View Full Version : Science says: Vitamins are BAD for you

Mar 17, 2008, 11:55 PM
Double Post

Mar 17, 2008, 11:59 PM
Gosh dang it! When will they make up their minds? First, vitamins are good for you. Now vitamins are bad for you?

Taking vitamins can reduce your risk of prostate cancer.

Taking vitamins can cause cancer.

Oh those crazy characters! Scientists are funny!

Harvard doctor says multivitamins are ineffective, possibly harmful


Mar 18, 2008, 12:15 AM
I am in to vitamines.... but my PSI was over 28 and after taking for 3 weeks B6 and Epilobium i reduced to 2.5. As usual the Dr. did not what to know . Love many "alternatives" medecines.
All men after 50 should take some epilobium to mantain the osi low and in consecuence reduce the risk of prostrate cancer. :2cents:

Mar 18, 2008, 2:48 AM
My favorite vitamin, is Vitamin U.

...although that vitamin also has varied results over time.

(for you youngsters, this tongue-in-cheek references an old '70s song by Smokey Robinson, Vitamin U... very '70s... except it does have the most kick-ass bass passage/solo -however brief- I've ever heard)

Mar 18, 2008, 5:55 AM
i take vitamins and they make me feel better anyway. i doubt they can accurately claim vitamins caused diseases with all the other stuff in this world that can cause it supposedly.

the mage
Mar 18, 2008, 9:22 AM
Dr Simon found a way to get a headline.
Congrats to him......................another idiot heard from.

Mar 18, 2008, 2:02 PM
I offer an expletive denoting paired pendular male genitalia

Vitamins per se are not bad for you. They are essential components to a diet and promote a healthy existence. In their absence less than optimal health or illness may ensue e.g. scurvy - hence the Brits are Limeys.

However, too much of anything can have an unhealthy outcome whether:

a) because the system is swamped and the excess finds it way into something/somewhere it shouldn't be
b) the substance competes with something else that is essential and the normal adjustments of the body cannot cope at its stage of functionality
c) the substance taken has unwanted pollutants which poison directly or alter behaviour of the taken substance or other substances around.
d) the idiot has taken lots of substance #1 and forgotten to take things more essential such substances #2 #3 etc.

Simple example - it is no good eating your greens for their vitamins if they are loaded with arsenical sprays

Therefore science does not say vitamins are bad for you without explanation but someone who doesn't understand or wants to grab a headline may.

Skater Boy
Mar 18, 2008, 2:06 PM
I offer an expletive denoting paired pendular male genitalia

LMAO! :cutelaugh IOW: "Bollocks!"

Mar 18, 2008, 2:38 PM
I already have a way to stay young and healthy. Lots of sex! LOL!

Mar 18, 2008, 5:22 PM
I offer an expletive denoting paired pendular male genitalia


they go BOUNCY!!


the aforementioned headline reminds me of the "National Enquirer" or the fictional tv show "Dirt"

The Barefoot Contess
Mar 18, 2008, 7:16 PM
The original post by bisexualinsocal is really not about the effectiveness, or lack thereof, of vitamins, but about discrediting science, the same thing he tries to do with the global warming posts.

Mar 18, 2008, 7:18 PM
Hippocrates once said
"Let your food be your vitamins and your vitamins be your food."

There have been lost of research studies over the years regarding vitamins.
I myself doubt that taking a pill every day can have increased health benefits. All that stuff is processed by machines, ground up, paste added. I know for a fact that the body breaks it all down and only uses about 10% of what it finds in the vitamin. I took a mega man complex for about a month before tossing it out. I wasnt too sure that glow in the dark pee was healthy.

Proper diet and exercise is all you need.

Mar 18, 2008, 8:53 PM
Hippocrates once said
"Let your food be your vitamins and your vitamins be your food."

There have been lost of research studies over the years regarding vitamins.
I myself doubt that taking a pill every day can have increased health benefits. All that stuff is processed by machines, ground up, paste added. I know for a fact that the body breaks it all down and only uses about 10% of what it finds in the vitamin. I took a mega man complex for about a month before tossing it out. I wasnt too sure that glow in the dark pee was healthy.

Proper diet and exercise is all you need.

that " glow in the dark" thing is vitamin b

i take vitamin b-12 and b complex and that's what happens.

a little TMI moment for ya.:eek:

and its not just merely a discrediting of science... its like virtual "Mad-Libs" (tm) with this guy! pick a topic, any topic, and choose your own noun, verb, or adjective and away we go on a tangent, sine, or cosine.

gotta love it! ;)

Mar 18, 2008, 9:05 PM
that " glow in the dark" thing is vitamin b

i take vitamin b-12 and b complex and that's what happens.

a little TMI moment for ya.:eek:

and its not just merely a discrediting of science... its like virtual "Mad-Libs" (tm) with this guy! pick a topic, any topic, and choose your own noun, verb, or adjective and away we go on a tangent, sine, or cosine.

gotta love it! ;)

As much as bisexualinsocal hates science---I think he is going to have to go find himself a cave to live in --taking no modern conveniences with him--no more cars, no more cellphones, computers/internet, no flying in planes, using the telephone, no making use of modern medicine, no use of electrical power or even batteries, no relying upon pesticides/herbicides to grow crops, can't use anything more sophisticated than a spear he shaves himself with stones to hunt with--he certainly cannot use any modern firearms to hunt game, etc.--because all of those things--OMG--they rely upon SCIENCE!!!!! and I guess that since science is so bad---then anything that comes from that dreaded, evil, unGodly field of endeavor by definition is tainted too----

"She blinded me with SCIENCE----she was poetry in motion---all the high technology---She Blinded me with SCIENCE!!!" Thomas Dolby from the song "She Blinded Me With Science"

Mar 18, 2008, 9:47 PM
One thing for sure, science is frequently wrong.

Mar 18, 2008, 11:23 PM
I do think that people are taking vitamins as a substitute for eating better food, and not as a supplement with food.

The best way to get vitamins is from eating lots of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains and not white bread.

Mar 19, 2008, 9:14 AM
Actuarly, depending on your body etc, vitamins and herbs can actuarly have a benifical aid.

I am considering taking Agnus Cactus and Saw Palmetto - these two herbs are very benifical for women with hormonal imbalance. However, Saw Palmetto can not be taken if currently taking any hormonal treatments.

For anyone who cares to read this link... http://www.marilynglenville.com/general/polycystic.htm


Mar 19, 2008, 9:22 AM
"Judge a man by his questions rather than by his answers." - Voltaire

Perhaps, it is not the science that is in err, but the people wielding or using the science?

My grandfather illustrated once how a good thing can be bad for you. I had eaten a whole apple pie. "No wonder you're sick, all that apple pie had to do something." Pump a rat with enough artificial sweetener, it'll blow up.

"Um, don't they still teach common sense in our post modernism educational systems? Oh wait 'He who controls the past controls the future and he is who controls now', post modern ... hm, the future? Nah, they can't teach common sense now. Belay that question, Scotty!"

As an example I present Tesla who once claimed able to grant the world completely free, wholly sustainable energy. People in various industries, not merely General Motors, arranged for Tesla's demonstration ( he was going to power a major city here in the United States ) to be fouled and bungled. Then as with most bits of obscure science elements all documentation on said claim, demonstration and results were even further obscured.

And why was Tesla's radio signal experiment results locked up? He was radioing Mars if I recall correctly, using a simple math code to detect intelligent life.

What's this, someone else able to spin the categorical phrases? The horrors!

Apologies, don't mean to go off on asides. (sigh) "He started it!" Ben points at bisexinsocal.

Mar 19, 2008, 11:41 AM

--in voice of 'Mandark' from Dexter's Laboratory

Mar 28, 2008, 9:18 PM
What else is BAD for you?

Mar 28, 2008, 9:41 PM
What else is BAD for you?

Referring to a "study" as "science" (which has actually happened in this thread.)

I gave em enough rope and they hung themselves. Someone actually referred to this study as "science". LMAO

Mar 29, 2008, 1:27 AM
As the Surgeon General stated in the early 70s:

Felllow Colleagues, It is with both joy and sadness that I address you today.
I have good news and I have bad news.
First - the good news; Cigarette smoking IS hazardous to the heath of mankind.
Now, the bad news; We have not yet discovered, what is not!
