View Full Version : Going to Toledo

Apr 3, 2008, 6:44 PM
CC and I are going to Toledo for the weekend. Can anyone tell us what we can do on Saturday night while we are there...nice place for dinner...or anything after dinner. Thanks

Apr 4, 2008, 12:22 AM
When I saw the title, I remembered the Count Basie/Joe Williams song, "Going to Chicago" which the next line is, "sorry, but I can't take you."

Then I opened it and you are asking about what to do on a Saturday night in Toledo, Ohio and that reminded me of the old John Denver song... Where they roll the side walks up at 10pm.

Sorry, but I've only driven through Toledo. I can tell you that from Cincinnati you turn left at the mosque to get to Michigan...

Apr 4, 2008, 12:40 AM
I know they have a minor league baseball team and a relatively new stadium and a friend has enjoyed going to the games (cheap and fun). Also, I think they have a nice zoo. But, I only know Toledo, OH as 15 minutes of city scenery on my way to places south of where I live. But, it looks like a nice place to live and is bound to have some attractions that you will enjoy.

Apr 4, 2008, 9:35 AM
Here is a link to a site listing things to do in Toledo---the page I have liked to here is of some top restaurants---




Those links should get you started--hope it helps---

Apr 5, 2008, 3:04 PM
I only remember stopping at the bus station on a trip from Toronto to South Bend, IN. It was sunrise and it was, let's say, surreal. I couldn't wait to leave.

Apr 5, 2008, 4:35 PM
The Toledo minor league ballclub is The Toledo Mudhens--that is some kind of name!!!


Mar 14, 2020, 10:04 AM
Sure what type of Restraunt you steak Mexican Italian?

Mar 14, 2020, 10:29 AM
my friend goes to toledo all the time . he goes there because of all the adult videos there. lots of gloryholes . if you are game to go with cc to the video booths , you might have a great time helping each other suck lots of cock. watching your man with a big fucking cock in his mouth , i'm sure will be quite a thrill. wow, sharing cum , i'm getting hard now.

Mar 14, 2020, 11:22 AM
A couple of recommendations for dining: Mancy's -- which actually has several locations, based upon food preference. The main location, on Philips Avenue, features steaks, prime rib and has fabulous French onion soup. They also specialize in Italian at one of the other location, and seafood at a third. If you search, you'll find the info for all 3. We prefer the original steakhouse, but enjoy all 3. They are considered somewhat upscale, meaning not inexpensive!

Another favorite choice of locals and tourists alike, is Tony Packo's which used to be mentioned frequently by Klinger, on M*A*S*H. They have a varied menu, but they're known for their 'hot dogs' with their own take on chili. The hot dogs aren't your typical 'wiener', thought -- they're most like a sausage. (No puns intended here, despite the nature of this forum...)

Have fun!!!!

Mar 14, 2020, 11:25 AM
Holy shit -- just saw that this is an ancient thread! Oh, well -- guess the trip went ok for the O.P. :rolleyes: