View Full Version : Mens Health Urbanathlon

Apr 8, 2008, 12:13 AM
Hi there,
Not sure if anyone has heard of this but I get Mens Health magazine and last year they started an urbanathlon in both New York and Chicago, I'm considering, no, going to run in it on September 27th in New York, its about 8 miles long and wondered if we had any members who might want to run too.

Apr 8, 2008, 2:49 AM
Well my pride is saying Yes...but my body is rolling on the floor laughing hysterically at the notion....and these days I'm swallowing my pride more and listening to my body LOL....is there a time limit as to how long you have to run these 8 miles?...Figuring 1 mile an hour I'd just make a day of it...and maybe part of the next day too....where there's a will there's a way!....and where theres a won't there are still some lame excuses I haven't used yet. Go for it!!:)
