her pantie hose or a skirt
or some of the dresses and or tights that she had funny thing is i was being sneaky about it or so i thinking but she knew but never got mad at me ,,

today with my cur-int boy friend he love it that i cross dress he even like doing it him self he's gay and a wonderful mate i am getting him to wear bikinis he was always wearing boxers till he started dating me now he's going wild at it wearing slinky stuff like me even perfume i love wearing it he got a good whiff of me wearing it and went nuts on me ..

and hear im 100 o/o BI :bipride::bipride::bipride:

i hope every one hear can find some one like i did , :flag4:

Aug 10, 2009, 10:35 AM
oh i love Cross dressing ever since my child hood , id get in to my mothers dresser and would wear some of her clothing like her pantie hose or a skirt
or some of the dresses and or tights that she had funny thing is i was being sneaky about it or so i thinking but she knew but never got mad at me ,,

today with my cur-int boy friend he love it that i cross dress he even like doing it him self he's gay and a wonderful mate i am getting him to wear bikinis he was always wearing boxers till he started dating me now he's going wild at it wearing slinky stuff like me even perfume i love wearing it he got a good whiff of me wearing it and went nuts on me ..

and hear im 100 o/o BI :bipride::bipride::bipride:

i hope every one hear can find some one like i did , :flag4:

Awwww... tis brings a tear to my eyes- :bigrin:


Actuarly- and someone please correct me if i'm either wrong or misguided- but I find that if a man or woman can cross dress that just adds to the mystery of who they are. I wish more individuals would blur the line a bit more- I have no problems whatsoever with men wishing to wear skirts-makeup-or role plays, or even women who dress up like men.

It brings me such utter joy and delight.

I wish i attracted more men and women who blurred the gender sterotypical lines a bit more.


Aug 10, 2009, 11:48 AM
I'll simply echo what at least one other has said: I have no problems with crossdressing in and of itself, but it depends on what the guy looks like. If I wouldn't find him attractive in regular clothes, I crossdressing wouldn't help.

There was one local guy who lived only a few blocks from me that crossdressed. I bumped into him via the Yahoo Groups and he had a picture of himself in a dress with high heels and he was HOT! I really made an effort to get with him but he was a bit too nervous about himself, I think. He didn't enjoy his fetish for too long and it was only a couple months before he deleted his Yahoo profile.

Apr 6, 2010, 3:00 PM
I would absolutely LOVE to find a CD to be with and help loosen my inhibitions. I find a CD very sexy and fascinating. I want to be with a gurl that loves to CD and engage in kissing etc, IMO there is nothing to be shy about!:bipride:

Apr 6, 2010, 3:04 PM
I would absolutely LOVE to find a CD to be with and help loosen my inhibitions. I find a CD very sexy and fascinating. I want to be with a gurl that loves to CD and engage in kissing etc, IMO there is nothing to be shy about!:bipride:

I couldn't agree more. I would love to date,meet, make love to a cd. I find them very hot!

Apr 7, 2010, 8:12 AM
I've been a cd all my life, well since 4 or 5. I'm now 37. I started xperimenting around 26, and i've never had a prob with a bi-guy. They come on easy when I go out as a lady. I find them more envious of me. As for the sexuality, its more fun than being with a woman and more satisfying.