View Full Version : sharp dressed guys

Apr 26, 2008, 4:29 PM
We all have our ideas on what style of clothes looks good on us and what we feel comfortable in. Women get to wear jewelry and cosmetics and beautiful sexy clothes. Most guys I know just try to dress as comfortable as possible.......fuck what it looks like. Im not saying thats bad as long as youre comfortable with it. When you go out on a date or want to make a good first impression, what do you wear? (I have a birthday suit but its old and wrinkly :D)

Apr 26, 2008, 6:08 PM
I am not one to be too formal and all of that---I do like to dress up in a suit and tie from time to time--but to me---suits and ties should be reserved for special occassions--to me, wearing them too much sorta cheapens them in a way if that makes sense--certainly the demand in some quarters still to wear a tie and "dress slacks" seems ridiculous to me--I mean someone can have a cheap assed tie, shirt and polyester slacks they got at Wal-Mart with the whole outfit costing less than a hundred bucks including their worn out shoes, but wearing a pair of jeans costing several hundred dollars, with equally expensive shirts, belts, shoes but no tie and that was not Ok?? That never made much sense to me.

When ya do wear a suit or even just a dress shirt, dress slacks and a tie--they should be of good quality---

In the warm weather months---when going out at during the day or evening to a nicer place---I do like to wear nice shorts--well pressed, a nice tropical or polo type shirt, a nice pair of sandals or Top Siders or maybe even cordovan colored Bass Weejun tassel loafers.

A nice pair of jeans or dress slacks with a nice shirt and a sharp looking sport coat is a nice way to dress when its a bit cooler and I want to look sharp.

I do try to avoid ties though unless I absolutely have to wear them---when I used to work in probation--I did wear dark colored pin (subtle) stripe suits when I had to do things in court--- there were times I was better dressed than a number of the lawyers!! (with a very cool tie!!)

Apr 26, 2008, 7:26 PM
Depends entirely on the level of formality and the purpose. On a regular, casual date it'll be a tucked in long-sleeved shirt, belt, nice pair of jeans, matching dress boots. Maybe a hat.

If it's more formal or something like an interview, it's probably slacks or khakis (though in khakis pants everyone's ass kind of disappears) and a button up shirt with the top button undone.

I'm not too big on ties unless it's a very formal situation. But, in those cases I don't do tuxedos or the like. I've got a tall/lanky body type and the cut of those suits makes me look like a badly-put-together rag doll. So, I stick with a 'zoot suit' and pinstripes.

Lisa (va)
Apr 26, 2008, 7:37 PM
Wasn't sure to respond or not, but I don't think it's not so much what a guy wears, but it definitely should fit the situation / environment. And as far as fit, the clothes should fit well, not too tight, not too baggy, and neat in appearance. If guys knew how much thought and effort women put into what to wear, ya'll might spend just a little extra time and put a little effort into it as well.


hugs n kisses

Apr 26, 2008, 10:52 PM
I agree with Lisa. In a dating situation, it always impresses me when a guy is well dressed, because I know they took the time to think about what to wear, because I assure you I probably changes clothes 3 times before going out the door.:)

Apr 26, 2008, 11:54 PM
[QUOTE=diamond_tether;101184]Depends entirely on the level of formality and the purpose. On a regular, casual date it'll be a tucked in long-sleeved shirt, belt, nice pair of jeans, matching dress boots. Maybe a hat.

Excuse me whilst I wipe the drool off now..lol I Love a man that is just a plain, ordinary, Everyday type of guy, one who doesnt feel the need to look like some kind of pumped up peacock, and who isnt afraid to be Himself. :}

Apr 27, 2008, 1:22 AM
A suit and tie to me, is an exercise of self inflicted submisiveinduced pure torture... It mixes with my spirit like oil and water.... even if it allows me to fit to the environment or occasion I no sooner have it on, than I’m thinking of every which way possible to dispose of it in it’s entirety. A good pair of jeans, either a T-shirt or a dress shirt and a very casual sports jacket with my Sketchers or hiking shoes…. is my expression of” Just stepped off the mountain” formality. I’d fit in perfectly as a poster-child for LL.Bean. I last wore a tux 11 years ago…and I have to do it again in about three weeks…and I’m dreading it. God I hate (and yes, it is a strong word :)) I hate wearing a suit and tie…hate it…hate it…hate it.....oooops...sorry.

Ambi :)

Apr 27, 2008, 1:44 AM
A suit and tie to me, is an exercise of self inflicted submisiveinduced pure torture... It mixes with my spirit like oil and water.... even if it allows me to fit to the environment or occasion I no sooner have it on, than I’m thinking of every which way possible to dispose of it in it’s entirety. A good pair of jeans, either a T-shirt or a dress shirt and a very casual sports jacket with my Sketchers or hiking shoes…. is my expression of” Just stepped off the mountain” formality. I’d fit in perfectly as a poster-child for LL.Bean. I last wore a tux 11 years ago…and I have to do it again in about three weeks…and I’m dreading it. God I hate (and yes, it is a strong word :)) I hate wearing a suit and tie…hate it…hate it…hate it.....oooops...sorry.

Ambi :)

So Ambi...tell us how you really felt about wearing a suit and tie...Some men look their hottest in "A good pair of jeans, either a T-shirt or a dress shirt and a very casual sports jacket with my Sketchers or hiking shoes…." If it is who you are then the mask is off can't get hotter than that...
However...I sure do look forward to helping you take that Tux off... WeeeDoggy...Where did I put the tie I bought for you last year?

Apr 27, 2008, 9:12 PM
Lisa Hon, please always feel free to respond to anything i do or say :D I was looking forward to some ladies points of view. thanks for sharing your thoughts, and thanks to all
hugz and kisses :*
Wasn't sure to respond or not, but I don't think it's not so much what a guy wears, but it definitely should fit the situation / environment. And as far as fit, the clothes should fit well, not too tight, not too baggy, and neat in appearance. If guys knew how much thought and effort women put into what to wear, ya'll might spend just a little extra time and put a little effort into it as well.


hugs n kisses

Apr 28, 2008, 9:59 AM
well alrighty then bubba, I shall reply (being a lady) hehe. Nothing turns my head nor stirs my loins like my man in his power suit. He has a flair to be sure. His long hair is very tidy.

Casually he wears (even in hot summer weather) a white singlet, a longsleeve button-down cotton shirt and his leather biking vest with (usually) black jeans. He'll sometime turn up the cuffs if we ride in hot weather. In the rain he wears his very fine tan felt hat (the one you can scrunch up) with his aussie outback coat. Cowboy boots in or out of the office.

I, on the other hand, have the fashion sense of farmer's almanac. I dare not describe it, for I would banish all illusions. *cough* :bigrin:


Apr 28, 2008, 1:52 PM
Nice thread.

I happen to love a man dressed in a white button down shirt, nice belt and a nice fitting pair of jeans for a casual date and a black turtleneck and black troussers. For a nice formal dinner out, nice suit and all the finery...love French Cuff shirts and cufflinks too.


Skater Boy
Apr 28, 2008, 2:15 PM
Like others have already pointed out, it depends TOTALLY on the situation AND the person.

If you're just going down to the local bar for a beer or two, then by all means go in whatever feels comfortable, and suits you.

If its something a little more fancy, then personally, I'd opt for a blazer and shirt with the jeans, and probably shoes or boots as opposed to sneakers.

And if its even more formal, then I'd dig out a suit. My Gucci suit was awesome- perfect style and cut. but there's no need to spend big bucks- just as long as it fits reasonably well and is presentable. I rarely wear a tie- unless it is expected of me.

Whatever you choose though, try and select something that you feel at home in. at least for the scenario you'll be in.

I also try and avoid making any major fashion statements, since I don't feel the need. But if you're more "wacky" than "wallflower", then by all means express yourself as you see fit.


Apr 29, 2008, 1:27 AM
Bit hard to answer that one Bubba.....especially when the national uniform here is a blue singlet, shorts, and thongs and if ya want to go formal ya wear a hat.

Cheers Chook :bigrin:

btw......thongs here are a footwear...we actually call them Japanese work boots.

Apr 29, 2008, 1:41 AM
Eh, I am one of those that a black T-shirt, jeans/shorts and boots with a trench coat *temperture dependant* works for all occasions. Unless I am at work it literally takes someone dying to get me to dress even remotely formal.

Apr 29, 2008, 2:13 AM
Around here you would see lots of cowboy boots, wranglers, pearly snap shirts, and the occasional Resistol. If the cowboy is really trying to impress his girl, he might kick most of the manure off his boots before he picks up his lady in his F-250.

I'm not really the cowboy type. For casual, everyday, I prefer 501s and a comfortable cotton shirt. I tuck, always have. If I'm getting really spiffed up for a night out, (I'm talking downtown Denver or Minneapolis) I kinda go for the Howie Long look, dark slacks, a dark crew neck, and a grey sports coat.

Apr 29, 2008, 8:42 AM
This post reminds of one of my favorite ZZ Top Songs--"Sharp Dressed Man"

Clean shirt, new shoes
And I dont know where I am goin to.
Silk suit, black tie,
I dont need a reason why.
They come runnin just as fast as they can
Coz every girl crazy bout a sharp dressed man.

Gold watch, diamond ring,
I aint missin a single thing.
And cufflinks, stick pin,
When I step out Im gonna do you in.
They come runnin just as fast as they can
Coz every girl crazy bout a sharp dressed man.

Top coat, top hat,
I dont worry coz my wallets fat.
Black shades, white gloves,
Lookin sharp and lookin for love.
They come runnin just as fast as they can
Coz every girl grazy bout a sharp dressed man.

- billy gibbons, dusty hill & frank beard

Apr 12, 2015, 7:59 PM
Bump it up!

Apr 12, 2015, 10:07 PM
I think that over the years the concept of well dressed has drastically changed in North America. There is a Facebook section that presents Vintage buildings and streets comparing then to now. To think that there was a time when a woman would not go downtown shopping without white gloves and a hat. Men would not go downtown without a suit and hat regardless of economic background. I think someone above mentioned comfort as a main reason many men would put on a clothing item. Maybe, but the younger guys are back to wearing skinny pants or the baggy drop pants seems on its way out. Who can really be comfortable when you need to pull up you pants every five minutes or have your crotch so tight that you are uncomfortable in the crotch..lol

Still, a suit on a man can look sharp and high heels and skirt can be hot..lol