View Full Version : the Acceptance of anal sex

Apr 27, 2008, 1:33 PM
Does it seem like to you (both men and women) that anal sex has become more acceptable... like oral sex became in the 70's... and why do you think that is? Is it because of a more open attitude towards anal sex or is it because of the poliferation of anal sex scenes in porn... or is it still frowned upon? It seems to me its more acceptable.

What do you think?

Apr 27, 2008, 2:51 PM
Does it seem like to you (both men and women) that anal sex has become more acceptable... like oral sex became in the 70's... and why do you think that is? Is it because of a more open attitude towards anal sex or is it because of the poliferation of anal sex scenes in porn... or is it still frowned upon? It seems to me its more acceptable.

What do you think?

I'm not sure I know the answer as to why it may seem more acceptable in general or for that matter, if it is more acceptable to those outside these sites or environments where it is discussed so freely. What I can say is, that for most of my sexual life I've been pretty closed to the ideal. A large part of why I was closed had to do with old tapes drilled into my psyche at an early age being raised within the teachings of the Christian religion..(.Sodom and Gomorrah )…and maybe another early influence an earlier career in the medical field….and then there was the pain issue…the stories of prison rape and men screaming…or Ned Beatty getting his deliverance in the movie “Deliverance”.

My wife had been telling me for years how pleasurable she found the experience and more than anything else…the people that have written post after post on these boards about the pleasure to be derived finally allowed me to take a second look at my closed mind attitude towards anal and to open my mind and behind to the potential pleasures that might be had. Two months ago I started slowly to explore…last month I purchased a strap on….now I’m beginning to understand and appreciate what all the excitement was about…. and Wow am I glad I did.

Growth comes in small steps and once in a while big leaps. Like comprehending my own bisexual nature…it’s been a slow process. Porn hasn’t had much of an influence on my decision but the technology that allows for the assimilation of information…. has created those leaps that have made changes in my own life. I doubt very seriously that my attitudes and explorations would have taken me this far without it…and I continue to learn as a result…and thereby accept what at one time I would have rejected.

I’ve never experienced the real deal and so have nothing to compare it to but should that opportunity now come…in a safe and responsible way I would indulge my curiosity whereas prior to this.. I would have passed on it.


Apr 27, 2008, 4:12 PM
well, i Accept it! and i feel sooooooooo good

Apr 27, 2008, 11:44 PM
I agree that it appears anal sex is far more "acceptable" in the present than in previous years. - My mother, (yes we girls do chat now and then over the chardonnay) said that when she was first married, no one would ever suck their hubby's penis - that it was something that seemed to occur late in her sexually active life just as my generation came to accept it as normal sexual behaviour.
When I first started to be active sexually anal wasn't really an issue - eeeew!
its something that I've come to really only during the past 10 years.

As to why? Well, there isn't anything new under the sun - our generations invented neither BJ's nor anal - read some Roman or Ancient Greek literature.
Maybe its the post feminism thing; personal freedoms and sexual gratifications/exploration tend to go hand in hand.
The greater the moral repression (ie religion) the less sexually free we are.