View Full Version : Tattoos and piercings

Mar 24, 2008, 6:42 AM
Which of you out there has tattoos and piercings? Are you especially attracted to those with tattoos and piercings? Did getting tattoos and piercings hurt? If so, did you enjoy the pain in a sexual or non-sexual way? Is there, in your opinion, an obvious 'type' who would be more disposed to tattoos and piercings? If so, are tattoos/piercings hotter on someone who isn't 'obvious'?

Skater Boy
Mar 24, 2008, 7:26 AM
I have 2 tatts. One of which is pictured below (apologies for image quality). Its an eyeball (within a triangle) with angel's wings and a pitchfork and devil's tail. It has symbolic meaning to me. The other tat is the same, except with the triangle un-inverted.

It hurt, but not much. Wouldn't really recommend getting a tatt though. I regret it now.

Mar 24, 2008, 7:36 AM
we both have tattoo's and piercing's,i have more than carla,but she does have 7 tattoo's,which look great,she said the one on here back hurt the most,but was glad she has had it done,for me i have to many to count(lol)but they did not hurt,love them all,for me the reason i had them done was because being a big fellow i was very concious of my size,so i had my body tattooed so that when people look at me they have something to look at,no they are not everyone's cup of tea,but we love them,and we don't have a opinion either way.we wouldn't say no to meeting anyone with or without tattoo's or piercing's.
One last thing i am now at ease with my self and the way i look,you get what you see.

Live life to the full-enjoy each and everyday..................

The Barefoot Contess
Mar 24, 2008, 7:42 AM
I have one tattoo, it is the kanji symbol for "courage" and I have it on the outside part of my right ankle, a little bit above it. Love it. I had it done a couple of years ago, and I would like to get more. I never had any complications with it, it healed well and fast. The only thing is that you cannot donate blood for a year after you get it done.
It did not hurt that much, to be honest, but it is in a good area and it is not too big, so maybe other types hurt more.
I am not partial to tatttoos and/or piercings. I would not say no or yes to someone just because they have (not) them.
Maybe I'll submit a pic later, but I don't have one right now with me.

Mar 24, 2008, 8:32 AM
I've 1 tattoo, 2 body piercings, and both ears pierced.

I've often thought about having more done, but just regard them as an extension of myself (a bit like the facial motif I've got going on at the moment).

Having said that, it can be pretty addictive for some people, but you don't often need external modification to stand out from others. Its great fun to walk amongst others and pass yourself off as the same as them, whilst "queering the pitch" on the inside

Mar 24, 2008, 9:02 AM
No peircings, no desire.
Tatoos? None yet, but if I die without getting a german eagle on my shoulder I'll be really pissed at myself!

Skater Boy
Mar 24, 2008, 9:05 AM
Well, all I would say is that if you ARE gonna get a tattoo, then do think very carefully before going ahead with it, and also put some serious thought into the design you pick. Generally speaking, tattoos are for life, so there's no going back. Of course, you can laser them off, but it tends to leave scarring, and its not cheap either.

If you pick your design well, and the tattoo artist is talented, then they can look pretty cool. But remember that you'll probably still have it when you're 90 and sitting in your rocking-chair...

Mar 24, 2008, 9:44 AM
I'm a dinosaur. I don't believe in body art or holes in my body. I like to keep it natural. IMHO, people who do tatts or piercings are insecure ones looking for attention.

Mar 24, 2008, 9:52 AM
I want my naval and tongue pierce. I also want a dragonfly tattooed just below the back of my neck.
I have to build that courage first...lol
Is it true that you can catch hepititis by getting tattoo?

Mar 24, 2008, 11:25 AM
Well, all I would say is that if you ARE gonna get a tattoo, then do think very carefully before going ahead with it, and also put some serious thought into the design you pick. Generally speaking, tattoos are for life, so there's no going back. Of course, you can laser them off, but it tends to leave scarring, and its not cheap either.

If you pick your design well, and the tattoo artist is talented, then they can look pretty cool. But remember that you'll probably still have it when you're 90 and sitting in your rocking-chair...

Get a henna tattoo since they're temoprary

Mar 24, 2008, 11:43 AM
Oh god what a turn on.;) I love a women with piercing and tattoos. I have one for now of a dragon on my back while he has both shoulders done. I want piercing for me but at this point in time who knows. :bigrin:


Mar 24, 2008, 12:03 PM
I have both ears pierced twice in the left and once in the right. I have 4 body piercings tongue, both nipples, and a prince albert, pain wasn't really an issue with any but the nipples OMG the hurt like hell the others weren't so bad.

I have 2 tattoos one a lion's head on my back on the left shoulder got it when I turned 18 and then had to have it redone and 26. I also have one on my left calf it's a piece my daughter designed for my wife and I she wears hers on her right breast.

As you can tell I like tattoos and piercings but I understand that it's not everybody cup of tea but I wouldn't say no to someone based on that.

Now the rush you get. I can tell you eveything about each one. IMO it's the best adrenaline rush I've ever had.

The healing process was pretty easy had no problems with the tatts or the piercings even though I have heard plenty of horror stories. That's why I tell anyone that asks do your homework don't just go to the first person you meet. Talk to people, look at portfolios reputable artists will not mind you talking to clients or looking at their portfolios if they do get out you don't want them putting a needle in your skin. Always, Always make sure single use needles are used and are opened right in front of you. And last but not least if you walk into a shop and you get a bad feeling LEAVE I've been in several nice shops but the atmosphere of the place just didn't feel right.

Mar 24, 2008, 2:55 PM
I kinda wish that the OP had also asked for ages - is it just my impression, or a fact, that tattoos and piercings tend to be more popular with a younger generation? Seems like most "generations" try to find a way to distinguish themselves from previous ones and this is just the latest thing.

We don't have tattoos or piercings - But our generation of the 1960's tried to distinguish itself by going for the all natural look. Although I remember as a kid some of the older people who had been in WW2 had tattoos. Seems like fads come and go and come again (although piercings seem to be something "new" - at least in our society)

Mar 24, 2008, 3:27 PM
I'd like to say that i think body art whether its piercing or tattoos is beautiful. I don't have any tattoos yet but am planing on getting one shortly and i have 13 piercings so far. Many people think that those that do get them only do it to get attention but its not like that its an appreciation of art and individuality.

Mar 24, 2008, 3:29 PM
Is it true that you can catch hepititis by getting tattoo?

Yes. That is very very true. If the tattoo artist doesn't use brand new needles you can catch many many different infections, hepatitis being one of them. That's one of the first things you should check on before getting tattooed. Make sure that everything they're using is brand new and/or sterilized. Don't be afraid to ask questions about it. They shouldn't mind. And if they do, you probably don't want to get any kind of body art from them anyway.

I have 5 tattoos. 6 if you count one being covered up. I love each and every one of them. I don't regret getting them at all. They each have meaning to me. My body is a work of art and I very much enjoy contributing to that. I'm sure I will get many more over the course of my lifetime. I'm not a big fan of piercings so much, but I do have both ears pierced three times.

Tattoos for me are very sexual. They do hurt a bit...but for me...it's a pleasurable kind of pain. I do find that I get turned on while in a tattoo shop and much more so while being tattooed. But that's not the reason I get them.

As far as liking someone more who has tats or piercings...I don't think it would really matter either way. I mean, if the person was extremely tattooed...I would definitely like that...but I don't go out of my way to find people who are tattooed versus people who aren't.

Mar 24, 2008, 4:45 PM
Which of you out there has tattoos and piercings? Are you especially attracted to those with tattoos and piercings? Did getting tattoos and piercings hurt? If so, did you enjoy the pain in a sexual or non-sexual way? Is there, in your opinion, an obvious 'type' who would be more disposed to tattoos and piercings? If so, are tattoos/piercings hotter on someone who isn't 'obvious'?

I have 6 tattoos, 5 pericings in one ear and 6 in the other...it was a high school thing!! 3 years ago I got my inner labia pierced, both sides...and yes, it hurt while i was getting it done, but the pain is quick, as long as you can tollerate it! That area heals quick. I had my nipples periced and actually liked it but they took tooooo long to heal so I took them out. I had my tongue pierced 3 different times in 10 years, had to take them out for different reasons...first time, I took out the bar for too long and it closed up in about a half hour. Second time, cock was too big! Third time, I thought he wouldent like it, but now today while he is now my husband, he wants me to get it done again! Tongue pericing is not painful. As for the type of person it takes to have it done, I don't think it takes a "type", it is up to the individual if they like it or not. Myself, I like tattoos that are nice and not all to crazy!! As for pericings, I like them, but not the cock pericings, or the pericings on the face. I don't like to see something that is beautiful ruined!!!

the mage
Mar 24, 2008, 6:42 PM
None on me, my Lady has 3.
I quite like a well done tattoo on a woman.

Mar 24, 2008, 11:37 PM
I want my naval and tongue pierce. I also want a dragonfly tattooed just below the back of my neck.
I have to build that courage first...lol
Is it true that you can catch hepititis by getting tattoo?

Tongue? OUCH!!

If the needles are not sterilized, then yes, if it is dirty. If you go to a reputable Tattoo artist who uses "single use disposible" needles, you should be OK. If he doesn'y use that kind of needles, then he should be steralizing them in an autoclave (high preasure, high heat steralization) and the needles should be high grade medical stainless steel

I have two half sleeves (lower), uncomplete uppers, left sholder to chest fur dragon, the beginning of a back piece (three objects) on the left and right sholderblades and middle of back.


the sacred night
Mar 24, 2008, 11:44 PM
I have 2 tatts. One of which is pictured below (apologies for image quality). Its an eyeball (within a triangle) with angel's wings and a pitchfork and devil's tail. It has symbolic meaning to me. The other tat is the same, except with the triangle un-inverted.

It hurt, but not much. Wouldn't really recommend getting a tatt though. I regret it now.

Where are they, Skater Boy? Or can you say? lolz

I think tattoos and piercings are very sexy on other people if well done, original, and well-placed, but I don't see myself ever getting a tattoo because I can't imagine anything I would want FOREVER. I'm thinking of getting my tongue pierced as a graduation present to myself, though.

Mar 25, 2008, 12:36 AM
I'm a dinosaur. I don't believe in body art or holes in my body. I like to keep it natural. IMHO, people who do tatts or piercings are insecure ones looking for attention.

That's a bit judgmental, isn't it ? Body ornamentation goes back thousands of years, among almost every culture. I don't quite get the piercing thing, but make no judgments about those who do. I do have 2 tatts, one on my upper left arm depicting the "Crossroads" story. (a bit of old blues music lore) And a peacock on my upper back, cuz I love peacocks. Both are quite personal to me, and rarely seen by anyone else. I got them to please me, not others.

shameless agitator
Mar 25, 2008, 1:25 AM
I have one on my left shoulder. It's a rather fucked up looking bear. I'm going to have a cover up done. Probably another bear, and I'm thinking about a couple more. I'm also definitely going to do some piercing. Nipples for sure, tongue & genital still under consideration.

Mar 25, 2008, 7:30 AM
Certainly, some restraint is advisable.
But live your whole life without ever getting a tattoo or piercing?
Certainly if you feel that way, that's fine.
But I would liken it to never having unprotected sex. It's a great rule to follow, but to miss out on the intimacy entirely for life? To never experience the exchange of bodily fluids with another?
Caution, applied to extreme, actually robs us of the life we're living.

We really should wear helmets while we drive automobiles because the majority of people killed in auto accidents are head injury victims.
That means NEVER, NEVER, NEVER, driving your car... even down your own street without your helmet on!

If you feel like it, do it; just use some common sense and restraint.
I still want that German Eagle on my shoulder. Or perhaps an eagle partially based on the German Eagle and partially on the USA WWII victory eagle stamp.

Mar 25, 2008, 7:33 AM
I forgot.

Mar 25, 2008, 9:43 AM
That's a bit judgmental, isn't it ? Body ornamentation goes back thousands of years, among almost every culture. I don't quite get the piercing thing, but make no judgments about those who do. I do have 2 tatts, one on my upper left arm depicting the "Crossroads" story. (a bit of old blues music lore) And a peacock on my upper back, cuz I love peacocks. Both are quite personal to me, and rarely seen by anyone else. I got them to please me, not others.

You're right, I'm being judgemental to a degree. To me, tatts and piercings are just a way of saying "look at me." The same thing applies to purple, blue and orange hair. It serves no cultural purpose.

I wonder how long it will be before people start inserting lip plates, like some of the African cultures.

If you're doing it to please yourself, you're in a definite minority, IMHO.

the mage
Mar 25, 2008, 10:50 AM
In the 70's tats were not "in" but I had a friend who had "69er" tattooed on the INSIDE of his lower lip! A spider adorned his entire skull.
There many more on this man.. I wonder how he is today??

Mar 25, 2008, 12:00 PM
Wow I see someone doesn't like tats or piercings very much but that doesn't
mean one is looking for attention or just an odd one out.

I have 3 tats and 10 piercings currently of which I've had my lip done twice and
my brow done once.

4 piercings in my left ear 3 in my right 1 six gauge in my tongue and 1 in each
nipple and I love them all as it's a personal expression of my own.

My tats are a dragon on my right shoulder extending down to my elbow and a
biohazard symbol on my neck and kanji on my left shoulder blade each of which
have some meaning to me personally.

I would never turn anyone away because they did or didn't have either of the
two but I would like to see them get something eventually.

My wife has only her ears pierced and wants a tat but scared it's going to hurt
too much.

I couldn't love her more or less if she had tons or piercings and tats or if she
never had any at all it doesn't make a difference.

There's my :2cents: I'll grab up some pics later as most of my tats are always
covered by clothing.

Mar 25, 2008, 1:16 PM
Tongue? OUCH!!


If I get it done, come here and let's see what's all the fuss is about with tongue piercing, Mr.Dogwood ;)

Mar 25, 2008, 5:37 PM
One piercing that can be seen in public and one that can't,would like to find a woman/ man that has a below the equator piercing and share.

Mar 26, 2008, 7:05 AM
Oh ihaveapa, I LOVE Hondas!
(hint hint -there's a little reading between the lines)

Ihaveapa, now that you've gotten used to it, does it truly enhance feeling during coitus, or will anyone let you 'do it' whilst wearing it?

Mar 26, 2008, 7:11 AM
But if you want to see someone REALLY extreme...
look up Jack6two
...makes a Prince Albert look like kiddie play, a plastic ring in a Cracker Jack box!

Mar 26, 2008, 7:20 AM
If I get it done, come here and let's see what's all the fuss is about with tongue piercing, Mr.Dogwood ;)

:oh: I've always wondered how it felt to kiss and/or receive oral from someone who's got a pierced tongue. :suave: And I can fly to Fla. :shades:

Mar 26, 2008, 8:49 AM
:oh: I've always wondered how it felt to kiss and/or receive oral from someone who's got a pierced tongue. :suave: And I can fly to Fla. :shades:

Well Doggy, kissing someone with a pierced tongue is ok. Tastes metalic lol.

Hmm, I like tats on people, but not to the extreme that there a map.

Me, im too much of a wimp to get one, as for body piercing, I still have memories of having my ears pierced by force by my mother who thought that it would help me be more of a girl lol.

Mar 26, 2008, 9:01 AM
I don't need tongue piercing to make your toes curl ;)
Airport is 10 minutes away from my condo :tong:

:oh: I've always wondered how it felt to kiss and/or receive oral from someone who's got a pierced tongue. :suave: And I can fly to Fla. :shades:

Mar 26, 2008, 9:20 AM
In the 70's tats were not "in" but I had a friend who had "69er" tattooed on the INSIDE of his lower lip! A spider adorned his entire skull.
There many more on this man.. I wonder how he is today??

The big question is, "How well does he do in job interviews?"

Mar 26, 2008, 9:33 AM
Wow I see someone doesn't like tats or piercings very much but that doesn't
mean one is looking for attention or just an odd one out.

I have 3 tats and 10 piercings currently of which I've had my lip done twice and
my brow done once.

4 piercings in my left ear 3 in my right 1 six gauge in my tongue and 1 in each
nipple and I love them all as it's a personal expression of my own.

My tats are a dragon on my right shoulder extending down to my elbow and a
biohazard symbol on my neck and kanji on my left shoulder blade each of which
have some meaning to me personally.

I would never turn anyone away because they did or didn't have either of the
two but I would like to see them get something eventually.

My wife has only her ears pierced and wants a tat but scared it's going to hurt
too much.

I couldn't love her more or less if she had tons or piercings and tats or if she
never had any at all it doesn't make a difference.

There's my :2cents: I'll grab up some pics later as most of my tats are always
covered by clothing.

I freely admit that I'm a dinosaur on this topic, but being natural is important to me. I just think that altering one's body to eliminate that which is natural is tragic.

Tatts, piercings, boob implants, body waxing, nips and tucks.........they are all unnatural alterations to our natural beauty.

Having said the above, I do acknowledge that such alterations are part of today's culture, and many people feel excluded unless they join the crowd. To be untatted or unpierced is to be a societal outsider.

Mar 26, 2008, 9:39 AM
You're right, I'm being judgemental to a degree. To me, tatts and piercings are just a way of saying "look at me." The same thing applies to purple, blue and orange hair. It serves no cultural purpose.

I wonder how long it will be before people start inserting lip plates, like some of the African cultures.

If you're doing it to please yourself, you're in a definite minority, IMHO.

Just out of curiosity, how do you feel about people who wear suits and ties even when they're not necessary, or who drive impressive-looking cars or who wear gold watches or any number of other things people use to signify themselves in different ways?
What does it mean to say that tattoos and piercings serve no cultural purpose? Which cultural purpose are you referring to? By definition, anything people engage within culture or which attaches people to any kind of cultural network (even a minority one) serves a cultural purpose. If you don't identify with that particular cultural purpose, that's your prerogative.
You see tatts and piercings as a way of saying 'look at me'. In certain cases, possibly.... but then anyone who exists in society and tries to consolidate a social network is on some level saying 'look at me'. It's not necessarily a bad thing. For instance, are you on this site because you're trying to not be visible? Fashion choices are part of a larger social/cultural ritual.
Interesting too that with implicit derision you bring up lip plate customs in certain African cultures. Bodily decoration in these cultures has tremendous and often quite complex symbolic significance. And as for pain factor, can getting tatts and piercings really hurt that much more than wearing a 19th-century style corset?

Mar 26, 2008, 11:56 AM
Just out of curiosity, how do you feel about people who wear suits and ties even when they're not necessary, or who drive impressive-looking cars or who wear gold watches or any number of other things people use to signify themselves in different ways?
What does it mean to say that tattoos and piercings serve no cultural purpose? Which cultural purpose are you referring to? By definition, anything people engage within culture or which attaches people to any kind of cultural network (even a minority one) serves a cultural purpose. If you don't identify with that particular cultural purpose, that's your prerogative.
You see tatts and piercings as a way of saying 'look at me'. In certain cases, possibly.... but then anyone who exists in society and tries to consolidate a social network is on some level saying 'look at me'. It's not necessarily a bad thing. For instance, are you on this site because you're trying to not be visible? Fashion choices are part of a larger social/cultural ritual.
Interesting too that with implicit derision you bring up lip plate customs in certain African cultures. Bodily decoration in these cultures has tremendous and often quite complex symbolic significance. And as for pain factor, can getting tatts and piercings really hurt that much more than wearing a 19th-century style corset?

I just happen to be one person on this site who prefers natural to body alteration. It doesn't make me right, nor does it make tatt/piercing people wrong.

Mar 27, 2008, 8:16 AM
Warm Puppy, you're perfectly entitled to your tastes and opinions; and in so far as the present issue comes down to a simple difference in taste, there's probably no point debating it ad infinitum.
However, there are a couple of points I'd still like to address, specifically with regard to the whole mythology of the 'natural' body.
Our bodies are affected and influenced by all kinds of environmental and cultural factors including climate, lifestyle, various chemicals, diet, etc.,etc.
Our generation is already physically different (albeit subtly) from people who lived only a hundred years ago. Tattoos and piercings happen to be a much more visible form of 'alteration'.
In my opinion, tattoos and piercings are not comparable, however, with silicone treatment or cosmetic surgery. Underlying the practice of, say, breast enhancements is a prescribed idea of how breasts (or bodies) ought to look. These kinds of alterations tie in with very generic models and culturally prescribed ideals (which I suspect often the candidates themselves don't even believe in). There seem to be plenty of instances of, for instance, women undergoing breast enhancement for reasons relating to career or other social pressures; and the political implications of this is pretty evident.
The case is different, however, with body art which involves specific imagery a person wants to have literally absorbed into their flesh. Objectively, it's no more a desecration of the body as such than cave painting is on the 'natural' environment. Tattoos on flesh can be a way of expressing a physical affinity with the world of images. I also think many people with tattoos (though not all) are motivated by a desire to own their body, albeit paradoxically. Bodies as subjects are politicized in society and culture and all kinds of meaning are projected onto them. Body art, etc. can be a way of answering that. In this sense, I think it contrasts with something like silicone treatment which is ultimately an extension of the culture's (attempted) politicization of the flesh.
Many people (including some who have responded to this thread) have suggested that body art expresses an individuality or involves an image of personal significance. It isn't necessarily that to me personally, though. I'm attracted to it for rather different reasons. It seems to me that tattoos can in fact be fascinating for their non-meaning in a sense; as impressions on the skin whose 'function' is purely visual and removed from the functionalist, encultured fabric that the 'body' is often reduced to. The ecstasy of the object.
I understand that body art, etc. is confronting for many people; I also am the first to concede that it has become increasingly commercialized and not everyone puts much thought or imagination into the designs they choose. But in principle, I will continue to champion it.
As always though, I welcome contrary opinions.

Mar 27, 2008, 12:18 PM
Warm Puppy, you're perfectly entitled to your tastes and opinions; and in so far as the present issue comes down to a simple difference in taste, there's probably no point debating it ad infinitum.
However, there are a couple of points I'd still like to address, specifically with regard to the whole mythology of the 'natural' body.
Our bodies are affected and influenced by all kinds of environmental and cultural factors including climate, lifestyle, various chemicals, diet, etc.,etc.
Our generation is already physically different (albeit subtly) from people who lived only a hundred years ago. Tattoos and piercings happen to be a much more visible form of 'alteration'.
In my opinion, tattoos and piercings are not comparable, however, with silicone treatment or cosmetic surgery. Underlying the practice of, say, breast enhancements is a prescribed idea of how breasts (or bodies) ought to look. These kinds of alterations tie in with very generic models and culturally prescribed ideals (which I suspect often the candidates themselves don't even believe in). There seem to be plenty of instances of, for instance, women undergoing breast enhancement for reasons relating to career or other social pressures; and the political implications of this is pretty evident.
The case is different, however, with body art which involves specific imagery a person wants to have literally absorbed into their flesh. Objectively, it's no more a desecration of the body as such than cave painting is on the 'natural' environment. Tattoos on flesh can be a way of expressing a physical affinity with the world of images. I also think many people with tattoos (though not all) are motivated by a desire to own their body, albeit paradoxically. Bodies as subjects are politicized in society and culture and all kinds of meaning are projected onto them. Body art, etc. can be a way of answering that. In this sense, I think it contrasts with something like silicone treatment which is ultimately an extension of the culture's (attempted) politicization of the flesh.
Many people (including some who have responded to this thread) have suggested that body art expresses an individuality or involves an image of personal significance. It isn't necessarily that to me personally, though. I'm attracted to it for rather different reasons. It seems to me that tattoos can in fact be fascinating for their non-meaning in a sense; as impressions on the skin whose 'function' is purely visual and removed from the functionalist, encultured fabric that the 'body' is often reduced to. The ecstasy of the object.
I understand that body art, etc. is confronting for many people; I also am the first to concede that it has become increasingly commercialized and not everyone puts much thought or imagination into the designs they choose. But in principle, I will continue to champion it.
As always though, I welcome contrary opinions.

Your arguments are compelling and I respect your point of view.

I should clarify my position about cosmetic surgery and breast reconstruction. I fully support restorative cosmetic surgery and breast reconstruction in those cases where someone has been disfigured by accident, illness or genetic deformity.

Mar 29, 2008, 8:24 PM
I've got 4 tattoos. (Ankle, shoulder, back of neck, and left foot) I love mine, and find them very sexy on others. In my opinion, they hurt like hell (I'm a huge wuss), but at some points, I did enjoy it.

The only thing I say to a person thinking about getting their first one, is to be careful because I think they are addictive. I plan to have more before I'm done.

Abbey Road
Apr 2, 2008, 4:06 PM
I have both ears pierced (studs in each)

I have 3 tattoo`s - 1 on each arm & 1 on the top of my back. I want more tattoo`s!

Abbey Road.


Apr 5, 2008, 3:01 PM
One tattoo so far, on my upper left arm. It is a flaming bearpaw, a mix of online nicknames of myself and my wife. She has an identical tattoo on her left ankle.

She's convinced I have only started. I think I believe her. :)

I don't have any piercings and I'm not sure I ever will. I do like piercings on others, except through a lip. I don't know why, but I just can't get into kissing someone with pierced lips. Totally respect it, but just not my thing.

Fire Lotus
Apr 5, 2008, 3:38 PM
So far, I have four tattoos. I have a rose, a heart with wings, my son's name and a flaming bear paw. (Yes, I am the wife of bearisbare.:)) Two tatts are on my ankle. Those stung a little when I was getting them. Two are on my back shoulder. Those didn't hurt at all. In fact, they felt rather good when getting them. I also like tattoos on others.

Other than my ears, I don't have any piercings. I don't care too much for facial piercings But I do like other piercings.

Apr 6, 2008, 4:08 AM
Everyone has his or hers opinion as well as likes and dislikes. So, nothing personal, I'm just expressing my opinion. Well, to me tattoos and piercings are a big turnoff. Obviously, I realize that they seem to be the "in" thing to do these days. I am very thankful that I don't have to do something just because everyone else is doing it. I am my own person and don't feel the need to be just like everyone else or to do something so someone will think that I am cool. I feel that one's body is their temple and that it is not a canvass to be drawn upon. To me, it just seems so stupid to go to a tattoo parlor and pay someone to paint on my body. Other than the "rich" NBA basketball players that have tattoos everywhere and obviously can afford them, I think the average person could use the money spent on tattoos much wiser and on a more worthy cause.
I don't think I have ever seen a tattoo that I thought was nice looking or that enhanced one's looks. Maybe there are psychological reasons that people get tattoos that I don't understand. For example, I read that one guy got tattoos because he was a large overweight guy and his reason was that he hoped people would look at his tattoos rather than his size.
I am single and hope one day to find a nice lady to settle down with. One of my criteria is that I don't want to date someone that has a tattoo, it just turns me off..(can't help it). So, that criteria greatly reduces the number of women that I can choose from. Maybe I will luck up and meet someone that feels the same way as I do...lol.

In regards to those getting their tongues pierced just to make oral sex feel better. Well, I don't know about that. I have never had anyone give me a bj that had a pierced tongue. I have often told my friends that I can't imagine a bj feeling any better than what I have previously experienced. And if it does feel better, then I don't want to experience it, cause the bj's that I have gotten can't feel any better in my opinion. Final thought, is getting one's tongue pierced worth the risk of possibly loosing their tongue due to infections, etc. To me that answer is obvious.

Apr 6, 2008, 7:19 AM
One piercing that can be seen in public and one that can't,would like to find a woman/ man that has a below the equator piercing and share.

Seems we share a common interest :-) I had mine done because I like the look. Some dont like it but its not for them. And I have tats that are personal to me, All have meanings to them. I do not like the fact that some people on this site as well as other sites can be judgemental about others who have tats and piercings. All I can say is if ya dont like it ya dont have to look because its not about them its about the person who has them. Its a form of selfexpression

Tell me im not right

Apr 6, 2008, 8:55 AM
Everyone has his or hers opinion as well as likes and dislikes. So, nothing personal, I'm just expressing my opinion. Well, to me tattoos and piercings are a big turnoff. Obviously, I realize that they seem to be the "in" thing to do these days. I am very thankful that I don't have to do something just because everyone else is doing it. I am my own person and don't feel the need to be just like everyone else or to do something so someone will think that I am cool. I feel that one's body is their temple and that it is not a canvass to be drawn upon. To me, it just seems so stupid to go to a tattoo parlor and pay someone to paint on my body. Other than the "rich" NBA basketball players that have tattoos everywhere and obviously can afford them, I think the average person could use the money spent on tattoos much wiser and on a more worthy cause.

I've gotta tell ya, for a message that starts off with "everybody is entitled to their own opinion and nothing personal," you get pretty insulting and personal.

I understand that they aren't a turn on for everybody, but the statement that people who have tattoos only do it because everybody else is doing it, is just plain wrong, and in my opinion insulting to everyone that has one. Tattoos often have deep and personal meaning, and while I understand some people get them because they are trendy, I tend to think in most cases there is much more to it than that.

And going as far as saying people should use their money on a "wiser and more worthy cause"... aside from being just pissed off that you would presume to judge how I spend my money, I have to ask... do you ever buy anything, such as a video game system, a vacation, a movie, an expensive dinner, etc., just for the enjoyment of it? Everybody spends money on entertainment and things they enjoy. Just because you don't like tattoos doesn't mean a person who has them is somehow to be comdemned for them, or they are spending their money inappropriately. It is something we enjoy... something fun, something we like, something we DO happen to find a turn on, and I think that is more than good enough criteria to spend my money. Further, while you may go out and spend money on a big dinner, or a vacation, those things are temporary... I keep mine for the rest of my life, and I love them.

I understand what you said, and I guess I understand why you said it. But perhaps in the future, if you are really trying to be respectful of others' opinions, as your intro would state you are, perhaps try doing it in a less condescending or judgmental way.