View Full Version : In honor of our "dearly departed ;)"

May 5, 2008, 9:02 AM
In honor of our "dearly departed" person who has been bombing our site with negativity, I found this youtube vid from Dave Chappelle concerning a topic he/she /it loved to mention ....

If you are offended, its Dave Chappelle for goodness sake, you know its going to be off kilter... but I thought it was interesting



May 5, 2008, 11:00 AM
Dave Chappelle is funny--I kinda wish he had not "retired" and gave up his Comedy Central TV show----but that means he is back home in the village of Yellow Springs, Ohio which is not far from me and I like to spend time there soaking in the "laid back and liberal vibes, man" and if ya spend some time in town---every so often you will find him chilin' in one of the cool stores in the town or at an eatery---

I know for the sake of his comedy, he talked about people fucking monkeys but I don't think that people ever did "do it" with monkeys----the transmission came thanks to people eating monkeys and other primates in the bush that were eaten raw or undercooked---and the amount of such animals being used as food is now threatening many primate species with extinction--which to me is a sad thing----and it also speaks to the dire economic situation the peoples in places like Africa and Asia face that they have to rely on monkeys and apes as a food source. I sorta feel that eating monkeys and great apes is almost a form of cannibalism since we are so closely related to them.

I guess the apes got us back for eating them---they gave us a deadly disease that we transmit to each other by doing one of our favorite things---having sex---God does have a sense of humor!!

May 5, 2008, 10:43 PM
Dave Chappelle is funny--I kinda wish he had not "retired" and gave up his Comedy Central TV show----but that means he is back home in the village of Yellow Springs, Ohio which is not far from me and I like to spend time there soaking in the "laid back and liberal vibes, man" and if ya spend some time in town---every so often you will find him chilin' in one of the cool stores in the town or at an eatery---

I know for the sake of his comedy, he talked about people fucking monkeys but I don't think that people ever did "do it" with monkeys----the transmission came thanks to people eating monkeys and other primates in the bush that were eaten raw or undercooked---and the amount of such animals being used as food is now threatening many primate species with extinction--which to me is a sad thing----and it also speaks to the dire economic situation the peoples in places like Africa and Asia face that they have to rely on monkeys and apes as a food source. I sorta feel that eating monkeys and great apes is almost a form of cannibalism since we are so closely related to them.

I guess the apes got us back for eating them---they gave us a deadly disease that we transmit to each other by doing one of our favorite things---having sex---God does have a sense of humor!!

I see the seriousness of the issue but not the humor. Rather, I see the science that underlies AIDS and allows me to understand the issue and others to do something about the problem. A god that thought that was funny would not be on my "worship list".

May 6, 2008, 1:49 AM
Shouldn't we refer to he/she/it as the "dearly deported"?

May 6, 2008, 11:46 AM
Shouldn't we refer to he/she/it as the "dearly deported"?

Only for now--I am sure--like Ahhhhnoolllddd said----this person will "Beeeeee bahhhhaaaak!!"

To JEM--sorry that I offended you with my gallows humor about "God having a sense of humor"--it was something I picked up in my years as a probation officer--someone at the first department I had worked at with a rather interesting sense of humor started me and my fellow officers out on that---and it seemed that this notion sorta became one of those things that is common in that line of work--it was sort of a joke amongst we probation officers, the cops, prosecutors, social workers, drug rehab counselors, etc. that we all seemed to have.

I guess when you are faced with some overwhelming and seemingly hopeless situations such as what you deal with day after day in that line of work--- you have to come up with some kind of coping mechanisms---and that dark sense of humor is one of them--sorta like "if you can't laugh about it--then all you will do is cry about it!!"

That sentiment of "God having a sense of humor" was not limited to that first department I worked at---I found it when I went to work at the department in Ohio too---

The one thing that we always marveled at---at how we all had these young women on our case loads----many different faces--but almost the same story over and over again----they would be in age from around 18 to the early 20s--and already have a brood of kids---usually by a rogues gallery of different "daddies" -- for some of the kids--the mom would not really be too sure as to who the daddies were unless Child Services had made her do a paternity test so they would know who to try to make pay child support.

We would send these women to family planning sessions--all to no avail---over the course of what could be a probationary period of up to five years-----these gals would always be preggers----pop one out---and within a few months--you start to notice the "belly bump" again.

One day when chatting with a fellow male officer at my Florida office---we were both exasperated with some of our "clients" who were like this----he talked about how he and his wife had been trying for a few years to get pregnant --they were doing rounds of in vitro and such--all to no avail.
This was a common story that I found too--all of these well adjusted, reasonably well off financially middle class people who so desperately wanted to have children but for whatever reason--could not---while those people we dealt with---living lives that had almost no good qualities to them at all, could have children at the proverbial drop of a hat!!!

He made the comment to the effect of "jeez---my wife and I are decent people and we can't get pregnant but these drugged out skanks who should not be allowed to have kids get preggers if they get within 500 feet of a hard dick!! Larry is right---God has some sense of humor!!"

Talking about AIDS--a few years back----I was watching some comedian do a stand up routine on HBO or some such channel ( I think it might have been George Carlin--it sounds like something he would say) and he got into a section where he talked about how God came up with this "perfect" way to kill us--God gave us AIDS -- a disease that we get doing the one thing we love to do and that so many people can't help from doing in an often unsafe way even if they know that doing so might kill them-- we have sex--and he said something along the lines that "God has a sense of humor" so that was not my original idea--

I am not really apologizing for saying what I did--for I do believe that God, if "he" really does exist, really does seem to like irony and that is a kind of God I can like---but I am sorry that the comment offended you or anyone else.

May 6, 2008, 6:47 PM
Gallows humour can be rough to take, and easily misunderstood.

Having worked in a hospital for many years, NEVER, EVER sit with the operating room folks for lunch. <shudders>

And thanks guys, I just spent 45 minutes watching Dave.

May 7, 2008, 12:40 AM
Only for now--I am sure--like Ahhhhnoolllddd said----this person will "Beeeeee bahhhhaaaak!!"

To JEM--sorry that I offended you with my gallows humor about "God having a sense of humor"--it was something I picked up in my years as a probation officer--someone at the first department I had worked at with a rather interesting sense of humor started me and my fellow officers out on that---and it seemed that this notion sorta became one of those things that is common in that line of work--it was sort of a joke amongst we probation officers, the cops, prosecutors, social workers, drug rehab counselors, etc. that we all seemed to have.

I guess when you are faced with some overwhelming and seemingly hopeless situations such as what you deal with day after day in that line of work--- you have to come up with some kind of coping mechanisms---and that dark sense of humor is one of them--sorta like "if you can't laugh about it--then all you will do is cry about it!!"

That sentiment of "God having a sense of humor" was not limited to that first department I worked at---I found it when I went to work at the department in Ohio too---

The one thing that we always marveled at---at how we all had these young women on our case loads----many different faces--but almost the same story over and over again----they would be in age from around 18 to the early 20s--and already have a brood of kids---usually by a rogues gallery of different "daddies" -- for some of the kids--the mom would not really be too sure as to who the daddies were unless Child Services had made her do a paternity test so they would know who to try to make pay child support.

We would send these women to family planning sessions--all to no avail---over the course of what could be a probationary period of up to five years-----these gals would always be preggers----pop one out---and within a few months--you start to notice the "belly bump" again.

One day when chatting with a fellow male officer at my Florida office---we were both exasperated with some of our "clients" who were like this----he talked about how he and his wife had been trying for a few years to get pregnant --they were doing rounds of in vitro and such--all to no avail.
This was a common story that I found too--all of these well adjusted, reasonably well off financially middle class people who so desperately wanted to have children but for whatever reason--could not---while those people we dealt with---living lives that had almost no good qualities to them at all, could have children at the proverbial drop of a hat!!!

He made the comment to the effect of "jeez---my wife and I are decent people and we can't get pregnant but these drugged out skanks who should not be allowed to have kids get preggers if they get within 500 feet of a hard dick!! Larry is right---God has some sense of humor!!"

Talking about AIDS--a few years back----I was watching some comedian do a stand up routine on HBO or some such channel ( I think it might have been George Carlin--it sounds like something he would say) and he got into a section where he talked about how God came up with this "perfect" way to kill us--God gave us AIDS -- a disease that we get doing the one thing we love to do and that so many people can't help from doing in an often unsafe way even if they know that doing so might kill them-- we have sex--and he said something along the lines that "God has a sense of humor" so that was not my original idea--

I am not really apologizing for saying what I did--for I do believe that God, if "he" really does exist, really does seem to like irony and that is a kind of God I can like---but I am sorry that the comment offended you or anyone else.

Sorry, I got a little too serious about it. I should have taken from it what you intended it to say.
Although, I still disagree with some of that.

May 7, 2008, 12:54 AM
No problem JEM--we are not gonna agree on everything here--at least we can come to agree to disagree on some things and not get all bent out of shape about it--I just decided to try to clairify my comment---and to do so--I had to explain where I got my sense of humor in regards to this subject---and some of the background of why I said what I had said---on looking back at what I said in the post---- on the face of it--I could see how people could take it wrong and get PO'ed about it---it is also that I have a contrarian view on a number of things--religion being one of them---I have not qute made my mind up about the existence of God--I waiver between thinking "he" does exist and other times--I think --"naw--we are in this all alone and it's totally crazy to think otherwise!"