View Full Version : What's your typical day like?

The Barefoot Contess
Apr 9, 2008, 10:55 PM
So, I think Ambi has a cool idea, but since his thread was not about it, I thought I'd start one. The question is very simple: what's your typical day like?

I wake up around 5am. Yeah, I am an early bird. I like waking up when everything is dark and people are asleep. I make coffee and eat a bagel with jelly while I go online and check my email, facebook, read the news, and sometimes the weather. I love whole grain bagels with strawberry jelly!
I like to read for about a couple of hours before I actually get up. I try to read books other than those I read for a living (I am a literature Teaching Assistant who will hopefully become a PhD in a year): the last one I read was Letter to a Christian Nation, by Sam Harris. I like to take my coffee very slowly, savoring it. I underline all my books and make notes on the margins.
Then I get up around 7:30, shower (lavender body wash) and get ready by 8, and walk to work. It is a nice walk. There is an uphill path that goes through the forest, very nice in the Fall and in the Spring, but a real pain with snow up to your knees. I could take a bus, but since I don't have a lot of free time, I take this as my daily exercise. It is a 30 min walk, twice a day. If the girlfriend of one of my roommates has slept over, then we walk together and usually bitch about our department, our students, our life, or, alternatively, talk about our dreams, our friends, little things. If she is not around, then I grab my ipod and listen to basically the same song over and over again. I don't know why this happens. For instance, today I listened to The National's "Brainy". Yesterday it was "On The Turning Away" by Pink Floyd. I find that music helps me establish a rhythm for my day.
I get to my office around 8:30. Well, office is too nice a word. Me and other 35 people share a room: "The Cubicles". We are all TAs, people from 22 to... I think the oldest is around 50. We are all working on either MAs or PhD degrees. When I get there there is usually no one around, so I review for my classes, which I start teaching at 9:05. Depending on the semester, I may teach Spanish, Literature, History, it varies. This semester I am teaching a conversation course in Spanish. My favorite so far have been the history courses. I teach two sections per semester, and then work on my dissertation. I am in the last stage of the process, after three years of taking courses, taking exams, writing papers, going to conferences, and such.
My dissertation is about the Spanish novelist Javier MarĂ*as. Read something by him, you'll thank me. I would suggest A Heart So White or Tomorrow in the Battle Think of Me.
Sometimes teaching is rewarding, and I really enjoy it. Other times I think I chose the wrong profession; sometimes I like reading articles and books, and working on my dissertation. Other times I feel like what I do has no meaning for anyone and is pointless. What I have always loved about my job is that it allows me to explore ideas, and really, reading good books makes me feel much less isolated. Sometimes I feel more understood by authors who wrote centuries ago in Russia than by some friends.
After teaching I usually go back to the cubicles. Around lunch time (I usually have a turkey sandwich or fruit or yogurt), it is a busy place. There are people all over the place, and really, most are there more for the socializing than for the amount of work that gets done. It is nice to talk to them and share our little worlds. Twice a week I'll have office hours, but kids rarely show up. Sometimes, I have coffee with a couple of co-workers/friends.
At around 3 I walk back home. Ipod on again.
Then I keep working. Grad school is very time-consuming, so it really takes up most of my time. I go online again, waste some time. Once or twice I call my best friend, who lives in Ohio, and it is always so wonderful. God, I miss him so much.
I have three roommates, but I hardly see them. We have different schedules. I don't like one of them at all. He never cleans. I usually have dinner (often sushi or salad) by myself, and then later I might chat with my roommates if they are home, sometimes watch a movie, House, or Bill Maher. Sometimes, maybe once or twice a week, a buddy and I will meet up to have sex. Usually at his place. I love his rug, and his wine. He is a really interesting guy, but we are at different places in our lives and it does not make much sense to pursue a relationship. So far, our arrangement has worked pretty well. Other times, I'll go on AIM and chat with friends back in Europe. I always get incredibly nostalgic. Other times, again, I read a book while I listen to Alice Cooper's classic rock radio show.
I usually turn off the lights at midnight. I try to meditate before I fall sleep: was I the best person I could be today? I should call so and so. I wonder what Maria is up to. What does that song mean? That guy at the bus stop was really cute. Vero was wearing a pretty dress today. Antonia seems worried, I need to talk to her. I hope my dad is doing well. I hope my brother is happy with that girlfriend that I just cannot stand. I hope Obama wins the democratic nomination. I wonder if I should rephrase that second paragraph. What am I doing in the US again? I am making Indian food this weekend. Aaaahh... I am so tired.
And then it is five o'clock again.

shameless agitator
Apr 10, 2008, 12:04 AM
Wow, your day sounds much more interesting than mine. I am not a morning person, so I use multiple alarms. The first alarm on my cell phone goes off at 9. I kill that and doze off again most mornings, then the second one goes off at 9:30. I kill that and either go back to sleep or light up a smoke, depending on how tired I am. My alarm clock, which I keep on the other side of the room goes off at 10, which is when I finally get my ass out of bed. I make coffee and veg either on the couch or deck for the next hour or so take a shower & head out for work. I generally start between 12 & 1. I run a phone room that does fund raising for 2 different pro-gun organizations. The only interesting part of the job is the social aspect. One of my callers is a complete moron who's actually good for comic relief. The other day he actually said that married people had more financial freedom. We've all been giving him shit over that one, but he's still trying to stick by it. One guy is teaching us all Wing Tsun, a form of Kung Fu. I occasionally have to call someone on the carpet for being too aggressive with the members. Managing sales people is like herding cats, I tell ya. I get off work at 7, come home, make dinner, come on here & check myspace & my email. That generally kills an hour or so. I wind up doing research online of some sort, sometimes work related, sometimes just something weird that occurred to me during the day. Every now and then I'll catch something on TV or put in a movie, then around midnight I go to bed and read for a couple hours. Generally crash around 3 or 4 and get ready to do it all over again.

Apr 10, 2008, 12:05 AM
A typical day for me starts about 7am. Actually the alarm is set for 6am, but it takes me a while to get up. My lovely bride and eldest daughter are already on their way to work and school (respectively). I wake up to my youngest crumb snatcher already up and dressed watching TV. He needs serious psychotherapy. I then go into the bedroom of our middle house ape and light off about a 1/2 lb of C-4 next to her head in the hopes of maybe waking her up. Then I let the dog out. After that I blow off the other 1/2 pound and she finally stirs. I make them their breakfast, then boot my computer and hit the shower. 10 minutes later Im out, getting dressed, tell them to quit harassing each other. I sign on to my email, walk over and make sure their bags are packed and then take em to the bus stop. Then I go back home and work by my self until the eldest comes home about 2:30 or so. This period of time is damned boring and makes me wish I had a companion on the occasion. Look when the dog and I start having conversations, I know its time to get out and see people, if only for lunch. So then my princess of the credit card comes home regaling me with stories of high school drama. She gets some relax time, then shes off to do homework or chores. I keep working and eventually the destructo twins come home in their usual piss and vinegar manner. No mistaking it, you know when they come home. Kinda like knowing then the 3rd infantry division is on the scene. There is no avoiding it. They get about a 1/2 hour of relax time then its time for homework and or chores. About 5:30 I realize that there isnt anything for dinner. So its off to the grocery store in a mad dash to get something to eat, run back home, stop the three kids from trying to kill each other and get them back on task, then make dinner, and get them to their activities (stuff like music lessons, sports, etc..) My wife comes home to an empty house about 7pm. We're home by 8pm and the kids make sure that mom knows they missed her (think of a food riot during a disaster). By 9 the dynamic duo is bathed and in bead (under penalty of death). By 10:30 or so the princess retires (cause she has to be up by 5am just to spend an hour doing her hair). In between I'm doing assorted chores (the laundry, cleaning the kitchen, doing bills, cleaning the lint trap, being a general maid). So about 11pm I finally get to relax. I take about a 1/2 hr or so to my self and then join my wife in the bedroom, roaring and ready to go, dying to ravish her with my phenomenal love making skills, ready to send her off with an euphoric endorphine rush, only to find her passed out. Shit. Then its back on the computer till about 1am. Wash, rinse, repeat during the week. Weekends are a chineese fire drill around here. There is no rhyme or reason. Only actions to keep me from getting run over and left in the dust.

shameless agitator
Apr 10, 2008, 12:09 AM
I take about a 1/2 hr or so to my self and then join my wife in the bedroom, roaring and ready to go, only to find her passed out. At least this prevents increases in the house ape population.

Apr 10, 2008, 12:46 AM
Nah, surgery took care of that a long time ago.

Apr 10, 2008, 8:44 AM
wakes up..feelin like me cud do wiv more kip...gets nagged outa me pit... loo..shower.. feeds babba..changes er lil bootie..wipes the gunge off er an cleans er up.. dresses er... slowly britens up an natters 2 Naggy an Shiv ova brekkie... gets me stuff ready for uni..shoots outa door..sumtimes gets a lift..sumtimes dependin on time me due in hasta get a bus.. inta uni.. dinna time 2 the pub an hav a giggle an a lil glas a plonk. eitha bak 2 uni for afternoon.. or goes shoppin or gets bus ome. At home natters 2 Shiv an usually hasa jam on guitar wiv er.. signs onta net...mite chat for a lil. works wile Kate doin tea... stuffs dishes in washer... natters 2 naggy then works till God knows wen unless me can find an excuse not 2.. baths an changes an feeds Lou..sings er 2 sleep.. late on bak on net..chats 2 me m8s.. mayb a lil pash wiv Kate..showers gets ready for bed...wasta time..sum times more pash wiv Naggy... snuggle down.. natter for a gud wile... eyes close...sleep...dreams. All very domesticated huh?? but its luffly...:bigrin:

Weekend is diff..shoppin an more fun..tee hee.:bigrin::tong:

Apr 10, 2008, 10:41 AM
I get up around 6 am make coffee get in the shower fantizise about having a boyfreind,get out wake my son up he gets into shower i poor myself some coffee sit down to watch tv. i wake up my daughter.and laugh at her as she argues with her brother about taking all the hot water. i then take my son to school. luckly right down the street. i come back and tell my daughter to hurry up or she will miss the buss to school. i then wake up my wife give her a kiss good buy as she gets ready for her day and i rush of to work.

Lisa (va)
Apr 10, 2008, 12:52 PM
Oh Fran, you think you sound domesticated?
I'm up at 6:30 - brush my teeth and take my shower (the coffee pot comes on automatically)
Then at 7 Jeff wakes up and I begin cooking breakfast and get my morning hugs and kisses
and then I go get my daughter up for her breakfast (more hugs and kisses).
Family fed, Jeff leaves around 8 for work, and I put in a load of laundry and do the mornig dishes while Pammy plays with her toys. Then it's the normal household cleaning chores for a few hours intermingled with playtime with Pammy. If I'm lucky she will take a lil nap around noonish and gives me some time to relax a bit.
Then ii's lumchtime for Pammy and I, something simple usually, followed by more play time. And once the weather warms up a bit more I'll be having pool time with Pammy (small, only 18 inches deep)
Mondays is my exciting day, I go to the Farmers Market and get some produce for the week. and most Tuesdays I go visit with my mom.
then around 6 or so, my Jeff gets home and I get a second helping of hugs and kisses. He usually goes into his study and I get dinner started and usually eat around 8.
Then I go take my evening shower while Jeff gets some time with Pammy (a daddy's girl) then it's her turn and we both tuck her in for the night, then Jeff takes his shower and we spend some time together.
Pretty much domesticated now. :)


hugs n kisses

Apr 10, 2008, 8:51 PM
My day begins around 6:15am and I spend about an hour waking up by catching up on what’s happening in the world and checking different email accounts I have for both personal and business. My cell phone is usually on by 7:30 and then ,my day has officially started. By 8am depending on my schedule for that particular day, I am on the road to my office which is about a half hour commute. It’s a nice drive from the little town I live in to the city with a very rural scenic approach.
I work in an interior design center as both a sales and operations manager. I have a nice office, tastefully designed to reflect what I enjoy complete with colorTV, stereo system, and have been told it resembles a museum at times because of a large collection of fossils, geodes, photographs, figurines of animals and Native American weapons(most of which I’ve made). I have designed my office to resemble my house and often refer to it as my” home away from home” My laptop pretty much stays with me wherever I go and after arriving at my office I deal with the first wave of non ending problems that I can usually count on. My main function is “the problem solver” and between employees and subcontractors….there’s rarely a dull moment. If I’m lucky, I actually get to design which is my passion and spend a lot of time going from one appointment to another which gets me out of the office quite a bit.. I’m definitely not the office type lol. I don’t have to answer to anyone per se…yet I answer to everyone LOL…but it’s a living and for the most part it’s enjoyable.
The drive home to the small little town we live in is a time to wind down…the cell phone gets turned off…the clothes come off….and I try to distance my work persona from “My life”. An evening of my day to day could be cranking my guitar up to 10 and letting it rip til the walls vibrate… a quiet dinner out on the patio with my wife watching the osprey feed from the lake … or practicing our Tai Chi… and/.or other of other of our favorite mind/body pastimes lol….Just another day of Paradise in the Sunshine state. By 10pm I’m out…until my insomnia kicks in….then it's Hello Bisexual.com


Apr 10, 2008, 11:50 PM
My day?

The significant other awakes at around 8am, I get a kiss and then I roll over and go back to sleep. I then wake at around 11...ish? I eventually get up and feed the critters. Then hit the shower, did I mention the morning porn? :bigrin: Anyhow, after I get cleaned up I get to work on the project for the day, or clean the house and putz around online. Lady gets home sometime around 4-5, so we make up some dinner and hang out for the evening. She crashes at 11 while I am typically out by 2-3am

Now, at anytime during the day I can get a call from work, which leads to a scrambling of putting on the uniform and getting to the airport. I get there and get the aircraft ready to go. From there, all bets are off as just about anything can happen.

Apr 11, 2008, 1:10 AM
we get up around 11am and I do my daily job search and the wife looks up stuff on the computer and gets ready to go to work. When she leaves for work, I get out whatever project needs doing and work on that before doing some chainmaille work (jewlery, bracelets, whatever the day's project is).

Then dishes for me and laundry on laundry day, then I get to relax and play on the computer.

The wife comes home and we eat dinner, then play around on the computer games together til we get tired and go to bed.

Apr 11, 2008, 7:42 PM
Well..let me see. At this time of year when the sun wakes me up I am ususally awake at five thirty and to the office by six or so. I have an on line friend whom I chat with daily and he brings me a cup of cyber coffee. I come to work early so I can get all the paperwork done as I never know where my bosses will send me on jaunts...could be to the city, the western part of the state or heck to Philly to pick up a transmission for a disabled truck. I love being out on the road. In this slowing economy I am home by three and spend time with our daughter before she is off to dance class. Most nights I cook dinner....catering is my other job so family often gets to be the experiment for something new. I ususally am in bed with my laptop by nine and spend the night chatting with friends from all over the world.

If my back is hurting I may stay in bed and rest for a bit...

On Fridays I am looking forward to going back to kayaking with a man I have come to know from this site....paddling and passion, what a way to spend the day.


Apr 13, 2008, 1:25 AM
My alarm clock chirps. Chirp, chirp, chirp, chirp..., until I reach over and hit the snooze. The snooze is 9 minutes, and then it goes off again. I've had this alarm clock for 30 years. I know exactly what it does. Chirp, chirp, chirp. Consciousness starts to creep into my brain. I throw back the covers, a sheet and comforter, and swing my legs over the edge of the bed. I walk stiffly out to the kitchen. It's April, and the twilight is just breaking in the east. I flip on the old florescent light over the ancient, chipped, porcelain sink of my student apartment. These apartments were built as barracks in the 40's, and not much has been done to them since. I fill my coffee maker with water, and measure the coffee from the red, plastic Folger's container into the basket.

I shuffle into the bathroom, and when I come back, the coffee is nearly done. I pour a cup, and then turn up the thermostat from it's nighttime 60 degrees. I raise the blinds a crack so I can peek out and watch the street slowly lighten in the morning sun. I sit on the couch with my feet over the heat vent and sip my coffee to wake up.

If it's Monday, I might read a book I always have going, or I might pull out my text books and read from those, or study my math. It's trigonometry this semester. When 7:30 rolls around, I take my shower and dress. I pack the books I need for my classes into my backpack. I live at 7200 feet. If it's not snowing, or the wind isn't howling, I grab my bike that is propped against the wall, shove it out the door, and peddle off to class. If the weather is bad, or cold, I head out the back door toward the bus stop a block away. The bus is called the Union Express, and it's a direct ride to the Student Union on campus for the students that live in my student apartment complex. At 9 o'clock is my first class, Energy: A Geological Perspective. We study coal, oil, coal-bed methane, nuclear; we touch on it all, but it doesn't look like we will get to alternative energies this semester. My 10 o'clock class is trigonometry. I never thought I'd like math, but I have a really good instructor this semester. He's Indian, from India, and he's pretty cool. "The hypotenuse is nothing but the sum of the sides squared. Right? Right? OK."

My next class isn't until 3 o'clock. I head home for lunch. I putter. Sometimes I study. I cook lunch, which is usually macaroni and cheese, or a fried egg sandwich, or something left over from the night before. About 2:30, I head for the campus again, either by bicycle or bus. This is my favorite class. Actually it's a lecture, The Distinguished Lecture Series, two credit hours. All I have to do is show up and sign my name. No tests. No reports. It's great. I wish all my classes were like this. The geology department brings in researchers to speak. Last week a guy from Woods Hole spoke on tracking hurricanes from the last 2500 years in coastal sediments. Some of his research was from New York Harbor. He showed photographs of core samples that showed evidence of hurricanes hitting the New York area going back several hundred years. Another speaker was from Yale and spoke about his research on carbon dioxide levels from about 55 million years ago until the present. That was very interesting. Another guy spoke about the mysterious Cambrian Life Explosion of 540 million years ago. He said that he can see no explanation for the sudden explosion of diversity of life at that time, and with half tongue in cheek, said the he is tempted to become a creationist because of his findings. I am simply fascinated by these lectures. They always have a reception afterwards for the speaker with coffee and cookies, so I always grab a couple cookies and then start back across campus toward home.

Once I'm home I usually flip on the TV for the network news at 5:30. I start supper, which is often some kind of pasta with whatever I can find to throw in. After I eat and clean up, it's either studying, or if I can't bear to do that, I surf the net or read, or watch TV. Diverting from my Monday routine, which is pretty much like the other four weekdays, I will occasionally, but rarely, go downtown to a bar. They don't have clubs here. They are bars or saloons, plain and simple. On very rare occasions, I get a call from the daughter of my girlfriend. My GF doesn't live here, but the daughter goes to school here. The daughter is engaged to be married, but the BF doesn't live here. It's one of those weird turn of events. Sometimes we go out for a drink and dinner. One Saturday afternoon we drove to Cheyenne and saw the U2 movie in 3D. That was fun.

Around 10 pm I put away the books if I have been studying, and I start to wind down. I read or surf the net. Sometimes I write email. Then, sometime after 11, I head for bed. I usually read for a while, less than 15 or 20 minutes, just enough to calm mind, and then I set my chirping alarm clock, and I drift off.
--The end--