View Full Version : only for your eyes: c or uc?

Dec 7, 2005, 1:45 AM
Hi everyone!

I guess that in America, you don't see many uncut dicks, so I picked some really nice dicks to ask you which ones you like, uncut or cut dicks?

All the best,

ray :male:

Dec 7, 2005, 1:50 AM
Some more to choose from...

Dec 7, 2005, 1:55 AM
Well, and a bonus of some more uncut dicks... :bigrin:

Dec 7, 2005, 4:27 AM
hmm...thats interesting. thanks for that...i had never seen an uncut penis before

Dec 7, 2005, 5:39 AM
Good Lord! Actually intimidating looking, somewhat. Checked a Colt Studio album and these guys didn't look anything like your sample pictures. Of course in the Army you couldn't help but get a full range of samples to compare with so it remains interesting in the variability among men. Check Betty Dodson's site for comparison.

Dec 7, 2005, 6:44 AM
Ok, those are HUGE! Some small guys have large dicks..damn! Almost scary :eek:

My husband was uncut until 6 months ago. Now that I have had both, my preference is deffinately CUT! He likes it better too!
But not something I would recommend to have done in your 30's unless need be. Alot of pain! :(

Dec 7, 2005, 9:12 AM
Thanks for sharing the pics. Those men are huge!! But I perfer cut!! :tongue:

Dec 7, 2005, 5:57 PM
Hi Ray,Thank you for the photos. Those are very hot. Like Tina,i prefer to play with cut cocks to,but dont mind the un cut also. Thanks Tex..

Dec 7, 2005, 7:28 PM
Awright Ray...Bust out with the site address to find these meat-rockets... :drool: :paw: :paw:

Dec 7, 2005, 7:46 PM
Cut or Uncut I like them both. I'd imagine an uncut guy with more skin means more feeling for him. As far as the pic's go I'd love to see them in action LOL

Dec 7, 2005, 8:29 PM
I prefer cut only. :drool:

Dec 7, 2005, 8:46 PM
Hello everyone
I have been "exposed" to both cut and uncut, and it really does not matter to me, but both have their advantages

but thats just my opinion

Dec 7, 2005, 9:07 PM
I suddenly have a craving for kielbasa....

Dec 7, 2005, 9:37 PM
lol. I didn't know what kielbasa was. I needed to make a search... :tong:

"kielbasa: Polish sausage... "
lmao :bigrin:

I also found this:



[KG:] Dude, we gotta fuckin' write something new. C'mon.
[JB:] I don't like that. So far ba--, off to a bad start.
[strums again]
[JB:] Better, closer, warmer.
[strums again]
[JB:] That's it. Okay.

I love ya baby but all I can think about is
Kielbasa sausage, your butt cheeks is warm.
I check my dipstick, you need lubrication honey,
My kielbasa sausage has just got to perform.
Now get it on!

I see you walkin', but all I can think about is
Dianetics, your butt cheeks is warm.
I check my dipstick, you need lubrication honey,
My kielbasa sausage has just got to perform.
Now I've been set loose-ah,
I'm shooting my juice-ah,
Right in your caboose.
Now fuckin' get it on!
Now get it on.
Get it on!

Dianetics Jr. much better than Krishna,
Dianetics Jr. much better indeed,
And all you people here you're tremendous,
(Except the people in the middle),
And you're smokin' up a big-ass bowl of weed
With me, me and KG.
All right!
Oh yeah,
All right! Oh my God!
All the ladies in the house say yeah (yeah),
C'mon, you muthafucka say a prayer (prayer),
When ya fight, ya gotsta fight fair,
You muthafucka, ho, you muthafucka,
You know what time it is?
Tenacious D time, you muthafucka, go!
Fuck yeah!
Yeah, yeah!

Dude, that was TNT.

Dec 7, 2005, 9:51 PM
Ok, those are HUGE! Some small guys have large dicks..damn! Almost scary :eek:

My husband was uncut until 6 months ago. Now that I have had both, my preference is deffinately CUT! He likes it better too!
But not something I would recommend to have done in your 30's unless need be. Alot of pain! :(


Your answer got me interested. I know that everyone is different, but I think you could help some of us to understand that preference.

Is it for both of you better a cut dick because the dickhead becomes less sensitive and can last longer than before (as I've been told)?

Is it for better sensations while a fellatio?

I think it would be great to have both of your points of view.

If you think I've passed the line for asking you these questions, I apologize and simply ignore this post. I don't want to make anyone uncomfortable, just I'm very curious... :(

I again apologize if with this post I have made you uncomfortable.

Take care and all the best,

ray :male:

Dec 7, 2005, 9:57 PM
Hello everyone
I have been "exposed" to both cut and uncut, and it really does not matter to me, but both have their advantages

but thats just my opinion


Again, and as I said in my previous post, having you been "exposed" to both cut and uncut dicks, could you explain from your point of view, which are the advantages and disadvantages of both?

Once again, I want to apologize if with this, I make you uncomfortable. If that's the case, please forgive me and just ignore this post.

All the best and take care,

ray :male:

Dec 8, 2005, 7:25 PM
HI I'm Mrs F's husband,

I would like to say no you didn't go to far in asking the question I will dicuss it with anyone whom would is intrested in knowning.

The biggest reason I got clipped. Was due to the fact I couldn't finish, or had problems finishing. ;) It was very frustrating. It took 6 weeks before i was cleared to have fun and than it took another 2-3 weeks before i comfortable with doing evverything. But since i've been cut it has been a blast. I feels better I can finish easiler and a faster.

SInce the cutting we both beilve that mr winky has growing wider and maybe a little longer. It has been very satisfaying. I did have pics of it just before and after, but since have gotton rid of then.

Dec 8, 2005, 7:37 PM
Cut? Uncut?
Hell I like cocks so both are fine with me.
If I had a chice I'd go for cut, but it doesn't disqualify a guy if he's uncut.

Eddie altamonte
Dec 9, 2005, 3:15 AM
Mhmmm i love em both...I feel its more fun to play and stroke an uncut cock, being uncut myseld i am prejuidice to say that that little touch of foreskin gives great pleasure and i myself have no problem in lasting a long, long time

Dec 9, 2005, 3:26 AM
Excellent pix by the way. Got my joint jumpin'

Dec 9, 2005, 6:54 AM
By the way, I just wanted to explain that in this thread, if you pass the pointer over the pics, it gives you the solution of the enigma (that is to say, if that dick is cut or uncut).

I mean:

ucd1.jpeg= uncut dick
cd1.jpeg= cut dick

Just in case... :bigrin:

All the best,

ray :male:

Dec 9, 2005, 11:10 AM
I personally prefer INTACT PEOPLE to CUT PEOPLE. I exclude from this rationale personal choices made by adult individuals for themselves. I would also like to stop a misconception before it starts: I am not opposed to Judiasm or any other faith or religion, I support full religious equality for all individuals. There are many Jews and Muslims, for example, who are speaking out against ritual genital cutting, and I support such brave people whole heartedly in their efforts to make their religions more humane and compassionate.

I find this particular thread a little disturbing. As a human rights activist, I find the whole issue of preference in whether or not a penis has been genitally mutilated to be a cruel topic, and would like to, as a bisexual, include all genders in my view of preference. In our society we do not consider the rights of the individual at infancy, and boys and the intersexed are often deprived of a freedom of self determination. The intersexed specifically, often face full sexual dysfunction or even sterilization. Other societies and cultures include women in their rush to cut. Most American males had no say in their current status of 'cut or uncut' and it disturbs me that anybody would have a preference between a cut or intact penises, or would prefer somebody else remove a part of their body as a means of sexual or social acceptence, regardless of the reasoning. It disturbs me most that we consider this an aesthetic issue, when the canvas we are working on is an infant, strapped to a board, with no say in what is being done to their bodies.

Thousands of specialized nerve endings and up to twenty square inches of erogenous tissues are lost when an infant undergoes circumcision, and the intersexed, as I said, fair much worse.

Fortunately for men, there are nonsurgical techniques that will restore some function to the penis, and much of the appearence. "CAT II Q" is one awesome product that I have recently started using, and there are other methods as well, usually involving o-rings, tape, straps and weights. Nonsurgical techniques may not work so well for women, and at this time there is little hope for the intersexed once the cutting is done, as they are very often butchered at birth with no considerationg for their own psychological and physiological identity. Their ambiguous genitalia is feminized even if their wiring is predominately male.

So to clarify, I prefer a person to be in a condition they chose. I prefer other people not to try to pressure people into doing things to themselves or others that are irreversible and damaging, and accept them as they are. I prefer male and female genitals as nature intended them, and the intersexed to have a choice in determining their physical sense of identity, even if that means leaving their bodies well enough alone. I would prefer that doctors stop profiting from the unnecessary injury of others, especially infants, regardless of gender, and regardless of their cultural backgrounds.

I will apologize at this time to anybody who might interpret this as a rant or a flame, but I won't apologize for my words.

Dec 9, 2005, 5:10 PM
I personally prefer INTACT PEOPLE to CUT PEOPLE. [...] There are many Jews and Muslims, for example, who are speaking out against ritual genital cutting, and I support such brave people whole heartedly in their efforts to make their religions more humane and compassionate.

I thought I needed to answer your post, because I agree with a lot of the things you have said. I'll go bit by bit.

First, I want to start by saying that I'm Spanish, and most of Spaniards are uncut, or as you like to say, intact. The people that undergo the procedure of circumcision are the ones that they require it for medical reasons, and the ones that now (due to the freedom of religion that has been installed since 30 years ago) wish to do it due to their religious beliefs.

I never thought about it like a big issue as it seems to be in the USA to be cut or uncut. We always thought about being uncut as normal, and there were always some friends or relatives that had some very tight foreskins that prevented or made quite painful an erection. So still we saw it as normal, that they had to cut it in order to be able to perform sexually as everyone else. The ones that underwent the procedure didn't think of it as a mutilation, neither their friends with uncut dicks.

I noticed the fascination some Americans have with the fact/existence of foreskin in most of European guys, when I met some Americans and they were obsessed with the issue of foreskin, some liking it as something wonderful while others disgusted with what they thought it made a dick dirty and horrendous (for having a bit more of skin down there...)

I didn't know that there were groups of Jews and Muslims fighting against that tradition, as all the ones I've met they see it as a requisite to be part of those religious groups. Actually one of those religious groups is famous for having gone throughout South America, cutting foreskins converting a lot of people to their religion.

I find this particular thread a little disturbing. As a human rights activist, I find the whole issue of preference in whether or not a penis has been genitally mutilated to be a cruel topic, and would like to, as a bisexual, include all genders in my view of preference. In our society we do not consider the rights of the individual at infancy, and boys and the intersexed are often deprived of a freedom of self determination. The intersexed specifically, often face full sexual dysfunction or even sterilization. Other societies and cultures include women in their rush to cut.

Here I differ a little from your point of view, as I think the 3 circumcisions cannot be gathered and put them together as a whole.

The feminine circumsicion is horrendous, and I was really shocked when a woman from one African country, educated in France, who studied at the University of The Sorbonne in Paris, and got a Doctorate in her speciality, proclaimed that the feminine circumcision was necessary, that she was circumcised and that she wanted her daughters to be circumcised too.

I want to explain for those who are not aware of what the feminine circumcision is about. There are different methods of feminine circumcision, but the method most used is the one that requires the ablation of the clitoris and usually also the sewing of the labia leaving just a very small orifice. In other words, they cut the clitoris, depriving that woman from the pleasure it could have given to her, plus they sew the labia, what makes sexual relationships really painful and not wanted by most of women that have undergone that procedure. (It is seen as a way of preventing them to have extra-marital affairs and sometimes it's done or re-done when their husbands go abroad or away for some time) Can you imagine any woman wishing to have sex, knowing that they are going to suffer unbearable pain?

The intersexed are those people, usually dealt with when they are just babies, whose genitals are not clear enough to know whether they are boys or girls. So instead of checking the genetic sex and see what syndrome the baby suffers from (usually they have some anomalies in the chromosomes that determine their sex, one of the most famous is the Klinefelter syndrome), and then with reconstructive surgery trying to fix the external genitalia with the genetic code, they usually deal with them in a very easy way (without thinking about the consequences produced to those unfortunate babies). If there is a penis not clearly defined, they just cut it (if the girl have a hyperdeveloped clitoris, they usually leave it and treat the baby as a boy, but things are changing for the better) and what it should have been a boy, it's now with the magic of a scalpel, a girl, while still most of her (!!!) body hormones are gone to make him feel like a boy.

So of course, I also think that the way of treating the intersexed is horrendous, but fortunately, it seems that this situation is improving a lot, in the way that it's not that widely used anymore.

In the case of masculine circumcision, I also would like to leave the people decide for themselves when they are grown-ups, but as it is a case mostly related with traditional religious beliefs, I wouldn't comment much further about it. They say that as a baby, it doesn't hurt... well, I don't think so, it's just that the babies are not big enough to punch you senseless after you have cut their bits.

In some religions the circumcision is traditionally done while the boy is about 4-7 years old, and the relatives make a big issue of it, dressing the boy with rich clothes, and taking him in procession on a donkey or horse to the place of the ceremony, usually a barber shop, where the barber cuts the baby's bits without any anaesthetics. By the way, this is usually accompanied by a groups of drummers and everyone is shouting cheers of joy (I think the real reason is not to let hear the screams of the poor boy).

Most American males had no say in their current status of 'cut or uncut' and it disturbs me that anybody would have a preference between a cut or intact penises, or would prefer somebody else remove a part of their body as a means of sexual or social acceptence, regardless of the reasoning. It disturbs me most that we consider this an aesthetic issue, when the canvas we are working on is an infant, strapped to a board, with no say in what is being done to their bodies.

Thousands of specialized nerve endings and up to twenty square inches of erogenous tissues are lost when an infant undergoes circumcision, and the intersexed, as I said, fair much worse.

I repeat that I wish they could choose by themselves when they grow up.

I don't think I consider this an aesthetic issue. I consider an aesthetic issue to be shaved, trimmed or have the full bush with your dick/fanny.

The reason for my posting of the uncut/cut dicks was to show some really nice dicks and try to know why is such an issue to Americans to be cut or not. I posted many uncut dicks and as you can check by the answers, there are people that hadn't seen before (even on the internet) an uncut dick!!! which makes me think that in the USA the masculine circumcision must be something almost compulsory...

I know about the problems that can happen with circumcision... Sometimes the tissues don't heal properly or they get attached to places where they shouldn't, like to the glans, sometimes over the rim, sometimes bending the penis to an awkward position when that happens and later that person grows up and has an erection...

Nevertheless I didn't make my question on babies (or kids for that matter), because I'm not interested in that, but in grown-ups who voluntarily or not have or have not cut their foreskins. I focused on something that is already done, and accepted like inevitable by these adults.

I know that thousands of specialized nerve endings are lost when an infant undergoes circumcision but I don't think that the amount of lost tissues reaches twenty square inches.

Fortunately for men, there are nonsurgical techniques that will restore some function to the penis, and much of the appearence. "CAT II Q" is one awesome product that I have recently started using, and there are other methods as well, usually involving o-rings, tape, straps and weights. Nonsurgical techniques may not work so well for women, and at this time there is little hope for the intersexed once the cutting is done, as they are very often butchered at birth with no considerationg for their own psychological and physiological identity. Their ambiguous genitalia is feminized even if their wiring is predominately male.

Yes, fortunately they are methods to regain/restore the foreskin with different rates of success. I didn't know about the "CAT II Q".

So to clarify, I prefer a person to be in a condition they chose. I prefer other people not to try to pressure people into doing things to themselves or others that are irreversible and damaging, and accept them as they are. I prefer male and female genitals as nature intended them, and the intersexed to have a choice in determining their physical sense of identity, even if that means leaving their bodies well enough alone. I would prefer that doctors stop profiting from the unnecessary injury of others, especially infants, regardless of gender, and regardless of their cultural backgrounds.

I will apologize at this time to anybody who might interpret this as a rant or a flame, but I won't apologize for my words.

I did not/ do not/ am not going to pressure people into doing things like circumcision. I'm uncut and I have always wondered why somebody without a religious background/tradition would do it to themselves or their offspring.

Well, I just wanted to clarify my point of view, just as it seems it was interpreted in a different way other than my intention.

All the best,

ray :male:

Dec 9, 2005, 6:50 PM

if ever a thread opened up a whole new perspective to ponder..this one certainly did :eek:

as a european woman i understand very little about the politics of male circumcism beyond the religious ritual (which has always disturbed me) and necessary health reasons due to a too tight foreskin..

Certainly religious reasons are shrouded in mystery and mothers of Jewish babies seem to be deeply traumatised but somehow intimitidated into putting their male babies through this ordeal..

When i first saw Rays thread i smiled and passed it off as one mainly for the boys.. just a bit of mischevious fun on a very open minded website which has a healthy interest in such matters :bigrin:

then i read phat vampires response.....

you seem to speak from the heart phat vampire and i am truly grateful to learn from your your insights... and ray responds with equal eloquence... i salute you both and again raise a wry smile at the diversity this site continues to deliver...

thank you ....julie

Dec 9, 2005, 8:30 PM
I don't really have what you'd call a preference for either, really. I'm in Canada and my boyfriend is uncut. Circumcision (sp?) is relatively common in North America. I heard it started with non-religious parents as a hygeine thing...which is simply foolishness. All you need is basic hygeine, we don't need to go lopping off bits of ourselves for that. Today, I think it's just done out of habit. No one really stops to think about it, they just do it b/c it's been done for so long and is commonplace now. There's really no consideration for why it started (religious ritual) and if it even applies to them. If I ever have a little boy one day, I won't have him circumsised.


Dec 10, 2005, 12:52 AM
I like them cut.Im cut
as are my 2 sons.
No god was not a factor in cutting my boys.
I have no idea why we chose to do it,
it was just the norm.
I have no regrets about it.

Dec 10, 2005, 12:57 AM
Thanks Ray,

Loved the pics, thank you. I have to agree with Phat Vampire, I find the practice of surgical removal of the foreskin to be disturbing since the 'victim' of the procedure has no choice.

I also find the blind acceptance of the procedure in north america to be equally disturbing since there does not appear to be any really good reason to perform it.

I have heard many justifications including hygene, religion, cosmetic appearance...all of which do not seem to outwiegh the most critical question 'should a person have the right to say what happens to his/her own body?'.

My answer has to be unequivocal..yes, yes...and yes. As an adult you have the right (for now) to refuse surgical procedures that others feel are in your best interest...and surely no one is going to lop off bits of your body just because they find them unsightly!

So if you are a new parent, please take the time to consider your actions and inform yourself of the pros and cons of any invasive action upon your child.


PS I am uncut and would not allow my son to be cut.

Dec 10, 2005, 1:47 AM
O.K. Female circumcision is wrong no matter what.

I am now cut. I was uncut. I found that being cut is better. I did get my son cut, though i wasn't sure about it at first. but now i feel it was a good decision.

This next couple of lines go directly to PHAT. Are you passing judgment on me for getting myself cut. Since now I'm not hole. I hate people that preach and have nothing to truly say. I got myself for medical reasons. Is that not a good reason to get cut. I see you didn't ask me any question before you preached on what it right and wrong. I made the decision, and have made the right decision concerning my son.

Dec 12, 2005, 7:06 PM
Back in my fun playdays, 95% of the cocks I played with were cut, the uncut ones were pretty rare. Because of that, uncut cocks were more of a turn on for me, just something a little different. As long as they were clean, they were fun to play with. Most were clean, however, I came across a couple of unclean uncut gentleman who were just plain nasty. Why would anyone go into an adult bookstore looking to play, sporting a cock that smelled like rotten cheese? Yuk! Talk about a turn off. Man, I ain't putting that thing in my mouth. Then they wouldn't take no for an answer and kept sticking it back thru the hole every time I rejected it. I wanted to give that nasty old cheese smelling cock a good whack with my shoe or something, just to get rid of it. Of course, some of the uncut cocks were not that clean either, so I have a feeling it was more the owner of the cock and his preference for personal hygene, rather than the skin on the end of the cock that determined it's playability. Anyway, I loved them all, and played with quite a few of them-cut or uncut.

Ray, your photos are just awesome. Aren't those juicy big ones just so much fun to look at?

Dec 12, 2005, 8:17 PM
Hey ray...How about this uncut lad?

Dec 13, 2005, 12:11 AM
Hey ray...How about this uncut lad?

Wow, man!

That's a lot of foreskin!!! It reminds me of one of the comments from the pics of my profile... You could make a nice leather jacket out of it!!! :tong:

The dickhead is obviously very well protected, not sure if the foreskin is elastic/loose enough to let the glans get out of all that hiding. Also I wonder how it performs while a penetration.

Thanks for sharing, Cody, I find it really interesting.

All the best,

ray :male:

Dec 13, 2005, 5:09 AM
Okay....how about this....Is there any men out there that regret being circumcised or not circumcised?

Dec 13, 2005, 8:57 AM
Good Question Green Eyed Lady............
As Flounders wife...I can say that for him to be circumsised at age 37 was a big decision. But when it is not allowing you to function and feels like it's choking the bad boy, then it's time to look into what the problem could be. He got himself cut and sex for him and I is SO much better. Not that it was ever bad, but having that cock cut was the best thing he ever did. And he has not looked back on his decision at all. :)
Everyone has their own reasons for doing what they do. No one should be judged on why they get cut, uncut or cut their sons. We did cut our son. We did alot of discussion, research, talking to family and looking at the problems that Flounder was having....all were a factor in our decision. We have not regreted that decision.
And my opinion is......if a person is cut, they are still a whole person. A person missing a eye, limb or finger is also a whole person....it's what's in the heart, not on the body!!!!! :2cents:

Dec 13, 2005, 10:11 AM
I didn't think I would be posting on this thread, but it has definitely gotten interesting!

My wife and I had a debate on whether to have our son circumsized. I am cut, and although I wonder about being uncut, I don't have any issues with it.

Of course, there are the hygiene issues everybody brings up...but those are questionable - just keep it clean! Also, recent data links penile cancer to the cancer-producing effects of secretions that become trapped within the foreskin if they are not washed away on a regular basis - so, it is almost unheard of in circumsized males...but also very rare in uncut males who have good hygiene. Ultimately, we had no religious reasons to do it, and good hygiene is obviously not a problem, so we did not have him cut.

I do not have a problem with people who decide to do so, though. It is not absolutely necessary, but it does ease the hygiene and cancer concerns...and from some of the responses on this thread, it seems to have other benefits as well. It has been done for centuries, but I agree that it cannot be compared at all to female circumcision.

As to which do I prefer...uncut, but that may be due to the fact that the majority of North America is circumcised and that is what we are used to...it seems the European contigency likes uncut. Like others have said - as long as it is clean it is OK with me!!

Finally, I have to say that I think many of those pictures are "Photoshop Specials", if you know what I mean!

Dec 13, 2005, 4:30 PM
:bipride: :male: I was circumcized in Korea after a 40 mile forced march with some grit under my foreskin. My cock was swollen, raw, and extremelly sore. Once in Corps rear where I could heal, I felt that I would never want to go through all of that agony again. The battalion surgeon agreed and suggested that he could remove the foreskin.
The operation is fairly simple and should have gone off without a hitch, but for some reason, he found out after he had cut half way around that he had only chromate rather than soluable sutures to sew up the gap! A week or so after the operation the cut had heeled enough to remove the stitches. Now that was really painful and required two session to avoid me going into shock.
I had a wet dream while the stitched were in, and I still trying to stick my cock into a pussy with concertina-wire for pubic hair.
All-in-all I can't see that my sexuality and sexual pleasure have changed as a result. Even at almost 77, I remain horny for both men and women and fantasize about MMF romps with a couple.
The only real advantage of a circumcized cock is that it is easier to keep clean and might taste better when I suck it. But either a cock or pussy tasted better when it is clean. The poop about it helping to prevent cervical cancer has long been debunked.

Dec 13, 2005, 4:48 PM
Wow! And I thought I was the only one who had a late-in-life circumcision. I had mine done in the Navy when I was 19. The biggest issue I had with it was tha a 19 year old kid gets about 100 erections a day (at least it seemed that way) and those erections pulled the stitches, and it hurt like hell. I can't tell you how many sleepless nights I spent "walking it off" I sure as hell couldn't wank it off. :eek: But when all is said and done, I definitely prefer uncut. For me easier to keep clean, and I also prefer an uncut cock in my mouth for the same cleanliness (odor) reasons.

Dec 13, 2005, 7:22 PM
Okay....how about this....Is there any men out there that regret being circumcised or not circumcised?

I was cut about 7 years ago and have no regrets other than finding out how many studs actually like foreskin....Oh well... :paw: :paw:

Feb 20, 2006, 5:30 PM
I had to ad my post here...I'm glad I'm cut and have never had any complaints about my cock.

Feb 21, 2006, 1:43 AM
Personally, it makes little differenceto me provided they work the way they are meant to.
Possibly an uncut, sweaty (ie before shower) penis can hide some nasty little stale tastes if one "goes down" - but really, who cares??

Its a pity a more realistic lineup wasn't shown, tho. Porn sized cocks are not really common

Feb 21, 2006, 3:12 AM
Ive only had cut dicks and have seen many pics of uncut, I dont find that attractive at all. The pictures are not of average men at all, but the cut ones are much nicer.

Feb 21, 2006, 7:48 AM
((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Ray))))))))))))))))))) ))))
good to see u back again hun
I missed ya
ty for the lovely pics

Driver 8
Feb 21, 2006, 11:01 AM
Unfortunately I don't think he's back - he started this thread in September, and his profile says he hasn't been active since January 7th :( I miss him too.

meteast chick
Feb 21, 2006, 11:43 AM
Allright, I feel a necessity to respond to this...I was born into a family/region in which circumcision is commonplace. Does that make it right? Probably not, but I did make that decision for my own boys. My husband is circumcised, his family is as well, he advocated it. I consulted my doctor when I was pregnant about possible risks, advantages, and methods of performing the precedure. I felt comfortable with my decison. My doctor gave me these reasons as possible advantages: 1)circumcision possibly reduces the risk of developing UTI in the first year of life 2)possibility of preventing penile cancer 3)intact men have 3 x's the relative risk for HIV, and includes increased risk for genital ulcer disease, syphilis and chancroid 4)circumcised men reported less sexual dysfunction, and 5) hygiene: easier for mothers to care for in infancy. As a new mother, these were reasons enough for me.
I hope you all realize that cicumcision in a newborn is much different than circumcising an adult. The procedure is easier and the healing quicker. Yes, we could let them make that decision when they are bigger, but what child or adult for that matter is going to do it after hearing that? In a newborn, the procedure is around 5-10 minutes, done with a local anesthetic, and the scab generally falls off within a week. One of my boys fell asleep during the procedure, the other one was already asleep and never arose until after it was done. Does THAT sound barbaric? I will tell you, I have never been with an uncut man, but according to a study of young Midwestern mothers, 98% of whom were caucasion, such as myself, we live in the area of the country with the highest rate of cicumcision, and 78% of women in this study had no experience with intact men. I guess it wouldn't take us much to be persuaded. I also think for most of American men, especially in my area, it's a social factor. Think of showering after gym(now guys...tsk tsk), what boy or his mother wants him to increase his risk of being humiliated for being different? I've never been with an uncut man, what would my boys be risking going out in the world, probably staying their entire lives in this region, bedding women who have never seen an intact penis?

These are simply MY reasons. I am NOT, I repeat NOT comdemning being uncircumcised.

To end this on a positive note: a Jeff Foxworthy joke:

How do you circumcise a redneck?

answer: Slap his sister on the back of the head!

Feb 23, 2006, 9:33 AM
Okay....how about this....Is there any men out there that regret being circumcised or not circumcised?

Me, obviously.

Feb 23, 2006, 9:40 AM
I've never had a dick that was uncut, but just by the looks and the idea, I think I like the cut ones better.

Feb 23, 2006, 9:55 AM
An article link has been posted that corrects the misconcenceptions posted recently about children and their ability to endure pain.

Lest I be accused of preaching when I am merely expressing outrage at what was done to me as an infant without my consent, and to my personal detriment, I will for once be brief.

Should we continue to remove tissues from male infants that are perfectly healthy, perform a positive sensory function, and are a natural, ordinary part of the human body? Should we make sure we do it at an age where they have no physical or mental means of resistance? Why should we do this? Why can't we provide equal protection to males as we do to women? Is a woman's body so weak that she can't handle a pin prick as a child or infant? The law says that a pin prick to the labia or genitals is illegal. Are infant boys really so much tougher than the girls? Should they have to be?

I don't judge the people who did it, but I do refuse to accept their defense of their decisions in the present that they have an ethically defended 'right' to have another individual cut at infancy for cosmetic reasons. Law and ethics, in this instance are in conflict.

99.9 percent of intact men in the world generally choose to keep their foreskins when left intact as infants, yet four out of ten males who undergo circumcision for medical reasons as adults are disatisfied with those results and with their sexual experiences after that. This relationship of disatisfaction should illustrate how perfect the penis is in its natural state.


Feb 23, 2006, 10:39 AM
Well I am upset at some of the comments but I will keep my thoughts to myself

As to the pics. I have to say i don't care to see a cut or uncut. I think the penis is a ugly piece of equipment. Sorry but I don't care to see it. I think a man looks a lot better with something covering it..


meteast chick
Feb 23, 2006, 11:48 AM
An article link has been posted that corrects the misconcenceptions posted recently about children and their ability to endure pain.

I don't judge the people who did it, but I do refuse to accept their defense of their decisions in the present that they have an ethically defended 'right' to have another individual cut at infancy for cosmetic reasons. Law and ethics, in this instance are in conflict.
Some doctors believe that infants can't feel pain at all. I say that is complete and utter bullshit. My kids had anesthetic, I fully believe they felt little to no pain, they were not left completely uncovered and having direct contact with their own urine and feces, which was printed in the article. While I fully understand your hostility about the situation at hand, I feel it's unnecessary to say that my choice for my sons was 'ethically' wrong. I read the given article, and several things about it I don't agree with, and other studies have conflicted with. The studies I found now and when making my decision for my sons, at least in the U.S., mostly supported circumcision. Now, the articles I find are 50/50 at best. Whose to say who is right and who is wrong about this? My children don't remember it, my husband has no memory of it, and all seem pretty happy about it. I'm not exactly taking a pro-circumcision stance here, or even trying to justify my reasons. I was simply giving the elecudation as to my own personal choice.

I feel extraordinarily fortunate having been born in America, where we are given CHOICE. I can't go back and change what I've done, nor would I, but please read this and understand that I had my own reasons for believing it was the correct decision for MY OWN FAMILY.

Feb 23, 2006, 12:22 PM
When I have children I'll make sure it's done after they are born, my brother was born in germany and was not cut. When I was real young I remember him having the surgery.

He was in alot of pain for along time. Also my friends stepdad had it done when we was 50 because he married a jewish woman, he suffered alot for awhile.

So I'd suggest get it done when they are young. I just don't see any world wide epidemic of disfunctional children because of circumcision.

And if you think it's inhuman because you didn't have a choice, aborted babies don't have a choice either. At least the choice for you to live resulted in you being able to post in this thread.

Feb 23, 2006, 5:08 PM
ok...so i feel like such a dork asking this...but i don't know..i've only been w/men that were cut...
so... when an uncut man has an erection does it poke thru the skin? or does the skin just hang there? and if it just stays there...that pic of the guy w/lots of skin...does the cum just drip out? blah, i'm so confused and tryin to figure all this man stuff out. maybe i should invest in some porno educational videos??? i'm just not a big fan of the look of the penis and never really thought of it i guess.
don't laugh at me for asking questions that ya'll might think are obvious...'cause i'm just here tryin to learn! :female:

Feb 23, 2006, 5:17 PM
I'm not sure either. I guess the urine and cum just sorta finds it's way out of the penis. To me foreskin is just gross and nasty. If someone pulled out thier dick and it was covered in foreskin, I probably just gracefully bow out.

Who would want to suck or fuck a dick with foreskin. Yikes... gross.

Not sure what to say, it's just disgusting, a man with foreskin. BLEH!

Feb 23, 2006, 6:34 PM
I'm not sure either. I guess the urine and cum just sorta finds it's way out of the penis. To me foreskin is just gross and nasty. If someone pulled out thier dick and it was covered in foreskin, I probably just gracefully bow out.

Who would want to suck or fuck a dick with foreskin. Yikes... gross.

Not sure what to say, it's just disgusting, a man with foreskin. BLEH!

Sounds like you have rather strong preferences! are you sure? (just kidding!)

I guess "fucking" a guy with foreskin might be kind of like doing it with a woman with large redundant labia. That's a yuk for me!!

Just in case you think I'm sensitive about the subject because I'm not circumsized---I am--no foreskin for me!

Feb 24, 2006, 9:43 AM
I suddenly have a craving for kielbasa....

You know, Angel, my brother and I grilled some Polska Kielbasa on President's day, along with a Delmonico steak. Aaaah....

He's uncut, I'm cut. Ouch! I miss my prepuce.

I will ask my Dr. about restoration today.


Feb 24, 2006, 9:48 AM
I've never had a dick that was uncut, but just by the looks and the idea, I think I like the cut ones better.

Yeah, but they say with uncut, the G-spot access is better. What happens is the introitus grips the forskin, and there is no friction there. Sort of a gasket seal allowing full lubrication to build up within the vagina.

Likewise for anal with men, the anus grips the skin, keeping the lubrication internal.

As for looks, give me a nice straight one, cut, with a bar. Yummy!


Feb 24, 2006, 9:54 AM
ok...so i feel like such a dork asking this...but i don't know..i've only been w/men that were cut...
so... when an uncut man has an erection does it poke thru the skin? or does the skin just hang there? and if it just stays there...that pic of the guy w/lots of skin...does the cum just drip out? blah, i'm so confused and tryin to figure all this man stuff out. maybe i should invest in some porno educational videos??? i'm just not a big fan of the look of the penis and never really thought of it i guess.
don't laugh at me for asking questions that ya'll might think are obvious...'cause i'm just here tryin to learn! :female:

Oh it's easy. Assuming the man is clean, you just retract the foreskin with you hand and bob the knob with your mouth. It doesn't retract on it's own unless it is of intermediate length. Then, it appears covered flaccid, and the head is uncovered when erect.

Yes, the urine and semen come through the opening unless there is a phymosis, I think it's called; a tight prepuce. In that case, when urinating (as my brother does) the owner retracts the foreskin.

As a projectile ejaculator, I like being cut. I'd hate to have that restricted by a foreskin. For a man who dribbles or pours, this is not an issue.

During intercourse, usually the vagina retracts the foreskin, allowing the male to enjoy delicate tickling sensations with the normally protected glans. My glans is unprotected, and less sensistive than others, but I have a delightful spot on my curcumcision scar that is sensitive like a clitoris, so that makes up for it.


Feb 24, 2006, 9:59 AM
Should we continue to remove tissues from male infants that are perfectly healthy, perform a positive sensory function, and are a natural, ordinary part of the human body? Should we make sure we do it at an age where they have no physical or mental means of resistance?

...four out of ten males who undergo circumcision for medical reasons as adults are disatisfied with those results and with their sexual experiences after that. This relationship of disatisfaction should illustrate how perfect the penis is in its natural state.

One day, male as well as female genital mutilation (yes, that is what it is), will be universally discussed openly. Until that day, the practice is a private matter within families, and as such, a sad thing. Not that the result cannot be beautiful, only that the process is horrid.


Feb 24, 2006, 3:13 PM
Let me share a bit of the life of my penis.

As a German, I have an uncut penis.
I developed an early (early preteen) fascination with my dick and found it very pleasurable to pull my skin back. Much later I learned that this is because of all the nerve endings who are located in the soft and moist skin between the glans and the shaft skin.
When my penis is flacid it is covered with the foreskin and maybe the tip of the glans looks out.
If I have an errection the foreskin retracts between 70 to 100% without help behind the glands.
During urination the foreskin is pulled back by hand for better aim.
A few years ago I discovered when I turn the glans 180 degrees during urination, the aim improves and there is nearly no spray.
I never needed lubrication during intercoure and had no idea that the circumsized penis needs it even for masturbation.
I wash my dick after every urination, so it is always in prime condition and ready to be sucked.
The white yucky stuff (smegma) can be found around an unclean dick head as also around the clitoris. Same stuff same smell.

As for the looks, my wife and I find the flacid cut penis a bit more sexy than the uncut, but in errection, there are but a vew differences.

We are nudists and discovered that the average cut penis is shorter then the average uncut penis. We have been to lots of nudist places around the world and the uncut penis are longer by comparison.

We also noticed much more deformed cut penises than uncut.

As to the foreskin restauration, you can not get back the nerves what have been cut away, you only can stretch the skin more or less permanently.

The most effective way is via pumping. For more information check out the newart forum. http://forums.newart.com/

Feb 24, 2006, 5:08 PM
Well I am upset at some of the comments but I will keep my thoughts to myself

As to the pics. I have to say i don't care to see a cut or uncut. I think the penis is a ugly piece of equipment. Sorry but I don't care to see it. I think a man looks a lot better with something covering it..

Boy, and I thought I was the only one! Thanks for speaking up Angela. I have to agree with you on this one. I have little desire to see men fully nude.

Feb 24, 2006, 6:03 PM
Well I am upset at some of the comments but I will keep my thoughts to myself

As to the pics. I have to say i don't care to see a cut or uncut. I think the penis is a ugly piece of equipment. Sorry but I don't care to see it. I think a man looks a lot better with something covering it..


So you think "the penis is an ugly piece of equipment"...........well lady squat on a mirror and take a real good look at your vagina and then tell me whats ugly.

Cheers Chook :bigrin:

Feb 24, 2006, 6:59 PM
So you think "the penis is an ugly piece of equipment"...........well lady squat on a mirror and take a real good look at your vagina and then tell me whats ugly.

Cheers Chook :bigrin:

I hate to say this but I dont squat and look. I don't find looking at any either all that sexy or pretty. However I do think the question was on the Penis!! Hell you don't have to like what it looks like to enjoy it. I just prefer not to see it on porn or pictures. I think someone can be sexy still clothed. I never did say that the female body part was any way shape or form any better. Hell where do you think babies come from... I am so sorry (scarcastic) that you were offended by my comment on your Penis!!

Feb 24, 2006, 7:20 PM
I hate to say this but I dont squat and look. I don't find looking at any either all that sexy or pretty. However I do think the question was on the Penis!! Hell you don't have to like what it looks like to enjoy it. I just prefer not to see it on porn or pictures. I think someone can be sexy still clothed. I never did say that the female body part was any way shape or form any better. Hell where do you think babies come from... I am so sorry (scarcastic) that you were offended by my comment on your Penis!!

For starters I didnt say anything about "my penis" and I dont think anyone has a gun to head telling you that you have to enjoy porno's, I believe the subject was on cut or uncut and not on how ugly a penis is and like you said in your original post "well I'm upset at some of the comments but I will keep my comments to myself".................Maybe you should have done just that.

Cheers Chook :bigrin:

Feb 24, 2006, 7:25 PM
For starters I didnt say anything about "my penis" and I dont think anyone has a gun to head telling you that you have to enjoy porno's, I believe the subject was on cut or uncut and not on how ugly a penis is and like you said in your original post "well I'm upset at some of the comments but I will keep my comments to myself".................Maybe you should have done just that.

Cheers Chook :bigrin:

You know you are bieng a little rude for a site that encourages all view points.


Feb 24, 2006, 7:35 PM
You know you are bieng a little rude for a site that encourages all view points.


I dont think I'm being rude to you or anyone else I was just replying to the points that you have been making. What my point was it doesnt matter what you or I think about the looks of a penis wether its covered or cut or avagina it really wasnt the comment to make in this forum, because it wasnt the question that was asked.

Cheers Chook :bigrin:

Feb 24, 2006, 11:18 PM
well, I was going to make what I thought may have been a relevant comment of my excerience about the cut/uncut subject. however, after reading the last several post, I think I should just pass. this one seems to have deterated somewhat.

Feb 25, 2006, 7:27 AM
I have to say that I prefer cut, although I've enjoyed both, and wouldn't turn an uncut down. Either way the chemistry has to be right. Awsome set of pics. The second pic in the series is just my style though. nice tube running the whole length......:-). Would love to put that one in my mouth, all the way.

Feb 25, 2006, 6:56 PM
Hello from DannyJ...
As far as circumcision goes, let me put in my two cents: 1), I love c**k, and to me, the man is more important than his tool, so I'm happy with a guy who likes to get done, regardless of the amount of skin there; 2), no woman can ever truly know the difference between being cut and uncut for the same reason that no man can ever truly know the feeling of giving birth; it has to do with a part of our bodies which belongs totally and uniquely to our own sex, and all feelings associated with it--regardless of how well we attempt to describe or share them--simply cannot adequately be appreciated, neither physically nor emotionally, by members of the opposite sex...it is an anatomical impossibility; 3), although I was circumcised, my skin is loose enough for me not to need lubrication for masturbation (which makes clean-up easier...lol); 4), lastly, and perhaps most importantly, since I have been aware of how much fun I can have with my c**k, there has not been a single day in my life when I have not cursed my parents and the doctor for having done this to me: there were no religious grounds for doing it, neither was there any medical need, and sometimes the anger I feel about this needless mutilation of my body gives way only to the hate I feel about it...it's not something that one simply "gets over". Mothers--if you don't like the look of the penis in its natural state, or if you're concerned about possible medical conditions that may arise later in your sons' lives, please wait until they're old enough to understand and appreciate your concerns to discuss the possibility of the removing of the prepuce before acting on your wishes: they are, after all, your sons, and not your possessions--their penises belong to them and are a part of their bodies, not yours...fathers--you know what it feels like to have a dick: give your sons the chance to find out what it feels like to be physically complete; later on, if they need to be cut--not due just to a doctor's opinion, but because of strong medical evidence--it won't take that long to heal, and you can help emotionally during the recovery process.
Bottom line: It's not that complicated to clean all the body parts that need it, but once a body part is cut off, it's gone forever. Enough said.

Feb 25, 2006, 11:36 PM
This topic seems to be something that not only needs to be talked about, but quite obvioulsy wants to be talked about.

I aggree and disagree with the topics said over the early read three pages. It seems odd, that a pearson who claims to Love sex hates their genatalia.

I was cut at a very young age, and yes I'm European on top of that German. (Just to those who have misconceptions about Europeans) I don't regret it or miss it..... or even wonder how sex would be like with the foreskin. Obviously it was a choice of the parents when we lost our foreskin. I respect my parents and their choice of how they decided to reaise me. So why make a big deal about something where there is realy no reason too.

Mutalation!... I realy enjoy that term.

Vamp... unless they cut more then they were suppose to. They propably did you a favour. Imagine you still had your forskin and an erection would hurt so bad that you wished you would never get aroused again.... Us without forskin don't have that problem....

Feb 26, 2006, 12:49 AM
well, things are looking up with this post, so I guess I will relate my experience with you all. I am an old guy and uncut. while in the US Army way back and on extended field duty, it became a hygiene problem. so, I started pushing the foreskin back below the glan. now believe me, that was an experience. the glan was so sensitive for weeks I had an allmost constant erection. anyway, after a period of adjustment with that, things settled down and no other problems. I must say that the glan was much less sensitive in the following years but did not prevent or delay a climax. also the foreskin shrank a bit and the head seemed to grow somewhat in size where the skin would not completely cover the glan while erect. it would however fully cover up when flaccid and still will. I have kept the glan uncovered for all these years. also, I'm sad to say that at this stage in my life and present health, it makes little difference. I never had any difficulty with sex before or after keeping the skin pushed back but it sure has been easier to keep things clean. so that is my story and I'm sticking to it.....

Feb 26, 2006, 12:55 AM
well, things are looking up with this post, so I guess I will relate my experience with you all. I am an old guy and uncut. while in the US Army way back and on extended field duty, it became a hygiene problem. so, I started pushing the foreskin back below the glan. now believe me, that was an experience. the glan was so sensitive for weeks I had an allmost constant erection. anyway, after a period of adjustment with that, things settled down and no other problems. I must say that the glan was much less sensitive in the following years but did not prevent or delay a climax. also the foreskin shrank a bit and the head seemed to grow somewhat in size where the skin would not completely cover the glan while erect. it would however fully cover up when flaccid and still will. I have kept the glan uncovered for all these years. also, I'm sad to say that at this stage in my life and present health, it makes little difference. I never had any difficulty with sex before or after keeping the skin pushed back but it sure has been easier to keep things clean. so that is my story and I'm sticking to it.....

Feb 26, 2006, 2:35 AM
OMG do you know Jeff Foxworthy???

Allright, I feel a necessity to respond to this...I was born into a family/region in which circumcision is commonplace. Does that make it right? Probably not, but I did make that decision for my own boys. My husband is circumcised, his family is as well, he advocated it. I consulted my doctor when I was pregnant about possible risks, advantages, and methods of performing the precedure. I felt comfortable with my decison. My doctor gave me these reasons as possible advantages: 1)circumcision possibly reduces the risk of developing UTI in the first year of life 2)possibility of preventing penile cancer 3)intact men have 3 x's the relative risk for HIV, and includes increased risk for genital ulcer disease, syphilis and chancroid 4)circumcised men reported less sexual dysfunction, and 5) hygiene: easier for mothers to care for in infancy. As a new mother, these were reasons enough for me.
I hope you all realize that cicumcision in a newborn is much different than circumcising an adult. The procedure is easier and the healing quicker. Yes, we could let them make that decision when they are bigger, but what child or adult for that matter is going to do it after hearing that? In a newborn, the procedure is around 5-10 minutes, done with a local anesthetic, and the scab generally falls off within a week. One of my boys fell asleep during the procedure, the other one was already asleep and never arose until after it was done. Does THAT sound barbaric? I will tell you, I have never been with an uncut man, but according to a study of young Midwestern mothers, 98% of whom were caucasion, such as myself, we live in the area of the country with the highest rate of cicumcision, and 78% of women in this study had no experience with intact men. I guess it wouldn't take us much to be persuaded. I also think for most of American men, especially in my area, it's a social factor. Think of showering after gym(now guys...tsk tsk), what boy or his mother wants him to increase his risk of being humiliated for being different? I've never been with an uncut man, what would my boys be risking going out in the world, probably staying their entire lives in this region, bedding women who have never seen an intact penis?

These are simply MY reasons. I am NOT, I repeat NOT comdemning being uncircumcised.

To end this on a positive note: a Jeff Foxworthy joke:

How do you circumcise a redneck?

answer: Slap his sister on the back of the head!

Feb 26, 2006, 11:29 AM
oopps, sorry folks about the double post above. would the moderator please remove either post #68 or #69. stuff does happen sometimes.....

Feb 26, 2006, 1:42 PM
Either Way....as long as it is attached to an interesting man.


Feb 26, 2006, 2:52 PM
As an uncut Brit I can't believe that this is such a big issue but it would appear that the US is preoccuppied with it. The way women here get all icky about it had me giggling! When I was young, girls used to grab my cock with no expertise and yeah it hurt, but like cut guys we need a little lube at first, so with a little education they quickly learned to make it feel great. Remember girls, when a normal uncut guy gets horny, his precum lines the inside of his foreskin and it slips back and sits like a ruffled collar on a polo neck sweater when he grows harder; yeah uncut guys are more sensitive but I wouldn't lose that feeling for the world. I love my foreskin and most uncut guys do too. It means we have devine sensations apparently akin to your clit when touched, on our cockhead and the retracted foreskin 'collar' has loads of nerve endings that can have one on a tingling high for ages. So if you are having sons don't cut them or you will take away what nature intended. I have been told that most US gay men feel lucky if they pick up an uncut gay guy....
Here is a pic of my uncut cock as an example. See? no different apart from the ruffle. and it won't bite!

Feb 26, 2006, 3:03 PM
Wow. I just read this whole stream, and it was quite interesting the visceral statements that were made.

First, I respect each person's decision on here to make any decision on this for themselves (to the extent they can), and for their children. Anyone who does not take into account what is best for their child is ...well, that defies words.

But the accusations leveled here about mutilation and inhumanity offend me. I was circumsized as a part of a religious ritual, as was my brother, my father, grandfather, and so on for thousands of years. To me, being a part of that chain, that spiritual continuity is FAR more important than sexual pleasure (and sexual pleasure is important to me :) ). And at some point, whether because of age or accident my penis becomes ineffective as a sexual organ, I will still get emotional and spiritual support and comfort from people of my culture and community because of what that circumcision implies.

When my son was born there was no question he would be ritually circumsized in the tradition of my culture. Did he cry? Absolutely he cried as he always did when his diaper came off. After he was cleaned with a warm towel (before the cutting), he cooed happily. I was there next to him during the entire process. He did not cry. He did not flinch. He did not scream in pain. He did pee on the mohel (the person who does the ritual) but I think that was incidental. He enjoyed peeing on people (I really hope that doesn't translate into later life).

From a physiological standpoint, as a father I have enough trouble keeping my kids remotely clean; to those who say "its just a matter of teaching your kids..." then I would ask how involved are you as a parent? Are you the one who has to clean the kid, or "teach" a 2 year old to keep it clean? Or if you are even a parent do you just tell your wife to handle that? Unless you're the one who has to deal with it, your statement has no merit; it's like Donald Trump telling a homeless person to "get a job." As someone earlier in the thread pointed out, those who have intact foreskins are far more likely to contract diseases when exposed through the foreskin, including STDs and HIV. We give far more dangerous innoculations to our kids for rarer and much less lethal diseases than these; if a parent, based on empirical medical evidence, makes a decision to help reduce the kids risks or prevent them from being ostricized socially (a child isn't necessarily equipped to fight back against that), what right do you have to tell them they are doing something wrong?

To those of you who are angry that your circumcision has robbed you of sexual pleasure, I can't speak on that. But you have no right to condemn a procedure for robbing another of sexual pleasure when you are not equipped to deal with the ramifications of their lives' decisions. You use words like torture and mutilation because they are inflammatory and geared to hurt the readers. Live your life and make decisions based on that life. Let others do the same.

Oh, and to the original question...I've only been with one guy who was uncut, and it didn't really make much difference either way. He was kinda small though... : ). I do think that if the foreskin is so long the head can't be seen, that's kind of like wearing clothing anyway.

Disclaimer: My comments are only about male circumcision, and don't address in any context female circumcision. I don't know anything about that and won't pretend to).

Feb 26, 2006, 3:31 PM
I still have my foreskin (in case you could not tell that from my handle) :). I Never had a problem with it and enjoy it very much :). I think a foreskin looks more natural and can be alot of fun to play with but would not tell a guy that to take a walk becasue he is cut. I enjoy then both. I think the discussion of pros and cons of circumcision should be left to another thread. Maybe I will start one :).

Feb 26, 2006, 4:51 PM
i don't know if we need a thread posing another reason for men to feel inadequate about their cocks. we're already bombarded with "IS YOUR COCK TOO SMALL TO SATISFY HER?"-type propaganda, the last thing we need is to add the cut/uncut debate to that...
Big/small, cut/uncut- i've had different kinds, and what i've learned is that often, people who just plain suck in bed like to have something out of their control to blame for their poor performance (it's not ME, it's the fact that i was/wasn't cut, it's not my fault my cock's small, etc....)

just learn how to use what you have. seriously.

don't get a complex about your cock size or type, don't think that's the reason men/women don't like to have sex with you....it's really not worth fixating on, and it's easy to dismiss that as a reason you're not satisfying someone without having to take responsibility for how you could be a better lover yourself.

(loss of personal sensation is a different issue and i do take that seriously in regards to circumcision, what i'm addressing here is the potential impact [pardon the pun] that cock type has in regards to pleasing one's partner)

sex isn't just about cock anyways, a truly good lover is not rated on how hard he can punch me in the cervix...fingers, tongues, nails, teeth, skin and more are all important...and if you're with someone who's truly a size queen/king (and they're not as rampant as you might think) there are plenty of options...hell, i was born with girl parts but that hasn't stopped me from fucking my boyfriend in the ass any time he wants it.

insecurity and excuses are not sexy but creativity and experimentation are.

Oct 28, 2006, 12:02 PM
ok, I hope that this is in as close to the right thread as it's gonna get but anyway, a question. I am un-cut and erect or soft it's kinda hard to pull back the skin, so much so that when erect it won't pull back all the way, just a little. Is this something that's gonna be a problem as far as intercourse goes? I hope that someone can give me a clue. I've only really ever messed around. Well, thanks in advance.

Oct 28, 2006, 2:06 PM
I'm cut...and perfer cut....looks better...smells better..tastes better.. plus its kind of hard to get excited over a cock that looks like a corn dog...without the stick... :2cents:

Oct 28, 2006, 3:50 PM
Wow. I love the look of an uncut cock - but I have to say those last thumbnails just grossed me out. Way toooo much overhang. I don't like it when it looks like... Hm, I don't know, a hose? A wormy nose, tubey thing of some sort? No thanks. Now as for the original thumbnails - the 4th one in the 1st set? If I had a dick that long, I'd never leave the house. The 1st piccie in that third thumbnail set? Yep, yumalicious that's what I'd not only like to play with but have on my person if I was a man.

To note as well, I used to date an uncut guy and being the first of that nature I'd encountered, it was strange when I first started giving him oral, but I did find that he seemed far more sensitive during intercourse which was both good and bad. Ah those nights of him saying "Don't. Move. Just. Don't. Move." LOL. Holding our breath and waiting as we kissed and laughed. Good times.

Definitely I vote for uncuts!!

Oct 28, 2006, 3:57 PM
ok, I hope that this is in as close to the right thread as it's gonna get but anyway, a question. I am un-cut and erect or soft it's kinda hard to pull back the skin, so much so that when erect it won't pull back all the way, just a little. Is this something that's gonna be a problem as far as intercourse goes? I hope that someone can give me a clue. I've only really ever messed around. Well, thanks in advance.

:) See? Being a medical assistant comes in handy in the strangest places, lol!

The condition of a too-tight foreskin is called phimosis. I'm sure if you look it up on google etc. you can find a great deal of information to help.

Oct 29, 2006, 7:39 AM
WELL......I think that cut is definatley for me. But..... The photo selection was certainly a buffet of huge cock. Nice treat for a Sunday morning !!!!


Oct 29, 2006, 3:42 PM
Okay....how about this....Is there any men out there that regret being circumcised or not circumcised?
there are several thousand that I know that severely regret it having been done to them, and many hundreds of thousands more that I have not spoken to.

Jan 3, 2007, 3:32 AM
The way you can so readily stroke an uncut cock, and slip your tongue up in between the fold? :tongue: I'd have to say that uncut cocks present more mystery and variation. You can hold the prepuce shut when an uncut lover cums and watch him implode-spurt, or pull it back and aim. It also works really well for anal penetration. Mine's uncut and I like that it's so easy to reach down and get it sliding when I masturbate, with or without lube...

Jan 4, 2007, 2:49 PM
Uncut any day of the week.

We'll be walking round the forum with our willies hanging out...

Jan 4, 2007, 6:30 PM
Dayyuummmm ! Those were big!!
But I prefer cut as to uncut.

Jan 4, 2007, 7:22 PM
both are hot,but i do like a little hair not shaved.As I say if its hard its good.


Jan 4, 2007, 7:26 PM
Going back in history, most men were cut, but for those who lived in the desert world, men chose to remain uncut so they had a place to hide their chewing gum during a sand storm :-)

Jan 5, 2007, 7:39 PM
Thanx Ray,
Used to think i was at least average till i saw this post

Jan 28, 2007, 12:19 AM
It only matters it the is still alot of excess forskin when erect. As long as when they are hard the head is exposed. I dont like to have to concentrate on keeping the skin pulled back.


fun pickle
Jan 28, 2007, 12:39 AM
Are you kidding! I'll take both..all of the above! Prefence is for uncut!

Jan 28, 2007, 3:21 AM
umph. . pppllleeeaaaaassssssuuuuuuurrrrrrreeeeeeeee. . but i prefer cut.

Jan 28, 2007, 10:39 AM
cut - can't do the uncut - sorry

Jan 28, 2007, 11:41 AM
Wow...just like everyone else is saying...the ones you posted are huge! lol...I think I probably prefer the cut, although some of the uncut aren't too bad. I like giving oral to the cut though because I like the "mushroom top", it's fun to run my tongue around it. And, the uncut look kind of wierd when they aren't hard.

Jan 28, 2007, 2:38 PM
http://www.theuncutcock.blogspot.com/ check this site for more info...
oh and you can't dock if you're cut!

Jan 28, 2007, 3:47 PM
What difference does it make? Cut or uncut. What really matters is how well you use that stackpole!


Jan 28, 2007, 6:16 PM
I like cut, I really like #4, I wonder if all that cock would fit in my ass?

Jan 31, 2007, 9:15 AM
a cutted cock is cleaner mostly! and so more appatizing for partner/in. :)

but that's my name!!
Jan 31, 2007, 1:03 PM
I find the very thaught of unnessicarily cutting off part of a penis without consent to be disgusting. I've never had a cut penis, my girlfriend has; she said it was pretty much the same when erect but the guy had some sort of dilusion about not haveing to wash it.