View Full Version : How far would you go for your partner?

Mar 19, 2008, 8:14 PM
If your partner wanted your to try something new, would you try it without question?
What type of things have been asked to do that you were unsure about but tried anyway, either good for you or not?

Mar 19, 2008, 8:56 PM
If your partner wanted your to try something new, would you try it without question?
What type of things have been asked to do that you were unsure about but tried anyway, either good for you or not?

When I first read the title of your thread...that old Marvin Gaye song

"Ain't No Mountain High Enough"

came to mind..I guess I was thinking of my wife with the question in mind which is relationship based on honesty, openness, trust, but… the most important of all...Love.
LOL If she did a good enough job of explaining what it was she wanted me to do…then there would be no questions ….and I'm pretty open to almost anything...if your talking in a sexual way providing it’s not painful. or,.. a health hazard.
With that being said I'd be reluctant… to just plain refusal. if those four elements were not involved.. with anyone else.
Nothing to date that I’ve been asked to do that I willingly didn’t want to do….but there’s hope lol.


the mage
Mar 19, 2008, 9:27 PM
If your partner wanted your to try something new, would you try it without question?
What type of things have been asked to do that you were unsure about but tried anyway, either good for you or not?

Dinner at the inlaws!! Gawd it was terrifying...

Mar 19, 2008, 11:17 PM
Anything and everything

Mar 19, 2008, 11:49 PM
I have to agree with Ambi... the honesty, openness, trust and love are huge factors in any decision I've made with a partner. I've only regretted going along with something I was unsure of when one of those factors was not there. I found I can go back on instances 15 years ago and still groan at the thought of some things I'd done with an ex that he just wanted to do to see if I would... No love there, nor was there honesty or trust come to think of it, it was more of an lets see how far I can push it before she snaps, how far will she go to hold on to me... I did know then that those things were NOT there but I thought I could create them with doing as he asked but little did I know it actually made him think less of me. I felt used during, I knew I'd regret it...

HOWEVER... recently I've done things I'd never entertained the thought of with anyone else with no qualms at all because I knew I did it within the bounds of a safe relationship, I know that what ever I ask for or whatever I do it'll stay with us and I will be safe in our exploration of some interesting fantasies. In this I am entertaining the thought of another man in our bed...OR woman... for the first time... there are serious considerations here BUT I know that should we come to do this and I freak out, he'll take me away from it, no questions, no problem and I'd do the same for him even if I wanted to finish. Older and Wiser, maybe... definitely more sure of myself and my ability to speak up about what I want. Your partner has to be right though. I have 2 men in my life right now and one I could tell anything to do anything with, the other nothing at all without having it thrown in my face later. So you need to have the right person.

I have felt the need to do some things just to do them or just to satisfy myself but in that I thought of my current partner and if I was doing it for me or for us. I don't ever want anyone to think back and be.. "oh shit she used me for her own sick pleasure " and be repulsed by me.


Mar 20, 2008, 12:54 AM
How far would you go for your partner?
I think given the right circumstances... I'd go all the way to the mini mart down on 3rd avenue.

shameless agitator
Mar 20, 2008, 1:38 AM
I'll go along with ambi on this one, though I actually like a little pain with my pleasure.

Randy from Pa
Mar 20, 2008, 9:35 AM
I would do anything with and for my wife,except if involved pain. For me , i'd love for her,me and another guy for a mfm 3some str8 or bi. just my :2cents:

Mar 20, 2008, 3:33 PM
I have to say that I must seem like an old prude! I can play in bed, but I wouldn't share our bed w/ anyone. That's a no-go with me! Monogamy is very important to me. However, that doesn't mean I'm not raring to go w/ the whips & chains! :cool:

Lisa (va)
Mar 20, 2008, 7:05 PM
Can't much expand on ambi's comments, so I will just say I love and trust my husband totally, I know him and he knows me, I trust he wouldn't ask o f me something I could not or would not deliver for him. So I guess the answer is an absolute yes when it comes to him.


hugs n kisses

Mar 20, 2008, 7:29 PM
Since my partner isn't into pain, I can honestly say that I would do anything that she would want to try, without question, and particularly if it was a surprise.
Did I mention that I am the kinkier of the two of us?

Mar 20, 2008, 10:02 PM
Dinner at the inlaws!! Gawd it was terrifying...

That was funny!

Unfortunately for me, dinner with my own family is more terrifying than the in-laws ever were!

Mar 27, 2008, 6:16 PM
anal sex? die hair blonde? buy a gun with no explanation? I did the anal, it was the simplest and most pleasurable

Mar 29, 2008, 7:12 PM
Pain (I mean real pain) and any form of restraint/bondage, are absolute no-no's for me.
My husband knows that as do my female partners.
Other than that - really, provided its not a health hazard, the sky's the limit.
Actually, after being married near on 20 years, my hubby and I know what we like, and what we don't so we've settled in a comfort zone there.
I do find, however, that with another woman, there are still so many "things" to do. I've probably done most of them with a guy at some time, but experiencing them with a woman adds such a different perspective.

Mar 30, 2008, 12:08 PM
With the right person, the only limit would be anything permenant or scarring.

I'd even put up with a little pain if it was the right person and they asked.

the mage
Mar 30, 2008, 2:41 PM
This interests me....
The pain thing is a natural for me.
I carry a constant pain load due to physical problems so pain made sexual and offered by a skilled lover is a wonderful thing.. But, I digress..

The question, mostly to all you Bi guys and its one you should ponder...
,,The premise....
You are an honest Bi guy whos' LTR woman knows you play with men now and then. She is not Bi and all is ok.
Then... Time passes, she knows you play, she wants her turn, she wants a man.

She does not want you there....Same as with your play, she wants it apart from you....What do you do..? Can your confidence hold up to it?

Mar 30, 2008, 6:37 PM
It's interesting that a lot of people seem to be against BDSM.

Granted I do know couples who still have a relationship together, yet haven't had sex in years/decades, because one partner is vanilla while the other one isn't.

The one partner that isn't vanilla wants to be someone's slave and do BDSM all the time for sex and in life/their relationship, and their partner has no desire to have this type of relationship or sex at all (even the light stuff like playful spanking) ever, yet they still love each other.

Mar 30, 2008, 8:18 PM
Well, I SAY no BDSM, but... for those wonderful 7 seconds of orgasm, a well placed bite at the nape of my neck can transform it to a trip over the moon! I think it's true that there is something instinctual about biting at the nape of the neck.
But other pain/restraint? Nope.
Some of us 'vanilla' folks do not want to voluntarily make the transition to aquiring a taste for pain endorphins to enhance sexual experience. Many of us view it as unhealthy (in spite of my obvious contradiction about biting at the nape of the neck!).
And bondage... control issues... I've worked to eliminate control issues in my relationships, not increase them. Certainly in 'vanilla' sex, just different positions can put each in a 'more controling' or 'more submissive' position. But to physically restrain someone beyond what's required for that sexual position/gratification? Or to allow someone to do that to me? Nope. I don't want to go down that path.
I'll just take vanilla, please! :)

But, taking courage from Mage, I'll even risk dinner with the in-laws for her!
Viva la Resistance!

Mar 30, 2008, 10:29 PM
This interests me....
The question, mostly to all you Bi guys and its one you should ponder...
,,The premise....
You are an honest Bi guy whos' LTR woman knows you play with men now and then. She is not Bi and all is ok.
Then... Time passes, she knows you play, she wants her turn, she wants a man.

She does not want you there....Same as with your play, she wants it apart from you....What do you do..? Can your confidence hold up to it?

It would only be fair...all I would expect in return is she follow the rules laid out for me...she would play safe, and not leave me for the other.

In fact, I've suggested she take a college guy as a fuck buddy, someone that can cum repeatedly in one night...since I'm a one-hit-wonder now a days.

Mar 31, 2008, 5:54 PM
No animals, no human waste, the rest I am open to if it turns them on as it will turn me on to see them in the state of euphoria. :flag4: