View Full Version : Writers Block...

Mar 19, 2008, 5:19 PM
I have a problem.

I cannot seem to finish any new erotica I start. When I first started writing erotica, it was mostly straight, occasionally interracial, with some lesbian content. Now, I'm daring to tread into MMF terretory. And it seems my creativity won't follow me there.

I have a pile of half finished stories that I do not have the mental juice to continue.

I read, masturbate, cyber, do all the things I always did to get my ideas flowing.

But nothing. I know I have it in me to write some awesome stuff. But it's like my brain shuts down after a page or two.

Any writers with ideas?


Mar 19, 2008, 5:27 PM
Hi Taylor....have reached that plateau before as well....and in some cases just had to let it go until another time...have you ever considered collaberation?


Mar 19, 2008, 5:57 PM
Taylor--there are all sorts of tricks that writers have used over the years to deal with writer's block in a general sense---

One way to approach this is to simply go and start writing about anything other than what you are trying to write about simply to get the connection between the brain and the pen and/or the keyboard going.

It could also be that if you are only having trouble writing on this particular topic, but still can write plenty on other subjects---you have some mental blocks with this subject and you may need to concentrate on what those reasons are----and deal with that by journaling about what you feel and think about the subject--eventually you should be able to break through whatever mental barriers that hold you back from writing on this subject.

Good luck---any sort of writer's block is sure a big frustration--try having to do a story on deadline --a story that should be easy to do--but for some reason you just can't "git 'er done!" is really frustrating.

Hope you find some way to get over your writer's block.

Mar 19, 2008, 6:00 PM

My wife and I have collaborated on a couple of erotic stories that we "published" on Literotica.com If you haven't visited there, they have a large forum specifically for authors.

Personally, I have found that in order to write something of value it must have a meaningful theme which addresses or speaks to the human condition in some way. When the stories lack that element, they tend to be what is termed just a "stroker" story.

So, if you can try to answer the question; "Why am I writing this story - and what do I want to say through it?" , perhaps you will find those creative juices flowing again. With a truly powerful theme (or statement) it is easier to then fill in the plot and sexual action scenes.

Hope that helps.

Mar 19, 2008, 6:08 PM
I agree, sometimes you need to get away from a work in progress.

"There's no such thing as writer's block. It's all in your head, sit and write," said the annoying friend who meant to cheer up the stressed out writer. Just then a bolt of lightning shot from a clear blue sky and smote the friend where they stood.

"Odd," said the writer, who then got up and went out to fly a kite on this blissfully sunny day.

It happens to anyone who writes. You get to the dreaded 'lurch' "oh damn, what to scrawl upon the page next?"

Try going back to the roots. Read something other than what you like to write. Let me see, try reading a biography of oh say Joseph Addison, or maybe read some fascinating non-fiction on the healing properties of water. It's possible reading won't help. The point is to distract your mind from the 'lurch', go on procrastinate a bit, it's part of being a writer.

Although don't pull one of my stunts. I once went five years without so much as scribbling a haiku. My wife flogged me in order to get the inkwell pumping ink, again. She saw I was dead inside by not writing.

And presently I'm not really working on anything in particular. I am however given to gestation of a few back pot burner novels and a few short stories. I.E. they're compiling in my mind and waiting for me to get ambitious enough to dive in, start putting them down onto paper. But, their waters are still a bit murky and having faith in growing wings on the leap out, just isn't what I'm willing to do yet.

"No such thing as writer's block."

"Nor is there any such thing as a van veering off to run you over Mr. King! Hehehe!"

- Ben (Who shall declare no comment about vans and Stephen King if asked or interrogated )

Mar 19, 2008, 7:12 PM
I have a problem.

I cannot seem to finish any new erotica I start. When I first started writing erotica, it was mostly straight, occasionally interracial, with some lesbian content. Now, I'm daring to tread into MMF terretory. And it seems my creativity won't follow me there.

I have a pile of half finished stories that I do not have the mental juice to continue.

I read, masturbate, cyber, do all the things I always did to get my ideas flowing.

But nothing. I know I have it in me to write some awesome stuff. But it's like my brain shuts down after a page or two.

Any writers with ideas?


If you have any gay/bi male friends try talking to them about what sex is like, then try imagining yourself being included.... just an idea

Mar 19, 2008, 7:24 PM
What are you stuck on? Do you not have any ideas? Do you not know how you want to finish the story?
Is this the same character? Have you developed them? I have learned that writing about something else usually helps, such as your a specific day in your childhood that you fondly remember, a rant regarding politics, etc..

I am more than willing to help, even if I have to help act it out! :D

Pass some of those stories this way.. would love to read!

Mar 19, 2008, 8:50 PM
Below is a link to some great articles for writing erotica specifically this one is about writer's block.

A Monster of Mythic Proportions:
Writer's Block

The very words—writer's block—send a chill down the spines of many authors and conjure up a nightmare of an impotency of creative juices, a loss of artistic prowess, and a vision of looming literary death. Writer's block is commonly used to refer to a period of time in which an author, despite attempts at writing, cannot produce usable text because of an inability to be creative. Writer's use the words writer's block to refer to a condition/ illness/ state of being that they are suffering from or which has besieged them and, thus, has caused them to be unable to write or has prevented them from writing. American Heritage defines it as: A usually temporary psychological inability to begin or continue work on a piece of writing.

Link to the rest of the article: http://www.erotica-readers.com/ERA/Archive07/AE-Writers_Block.htm

Mar 19, 2008, 8:53 PM
I listen to music, or write random things, totally random and off the wall, doesnt even coincide, and it jumps from fiction to non-fiction. Combine the two, and you'll start writing again, I recently come out of a 1 and a half year writing block.

I write Lovecraftian horror, fantasy, and shit like that :)

the mage
Mar 19, 2008, 9:28 PM
I have a problem.

I cannot seem to finish any new erotica I start. When I first started writing erotica, it was mostly straight, occasionally interracial, with some lesbian content. Now, I'm daring to tread into MMF terretory. And it seems my creativity won't follow me there.

I have a pile of half finished stories that I do not have the mental juice to continue.

I read, masturbate, cyber, do all the things I always did to get my ideas flowing.

But nothing. I know I have it in me to write some awesome stuff. But it's like my brain shuts down after a page or two.

Any writers with ideas?

*Taylor*.................Do the reverse.. stop yankin it for a week and see what flows..

Mar 20, 2008, 8:25 AM
Either use an outline or have log the experience.

Using an outline you sketch out the story, then write each of its parts. If one part gives you trouble, move on to another. Or write badly until your writing improves. Take breaks where you busy your mind with other pursuits. Get enough sleep. Hammer away at the story one part at a time until you get it done.

Logging the experience, you are reporting what happens as you live it in your imagination. Start and stop as often as you like, but always stay in that place where you are living the story and not describing it from a distance. Then edit out the lulls and extraneous tangents.

The outline approach provides external guidance, as a framework for flashes of inspiration. The logging approach requires you to draw from your imagination a creative narrative that by your enjoying at the time will ring true later in the reading.

Mar 21, 2008, 5:58 PM
Writers block is a PITA Babe. Try music to inspire your ideas. :}
Write to me..Cherokee_Minx@yahoo.com