View Full Version : Thank you

Sex in Words
Mar 29, 2008, 1:08 AM
Thank you all for the kind words about me. It really meant so much.
And I thank you to those who offered constructive words about not giving in to haters and difficult people. I very much see the wisdom in that. I wish I were stronger right now, but I am not. I have too much stress in my life right now and I needed to eliminate one aspect of it.
And just to be clear, I was an employee of this website. I acquired or wrote articles. Once an article was complete, I submitted it for posting.
Also, I never disagreed with contrary opinions, dissent, honest discourse. What did me in was the name calling, the insults, the rudeness. I couldn't, in good conscience, contract writers to work for this site if there was the potential for them to be blatantly insulted for their author photo. That is just wrong folks.
I am not leaving the site entirely, I still want to be a part of this community, I just can't be treated that way in my workplace anymore. I hope the site returns to the place it was for the three years I worked for it. Bisexual folks around the world do not have much in the way of community.

Mar 29, 2008, 1:15 AM
Tradeqt - Jon,

You shouldn't have to accept that type of insulting abuse. And I don't blame you for doing what you must. If people would simply put themselves in your shoes (whether it cramps their toes or not - lol) some might think again before post such insults. Good luck to you in all your furure indeveres. I look forward to the day when you post again.

:doggie: JD

Mar 29, 2008, 7:19 AM
:2cents:Yeah Doggie i totally agree..

Walk in the other footsteps for a day, and soon you will see what its like to be them...

tradeqt- I am sorry to hear of your departure. When I turned to you, you was there...

Sad to see you go, but come and stay with us, normal lol folk. Whatever normal is anyways.


Mar 29, 2008, 7:29 AM
Perhaps you should post all the more, rather than stop. Otherwise they will think they have "won" and move on to the next target.

Just fuck 'em ...

Mar 29, 2008, 7:40 AM
Jon, why isn't Drew doing anything about what's going on here? He has to see what's going on at HIS site. I don't understand why he won't or can't do anything about it. Like delete the post that are offensive. I've been told that one of the reasons he dos not is that it disrupts the flow of the thread. Gawd, big deal. Just put a statement where the deleted post was saying that one has been removed and state why and who wrote it. And, as far as chat goes hire room monitors. There is already another site that does all these things. I for one am wondering what's going on at bisexual.com and have the inmates taken over.

I wish you the best in whatever it is you do next!

Mar 29, 2008, 8:25 AM
Thank you tradeqt, for your contributions to our community.


Mar 30, 2008, 10:12 AM

I agree with the other sentiments that were expressed here in thaking you for your service here these past few years.

I agree with your decisions in regards to being reluctant to interview people for articles here only to have them get dissed by some insensitive individuals as we have had happened in the past and that due to this situation and other factors in your life beyond the problems at this site.

I do also have to agree that this site needs--at least on a temporary basis---some more 'hands-on" controls by those who own and manage this site in order to get things back on track----

It is too bad that things have gotten to this point--but here we are---I really would ask that the owners/management of the site seriously consider hiring a person or persons who will monitor this site and slap down some of the more flagrant incivility that has been taking place of late----we really do need such control at this point.

I do have to say--that I am both a bit ticked and saddened that knowing the way things are going at present---whoever is in charge of the site has not put up a post at least recognizing that fact that they are well aware of what is going on and that steps are going to be coming to correct the situation---as it is---a certain element seems to take that silence as carte blanche to run amok and sew their negativity--it seems that some take great joy in being negative and nasty.

I wish you all the best Jon and once again--thanks for your service to the site and for us--even if some idiots had to spoil it for you.

Mar 30, 2008, 12:05 PM
Good luck to you in what ever you do. And, it is we that thank you.

I too, have left a site or two (including this one), because of 'nasty-grams' sent my way. But, then, I remembered an old saw that goes:

"It can be a great life, if you do not let the bastards get you down."

That is why I came back.