View Full Version : I'm curious

shameless agitator
Apr 22, 2008, 6:22 PM
Let me preface this by saying I don't want to offend anyone & I'm certainly not implying anybody in our little community doesn't belong. I've just been noticing that for a bisexual forum, we have a lot of people who aren't bi. I know we have hets like Mrs. F & Jen who joined so they could better understand/support their bi partners. I remember Sasha (what the hell ever happened to her anyway?) saying she joined while she was struggling with her orientation & by the time she figured out she was actually a lesbian she had made some friends here. There was a TG lady whose name I've forgotten who said she was here as an ally & figured all of us who don't fit into the "mainstream" need to stick together. I'm just wondering though What other reasons no bis might have for being on this site & kinda how prevalent each of these reasons (and others we may discover) actually are.

Apr 22, 2008, 6:34 PM
There was a TG lady whose name I've forgotten who said she was here as an ally & figured all of us who don't fit into the "mainstream" need to stick together.
You're thinking of Delilah. :)

Apr 22, 2008, 6:35 PM
As a gay person, I can answer to the topic in 3 different ways...

1- I am here because I have a bisexual boyfriend... I wanna be understanding, supportive, etc.

2- If I was single, I would still be here because it's one of my fetishes to be the first homosexual relationship to a "hetero" guy.

3- I don't dicard the possibility of being with a hot MF couple. It just never happened... ;)

shameless agitator
Apr 22, 2008, 6:46 PM
You're thinking of Delilah. :)That's her! Thanks.

Apr 22, 2008, 8:12 PM
I don't say very much either in the forum or in the chat room. I will answer Shameless the best I can, and hope everyone can understand. I am very curious about the bi situation, by that I am basicly curious about having sex with another guy. I hope some day to find someone close enough to at least try having sex with a guy. But more than that, I am here to meet people and make friends, with or without sex being there. I have had chats with several very friendly people who have been very helpful in answering a lot of my questions.

I find that 99% of the people in the chat room and in the forum are more than happy to help out people like me. I am thankful that I found this site.

Not much else to say, so hugs and kisses to all, love you all and the site too.

:) ;) :bigrin:

Apr 22, 2008, 9:22 PM
Is the glass half full or empty? The glass is too large.

So now to offer another different perspective:

I always viewed gay and hetero as subsets of bisexuality.

For some, the marble rolls off one edge (gay) or the other (straight), but not us.

Therefore, technically by my definition all bisexuals are welcome here including those that may have rolled off one side or the other! :)
Or, another metaphor:
Bisexuals are like someone with two arms. Should we exclude those with only left (gay) arms or those with only right (straight) arms?
Actually I'm wandering with the topic a bit as Shamless merely observed... and wasn't suggesting exclusion... even went through some lengths to make sure he wasn't talking exclusion.

Apr 22, 2008, 11:10 PM
I'm gay but love the idea of Bisexuality. I've always found it so romantic. Imagine a world in which bisexuality were the norm and heteros and homos were both about 10% or whatever of the population. Even if I were gay in this brave new world I wouldn't have to explain my same sex desire.

I also feel gay men and lesbians segregate themselves to much. I've gone to lesbian bars and love to watch women pick each other up. While I love masculine company a classy intelligent woman will do just will do just fine. I'm not a fan of prissy types of either gender. I do like the so called "lipstick" lesbian but I like the athletic confident lipstick types not the princess type.

But back to bi people. I've enjoyed the company of bi and bi-curious men so why not join a site. As for being the first gay experience for an otherwise straight guy. It is certainly entertaining but a bit overrated. Most of the times the guys have no idea what to do and we just beat off together. If they like sucking however it is a different story.

One last point. I have a major MMF fantasy that I doubt I will ever fulfill. I like the idea of meeting a hot couple and the rule is that who ever gets pussy has to suck dick. The female has to be the type that is turned on by watching one guy give another guy head while he is insider her.

Apr 23, 2008, 12:12 AM
Well, for those who may not be familiar with me, I am Belle and I am the straight wife of a bisexual man. We came to this site for many reasons- to try and gain understanding, insight an to meet others in similar situations. Since hubby spends less time on this site, it was I who was the most visible. To be honest I was apprehensive as to what kind of a reception I was going to find here. Nervous, shy and not knowing a soul, I had no idea what was to come. Well I am proud to say that I was welcomed here with open arms. Arms of bi, straight, gay, trans, poly people....people first last and always kind and caring no matter their label. The very first person to welcome me was Kate, another straight wife. That was the beginning of a long and most enjoyable time here.

Here we are nearly three years later....what have I learned....much. We found the insight and understanding. We found lovers. We found friends, not just people who pass through your life, but rather people who are part of our lives and loves. As wonderful as these benefits have been, the most important thing we found.............ourselves. Each of us as individuals and as a couple and our marriage has flourished. Has it always been easy? No. But life is a learning process and it is the road you choose to travel which makes the difference.


Apr 23, 2008, 4:40 AM
Its simple wy me here an stiks around.. started chattin in the gud ole days wen the BCN wos on the go..wen it evolved inta .com me signed up.. yea am a lesbian nowadays but then thotta mesel as bisexual an acted such. Had dalliances wiv gals mainly, but guys an all..an lotsa fun 2 me may add... but as time goes on our sexuality changes an who knos it may again sumtime..an 1ce again will consider mesel as a bisexual gal an act accordingly.. god forbid me eva goes str8. But the main reason aint ne longa me sexuality wy me keeps cummin ere...its lotsa peeps that me has got 2 kno like an luff in ere..they make it worth wile 2 me... we laff we cry an we take the piss...we argue we solve the worlds probs... thats wy me cums ere... its a kinda ome from ome..

Apr 23, 2008, 4:54 AM
1. I'm here to meet bisexual men, or even a bisexual woman for friendship and maybe something more.

2 I want to meet people.

3. I'm not straight, im not gay, im not bisexual, im me.

4. I was pointed in this direction because a lot of pansexuals/omnisexuals belong to bisexual sites.

the mage
Apr 23, 2008, 8:32 AM
This is in fact a wide open site, no log in needed to read the postings.
You are all read by any one any time...Why do you care..?

Be prudent in self revelation as on all the net.

Apr 23, 2008, 8:49 AM
........3. I'm not straight, im not gay, im not bisexual, im me.

WELL said dibsy! I'm withya there. For myself: Kinsey schminsey. I had to pick a number and so I did. I am a discreet human. Anyone *here* who knows me knows how I detest labels, generalizations, stereotypes and pigeonholing. The person who invited me over here knows what else I am, what I want and why I am here. So does my lover.


Apr 29, 2008, 1:57 PM
Oooh you forgot my name already :(

If I ever meet you in real life, I'm going to slip a big electric eel down your pants! :tong:

There was a TG lady whose name I've forgotten who said she was here as an ally & figured all of us who don't fit into the "mainstream" need to stick together.

shameless agitator
Apr 29, 2008, 3:14 PM
Why, Delilah, that's just shocking :tong: How do you know I wouldn't enjoy that??