View Full Version : Question regarding dating

Apr 20, 2008, 2:44 PM
I live in NYC and dating is hard normally, but I have recently decided that I would like to date bi guys. Does anyone have suggestions for meeting bi guys who want to date bi-females?

Thanks for the help:2cents:

Apr 20, 2008, 5:41 PM
Internet dating. The nature of it means that you can see their stats and what they are looking for at a glance. Have met a few people this way, can be frustrating, take it all with a pinch of salt until you have seen them a few times.

Apr 21, 2008, 6:01 PM
I am trying the internet now. I ran into a site called bisexual playground , but it seems to be centered around just sex. Any specific suggestions?

Then I know there is bi cupid, which I tried once and it was a total waste.

Apr 21, 2008, 7:26 PM
OKCupid ain't bad. It's gay/bi friendly and open ended as to what you are seeking. . . if you see an attractive straight guy, you can still message them. And there are quite a few bi guys there.


Apr 21, 2008, 10:15 PM
This is a tough one even with the internet and here's why. I've met many bi guys but I'm a guy. Some guys who claim they are bi are actually gay men who are closet cases. Also, I've had sex with many guys who identify as straight. Those same guys would tell you they were straight if you asked them because they'd rather be with you than with a guy. But if they wanted to get their rocks off when they're not in a relationship they might fool around with a guy. So my suggestion is, don't go after only bi-guys but men who are sexually open minded.

The guys I believe are authentically bi, don't really have a problem with the same-sex desires and yet they still like having women around. To find these types of guys you have to start with men who hang out in a sexually open and forgiving climate. When I lived in NYC I found the places that attracted many artist were like that.

Apr 22, 2008, 3:33 AM
I am trying the internet now. I ran into a site called bisexual playground , but it seems to be centered around just sex. Any specific suggestions?

Then I know there is bi cupid, which I tried once and it was a total waste.

Do a search for 100%free dating and go for what comes up, no need to go to specifically bi sites, more people on the free ones. You could put in your profile that you are interested in bi guys.

Apr 22, 2008, 11:14 AM
I think viajero makes some valid points. Guys who attend artsy events might be more likely to admit they are bi than those who attend, say, NASCAR events. LOL. The key word here is "admit". There are a lot of guys who have bi tendencies, but would never admit it in normal circumstances. But then, this is a broad generalization, and those often get us in trouble.

I have sometimes looked around a room or venue that is crowded with men and wondered how many have had m/m experiences. There is really no way to ever know. I would guess that if the number of men is over 10 or 15, there is a pretty good chance that one or more has had some m/m experience.

Getting back to the idea of a guy admitting that he is bi. Many men are in denial. Many men have urges, but fight them. I think a sizable portion of men with m/m urges could be nurtured into a comfortable, bisexually open relationship. It's a trust thing.

I agree with viajero that you should look for a guy who is open minded, rather than looking for a guy who admits to being bi. I think it's more likely and less risky for a guy to admit that he's open minded, than to admit that he's bi, and for many guys the meaning is interchangeable. You might have to throw it out there that you are bi, just to set the context. It must be tough being a woman. You have to filter out the guys looking for a LTR from the guys who are just trying to get into your pants. Then you add criteria as nebulous as bisexuality. That's gotta be hard.

I think the internet sites work. Adult Friend Finder is one. Yahoo Personals is another. I've had some luck with both. At least you can specify exactly what you are looking for. Yes they cost a few bucks each month, but it isn't much and you might get lucky.

Good luck.