View Full Version : where's the love?

Apr 27, 2008, 5:08 AM
ive not been posting long so i may have this wrong but this feels like the most cold forum ive been to. Im used to people being more sensitive and supportive.

Is it just a bad week?

Apr 27, 2008, 7:59 AM
Bit like the Scottish weatha babes.. blows pretty hot n cold...but is mostly jus a bit grim an grizzly... but then thats jus bout how the world is innit?

Mus say..the days wen ther wos a triff ole set 2 in forums seem ta hav passed us by... hope its jus a passin phase.. time will tell..

But ther plenty luff in ere ifya reely look for it..believe me.. has been the odd mo or 2 wen me has reely needed cheerin up..an lotsa peeps hav rallied round an helped out.. an ther r particular 1s who helped out lots.. an 1 who me wudn do wivout as me m8 for the world.

So don despair hun.. has been sed we Scots r a dour lot..but we aint reely.. mayb ya jus feelin lil off cola.. kissie.:bigrin:

Apr 27, 2008, 8:39 AM
coming into a new site cold and not knowing anyone and criticizing them is NOT a good way to make friends. My advice would be to ease into things slowly and get to know people.

I've chatted in many chatrooms, and this website has some of the finest people it's ever been MY pleasure to meet. I found them most welcoming, supportive and kind when I joined about 8-9 months ago or so.

Mind you, if I'm upset I don't expect anyone here to 'fix' things for me. I have a tendency to take care of myself.


Apr 27, 2008, 9:22 AM
The love is all over the place, darlin'.
Also the anger.
There's no fake filter on peoples feelings here; the good, bad, and ugly come through.
Although, by what we're taught there's no such thing as good or bad feelings... only feelings.
So kick off your shoes! Vent, rage! Seductively coo. Whine. Engage in cyber sex. Ponder. Sing in bliss. Ask. Challenge. Express yourself exactly as you feel.
Welcome to the site! :)

Apr 27, 2008, 9:37 AM
A very fine way of putting it!

Rock out with your cock out! :bigrin:

Apr 27, 2008, 1:58 PM
Rock out with your cock out! :bigrin: Soz V don hav 1 2 rock tf..an aint havin 1 made so me can

Apr 27, 2008, 4:02 PM
Rock out with your cock out! :bigrin:
OK wait while I get my strap on :bigrin:

Apr 27, 2008, 4:40 PM
OK wait while I get my strap on :bigrin:

... but hav 1 a them.. tee hee:tong:

Apr 27, 2008, 8:37 PM
Must just be a bad week, Hon. Almost everyone that I have encountered in chat have been Fantasitic people. Granted, you will always find a couple spincter muscles with legs here and there, but its rare that these emerge, and when they do, they are dealt with swiftly.
So, pop back into chat and get to know us a little before making any more rash judgements. Like someone else said, "Kick off yer shoes, and leave your bad days, your worries, troubles, and inhibitations at the door- and come on in. If a person cant get to laughing over some of our conversations and antics, then I dont know what to tell ya, Darlin.:bigrin:
Give us another chance before making up your mind. ;)

Apr 27, 2008, 9:08 PM
OK wait while I get my strap on :bigrin:

Thesa...I am standing by and braced for your strap-on