View Full Version : The Site is Under Attack

May 4, 2008, 11:26 PM
In case no one has noticed--this site is definitely "under attack" by what has to be a very mentally disturbed individual----who is obsessing on this site for whatever reason----

I don't know what we as the members of this site can do other than to bring the offending posts of each of the ever increasing number of personalities that the posts have been generated by to the powers that be at this site.

I do know this--please people--before you go and simply make responses to willy-nilly to the postings made by this person---and if you really look at these postings with not much more than a casual glance---it is obvious that they have been posted by the same person---so please!!!!!! Be descerning and not just post up any responses to the posts this person does---it only is like feeding gasoline to a 3-alarm fire!!

Don't Do It!!

I do hope that the owners of this site are aware their property is under attack and they take the appropriate action---action that I would assume would not be criminal in nature--but certainly civil and suing someone can be a good way to get their attention to "cease and desist!"

This situation is most likely going to take awhile to be resolved and we are going to have to endure this "storm" because it does seem--the person responsible is definitely focusing so much of his time and energy to make his attacks----I say just hang in there and once again-----

Don't respond to the crazy postings that this person is so intent on putting up!!!

May 4, 2008, 11:31 PM
Never mind. Lord I am blind sometimes.


May 4, 2008, 11:35 PM
In case no one has noticed--this site is definitely "under attack" by what has to be a very mentally disturbed individual----who is obsessing on this site for whatever reason----

I don't know what we as the members of this site can do other than to bring the offending posts of each of the ever increasing number of personalities that the posts have been generated by to the powers that be at this site.

I do know this--please people--before you go and simply make responses to willy-nilly to the postings made by this person---and if you really look at these postings with not much more than a casual glance---it is obvious that they have been posted by the same person---so please!!!!!! Be descerning and not just post up any responses to the posts this person does---it only is like feeding gasoline to a 3-alarm fire!!

Don't Do It!!

I do hope that the owners of this site are aware their property is under attack and they take the appropriate action---action that I would assume would not be criminal in nature--but certainly civil and suing someone can be a good way to get their attention to "cease and desist!"

This situation is most likely going to take awhile to be resolved and we are going to have to endure this "storm" because it does seem--the person responsible is definitely focusing so much of his time and energy to make his attacks----I say just hang in there and once again-----

Don't respond to the crazy postings that this person is so intent on putting up!!!

I totally agree!

May 4, 2008, 11:56 PM
Relax! This person is just a minor annoyance. Just remember, when you logout and go have some good times, this person will still be carrying a dark cloud around with them, wherever they go. Why, share in their suffering? Most of us, hope we are a source of understanding for others like us. So, I hope, somehow, this person is eventually happy and more tolerant of others.

May 4, 2008, 11:58 PM
I agree with 12 volts. Mum is the word.

May 5, 2008, 6:22 AM
Im very trusting..with a lack of common sense..i have mistaken our trolls for people with differnt views and feelings. Sorry folks!
Another forum im on they ban the IP address as well as the email address which mostly keeps the crazies out.

May 5, 2008, 7:00 AM
Im very trusting..with a lack of common sense..i have mistaken our trolls for people with differnt views and feelings. Sorry folks!
Another forum im on they ban the IP address as well as the email address which mostly keeps the crazies out.

Drew is a very busy man of that I have no doubt. One thing that should be clear is that he DOES care about this site, despite the antics and shenanigans of the few that seem bent on creating chaos and disruption. The person in question is still among us and I’m sure will only be able to contain his mischief for a short duration. Many of us already know who he is and as Volty has mentioned, it’s best to not respond to anything this individual posts. Too bad it isn’t by the IP address. Maybe Drew will get around to that as well. Trusting whether a little or a lot is a quality worth having. May your glass always be half full

Your friend

May 5, 2008, 7:06 AM
Im very trusting..with a lack of common sense..i have mistaken our trolls for people with differnt views and feelings. Sorry folks!
Another forum im on they ban the IP address as well as the email address which mostly keeps the crazies out.

This is no real deterrent. Banning IP addresses doesnt always work since many ISPs have a block of addresses to assign to their customers. All anyone has to do is sit tight for 48 hours and you get a new one (the joy of DHCP). The same is valid for email addresses - just sign up for another.

I wouldnt agree that the site is under attack because of 1-2 people have nothing else better to do with their lives. Nonetheless, it just underlines the fact that its time to be moving on to pastures new. This site, and there are others also, has its share of wannabe's and all those who "lust for eminence" without having the courage to do so. It reminds me of being in the pub after a meeting - too many bullshitters talking too much shite to cover up the poverty of their own lives.

A close friend has already moved on from this site and I should take a leaf out of her book.

May 5, 2008, 8:01 AM
This is no real deterrent. Banning IP addresses doesnt always work since many ISPs have a block of addresses to assign to their customers. All anyone has to do is sit tight for 48 hours and you get a new one (the joy of DHCP). The same is valid for email addresses - just sign up for another.

I wouldnt agree that the site is under attack because of 1-2 people have nothing else better to do with their lives. Nonetheless, it just underlines the fact that its time to be moving on to pastures new. This site, and there are others also, has its share of wannabe's and all those who "lust for eminence" without having the courage to do so. It reminds me of being in the pub after a meeting - too many bullshitters talking too much shite to cover up the poverty of their own lives.

A close friend has already moved on from this site and I should take a leaf out of her book.

But you see, that's the genius of it!

It may be "1 -2 people", but that same person is driving away kewl peeps! :(

It appears that person's goal is to piss off enough people to make them want to leave... why allow that person THAT much power? The power over your actions? I mean geez, it may be 'only a website', but was it merely 'only a website' before the noncompoops decided to whiz all over it? Doubtful--I'm certain many people found this to be a great place for meeting people (or at least trying to..and having a little fun in the process), making friends (whether 'internet friends' or not), and just passing the time ( I've been reading some vitriol about alleged 'bored housewives'...umm, what else are they supposed to do? AH YES!! I remember! GO SHOPPING and watch soap operas!! :rolleyes: Duh! I forgot! So 1952!:tong:)

When someone is so confoundingly bored that they need to create 5 personas (tree, flexi, cowboy, firstname,xnyx) to run half cocked (considering it appeared he/she had a problem with guys who are endowed!!:eek:) and rampant through all posts yarping about HIV positive people, telling everyone that all men have 4 inch penises or they are lying, being a racist twit, calling all bi men gay, and so forth---and people say "see? That's why I'm leaving" or "That's why I stay out of the forums"...it just gives whoever the culprit is the idea or the go ahead to cause MORE havoc... since he now knows its that havoc that will drive people away!!

I have NO idea what beef this individual has with me and my boyfriend ( he/she has called us out personally on several occasions), kate, volt, FF, Mrs. F , or any of the other kewl people on this site, but I tell you this person has a bounty of inner demons and self loathing.

Besides, its a shame that Drew has to come in here and erase FOUR personas at a pop in less than 36 hours including all of the mindless dribble those personas spouted... this individual has a power trip issue...and its good that people care enough to bring this type of internet vandalism to a halt!

My :2cents: and change!! (comes to a gallon of petrol! :cool:)

May 5, 2008, 10:11 AM
For those who manipulate, the big payoff is usually a reaction of 'real people'. This is a vain attempt at substantiating themselves.

I like the way Germanicus said it:
- too many bullshitters talking too much shite to cover up the poverty of their own lives.

Many of us come here for some attention and socialization. That is a valid need and this site is a valid venue. But the 'knock the girl down in the playground to get attention from her' method of manipulation for attention... is unacceptable. I like 12V's way of putting it 'drive by posts'.

But I disagree that we should abandon ship. Ignoring these folks is almost always the best path.

May 5, 2008, 11:19 AM
For those who manipulate, the big payoff is usually a reaction of 'real people'. This is a vain attempt at substantiating themselves.

I like the way Germanicus said it:
- too many bullshitters talking too much shite to cover up the poverty of their own lives.

Many of us come here for some attention and socialization. That is a valid need and this site is a valid venue. But the 'knock the girl down in the playground to get attention from her' method of manipulation for attention... is unacceptable. I like 12V's way of putting it 'drive by posts'.

But I disagree that we should abandon ship. Ignoring these folks is almost always the best path.

Its like watching two bald headed men fighting over a comb ...

May 5, 2008, 11:42 AM
Thankfully the powers that be here did take swift action in these cases--I am sure they are going to have to answer the call and do it again when we get another round of such posts---

It is also good that not only did they ban the person-they deleted the postings they had put up.

At least we are not totally flying solo here!! LOL

May 5, 2008, 2:20 PM
that's a fact volty, Drew is alive/well/responsive and IS monitoring the forum and doing a fine job IMO.


May 5, 2008, 10:29 PM
I wish I had the ability to vaporize problems like that!!

May 6, 2008, 10:41 AM
I know we should not give attention to whomever is causing problems on this site, but should we at least disclose the name or names of the asshole so others can steer clear?

I love this site! There are many different people who come here for comfort, acceptance and fun and we need to protect that.


May 6, 2008, 11:02 AM
For now--the person seems to have ceased his little games---but just wait-I am sure that the person will be back--

May 6, 2008, 11:20 AM
I wish I had the ability to vaporize problems like that!!

I set MY phaser setting to 'ignore'.

May 6, 2008, 8:18 PM
Speaking of attack....looks like a spam attack is in the making!....he's managed to post this site on quite a few threads already....LOL!!....we really do need to just learn to ignore such things and move ahead...we give them far too much attention as it is!....But dayammmm it's hard to ignore sometimes!! LOL!

May 6, 2008, 10:31 PM
Looks like "arexar" was another of Sybil's many personalities!!!

Thank you Drew for moving to rid us so quickly of this person's nuggets of wisdom!!!

May 7, 2008, 7:49 AM
Im so out of the loop - Who is attacking us ? lol

May 7, 2008, 9:19 AM
I guess that axe was not that poster--but someone posting up what amounts to ads for another web site----just another form of spam which is something to piss ya off!!

May 7, 2008, 7:12 PM
What an interesting thread. Now I know we are bored because we read it. Makes us wonder what kind of a life the person that started it has! Must be a bitch to have to complain about the little things that don't really matter or effect your life directly.

May 7, 2008, 7:20 PM
Wy every 1 gettin ther knickers in a twist bout the site bein unda attack?? Every site on the web is unda attack in sum way or anotha..if worst we gettin is a few arsehole trolls then we doin ok.. nope we don like em but am sure we can deal wiv em an cope ok..an sure Drew will as an wen they appear!!!

So don fret.. we bigga than they r so don fret 2 much! They jus lak a lil brain power an commonsense.. they jus big babbas...:tong:

May 7, 2008, 7:38 PM
What an interesting thread. Now I know we are bored because we read it. Makes us wonder what kind of a life the person that started it has! Must be a bitch to have to complain about the little things that don't really matter or effect your life directly.

Regardless of whether or not you agree with the OP on this thread, your comments smack of a personal attack...I hardly think that was necessary and it's hardly in keeping with the purpose of the forum.

May 7, 2008, 9:35 PM
What an interesting thread. Now I know we are bored because we read it. Makes us wonder what kind of a life the person that started it has! Must be a bitch to have to complain about the little things that don't really matter or effect your life directly.


I could say something, but I wont :tong:

May 8, 2008, 9:15 AM
Hey I agree with ALL of you..lol. The original poster I agree with, because it's a pain in the ass when people troll and cause bullshit. I agree with the other poster also...they are everywhere. At least in my experience on forums....every one of them. And they usually get banned and that's that...until low and behold they are BACK once again to be annoying as hell.:rolleyes:
They have nothing else to do. They have NO LIFE!
As for us reading the posts...so what? Aren't they here to be read?