View Full Version : About Flexisexual

May 3, 2008, 12:07 AM
I was just adding an admonishment about Flexisexual... with behavior resembling an angry adolescent... concluding that "It's a wonder Drew hasn't banned Flexisexual yet."
When I submitted the reply to the thread about Fla... and HIV... Drew had banned Flexisexual.... erased entirely... I couldn't find Flexisexual's 'banned' profile. along with all of his/her posts.
The idea just hit me/ I was just wondering... if Flexisexual was a girl with a controling bf? There was apparently some discourse about Flexi being partners... and the other partner got the password. I'm thinking of a boyfriend who would poison everyone to her (cut off family/friends/etc... the first rule of control - divide and concour).
Or am I just not totally up on Flexisexual?

May 3, 2008, 12:18 AM
Flexi appeared as tree disappeared...

May 3, 2008, 12:23 AM
Ah, yes I remember tree5555. The angry adolescent parading as an adult.
But I thought I'd seen the term, or the member name "Flexisexual"... for some time now... am I getting old and confusing these things?
<===looks down at penis that is mostly limp nowadays!
LOL :)

May 3, 2008, 12:29 AM
Flex was here about a year or so ago with her husband Sol. They use to chat a lot. He was bi and she was straight. Very nice people from Canada. They got into some heavy debates in then and left during that time. It's really baffling. I don't know if she's back for vengence or this is someone posing as her. :2cents:

May 3, 2008, 1:38 AM
...and now firstnamemx...
the manipulative nature betrays identity...
...shock value... reaction...

May 3, 2008, 1:50 AM
Flex was here about a year or so ago with her husband Sol. They use to chat a lot. He was bi and she was straight. Very nice people from Canada. They got into some heavy debates in then and left during that time. It's really baffling. I don't know if she's back for vengence or this is someone posing as her. :2cents:

Maybe their partnership dissolved under bad terms... and blames us.:(


May 3, 2008, 5:17 AM
Flex was here about a year or so ago with her husband Sol. They use to chat a lot. He was bi and she was straight. Very nice people from Canada. They got into some heavy debates in then and left during that time. It's really baffling. I don't know if she's back for vengence or this is someone posing as her. :2cents:


I saw the reference made to Sol (Solomon) but the the couple you are refering to was Flexuality and her husband Sol. I exchanged Email with them several times and this person Flexisexual although referencing the name on that one occasion had merely lifted the name and changed enough to give it some similarity...She was much more articulate than Fexiseual and you are right, they were a very nice couple. Her name can still be pulled up along with all of her 800+ posts.
The person that was banned was a different person....and I believe still has two other personas on this site and they all originate out of the California area...and from what I'be been able to see...he's still around so I'm sure it will be just a matter of time before we hear from "Him" again. Flexuality even on her worst day was never that negative or obnoxious...Flexisexual on the other hand was never that nice.... lol:2cents:


Add on:...hmm make that three additional personas...there is a pattern of both creating a series of threads and then responding to several others all usually within the same day the name is created...Gee I wish I had that much time on my hands

May 3, 2008, 5:59 AM
Whoever it is they don't give up.

May 3, 2008, 7:05 AM
Flex was here about a year or so ago with her husband Sol. They use to chat a lot. He was bi and she was straight. Very nice people from Canada. They got into some heavy debates in then and left during that time. It's really baffling. I don't know if she's back for vengence or this is someone posing as her. :2cents:Wos a case a Sol gettin miffed an takin is ball away Ran...an Flex takin is side as wives do... an followin suit... wos me they had the biggest fallin out wiv..ya knows wot me can b like wen bit is tween me teeth... spesh wen arguin how the world shud b... it got pretty angry an bitta an me sorry for that..things got sed wich prob shudnta been but 1ce sed cant b unsed...fraid Sol's sensitivities an lak of a thick skin got betta of im an me shudda prob bit me tongue (or me fingies in this case).. fraid me gobby enuff 2 let fly wen me eitha thinks me is rite or me tempa gets the betta of me (not rare) an spose its a flaw in me... did summat simlar this week as it happens wiv a m8 me known for years so its not unusual..

Wetha this is Flex or not me cant b sure but sevral things she has sed lead me 2 question that..location..tho they lived in Canada Sol is american..This flexi lives in the US, but its not imposs... peeps move. Flex aint butch or large..but they mite b smoke screens..we cant b sure..

Yea me wondered wetha it wos Flex.. but decided it aint on the limited amounta info an hav treated er accordingly.

May 3, 2008, 7:07 AM

I saw the reference made to Sol (Solomon) but the the couple you are refering to was Flexuality and her husband Sol. I exchanged Email with them several times and this person Flexisexual although referencing the name on that one occasion had merely lifted the name and changed enough to give it some similarity...She was much more articulate than Fexiseual and you are right, they were a very nice couple. Her name can still be pulled up along with all of her 800+ posts.
The person that was banned was a different person....and I believe still has two other personas on this site and they all originate out of the California area...and from what I'be been able to see...he's still around so I'm sure it will be just a matter of time before we hear from "Him" again. Flexuality even on her worst day was never that negative or obnoxious...Flexisexual on the other hand was never that nice.... lol:2cents:


Add on:...hmm make that three additional personas...there is a pattern of both creating a series of threads and then responding to several others all usually within the same day the name is created...Gee I wish I had that much time on my hands
From wot me membas, Flex used 2 speak bout bein flexisexual..thats wy it made me question wetha they the same person Ambi... but reckon yas rite tho an it aint er.

May 3, 2008, 9:07 AM
greetings all :tongue:

while I don't know either flexisexual nor tree55555, I DO recognize the "M.O."

It is standard practice for troublemakers to change names over and over. One thing remains constant though: they cannot resist visiting the site to see the effect their rants have on others. They don't even have to post anything: it is the attention they crave, and the sense of power they get from baiting people and seeing them "take the bait".

They also get a kick out of sitting quietly and watching the "who's viewed this thread" count go up and up. Sort of a variation on "the squeaking wheel gets the grease".

Although I had suspected as much, I got this information from the horse's mouth where I used to chat before I came here. He was THEE biggest manipulator, and he got results. He would get all the nice regulars into a lather and then fold his hands behind his head and laugh at them.......I thanked him one day for his rants, because once I understood how much he needed that sick kind of validation I could ignore him easily. He kinda respected me for that (as if I gave a rat's a$$). These pathetic pretenders can't hold a candle to him.

May 3, 2008, 9:41 AM

I saw the reference made to Sol (Solomon) but the the couple you are refering to was Flexuality and her husband Sol. I exchanged Email with them several times and this person Flexisexual although referencing the name on that one occasion had merely lifted the name and changed enough to give it some similarity...She was much more articulate than Fexiseual and you are right, they were a very nice couple. Her name can still be pulled up along with all of her 800+ posts.
The person that was banned was a different person....and I believe still has two other personas on this site and they all originate out of the California area...and from what I'be been able to see...he's still around so I'm sure it will be just a matter of time before we hear from "Him" again. Flexuality even on her worst day was never that negative or obnoxious...Flexisexual on the other hand was never that nice.... lol:2cents:


Add on:...hmm make that three additional personas...there is a pattern of both creating a series of threads and then responding to several others all usually within the same day the name is created...Gee I wish I had that much time on my hands
Thanks Ambi, the reason I said it was them was because in the now deleted thread she made mention of being here before to Vittoria and also said "when my husband Sol and I".... no telling if it really was them with a name twist but I did see that they said they were from CA now which I also wonder about. I know several people here who have area's listed that they aren't from so it's not something new either. I wish I understood what makes it so exciting for people to cause disruption amongst others. Anyway back to your program......currently in progress...

May 3, 2008, 9:52 AM
Didn notice the reference bout Sol in ne of er posts Ran..teach me 2 read crap a lil more carefully sumtimes!!!:tong:

May 3, 2008, 10:17 AM
Hey y'all,WOW i just wish i had the TALENT this person has!!:eek: Theres no way i could come up with 3 or 4 DIFF personality profiles,LOL...:tong:

May 3, 2008, 11:09 AM
Hey y'all,WOW i just wish i had the TALENT this person has!!:eek: Theres no way i could come up with 3 or 4 DIFF personality profiles,LOL...:tong:

Well, who are we today, Sybil?

I think Cowboy in leather may be another of Flexisexual's personalities.

May 3, 2008, 11:38 AM
Here is my :2cents: on this topic--I really think that "Flexisexual" was someone else who had been here for a time not long ago sharing his lovely thoughts with us----I don't want to say his name since that might fire him back up again----I found a definite similarity in posting patterns--like time of day when they were done-the shotgun sorta drive by style of posting short but nasty things in as many threads as possible---the fact that both were from supposedly from California--the tone and tenor of the postings--other smiliar things...

It did take me a bit to recall Flexuality, I went back and looked at some of her posts and I can say---I don't think that Flexisexual and Flexuality were the same person--

I really don't think that Flexisexual was truly a female I will say that----while we certainly have some very opinonated and passionate female posters---the underlying "vibes" given off by "her" posts did not seem to be very feminine to me---it is something that you can get that sense from internet postings---but I tend to go with my "gut feeling" on such matters and I find I tend to be correct in those assessments----

I am sure that whoever Flexisexual is----we most likely have not seen the last of she or he unfortunately.

May 3, 2008, 2:11 PM
The proverbial cyber ink had not yet so much as dried on my previous post and this person is BBBBBAAACCKKKKKK!!!!

Guess who it is folks!!

Just look around and it will be easy to tell I do believe!!

This person is the everyready bunny of craziness!!!

Da person is like a total whack job--ya knowwwhadda I means??

May 3, 2008, 8:10 PM
The proverbial cyber ink had not yet so much as dried on my previous post and this person is BBBBBAAACCKKKKKK!!!!

I'd also say there's a connection. :)

May 3, 2008, 8:34 PM
The best way to counter attack is to ignore their posts. Pretend they do not exist. If you reply, respond, or make comment about anything they write, you merely feed their ego and encourage further undesirable writings. MY:2cents:

May 4, 2008, 1:18 AM
Well now Firstnamemx has been booted and his posts deleted--anyone want to start a betting pool to try to figure out how long it will take this person to come back under another new name and post up more stupid posts--I am putting a $20 spot that at around 2 to 3:30 am Eastern time--we will have a another person who is from California someplace and posts up some things with the same sort of yapping that Flexisexual and Firstnamemx did!!

I had not seen posts from "Cowboy in Leather"---but after finding some of them and reading them---once again--I am convinced that this is the same person again----this person is one damn sick assed puppy---jeez---does this person ever give it up????????

May 4, 2008, 12:33 PM
A few peeps hav told me they kno its Flex... now me dunno but things r swingin me mind in that direction... but if it is all me can say is don b daft Flex ya silly cow!! Life 2 short 2 b holdin grudges..gerrin, participate rite as ya used 2..hav gud ole barney.. bitta shoutin, flirtin an genrally...hav fun... me misses ya an that daft sod of a man a urs..an am havin 2 do me own shoppin at Tescos!!:(

May 4, 2008, 3:29 PM
Well now Firstnamemx has been booted and his posts deleted--anyone want to start a betting pool to try to figure out how long it will take this person to come back under another new name and post up more stupid posts--I am putting a $20 spot that at around 2 to 3:30 am Eastern time--we will have a another person who is from California someplace and posts up some things with the same sort of yapping that Flexisexual and Firstnamemx did!!

I had not seen posts from "Cowboy in Leather"---but after finding some of them and reading them---once again--I am convinced that this is the same person again----this person is one damn sick assed puppy---jeez---does this person ever give it up????????

It's always sad to see someone so starved for attention that they feel the need to make a total ass out of themselves believe me :bigrin: I should know! At any rate, hopefully his latest move to New York will help him grow up a little. His MO and patterns of behavior are so predictable. I'm thinking that he probably lacks the creativitiy and intelligence to do little else. I'm beginning to also suspect our friend may be 15 or 16 and must create mischief to make up for his own inadequaties in other areas of his life. This too shall come to pass. Sooner or later he'll get bored and maybe get a life. A tragic waste of energy IMHO.

your friend

May 19, 2008, 9:02 PM
...and now Anallust4u...
the tormented soul... eventually supplying the very evil that created it (thus justifying it retroactively and becoming the very thing it hates most)...

yup, the 'drive by posts'... definitely the same tormented and twisted soul.

May 20, 2008, 8:14 AM

can't say I know any of the various profiles having been mentioned, am still something of a new member here myself. But I too recognise the pattern

on another site that I used to frequent a lot, (before moving to halls), there were several 'repeat offenders'. Users who would work up such an air of upset amongst other users, generally making themselves targets, almost daring other users to report them and have them deleted, like it was some sad game to them to see how long they could last on their latest incarnation.
eventually, often a newer user who wasn't familiar with the repeat offenders baiting, would buckle and report them and the Admin would duelly delete the offender. Only to low and behold, less than a week later they'd be back, with a new web-name, often a similar variant of their last (reflecting their lack of imagination I always felt). And the game would start again for them.

The only way we as users can combat such offenders is just to ignore them.

Perhaps a good way for the Admins to clean out repeat offenders is often to block their computers IP number, that way they can never resign-up from their computer. (I must admit on this last bit, I am no IT specialist myself, but there was a site where I created two profiles, purely as a harmless in joke on another forum, and their admin panicked and blocked my computers IP. Have learnt my lesson from that).

May 20, 2008, 8:17 AM
just one quick after thought that has just struck me

surely by us writing this entire thread, effectually in his/her 'honour', we are just giving them the biggest personal point score of all time?

May 20, 2008, 3:03 PM
..surely by us writing this entire thread, effectually in his/her 'honour', we are just giving them the biggest personal point score of all time?

definitely !