View Full Version : Hair colour and sexuality.

Apr 15, 2008, 2:06 PM
From looking through the profiles in this site and others like it for many years, 2 things struck me as being more than a coincidence.

1. It seems there is a higher incidence (than the "normal" population) of people with red hair that have mixed sexuality.

2. There is a higher incidence of Gay and Bisexual people that seek to "hook-up" for sex on sites like this.

just my own unprofessional observations, what do you think?


Apr 15, 2008, 8:56 PM
From looking through the profiles in this site and others like it for many years, 2 things struck me as being more than a coincidence.

1. It seems there is a higher incidence (than the "normal" population) of people with red hair that have mixed sexuality.

2. There is a higher incidence of Gay and Bisexual people that seek to "hook-up" for sex on sites like this.

just my own unprofessional observations, what do you think?


Hmmmmm...well considering that this is a bi site and that sites of a similar nature would be at least sex related sites... "seeking to hook up" would be exactly what many of us would be trying to do in one way form or another :)

According to a recent poll on this site in regard to age....my guess would be that there is a greater number of people loosing their hair color or their hair all together for that matter... as being more incidental...as least as far as the men go anyway....on the other hand tho.....my wife is a natural redhead....hmmm (eyes her suspiciously) that could explain a lot ...good observation:)


Apr 15, 2008, 11:00 PM
You may have a point. My hair is typically a red hue. Say right now, it's a mixture of pink, red, and orange. I honestly don't know what the predominant color is. I also have a friend who is bisexual. She is a natural redhead (and gorgeous!).

That's not to say I don't know straight redheads. One of the most straight-laced, conservative girls I know is a natural redhead. And she's not in the closet. She's really, really straight.

Are we going with natural redheads, unnatural redheads, or both?

Apr 15, 2008, 11:02 PM
I know a “true red head” girl, but she seem to be very straight, why is she not aware of her “true sexuality”?
If I dye my hair “fire engine red” will that make anybody wonder about my sexuality?

Apr 15, 2008, 11:56 PM
Maybe so I am redheaded bi girl.:bipride:

Apr 16, 2008, 7:49 AM
I am not sure that having red hair makes people more likely to be bisexual or gay, but I colour my hair red and have always found that it turns heads when we are out. I know that it was at least one reason why my partner decided to pursue me so determinedly.

My natural colour is a mousy brown and who wants to have the colouring of a mouse?

Apr 16, 2008, 8:07 AM
Red head here. One vote to confirm red/bisexual connection.
Wud drop my pants t'prove it's wot God gif me (Blue's attempt at 'Franspeak' - how'd I do, Fran?).

Although most redheads shade is different on top of the head than it is the rest of the way down.
I'll never forget the first time I made love to another redhead. My God she was so incredibly beautiful. I was laying down and she was on top riding me and orgasming when I started laughing. "Wha - wha - wha - wha - wha - WHAT?!?" she demanded. I pointed down - "We're exactly the same color. You can't tell where I end and you begin". We laughed and laughed... then 'finished up'. Our 'muffs' were identical in color, you really couldn't tell what was hers and what was mine. It was funny at the time, anyway. S'pose you had to be there! But my red on top was much darker than hers. Mine turns lighter right at my mustache and maintains pretty much the same hue all the way to the little hairs on my toes.
And of course, sunlight and chlorine in swimming pools lightens the shade everywhere they touch.

Apr 16, 2008, 8:09 AM
My hair is a dishwater blonde with red undertones. There have been a couple times I dyed my hair copper red and loved it! (tho I didnt love how metallic it looke dfolr 3 days, or how few days that Fab red lasted.. *sigh*)

A talkshow host I listen to once quoted a study that suggeste dthat women who were red headed enjoyed a more enthusiastic sex life.. and that those who died thier hair red were sending a " I Want More Sex!" signal for having done so.

Thats when I stopped dying my hair, I *know* folsk who listen to that host, and I didnt need them making the very accurate linkage from that study to my once a year dye job!

So, I still look for redheads.. even if I Cant figure out if they are bi! LOL


Apr 16, 2008, 8:42 AM
I am not sure that having red hair makes people more likely to be bisexual or gay, but I colour my hair red and have always found that it turns heads when we are out. I know that it was at least one reason why my partner decided to pursue me so determinedly.

...an so many more o gorge yummie naggy 1! tee hee:tong::bigrin:

Apr 16, 2008, 12:56 PM
Uhmm, my hair isnt red. Its a sable brown with gray hidden in there somewhere. In the sunlight it appears that there is red over dark brown, its own natural highlights. Altho in pictures it looks black. Go figger.
So since I'm not a red head does it mean I'm not truly Bi? Oops....lol
Cat :paw:

Apr 16, 2008, 7:49 PM
Heh I have some dark red hair. Thanks dad!

I think that hair colour and sexuality is just coincidence though.

I know people who are lighter red heads like my dad who are purely heterosexual and others who are dark red or lighter red and they're gay.

Apr 16, 2008, 11:57 PM
Like others--I don't know if hair color has any sort of corrollation with sexual preference beyond simply being coincidental-

My natural hair color was a light brown---but when I was very young it had lots of red--but that is the Irish in me I think.

Now my hair is light brown since I color it---and it would be pretty well gray if I did not color it!!

Apr 17, 2008, 11:02 AM
I"m a natural red head!! I love my hair - always have and always will. I also love sex, a lot!!! And I have always been bi-curious.

I wonder if there is a link..or if their are just less redheads in the world, which makes our numbers higher?

Apr 17, 2008, 6:15 PM
My hair is that really dark brown that sometimes looks black. Most of my family have that hair colour as well, although my great granddads brother had red hair.

Apr 17, 2008, 6:33 PM
That's kinda interesting. I have dark blonde hair with a bit of red in it. I am very bi though! I never really noticed.

Apr 19, 2008, 12:54 AM
I'd have to concur that there is a link between those with any shade or highlight of red hair and increased sexual behavior in general. Even the straight reds will typically be more sexually driven. Sometimes I actually think that being bi is really not a category that is different from being het. But rather, it's just on a spectrum of sexual drive. (The higher the drive the more sexually diverse.)

I myself was born a total redhead, but as most Irish do, it turned to auburn and then to dark brown.

But then, if you start talking about hair color for a gene marker for increased sexual appetite, then you should also compare eye color. It's the combination of the two which i have noticed really shows the variable drive chart.

Blue eyes tends to be the most driven.
Mix blue eyes with red hair and you have the people who seem to be the horniest of the bunch lol.

But I have noted all sorts of eye/hair color characteristic traits.



Apr 19, 2008, 3:49 PM
I have blue eyes myself, but with dark brown hair. This tends to be the same for most of my relatives.

Apr 19, 2008, 4:28 PM
Who knew?

Apr 20, 2008, 5:45 AM
I wonder if there are just fewer redheads in curcpl88's part of the world than on average across Europe & North America?

As for dyed hair - I'd definitely go for the theory that people who dye theirs interesting colours are more likely to be open about being queer. It's a socially-conservative versus willing-to-be-seen-as-different thing.

Apr 20, 2008, 10:22 PM
When I was a boy my hair was very red--but later turned a light brown--but my eyes are hazel---not blue.

Apr 21, 2008, 12:33 AM
Naturally my hair is dark brown with red and blond highlights. For years I dyed it red and now it's pink. So I'm thinking that the correlation to bisexuality and hair color is about the same as bisexuality and eye color. In other words...not so much.

As for hooking up; there's always going to be someone trying to find human contact. It's the same with a good many straight and gay sites. I doubt this site is proportionally higher to any other social site in that respect.


Apr 21, 2008, 10:37 AM
I'm a redhead with blue eyes. And while i currently colour my hair to intensify the red, i've always had it in me (i've been told my biological father was a redhead).

I've heard from a LOT of men who say "oh, red hair, you must be crazy in bed" or "oh you ahve red hair, that makes you hot" even without a picture or anything. Biologically there probably isn;t any more of a sexual drive in redheads than in blondes or brunettes or any other shade, but perhaps its encouraged more by societies perceptions, since red has often been seen as a vibrant and shocking colour, or the colour of the devil. (unconscious connections between red, hell, devil, bad, adam and eve and the red apple, women are evil, making men sin, sex is a sin, therefore women with red hair are both more evil and more sexually uninhibited) Ya, i was really stretching it with that last bit there;) lol

Apr 21, 2008, 1:39 PM
Just average sandy brown with some gray here. :)

Apr 21, 2008, 8:14 PM
From looking through the profiles in this site and others like it for many years, 2 things struck me as being more than a coincidence.

1. It seems there is a higher incidence (than the "normal" population) of people with red hair that have mixed sexuality.

2. There is a higher incidence of Gay and Bisexual people that seek to "hook-up" for sex on sites like this.

just my own unprofessional observations, what do you think?


Not sure about the hair colour idea... but yes many people on these sites are often looking to hook up - its one of the most common reasons for joining.

However I don't think this is much different to the straight dating sites - I have been on a few of those too. Have a read of the forums on plentyoffish for example, and notice how many of the ladies profile have blocks on guys looking for sex...

Apr 21, 2008, 8:27 PM
Not sure about the hair colour idea... but yes many people on these sites are often looking to hook up - its one of the most common reasons for joining.

However I don't think this is much different to the straight dating sites - I have been on a few of those too. Have a read of the forums on plentyoffish for example, and notice how many of the ladies profile have blocks on guys looking for sex...
Doubt if hair cola has owt 2 do wiv our sexuality..but ya neva can tell... but 1thing ya may wanna consider babes...

Eva thot gals hav bloks on guys for sex in the site cos gettin guys aint eva prob for most of us....???? Jus a lil sumthin 2 mull ova inya mind....:tong: Not that guys r my thing nowadays but hav seen the day.... an no doubt if me decided 2 take the odd lesser mortal or 2..wudn hav ne probs then eitha... an wudn need ne on line chat or forum 2 snare me a few...

Apr 21, 2008, 9:10 PM
It's also possible that fair haired (folks) in the middle regions tend to be the ones who photograph our... 'stuff'.
Thus the perception that so many (such a large percentage exceeding population incidence) body hairs of photos in profile are fair... maybe it's exhibitionism... maybe it's just strutting what ya got!
The majority of bimbos in swimsuits tend to be non-boring-black mostly blonde.
If ya got fair hairs in the middle section, maybe that's also/similarly a good advertising point! Thus, lot's of blonde/red 'middle' region photos! And thus the perception that so many bisexuals must be redhead (I wish!!!)