View Full Version : straight guy with questions about dating/sex with a bisexual woman

Dec 2, 2005, 8:20 PM
I recently met a woman I really like, she's fun, caring, positive, etc..

During the course of our conversations she casually mentioned that she was bisexual. I am not a judgemental person, and believe everyone has a right to make any life choices they see fit. So no problem there. But, she asked me if I was/am bi curious. Which I am not, I only want to be sexually intimate with women.

Why do you think she asked this question?

Aside from some heavy petting and making out thats as far as we have gotten intimately. However, I believe that this weekend the intimacy is going to a new level. I am feeling a little nervous about this, as I seem to have some insecurity issues. What I mean is if she is being fulfilled by a female partner, I'm feeling a lot of pressure to please her as well as her female counterparts are able to. Who knows what pleases a woman better than another woman. ;)

Am I just being silly here, or are there special considerations I need to account for?

TIA for any feedback or recomendations,


just a newbie trying to find his way in this world.

Lisa (va)
Dec 2, 2005, 8:30 PM
Not sure why she asked if you were bi, maybe she was just making conversation, perhaps maybe hoping. Best is to ask her why.

An orgasm is an orgasm. Straight or bi, she surely wants you to please her.
Being with a woman is different than a man, each has their own (physical)pleasures, but learn to satisfy her emotionally as well as physically and you should not have anything to concern yourself about.

hugs n kisses

Dec 2, 2005, 9:11 PM
I don't have any real answers for you, just going off feelings of my own here. I am a straight woman married to a bisexual man. We have been married 10 yrs and I just found out a few months ago about his other side that he explored before he met me. My feeling is that she is obviously an open bisexual or wants to make sure who she dates knows she is bisexual. Why she asked you....I would say she may have been hoping you were curious or is just one of those that is not afraid to ask anything. But..her statement and question to you was an open ended one. If you have any questions/concerns..as you already mentioned you do, than you need to ask her. Be open and honest and communitcate what your feelings are on this topic and she will be honest with you. I joined this site after finding out about my husband. I have learned so much and understand now what my husband feels. I had the feeling that I could not and was not satisfying my husband. That I could never be enough for him but I have since learned differently. So, what your feeling and needing answers to is normal. If she told you she was bisexual, she's not hidding anything....talk to her about it. In the end you'll feel better about the whole thing. :) :2cents: Good luck to you!

Dec 2, 2005, 11:00 PM
There's really no way to know until you ask. But for me, in conversation, I think I would just ask out of curiousity. Sort of a while-we're-on-that-subject kind've a question.

~LastLaugh~ :female:

Dec 2, 2005, 11:18 PM
I am with lastlaff on this one. I kinda would just ask. Also, she may of just wanted to know how comfortable you are with yoru sexuality ect. She probably didn't want to assume you'd be comfortable discussing somethings.

As afar as pleasing her or feeling inadequite against her female lovers, having sex with a woman is totally different then having sex with a man.

Speaking for myself, I have sex with a woman for different reasons then I would have sex with a man.

Key here for you is to not let her experiences with women get in the way of your relationship, and communicate any insecurities or questions you have to her.

Good Luck!

Dec 3, 2005, 7:18 PM
I like to let new partners know I am bi to see how they react. Firstly because I don't have any interest in a relationship with a homophobe so if they have a problem with it, better we find out early on. I would ask about their sexuality because it is of interest to me (but I would ask in a light, not an aggressive way).

Women don't "know what pleases women" any more than men do. (Well ok, probably more than *some* men do...) Every lover is an individual and will have different needs and desires, regardless of their gender or yours. Isn't the process of getting to know someone new all part of the fun?


Dec 3, 2005, 7:48 PM
She was up front with you so you should give her the same respect.I think she asked the question because she is interested in taking the relationship further??

Dec 4, 2005, 9:36 PM
I asked her about it and she said the reason she asked is becuase she thought that I might have had some bicurious experience in the past. Just said that she could kinda sense that I had.

Our date went great though, the sex was fantastic! :bigrin: Guess there was nothing to be anxious about afterall.

Thanks for all of your feedback.


PS - the underarm hair doesnt turn me on though. :tong:

Dec 5, 2005, 8:51 AM
Are you telling us she didn't shave her arm pits? :cutelaugh

Dec 5, 2005, 5:17 PM
Are you telling us she didn't shave her arm pits? :cutelaugh

No she didn't, but I assume she doesn't want to. She is admitedly the "dominant" partner with her female companions. Would it be wrong for me to request her to shave em? :eek:

I asked if she wanted to go out with me on thurs or if she was playing for the other team this week. :bigrin:



Dec 5, 2005, 7:12 PM
No she didn't, but I assume she doesn't want to. She is admitedly the "dominant" partner with her female companions. Would it be wrong for me to request her to shave em? :eek:

I asked if she wanted to go out with me on thurs or if she was playing for the other team this week. :bigrin:



*Ratchick just rolls eyes. :shades: