View Full Version : You should all die

Apr 1, 2008, 6:41 AM
Make a decision already and choose a side you lousy fence sitters.
You make the human race look bad.

Apr 1, 2008, 6:49 AM
I've chosen a side!...It just happens to be the top of the fence because the view offered allows me to see both sides at the same time......besides, I died ages ago...but like my sexual orientation I just haven't fully acknowledged it yet...The world has never been lousy....just some of it's inhabitants....damn mousquitoes! ...and despite what some may think....I make the human race look exceptionally good!


Apr 1, 2008, 7:30 AM
What a strange thread.

Long Duck Dong
Apr 1, 2008, 7:36 AM
fence sitter..... yeah I am a fence sitter

it is not good to rush decisions... thats how mistakes are made.....

now for me, i struggle a lil with variety of fences...... and tho i enjoy sitting on fences, I struggle a lil with the fact that there are so many fences and I only have one ass

part of my trouble with fence sitting is that often people jump the fence in such a way that I nearly fall off the fence...... which is rather rude.... considering that if I ask the fence jumper for a apology, they deny jumping the fence

unfortunately for them, there is no scientific proof that wanking makes me go blind......but there is ample proof that not telling the truth about jumping the fence, means that the other person is a bloody liar

now the other issue I have with my fence sitting.... is that I get a lovely view.....unfortunately my view is spoilt by people that think that looking across the fence at the other side, is a better view than I have sitting on the fence....sadly I am right, they are wrong.....

now fence sitting is a fine art....it takes balance, skill and a fine sense of being neutral..... as leaning too far to one side or the other tends to lead to me falling other the fence.....
falling of the fence is not that bad..... its just that everybody looks at you and says " now thats better " and its bloody well not.... I bruised my ass when I fell off the fence.... and yet no bugger wants to help me up or kiss my ass better........ they are too busy perving at the other fence sitters.....

now I happen to like my position on the fence.... it took me a few years to master having a fence post stuck up my hiney....and tho that sounds painful... its not as embarassing as trying to explain to non fence sitters why I have a 44 gallon drum of lube and a bloody great fence post.....

actually the truth is simple....if I cover the fence in lube, the non fence sitters that claim they never jump the fence, will get covered in lube after checking out my * fence post *

while non fence sitters are standing there passing judgement on me, it dawns on me that they are actually jealous that I can sit on a fence and they can not...... I am not sure if its a lack of balance or the fact that some of them have their heads up their ass and so could never understand the skill of fence sitting, I have no idea.....but they seem to envy my fence sitting ability....

I am proud of being a fence sitter..... as much as my ass is now permenently shaped like the gaps between fence palings.....and i enjoy the fact that I make the rest of the human race look bad.....cos its not that I am so bloody fantastic or ravishingly gorgeous...... its cos i do not sit on the fence with a look on my face like I just gave a sour lemon the blow job of its life......I actually sit on the fence blowing kisses at people on both sides of the fence
.... not cos I wanna jump their bones..... but cos they have worked out that they can talk to me and stand by the fence and the fence will not fall on them....the fence is actually quite wide.....and its not as narrow as the minds of some of the people that do not sit on the fence.....

so I have made a decision.... I am gonna sit on the fence..... for the following reasons

I don't get a wet ass sitting on the grass on either side of the fence

if I think you are ugly, I can skillfully stand up and walk down the fence to a better view of somebody that has a smile, meanwhile you get to sit looking at the other sour faced people that like getting wet asses from sitting on the grass

the fence likes me.... it doesn't give me splinters in my butt unlike the nettles in the grass you are sitting on

and last but not lest.... its my bloody fence.... and I will sit on my fence as long as I want to....... if you do not like my fence.....go build yourself a bridge.......

Apr 1, 2008, 7:38 AM
Make a decision already and choose a side you lousy fence sitters.
You make the human race look bad.

No offense but who died and left you in charge? This whole lifestyle is about not having to deal with labels and someone else's moral standing. And then there is you. I think you are the worst kind. You feel the need to push your ideas, your values, your labels on other people. Maybe you should be the one to die???? Are you any good to anyone anyway?


Apr 1, 2008, 7:53 AM
Sounds like someone is a bit confused and insecure...
Ahhh.... takes me back to high school :bigrin:

Apr 1, 2008, 7:56 AM
We will all die... someday, and, so will you. One of the bad parts of being human... LOL

Apr 1, 2008, 8:34 AM
Ha ha. Very funny, Enoll.

the mage
Apr 1, 2008, 9:02 AM
Make a decision already and choose a side you lousy fence sitters.
You make the human race look bad.

you got it all wrong its FACEsitters
"You're so dumb you don't even make a good biggot!"

........and..........you're just pissed cause you get rejected by BOTH sexes.

...........so there;)

Apr 1, 2008, 9:26 AM
must be the first of april again. thanks for the smile enoll. happy april fools day everyone. now to go play some pranks of my own. :)


Apr 1, 2008, 9:43 AM
OMG kit...you're right...it IS April 1st....good one Enoll!!! Had me wondering if you had been abducted by aliens!!


Apr 1, 2008, 9:59 AM



Apr 1, 2008, 12:01 PM
What a joke....even I got it....which is strange as I am blonde and rarely get them.....


Apr 1, 2008, 1:53 PM
Make a decision already and choose a side you lousy fence sitters.
You make the human race look bad.

Nope sorry i dont sit on the fence im not a flying bird. I'm a mammal.

Besides which sitting on the fence damn, that would be pressing up into enternal organs... Whist some ppl might like a BDSM life style im sure that they want their bowls and intenstinal tract in one piece lol

An april fools day joke- well i hope so..

Weird thread lol.

Or do you mean Humans Vs Aliens....

Hmm, im still deciding come back when i've had my dinner lol.

:tong: :cutelaugh:

Apr 1, 2008, 2:10 PM
What fence?

I kicked it over to establish a public right of way

Apr 1, 2008, 2:18 PM
Aw Enoll you did fence sitting gays last year, but considering the way the threads have been going lately this would have fit in well. :tong:

Apr 1, 2008, 3:16 PM
This thread reminds me of an old saying:

If you don't like my peaches, don't be shaking my tree!

Apr 1, 2008, 3:19 PM
Enoll, you bastard! :bigrin:

Happy April fools to you too! ;)

Apr 1, 2008, 5:42 PM

SUCKERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :tong::tong::tong:

Apr 1, 2008, 6:07 PM
He posted it after noon on the 1st of April in his local time. :)

Sex in Words
Apr 1, 2008, 6:53 PM
Okay, I seriously needed this on here!
Well done Enoll!

Apr 1, 2008, 7:07 PM

SUCKERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :tong::tong::tong:

tex - do I have to do the graphics for you?

Apr 1, 2008, 7:12 PM
OMG kit...you're right...it IS April 1st....good one Enoll!!! Had me wondering if you had been abducted by aliens!!


Wow... ok, thanks for explaining that. I must have checked out for a minute there, because it took me a while - I had already started forming my nastigram response. lol

Apr 1, 2008, 7:13 PM
Make a decision already and choose a side you lousy fence sitters.
You make the human race look bad.

Arsehole!!!..have me side..havent chosen it..it chose me.. an its been a long journey gettin ere...jus like woteva side we r on sexually has chosen us.

We r wot we r...an it aint no use bein summat we aint... if we r gay bi or str8 thats how it is... thats notmakin humanity look bad... wot ur sayin seems 2 make it smell bad tho...

Apr 1, 2008, 7:14 PM
An its April 2 ere!! tee hee!!!

Apr 1, 2008, 8:17 PM
Aw Enoll you did fence sitting gays last year, but considering the way the threads have been going lately this would have fit in well. :tong:

I know but I was tierd this year and just decided to rehash.
Plus you're all such an easy mark for such a joke. ;)

Apr 1, 2008, 9:57 PM
still smiling, thanx again. we all needed the lift.

happy spring everyone!!!:bibounce:

hugs kit

Apr 1, 2008, 10:10 PM
A good one Enoll.

Congrats man!!!

Abbey Road
Apr 2, 2008, 7:59 AM
Is this an April Fools Joke??

Didn`t someone do something similar last year on April 1st?

Abbey Road. :bibounce::wiggle2::paw:

Apr 2, 2008, 9:40 AM
Does the fence have both a penis and a vagina?
I'd be happy to sit until I die!

Wonderful April fools! You DID have me going for almost a minute!

...then I saw how long you were a member! LOL


Apr 2, 2008, 9:43 AM
Oh, and your sinister photo!!!!!
You look like something out of "1984"!!!!
Very creative... excellently presented.

I give 4 stars!

Apr 3, 2008, 4:05 PM
Go to your room, son.

Apr 3, 2008, 9:57 PM
Ok..Im lost as usual...WTF??

Apr 3, 2008, 10:05 PM
What a strange thread.


curious married m
Apr 4, 2008, 8:13 AM
For the newbies on the 2nd page of this thread.


Apr 5, 2008, 12:25 AM
Choose ?!?! Good Lord, why ?!?!?! :yikes2:

Apr 5, 2008, 8:25 AM
Okay.... pressed into decision.... I choose....
I choose...
HUMANS! YES! Human penises and vaginas are my choice!

Quadrapeds... just didn't do it all for me... :)

(Really quite a good April fools joke, dude!)

Apr 6, 2008, 9:45 PM
only Goddess can judge me

Apr 7, 2008, 10:45 AM
He that doth protest too loudly has probably had his share of late night bedroom visits from Daddy.......the type that is usually p/o'd at the world because things don't fit to their way of thinking (however skewed)have usually experienced a traumatic event at some point of their lives that has "cemented" their way of thinking. The rest of us have taken the time and have had one thing he never had......choice. I really pity people like this....there is no racism....sexism....there is only pure HATRED...simple as that. As humans we all love to "pigeonhole" everything in order to understand it when the explanations are right there in front of us....ignorance....hatred and lack of education. In the immortal words of Rodney King...."can't we all just get along ?" can't we ? please ?

Apr 7, 2008, 10:50 AM
only Goddess can judge me

Naaa..wudn dream of it....:tong:

Skater Boy
Apr 7, 2008, 11:18 AM
He that doth protest too loudly has probably had his share of late night bedroom visits from Daddy.......the type that is usually p/o'd at the world because things don't fit to their way of thinking (however skewed)have usually experienced a traumatic event at some point of their lives that has "cemented" their way of thinking. The rest of us have taken the time and have had one thing he never had......choice. I really pity people like this....there is no racism....sexism....there is only pure HATRED...simple as that. As humans we all love to "pigeonhole" everything in order to understand it when the explanations are right there in front of us....ignorance....hatred and lack of education. In the immortal words of Rodney King...."can't we all just get along ?" can't we ? please ?

Well, nice first post. But who, exactly, "hates" who here?

If you're talking about the O.P. then he "claims" that this thread was an April Fool's Day joke, thereby conveniently acquitting him of any guilt.

And if you're talking about... anyone else (who shall remain nameless), then isn't accusing him of being "hateful" a bit of an assumption on your part?

The plot thickens...

Apr 7, 2008, 1:33 PM
Quite aside from the original 'April fools' theme...
Yes, you can tell quite a bit about what's important to a person by how (and if) that person divides up people in the world:

Have's and have nots.
Predators or prey.
Gay and straight.
The hip and the 'losers'.
Conservative and liberal.
Christian and secular.
Fat and skinny.
Islam and infidels.

blah, blah, blah.... many, many, other 'us and them' divisions
... etc.
But Enoll did a great job getting a rise out of us!

Apr 7, 2008, 3:32 PM
lol I think E needs a spankin'. And I gots Just the soft cushy lap to do it with! lol. Good One.

the mage
Apr 7, 2008, 4:49 PM
He that doth protest too loudly has probably had his share of late night bedroom visits from Daddy.......the type that is usually p/o'd at the world because things don't fit to their way of thinking (however skewed)have usually experienced a traumatic event at some point of their lives that has "cemented" their way of thinking. The rest of us have taken the time and have had one thing he never had......choice. I really pity people like this....there is no racism....sexism....there is only pure HATRED...simple as that. As humans we all love to "pigeonhole" everything in order to understand it when the explanations are right there in front of us....ignorance....hatred and lack of education. In the immortal words of Rodney King...."can't we all just get along ?" can't we ? please ?

Daniel.. dOOd ,,, settle down boy.......

Skater Boy
Apr 7, 2008, 6:56 PM
Quite aside from the original 'April fools' theme...
Yes, you can tell quite a bit about what's important to a person by how (and if) that person divides up people in the world:

Have's and have nots.
Predators or prey.
Gay and straight.
The hip and the 'losers'.
Conservative and liberal.
Christian and secular.
Fat and skinny.
Islam and infidels.

blah, blah, blah.... many, many, other 'us and them' divisions
... etc.
But Enoll did a great job getting a rise out of us!

Ah, polar opposites- cool game! How about some more?

The enlightened and the ignorant.
The weak and the strong.
The wise and the foolish.
The drunk and the sober.
The courageous and the cowards.
The healthy and the sick.
The rational and the insane.
The honest and the dishonest.
The thinkers and the feelers.
The assumers and the knowers.
The male and the female.
The guilty and the innocent.
The civilized and the primitive.
The good and the bad.
The saint and the sinner.
The real and the false.

If everyone adds to the list, we could probably keep it going eternally...

Apr 8, 2008, 10:05 PM
I think it's funny how lots of people are overreacting to what was posted in jest as an April Fool's day joke.

Apr 9, 2008, 1:12 AM
For the newbies on the 2nd page of this thread.



Apr 9, 2008, 7:20 AM



Apr 9, 2008, 8:17 PM
In instances like these, I quote a song by Rush:

"If you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice."

the sacred night
Apr 10, 2008, 12:15 AM
Lolz sarcasm makes me laugh ^_^

But for the record, were someone to say that to me in all seriousness, I wouldn't dignify it with any more of an answer than simply "fuck you," or maybe just "why?"

Apr 24, 2008, 2:39 PM
Hey, at the time i read the posting, it appeared valid.....i did not see a retraction nor an apology for it being an April fool's day "joke". I was merely being protective of the community as we all should and for that i make no apologies. Being who (or as some of you here might say "what") i am, i have certainly seen my share of hatred for differences, and i have become a staunch supporter of differences. My differences may be quite apparent if i step out on the street in drag whereas many of you may appear as "normal" as anyone else walking freely down the street. As far as this posting was concerned, and i felt at the time it was genuine, i became a little en flamed and defended my quarter, that's all, i didn't ask for a litany of persons sorting the chaff from the wheat, i took it as face value.

I am here like most everyone else to glean what i can from this site and, god willing, meet a few nice people along the way and that i have done but i still see the ugliness out there, the hatred, the intolerance.

As far as comments made bye certain others in this thread....well....was it hatred? i'm not the final judge here, i simply made an observation based on what i initially read and as far as hateful, yes it was spot on because how else do you interpret a posting here that headlines...."you all should die"????
And as for the comments made...and i quote "Daniel.. dOOd ,,, settle down boy......." How should i take that?....open disrespect on a couple of levels without even knowing me or having spoken to me once....you have disrespected me and others like me in that statement without probably even knowing what you have done.....c'est la vie.

It it makes everyone feel better.....forget what i've said anyway because i can make it all go away by simply saying "Sorry, it was all an April fool's joke"...ha ha ha

Apr 24, 2008, 3:11 PM
Make a decision already and choose a side you lousy fence sitters.
You make the human race look bad.

hehe I'm so slow I was like, "wow this guy had a bad day" :bigrin:

Apr 24, 2008, 5:33 PM
hehe I'm so slow I was like, "wow this guy had a bad day" :bigrin:

It was an "April Fool's Day" joke thesea!!! LOL

Apr 24, 2008, 8:02 PM
Hey, at the time i read the posting, it appeared valid.....i did not see a retraction nor an apology for it being an April fool's day "joke". I was merely being protective of the community as we all should and for that i make no apologies. Being who (or as some of you here might say "what") i am, i have certainly seen my share of hatred for differences, and i have become a staunch supporter of differences. My differences may be quite apparent if i step out on the street in drag whereas many of you may appear as "normal" as anyone else walking freely down the street. As far as this posting was concerned, and i felt at the time it was genuine, i became a little en flamed and defended my quarter, that's all, i didn't ask for a litany of persons sorting the chaff from the wheat, i took it as face value.

I am here like most everyone else to glean what i can from this site and, god willing, meet a few nice people along the way and that i have done but i still see the ugliness out there, the hatred, the intolerance.

As far as comments made bye certain others in this thread....well....was it hatred? i'm not the final judge here, i simply made an observation based on what i initially read and as far as hateful, yes it was spot on because how else do you interpret a posting here that headlines...."you all should die"????
And as for the comments made...and i quote "Daniel.. dOOd ,,, settle down boy......." How should i take that?....open disrespect on a couple of levels without even knowing me or having spoken to me once....you have disrespected me and others like me in that statement without probably even knowing what you have done.....c'est la vie.

It it makes everyone feel better.....forget what i've said anyway because i can make it all go away by simply saying "Sorry, it was all an April fool's joke"...ha ha ha

It's mainly because many of us know the OP pretty well and are familiar with his ordinary posting style.

You didn't know... It happens.


Skater Boy
Apr 26, 2008, 2:39 PM
And as for the comments made...and i quote "Daniel.. dOOd ,,, settle down boy......." How should i take that?....open disrespect on a couple of levels without even knowing me or having spoken to me once....you have disrespected me and others like me in that statement without probably even knowing what you have done.....c'est la vie.

Yes, "The Mage" WAS out of order when he made that comment, and you're right to pick up on it. I do hope you won't let one asshole (or even several) get the better of you. I know that I certainly won't.

If I remember rightly, the OP started a similar thread LAST year on April Fools Day, so if anything, he's consistent, and (even if one suspects his motives weren't entirely humorous) one can't condemn him on such shaky evidence.