View Full Version : Demeanor

Mar 26, 2008, 7:23 AM
What type of demeanor to you find attractive in the same sex and/or opposite sex. I think for myself that I look for a balance similar to myself in both, neither overly masculine, nor overly feminine, but somewhere in the middle. I do enjoy a stronger lean towards the feminine in a woman and a stronger lean towards the masculine in a male but neither to the extreme. It’s a delicate balance of both within either that I find attractive. Physical attractiveness just seems to matter less and less and maybe that comes with age.


Mar 26, 2008, 8:04 AM
Quite odd, because I find dissimilar traits attractive in each sex.
My attraction for men... muscularity... masculinity... hairyness.
My attraction for women... soft... curvy.... gentle.
The only common traits I can think of are honesty, decency, and caring.

These traits do not prevent a man from being an extremely masculine man.
Nor do they prevent a woman from being an extremely feminine woman.

My 2 cents.

the mage
Mar 26, 2008, 8:25 AM
What type of demeanor to you find attractive in the same sex and/or opposite sex.

.............I LOVE bright, (doesn't have to be genius) women who will stand up to the shit an aggressive tool of a man can throw in private or public towards women.
I like men who will not throw said shit.

I think for myself that I look for a balance similar to myself in both, neither overly masculine, nor overly feminine, but somewhere in the middle. I do enjoy a stronger lean towards the feminine in a woman and a stronger lean towards the masculine in a male but neither to the extreme.

I'm the reverse, I like the extremes in others while being sorta in the middle (skinny guy ) myself. I like very tiny or very tall women and men both.

I had a woman who was a well kept 230 pounds and one who was 92 pounds.
In men I can enjoy a very femme man but the sex wtih a very masculine man would be more physical, less emotional.

It’s a delicate balance of both within either that I find attractive. Physical attractiveness just seems to matter less and less and maybe that comes with age.


YESYESYES.....thank you... I have had some wonderful fun with people who would not get a second look in bars. They have proven to be the most loyal and elegant friends a man can have.

Mar 26, 2008, 2:42 PM
What type of demeanor to you find attractive in the same sex and/or opposite sex. I think for myself that I look for a balance similar to myself in both, neither overly masculine, nor overly feminine, but somewhere in the middle. I do enjoy a stronger lean towards the feminine in a woman and a stronger lean towards the masculine in a male but neither to the extreme. It’s a delicate balance of both within either that I find attractive. Physical attractiveness just seems to matter less and less and maybe that comes with age.


Yes i agree with you. It is hard to distinguish sometimes though isnt it?

I can flutuate between muscline men but not overtly, and muscline women but not so much. It is a swing and rounderabout scenario.

The balance in between is very appealing... I do find that effeminate men are very attractive... Men that know their mind and know their tastes.

I also like women who are more feminate that I. Saying that the woman in question has to still be a strong soul who can easily put me in my place... That though is hard to do.

That is also true of a man- more kuddos to him if he can do it without being to arrogant- because I do have a very strong side to my character. A side that I dont show that much lol. I'm very stubbon at times...

Hey I'm right even when I'm wrong lol.

Mar 26, 2008, 4:14 PM
Physical attractiveness just seems to matter less and less and maybe that comes with age.


I don't think it's age so much as I think it's maturity. Which, yes, comes with age. But not all of it that's for sure. It's sad times when I see people twice my age acting like they're half my age.

Anywho...I find that physical attractiveness doesn't really matter. In the long run, the physical aspects of a person deteriorate. The hair turns gray, boobs sag, fat shows up in places it wasn't before, you get wrinkles... I'd much rather be with a person who has a beautiful personality that I can sit down and have a conversation with. That is something that lasts the course of a persons life, not just while they're young.

Even from a swinging point of view...most of the couples my husband and I play with are older. I find that, usually, they're more secure in themselves and their relationship with each other and you don't have the drama that you get with young, attractive couples.

To answer the original question (lol) I like all different types of men. But I usually find myself attracted to either very, very feminine women or very, very "butch" women.

Mar 26, 2008, 6:34 PM
The ability to communicate - specially with humour is paramount. I don't particularly like "in your face" self-confidence - a little shyness is both attractive and alluring.
I cannot stand aggression in any way.
Also important is the way a person appears; not pysically or the actual clothes they wear, but more how they look after themselves. A person who cares for themselves demonstrates a healthy personality. (Of course it goes both ways, I can't stand a person who's appearence is everything.)

Generally, just being genuine is the most important.

Mar 27, 2008, 2:52 AM
What type of demeanor to you find attractive in the same sex and/or opposite sex. I think for myself that I look for a balance similar to myself in both, neither overly masculine, nor overly feminine, but somewhere in the middle. I do enjoy a stronger lean towards the feminine in a woman and a stronger lean towards the masculine in a male but neither to the extreme. It’s a delicate balance of both within either that I find attractive. Physical attractiveness just seems to matter less and less and maybe that comes with age.


I guess I (male 1/2 of the couple) can say dito to what you like.

I like people who are peaceful and non-aggressive. Those who are natural in there appearance and who have a bit of the old hippie still in them. Those who have found that inner beauty and spirituality is the better path. I like women who can be feminine but still cook over a campfire and men who can work hard but can also have a gentle touch. I like both men and women who can shed a tear and who have compassion on others. I like people who would rather pick wild berries than go to a club.

Mar 27, 2008, 3:29 AM
I like those big biker daddies with thick facial hair, sporting wrangler jeans with leather chaps, jacket, boots, gloves, cockring... lol I love their demanding dominating demeanor.
Anybody here fits that discription and into non op horny asian tsgirl, please write to me :bigrin:

Mar 27, 2008, 6:39 AM
I guess I (male 1/2 of the couple) can say dito to what you like.

I like people who are peaceful and non-aggressive. Those who are natural in there appearance and who have a bit of the old hippie still in them. Those who have found that inner beauty and spirituality is the better path. I like women who can be feminine but still cook over a campfire and men who can work hard but can also have a gentle touch. I like both men and women who can shed a tear and who have compassion on others. I like people who would rather pick wild berries than go to a club.

Kindred Spirits...and here we stand...Across the Universe.....with maybe just a tad more than a bit of the old hippie lol


Mar 27, 2008, 1:52 PM
Kindred Spirits...and here we stand...Across the Universe.....with maybe just a tad more than a bit of the old hippie lol


Aint it always the case! (and I didn't want to go over-board on the 'old hippie' part - but, there's a tad bit more here too!)

Mar 27, 2008, 5:25 PM
Aint it always the case! (and I didn't want to go over-board on the 'old hippie' part - but, there's a tad bit more here too!)

Hello Friend,
I have been out of touch for awhile and ran across these threads.
Your not old, except for the hippie part. Very laid back and good looking as hell. Still might make it to your part of the county this summer for some
fishing and just kicking back time. Hope all is well.
Its what is in a persons heart that matters! I love wild berries.

shameless agitator
Mar 27, 2008, 8:09 PM
The ability to communicate - specially with humour is paramount. I don't particularly like "in your face" self-confidence - a little shyness is both attractive and alluring.
I cannot stand aggression in any way.
Also important is the way a person appears; not pysically or the actual clothes they wear, but more how they look after themselves. A person who cares for themselves demonstrates a healthy personality. (Of course it goes both ways, I can't stand a person who's appearence is everything.)

Generally, just being genuine is the most important.Couldn't have said it better.