View Full Version : Paranormal

Mar 16, 2008, 2:00 PM
Have you experience it? I have and very recent but that wasn't the first time.
It's ok to be skeptic but please let's be open minded and not critical of others. I would like to hear from those who has had any experiences with the paranormal.

Skater Boy
Mar 16, 2008, 2:11 PM
I've never had any experiences profound enough to change my life, but I do believe that there are some things that science has not yet found an explanation for, and therefore try and keep an open mind.

Mar 16, 2008, 2:19 PM
I personally have not had any direct experience with what falls into the category of the paranormal--but even though I do like science---I don't think science can explain all things and it does get me mad that science automatically seems to discount the notion that things of the paranormal don't exist out of hand.

Just like with the subject of UFOs--most of them can be explained in rational and reasonable ways--so can things of the paranormal---but then there are those cases of both the paranormal and UFO phenomenons that cannot be readily explained away by rational explanations.

If you care to share your experiences you had---I would be glad to hear--for those who are interested in this subject--they do have a board much like this related to the TAPS show from the Sci-Fi Channel.


The site has many links to groups doing paranormal research in places all over the world--it is a very good resource for this topic.

Mar 16, 2008, 3:16 PM
I never have but friends of mine have and have told me about it.

Mar 16, 2008, 3:21 PM
I've many experiences over the course of a lifetime that would probably qualify as paranormal. Many of them were simply disregarded as dreams or the results of an overactive imagination...and perhaps they were but it did open my mind to the possibilities. When I was in my early 20's I had an Out Of Body Experience that did change my life to a large degree in that it sent me on a personal course of investigation to seek out some sort of explanation. That course led me to experience phenomena that would probably be considered of the paranormal and I’ve written quite a bit about it on other forums where people are searching for their own explanations. I can’t explain what they are experiencing and in some cases, feel it’s up to the individual to investigate and to validate that experience for themselves. I can suggest a method of how to proceed but that has become my stopping point.

The subjective nature of their paranormal experiences makes it difficult to explain when you don’t have a shared point of reference to begin with. You either have seen first hand an UFO or you rely on someone else’s experience and I would be hard to convince if, it’s not something I’ve experienced first hand… although I’m free to speculate on the possibilities.

What I have concluded for myself is that I am more than this physical body and that science is a path of investigation pretty much regulated to this physical reality. Perhaps someday science may be able to solve some of those mysteries of the paranormal but it hasn’t yet largely in part largely to the limitations that science must impose upon itself.
I think you could spend years exploring what lies within each one of us and only get a small glimpse some things I believe are simply unobtainable while in this state of being.
I am a breather at present am I’m content with exploring all that’s within my physical world and for the moment I walk a sexual path because I’ve chosen to do so. I would not want to spend this very valuable time negating perhaps the very reason I’m here to begin with. Energy comes in many forms and there is a time and place for everything. Plenty of time to be a ghost lol…but not right now….I’m having too much fun creating in the here and now.


Mar 16, 2008, 4:19 PM
the only experiences I have really had are weird things like when I walk or drive under lamp posts the lights will turn off. I heard something on some radio show one time about that... there's a name for it. Like when it happens to people more often than just a few times, it's not coincidence. It has something to do with transferring of energy or something...

Mar 16, 2008, 5:54 PM
the only experiences I have really had are weird things like when I walk or drive under lamp posts the lights will turn off. I heard something on some radio show one time about that... there's a name for it. Like when it happens to people more often than just a few times, it's not coincidence. It has something to do with transferring of energy or something...

I have had that same thing. Where I live I drive on a four lane highway and I have to turn left and cross over the other 2 lanes. When I'm driving home at night, and this happens everytime, the huge lights that light up that intersection always go off and I turn in total darkness. I have often wondered if it only happens to me....:rolleyes: That's really interesting about transferring of energy.

Mar 16, 2008, 9:54 PM
I'm convinced there are more things in heaven and earth than dreamed of in our philosophy (I think that's how the saying goes). An atheist says coincidence - -a Christian would say the hand of God. Someone would say a UFO. Others say Angels.

Either way, there is a world beyond our own, it's just a question of what's in it.


Mar 16, 2008, 10:05 PM
I have had an experiences with the paranormal. Not major ones, but enough to notice. In the same home, my son & my husband have also experience things. Were we crazy? Well, we no longer live in that house and no longer have those experiences... so i think it may have been ghostly.

My son was just scared, but he was real young while we lived there. My husband... well, I get the feeling that whatever was there did not like him because it told him to get out! Me, i just felt like i was being watched, like she was my angel or something.

Now if you want to add wierd experiences, let's talk about the ouji board, I have had a very bad experience with that!!! Will never touch one of those again.


Mar 16, 2008, 10:16 PM
I have had a number of paranormal experiences. Most are too lengthy to post, but when we went to Gettysburg for our anniversary, we did the ghost tour and the flash on our camera refused to work (worked before and after the tour had fresh batteries the whole time).
When we got the pictures back, there were some ghost balls in a couple of the pictures.

Is that paranormal enough? :)

Mar 17, 2008, 12:48 AM
According to wikipedia, paranormal covers quite a bit of turf.
"..telepathy, extra-sensory perception, psychokinesis, ghosts, and hauntings."
I haven't had much with psychokinesis, ghosts, and hauntings.
But I could bore everyone to tears with my experience with the telepathy and extra-sensory perception.

I get the impression Delilah was talking about 'ghosties'.

What about it Darkeyes? Murder, treachery, Vikings, blood drenching wars... if those are fertile grounds for ghosts you've probably seen a few ghosties in a few Scottish castles. Not that Scotland is any more blood drenched than any other place inhabited by people for that long of a time, but there's just so much more romantic (romantic?) literature about it in Scotland!
Vikings, Braveheart, MacBeth...

Mar 17, 2008, 2:48 AM
interesting topic, something i can relate to as ive had many experiences with paranormal activities, as a child i always used to 'sense' whenever there was a presence in our home or wherever i was, family used to think i had an imaginery friend but as i got older i used to go to known haunted homes and places and i have seen and heard things my friends and family cannot see or hear, ive seen my grandmother, who died in 1991 years later and also i recently moved in with friends who told me their house was haunted by a 'man'....whom i saw and before i moved in was known to scare my friend and her children and even hold them down....i saw him once i told the 'man' i wasnt scared and he needed to leave us alone...and nobody has seen him since....and no ive not been watching too many episodes of the x-files or ghost hunters!.

amazing things i have seen would take forever to write down, i thought about actually getting paid to seek out stuff like this but too many people are sceptical about it so i just help people i know.

the mage
Mar 17, 2008, 9:48 AM
Have you experience it? I have and very recent but that wasn't the first time.
It's ok to be skeptic but please let's be open minded and not critical of others. I would like to hear from those who has had any experiences with the paranormal.

I am a believer in the 6th sense and have solid experience with it which I won't get into here. Life after death crap ,....no....But there is communication in nature we do not know of.

Mar 17, 2008, 10:17 AM
Now if you want to add wierd experiences, let's talk about the ouji board, I have had a very bad experience with that!!! Will never touch one of those again.


Everyone who has anything to do with the Ouja board says to not use them and not allow your kids to use them---my mother had an incredibly frightening experience with one when she was young--and I have talked to many people over the years who have had negative experiences with them too.

The TAPS people on Ghost Hunters say not to use them--I once saw the Warrens who were the paranormal investigators who worked on the Amityville Horror House and they all say---do not use Ouja boards.

The general story on them---they serve as some sort of conduit for "spirits" to enter our realm from wherever it is they dwell.

If the paranormal is real---better not to bring is something we are not equipped to deal with---actually the way we are today in that we totally dismiss anything that is not something solid we can shoot, wrestle to the ground or whatever---we are not prepared to deal with "other wordly" things---at one time when people were more connected to such things---we were more able to deal with them---we have gotten so in love with our cell phones, computers, Xboxes and the like---we think that is the only reality there is---but I do think that there is more to existence than what we generally consider there is.

Better to leave such things alone since we are not experienced in dealing with them.

Mar 19, 2008, 3:39 PM
Being on Native American descent, I strongly believe in Spirits and other paranormal happenings. I have had several instances and because of time restraint, cant tell you about them at the moment. We have things in this life that we cannot explain, but just because you cant See something, doesnt mean it isnt there. You believe in a million dollars, right? Just cuz you've never seen it doesnt mean it dont exist..lol

The Barefoot Contess
Mar 19, 2008, 4:19 PM
Other than the aftermath of some psychedelic substances, which depending on the definition could, be considered paranormal (out of body experience, extrasensory perception), I have no personal stories.

One of my best friends told me a couple of weeks ago that she and her twin sister (they are 27 now) would have long conversations in which they "remembered" their lives when they where "older". Without having talked about such stories in advance, they would be the same, details, feelings, everything. I guess this falls into the category of reincarnation, for those who believe in it, and for the more science-oriented people, into the notion of some unknown sort of "genetic memory"? Similarly, I know of people who have no special abilities, and under hypnosis, they play the piano wonderfully, or speak languages they have never heard, or are able to perform the most complex mathematical operations.

I do believe that, in time, we will find rational explanations for the paranormal.

Mar 19, 2008, 9:00 PM
When I was younger and dabbled in Satanism, I thought I heard the voices of demons (Azazel and Asmodeus) but then I learned it was just my sub-concious talking to me through the form of demons. But I'm interested in the paranormal, UFOS and the occult mostly.

Mar 19, 2008, 11:21 PM
Thank you for that link. I have seen that show's preview on occasion and finally watched several episodes. Ever since then, I have my DVR set up to record every show including the spin off Ghost Hunters International.
I have recently started DVR on other shows like Paranormal State. That's an interesting show.
Also, I found them on myspace and joined their networks along with other Paranormal investigators. Very interesting group of people.

I personally have not had any direct experience with what falls into the category of the paranormal--but even though I do like science---I don't think science can explain all things and it does get me mad that science automatically seems to discount the notion that things of the paranormal don't exist out of hand.

Just like with the subject of UFOs--most of them can be explained in rational and reasonable ways--so can things of the paranormal---but then there are those cases of both the paranormal and UFO phenomenons that cannot be readily explained away by rational explanations.

If you care to share your experiences you had---I would be glad to hear--for those who are interested in this subject--they do have a board much like this related to the TAPS show from the Sci-Fi Channel.


The site has many links to groups doing paranormal research in places all over the world--it is a very good resource for this topic.

Mar 20, 2008, 9:22 AM
UFOs, yeah, I believe, but I've never seen an alien or a (made on another planet) space craft. BUT:
Too many reliable people have reported seeing them,
The numbers... at least 100,000,000,000 stars per galaxy and as least 100,000,000,000 galaxies. That makes a minimum of 10,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 (ten billion trillion) solar systems. The probability of life more intelligent or advanced than our own is simply too great to reject on the basis of our egocentric food chain.
They may be looking at us through the bushes like Jane Goodall, not wanting to disturb our natural habitat or natural progression.
Just be careful of those anal probes! :-O

Mar 20, 2008, 11:31 AM
I've had a few.... let's call them "sensations".

After my Mom died I had the overwhelming sensation that she was standing behind my right shoulder... guiding me through my grief at losing her. So much so that I would rapidly turn around and I swore (at the time) that I could FEEL her presence. That went on for a couple years.

She was there again (in spirit only) as I was coming out of a very heavy anaesthetic after surgery, telling me I would be alright.

My Mom was THEE most frighteningly psychic person I have ever known. There was nothing in her experience to make her that way, that even she was aware of.

Couple instances: one day she had her head in the fridge getting some butter out... she stood up, dropped the plate of butter (she told me later that she saw it covered in blood) and screamed "your father has been in a serious accident". I still shiver about this one because not an hour later the military police were at the door telling Mom to go to the hospital with them. He survived but she scared the tar out of me.

another time: in this very house where I still live, we were sitting together watching the evening news when the power went out abruptly. Mom's face went white and she told me that a neighbour had been killed when her car struck a hydro pole just a couple blocks from here. She was right.

There were scads of incidents like these...and even if she DID scare me *LOL*, I still miss her; still shiver when I think of all the neat things she had insight into. I'm not like her in the least actually.

One other odd thing was then whenever my Dad walked in front of the (older) TV sets, it would go all wonky. We told him he had a very active electrical forcefield in his body LOL. He believed us.

Mar 20, 2008, 2:50 PM
Girrrrlfriend, now you are spooking me :eek:
That's an interesting story.
A friend of mine at work told me she believe that when the phone ring just one time (no one at the other end of the line... just one short incomplete ring), someone died.
Our belief was if we hear a dog howl at night, someone in the area died.

I've had a few.... let's call them "sensations".

After my Mom died I had the overwhelming sensation that she was standing behind my right shoulder... guiding me through my grief at losing her. So much so that I would rapidly turn around and I swore (at the time) that I could FEEL her presence. That went on for a couple years.

She was there again (in spirit only) as I was coming out of a very heavy anaesthetic after surgery, telling me I would be alright.

My Mom was THEE most frighteningly psychic person I have ever known. There was nothing in her experience to make her that way, that even she was aware of.

Couple instances: one day she had her head in the fridge getting some butter out... she stood up, dropped the plate of butter (she told me later that she saw it covered in blood) and screamed "your father has been in a serious accident". I still shiver about this one because not an hour later the military police were at the door telling Mom to go to the hospital with them. He survived but she scared the tar out of me.

another time: in this very house where I still live, we were sitting together watching the evening news when the power went out abruptly. Mom's face went white and she told me that a neighbour had been killed when her car struck a hydro pole just a couple blocks from here. She was right.

There were scads of incidents like these...and even if she DID scare me *LOL*, I still miss her; still shiver when I think of all the neat things she had insight into. I'm not like her in the least actually.

One other odd thing was then whenever my Dad walked in front of the (older) TV sets, it would go all wonky. We told him he had a very active electrical forcefield in his body LOL. He believed us.

Mar 20, 2008, 2:53 PM
Now if you want to add wierd experiences, let's talk about the ouji board, I have had a very bad experience with that!!! Will never touch one of those again.


I believe that's the mistake I made. Maybe or maybe not. But what I am experiencing could be related to my OUIJA board.

Mar 20, 2008, 2:58 PM
I am soooo eager to tell you all my recent experience in this condo. But before I do, I decided to do a EVP and also try to debunk some stuff. I am still confused about the whole thing but I have to think clear and logical. I must try to recreate some things and perhaps I could disprove what had happen here.
I'm aware that the dead time is at 3am. Perhaps I could get some people in this site who happens to live nearby to help me with it. Either way, I'm going to do it and try to make sense out of all this.
I bought a digital recorder and going to do some EVP in and outside of my place. Including by the pool and the wooded area between the back side of my building and the security gate.
I don't have all the other fancy equipments like the Paranormal investigator. I don't have the cash to hire them. I guess I'll have to wing it on my own.

Mar 20, 2008, 3:14 PM
Incase anyone doesn't know what an EVP is:

E.V.P: 'Electronic Voice Phenomena.' Disembodied "voices" and sounds imprinted on audio recording devices.
What you don't hear when you ask questions, you may hear it on audio recording.

I just bought one today. A small digital recorder. I'm going to do a bit more research on how to do an EVP. I managed to be chatting on one of the people from a Paranormal Research. I had joined their website and the forum is great! Lots of information. She is fantastic and gave me some helpful advice. Oh and she is also a Pagan / Wiccan and very informative.

Mar 20, 2008, 3:18 PM
Ghost balls is actually orbs. I just learn that from a paranormal forum I had joined.
Some says that orbs can be debunk as dust particles or bugs. But an entity is also in a form of orbs.
Where you took these photos, was the area cold? Did the temperature dropped all of a sudden?

I have had a number of paranormal experiences. Most are too lengthy to post, but when we went to Gettysburg for our anniversary, we did the ghost tour and the flash on our camera refused to work (worked before and after the tour had fresh batteries the whole time).
When we got the pictures back, there were some ghost balls in a couple of the pictures.

Is that paranormal enough? :)

Mar 20, 2008, 3:43 PM
I am soooo eager to tell you all my recent experience in this condo. But before I do, I decided to do a EVP and also try to debunk some stuff. I am still confused about the whole thing but I have to think clear and logical. I must try to recreate some things and perhaps I could disprove what had happen here.
I'm aware that the dead time is at 3am. Perhaps I could get some people in this site who happens to live nearby to help me with it. Either way, I'm going to do it and try to make sense out of all this.
I bought a digital recorder and going to do some EVP in and outside of my place. Including by the pool and the wooded area between the back side of my building and the security gate.
I don't have all the other fancy equipments like the Paranormal investigator. I don't have the cash to hire them. I guess I'll have to wing it on my own.

Something else that needs to be done to rule any sort of "rational" explanation---you should find someone with an electromagnetic field meter (EMF)----I heard a story on NPR not long ago that some researchers have evidence that indicates a strong link with EMF and "paranormal" experiences---they had a woman who had moved into a place that the previous owner had left some things--one of them being a very old clock radio---she started having visions of God and of God talking to--but only when she was in her bedroom.

They put the woman through a whole series of tests and determined that she did not suffer from any mental defect. One of the researchers took an EMF meter into her room and found that the clock radio was putting out a very strong EM field--and when they put a new one in the room, getting rid of the old one---she no longer had her Godly visits.

The researchers then--using some equipment--replicated the EMF being put out by the clock radio with devices they could control--they then did a controlled study and found they could induce visions, feelings etc in the test subjects of having paranormal experiences simply by exposing them to a reasonably strong EM field.

Now--the one person being interviewed did not say this was something that was "proven" merely that according to scientiific standards---this is what the evidence indcates--and they were publishing their paper in a peer reviewed journal on their findings on this subject.

You do notice that the investigators for TAPS and other paranormal groups do try to determine what sort of EM fields there are present.

They think that spirits do change the EMF readings--that is why they tend to use them----but they should do an EMF sweep as part of due course to eliminate possible effects from excessive EMF.

I don't know where you get one of those devices--I think I am going to get one---it would be nice to know just how much EMF we are exposed to thanks to all of our electronic stuff we have these days and if it helps find a "ghost" sometime--all the better.

I am sure you can find someone with one.

Good luck Delilah

the mage
Mar 20, 2008, 8:29 PM
Heres 1...
Hitch hiking across Canada.
Middle of nowhere northern Ontario a guy lets me off..
No prob.. I'm prepared..
I overnite in the forest.
At breakfast an old old man joins me,, out of nowhere.
He asks to see my palm.
He tells me my name..............He tells me my life right on to that point.
He tell me of the future..which is mine not yours..

Mar 20, 2008, 9:01 PM
I have had an experiences with the paranormal. Not major ones, but enough to notice. In the same home, my son & my husband have also experience things. Were we crazy? Well, we no longer live in that house and no longer have those experiences... so i think it may have been ghostly.

My son was just scared, but he was real young while we lived there. My husband... well, I get the feeling that whatever was there did not like him because it told him to get out! Me, i just felt like i was being watched, like she was my angel or something.

Now if you want to add wierd experiences, let's talk about the ouji board, I have had a very bad experience with that!!! Will never touch one of those again.


would you mind sharing your experience about the oiji board, i have been debating on whether or not try it. everyone i talk to says not to.

Mar 21, 2008, 12:38 AM
would you mind sharing your experience about the oiji board, i have been debating on whether or not try it. everyone i talk to says not to.

I am no expert on this subject--but I talked about this in a previous post--from all that I have heard from people ranging from my mother, to friends, to priests, to paranormal investigators----there is one thing all agree on in regards to the ouja board---do not mess with one---use of one can have very negative consequences and they are not simply an innocent children's game as they are marketed as by Parker Brothers Games and don't go and make one up yourself either.

Some information on the Ouja Board:





Mar 21, 2008, 1:01 AM
As Pagans, we absolutely do not recommend the use of a Ouija board by anyone who does not know how to set up the proper protections first.

A Ouija board is akin to a bomb.
In the hands of a properly trained specialist, it can be handled safely, but in the hands of the untrained it is a truly dangerous thing.

May 19, 2008, 9:12 AM
The activity here has calm down for awhile until recently.
Somehow it has increased and for some reason, I'm not as afraid as before.
This time I decided to blog more about it on myspace. I'm about to release my first blog on this subject. Now that I have tons of Paranormal investigators joining myspace network (including T.A.P.S). I have joined a lot of forums and it seems that I'm not the only one. I thought at first I'm going crazy.
I use to be so active online with bisexual.com and the other bisexual sites and tgirl sites. But it seems that Paranormal subjects has over powered and just taken complete control of my activity online.

This is what I have been doing so far:
Field Research! I'm trying to find out about these grounds and the area including history of this place. I am going to dig through information from libraries and any places I could think of. I'm going to start with deeds of this area. I want to dig as far as possible on deeds and also visit police departments to see if there is any kind of history. Could there have been foul play? Could there have been an accident that involves a child in this building, the grounds, the road on the other side of the fence. Anything I could think of.

I was told to start documenting every thing. Date, Day, Month, PM, AM, Weather condition, etc.

I have bought a digital audio recorder. I have met a wonderful Paranormal Investigator online and she taught me a lot of E.V.P's.
I was warned that I shouldn't do E.V.P sessions in this home since I live in it. Afraid how I would handle the situation if I get any evidence via recorder.
So, it was suggested to hang out with some Paranormal Investigators from this area and nearby cities (I'm not having any luck finding one). I was told that I may get invited to just tag along to see how they do things. Also how to clean white noise from the recorder. Whatever that means.

Take photographs as much as possible. Especially the areas where it is active. Most likely the cold spots and black mass I'm seeing. Then there is the shadow and the humming of a little girl who peridocially sings or hums the old children's baptist song (Jesus loves me this I know, for the bible tells me so...). I hope to catch it on recorder. I'm just certain that I will have evidence.

See a Para-Psychologist for evaluation. Also allow him or her to come over to my home if it's necessary.

Just doing a follow up on what's going on with me.

There also maybe an animal entity. It is a cat. I don't own a cat anymore. I had to put my cat to sleep awhile back and I have her ashes in a beautiful urn.
About the Ouija board...
I do own a Ouija board and no, I didn't play with it. It's been with the family for many years. My great grandmother named it Captain Charley for some odd reason. I was cleaning out and throwing out a lot of junk.
I found this huge mahogany box which house the Ouija board. It's not the Parker Brother's board game. This is an old board game.
Anyways, I took it out and sat it next to my nightstand and accidently knocking the urn. No ash was spilled since it's tightly sealed.
I took the board game out of the box and was amazed to find old family photos and the planchet is missing. I think they were using glass.
I don't know and I don't think this has anything to do with the Paranormal activity that is occuring.

Last thing I do want to mention is when I was taking a shower.
In the shower, you can see the shadow of the shower curtain and rod against the wall which I face more when showering. There were two incidents. First, I saw the shadow of the curtain kind of open. I didn't think much of it. But then I saw a shadow of a girl's head as if someone is peeking in through the open part. That really freaked me out. I swear on my sister's grave that this I did see. No, I wasn't on medication or drinking.
A month later, the same situation occured except the shadow head rose above the shower rod. I quickly turned around and looked up an nothing. NOTHING!

What appears to be Paranormal is happening.
Cold spots, being touched (oh yes, brushed against my lower back like a tugging of my shirt as well), shadow figures, black mass, feeling I'm not the only one in the home. Seeing movements at the corner of my eyes. Even scent.
I kind of disregard the scent of baby powder because I use carpet freshner frequently and I do have a lot of perfume.

I'm opening myself here in a forum. I figured I would have some support.
Be skeptical if you may. If I was to have read this post several years ago, I would have said "yeah.. and what have you been drinking?" Now the table has turn so I'm prepared to get ridiculed or support. Doesn't matter. What matter is I think I'm going to need help or this will become a one woman show.

May 19, 2008, 9:39 AM
I finally visited a Pagan store downtown Bradenton. It's called Om Gaia Spiritual Center. Have I got story to tell you.
My Sensei (Mr. Fong who is a master in Martial Art) has always called me
Shoryo Tombo. Meaning Dragonfly who deliver messages from the dead.
I never knew why. I am guessing that I wear mostly dragonfly jewelry and I have dragonfly motif all over my home especially outside my balcony.
Anyways, the lady in Om Gaia was admiring my dragonfly jewelry. She told me that dragonfly means transforming or transitioning. You know I have been tranforming from male to female... lol Not sure if that has any connection.

Anyways, I just freely spilled the beans of the paranormal activity. Talking about her eyes open wider! And told her for some reason, I'm guessing this is a little girl and I wanted to call her Anna or Annie. Something to do with the letter A. She gave me a Pendalum. I'm not sure I spelled that correctly. She taught me how to handle it. The moment I took it and have it dangling over my open palm... BOOM! The name just hit.. Annabell!
She and I just frozed...lol

I took it home. What could it hurt, right? She instructed me to soak it in a cup of water with a teaspoon of salt over night. And throughout the week, keep it on me and let me energy feed into it. Never to let anyone else touch it so it won't get confused with another energy. Have it tell me what it's way of saying Yes or No. Basically, it trained me how to read it's answer.

Last night was the beginning of the full moon stage. I went ahead and asked... "is there a spirit present with me". A sudden cold temp dropped and it did swing to the answer. I toss that damn thing in my purse and ran outside. I called my boss and told her I'm coming in to work...lol

I'm so tempted to go ahead and do some E.V.P sessions since full moon makes me more calm and at ease, stay focus and clearing of the mind more easier. I'm a Cancer, water element and moon child.

As Pagans, we absolutely do not recommend the use of a Ouija board by anyone who does not know how to set up the proper protections first.

A Ouija board is akin to a bomb.
In the hands of a properly trained specialist, it can be handled safely, but in the hands of the untrained it is a truly dangerous thing.

May 19, 2008, 4:06 PM
Paranormal. Can't strictly say I have, in the traditional meanings of the term. My parent's/family place is haunted by the ghosts of two people who used to live there before my father bought the place (each had committed suicide, independently of knowing each other, just both happened to live in the same house at some point), way back long before I was a twinkle in me father's eye. Many guests have seen one or the other of them.

My father has seen many ghosts in his time, and had prophetic encounters, but still says anyone else is just barmy if it happens to them.

A close friend of mine comes from a long line of witches and mediums on her mothers side, and is one herself. She's certainly picked up on things she shouldn't have known about from me. Seems my aura had a habit of waking the psychic neighbourhood when I was 'having a good time', lol.
She has since taught me to keep such things to myself on a spiritual level, hehe.

Could probably list lots of other small recounts of things that my friends and family have told me about, but personally, I've not had such experiences. Guess I'm naturally too earthed.

May 19, 2008, 5:08 PM
I finally visited a Pagan store downtown Bradenton. It's called Om Gaia Spiritual Center. Have I got story to tell you.
My Sensei (Mr. Fong who is a master in Martial Art) has always called me
Shoryo Tombo. Meaning Dragonfly who deliver messages from the dead.
I never knew why. I am guessing that I wear mostly dragonfly jewelry and I have dragonfly motif all over my home especially outside my balcony.
Anyways, the lady in Om Gaia was admiring my dragonfly jewelry. She told me that dragonfly means transforming or transitioning. You know I have been tranforming from male to female... lol Not sure if that has any connection.

Anyways, I just freely spilled the beans of the paranormal activity. Talking about her eyes open wider! And told her for some reason, I'm guessing this is a little girl and I wanted to call her Anna or Annie. Something to do with the letter A. She gave me a Pendalum. I'm not sure I spelled that correctly. She taught me how to handle it. The moment I took it and have it dangling over my open palm... BOOM! The name just hit.. Annabell!
She and I just frozed...lol

I took it home. What could it hurt, right? She instructed me to soak it in a cup of water with a teaspoon of salt over night. And throughout the week, keep it on me and let me energy feed into it. Never to let anyone else touch it so it won't get confused with another energy. Have it tell me what it's way of saying Yes or No. Basically, it trained me how to read it's answer.

Last night was the beginning of the full moon stage. I went ahead and asked... "is there a spirit present with me". A sudden cold temp dropped and it did swing to the answer. I toss that damn thing in my purse and ran outside. I called my boss and told her I'm coming in to work...lol

I'm so tempted to go ahead and do some E.V.P sessions since full moon makes me more calm and at ease, stay focus and clearing of the mind more easier. I'm a Cancer, water element and moon child.

Delilah, don't be freaked out by a spirit presence. Most spirits that interact with us are benign. Some are even quite beneficial. Now, there are some that are not, but none of it is like the movies. Spirits cannot directly do you harm.
It is easy enough to do a quick protection circle to keep out malicious spirits and you can find plenty of books on it at the bookstore that you got the pendulum.

In my experience with spirits, only one had a harmful sense to it. That one was at Ft. Jackson, SC. I have also had interactions two other spirits, one being the ghost that haunted our house as a kid. He didn't like dad's remodel of the kitchen and kept moving the refrigerator.
The other was the spirit of a housekeeper in an old Victorian townhouse that I was sharing with some other guys from base, in the town of Ipswich England. She just watched me while I was sleeping. She accidentally woke me up one night, when I felt her presence and I saw her, but women had a hard time sleeping in that room at all.

May 19, 2008, 6:01 PM
Hi Loves,
I have had many dealings with the paranormal, and have learned to understand and respect it. As for ghosts, they are residual left over energy from a person that has moved on, and usually if you just awknowledge their prescence, they will pretty much leave you alone. Or, if they take a liking to you, will stay with you and watch over you. In the case of Oujies(sp) I dont want anything to do with those damn things. In jr high I went for a sleep over at a girls house and they broke one out. I was a little uncomfortable seeing this, but figured-hey, what I saw when I was a little kid was all my imagination-. I stood watching them messing with it, and the lights kept dimming. Nobody but me and my cousin noticed this. I mentioned to them that playing with a wee-gee wasnt a very good idea, and was told "Awww the Injins are afraid"
I just nervously laughed it off but my cousin was increasingly nervous. I watched and kept noticing that the candles in the room flickered as well. I Knew something was up.
One of the girls passed around the "Pointer" for everyone to touch, and wanted us to blow on it for luck, showing that we were all there and were friendly. I didnt touch it, and told them "I'm Tellin you, you best leave this damn thing alone. No good can come of it!" and recieved more teasing. Cindy, the girl who had just bought the "Ghost Board" (that's what they called by my Gramma) began to ask questions and had gotten some vague answers- ya know stuff like, "Does so and so like me" type of shit. She asked it "There is one here that doesnt believe in you. Do you have something to tell her?" The pointer spelled out jibberish..to them. It was the Cherokee word for Snake, and a snake in our language meant in that connetation is translated to bad, or evil. My cousin grabbed my hand and just shivered.

The girl who was asking it questions was really getting into it and asked, "Is there anything to be afraid of by talking to you? Is anyone here going to be hurt by us talking to you?" It swung to yes, twice. There were delightful goosebupms all around, and alot of unease for my cousin and I. She asked, "Do you know who it is thats going to get hurt? What are their names?"
The pointer moved around for a minute or two then began to spell out words. A couple didnt make sense, then the last two came in all too clear. My cousin burst into tears, and that's when the light in the ceiling blew up, and shower of sparks hit the Ghost Board. It seemed to glow for a brief moment, and you could 'feel' something heavy and ominious in the room..
My cousin screamed, grabbed her over night bag and ran out of the house while everyone else was screaming in delighted terror.
I too left the house in a hurry and ran to catch up to my cousin, who was damn near in hysterics. You see...One word was CarrieSara and the last didnt make sense to anyone..but it did to me..it was my "real" name and because my name isnt a conventional name, it didnt make sense to the girls. But it did to us. My cousins name is Caresa, but her Gramma used to call her Cara-sara.
Two weeks later my cousin and I were raped when coming home from school the day before Memorial day weekend. Carrie lost a nipple in the ordeal and became lesbian, too afraid of men to want to associate with them sexually. I was cut up so badly that I spent 3 mons in the hospital over it. The gorl who was talking to the Ghost Board came to see me in the hospital and tearfuly apologised to me. She felt somehow responcible.
Her Mom came home after we left and had a Fit at seeing a wee-gee in her house. She burned it right away.

I cant say if the board had anything to do with the incident that happened to us, but I know what I saw, and what I Have seen in the years since a pair of 12 yro girls were more or less Told that they were going to be hurt. Was it an ominious evil threat, or where we being told as to warn us against being hurt? I dont know, but I know as one person said, "There is more in heaven and earth that is drempt of in our Philosophy" :}

May 19, 2008, 8:13 PM
Hmmmmmm, Guess my other post to this was either too lengthy or scary. It was subsituted with this one that was posted a long time back. Thanks Drew.

May 19, 2008, 8:31 PM
I have seen so many things pertaining to this: As a child there was an old old cabin down the way from where we lived on the Rez. When going down to town I would always see an old man sitting on this porch in a home made rocking chair, and I always waved at him and gave him a big smile. He had on an old "Swampers" hat, a white shirt and faded blue over all and boots. He always raised his pipe to me and that was it.
I remember doing this from a very young age. My Gramma was with us one day and saw me doing this, the smile and wave. She said "Chootsa (Babygirl), you shouldnt wave at that house. It isnt polite"
I told her about the old man and discribed him. She just said, "Mr Jenkins had been dead for a good many years, Hon" and left it at that. I still saw him everyday, but finally stopped waving at him. The cabin was torched by the fire dept when the land was sold, and it made me cry.

Many many years later I went back home and drove past the spot where the house had been. Sure enough there had been a Fire House built on that spot, and out front sat Mr. Jenkinns in one of the Lawn Chairs. I laughed out loud and nearly wreaked the car because I Was laughing so hard. I slowed and waved and grinned. He lifted his pipe and grinned back. Little did the Firemen know they had their very own ghost...or maybe they did, I dunno. ;}
I'm not a Jennifer Love Hewett, so I dont tell just Anyone of what I have seen..lol

May 19, 2008, 9:59 PM
I have experienced so many "strange coincidences" ..things that just hint at "oh yeah, we're here..now go back about your mundane life" - I wouldn't even know where to start to explain half of them.

Like the time (so I've been told) that I came down the stairs at 5 years old and told my family that my aunt who had just passed away said everything is going to be all right.

Thankfully most of what I've experienced has never been malevolent - but Ouija board - bad idea - If you are looking for answers you need to look elsewhere..there are no EASY answers. If you think that you are going to play with one "just to be cute" - think again - Oujia is like telnet..or the bottom-of-the-barrel chat room. A proper and true guide will never TELL YOU what YOU should do.

I was once reading a book entitled "What Would Buddha Do?" - in it someone once asked the Buddha - "Does the Occult exist?" - he supposedly replies "Yes" but he would not teach it because it can be a distraction from the true path to enlightenment.

I often feel the same way - yes, I know that there is definitely something much more than "meets the eye" going on - I think there are forces that we just don't have instruments to measure yet. However, if I focus on it too much it becomes an addiction - I'm here to learn the lessons I need to learn - not to become hypnotized and sidetracked.

I could babble on for another page and a half - but I'll stop now. Let's just say that generally speaking - ideas only have as much power over you as you give them. For the record, Wiccans casting spells is simply an alternative form of prayer in my book.

I also think that what you all "Ghost Hunters" think of as a set of unified phenomenon occurring in a serial pattern at a fixed moment in time are potentially the very dynamic intersection of many different types of energy and events that may or may not occur in the same space and time.

May 19, 2008, 10:12 PM
Religious experience, yes. Paranormal experience, nope.

May 19, 2008, 11:05 PM
Ok, I know I have already posted a reply, but I just remembered something that had happened awhile back.
My husbands cousin has her father's ashes. They decided they wanted to check it out. They of course were drunker than skunks, and I the designated driver, was completely sober!!! Well, she opened the urn, and I swear to God that the tempature dropped in that house. I was freezing. I felt something, and I had completely broke down crying. It was the weirdest feeling I had ever experienced.
I have felt it in her house previously, but it became stronger after they had opened the urn....anyway, I had to say something, and I had no idea where it was coming from. I told the cousin that 'he forgave her, that he has always loved her and will continue to love her'.. but it didnt feel like it came from me, like someone was talking through me.
She broke down crying and hugged me. Her and her father had always had problems, which I knew nothing about.
She still has the urn, but she says she will never open it again!

Was that paranormal, or was that my imagination going wild??? It felt very weird, if it was my imagination, it at least helped put peace between a father and daughter!!!


ps. BOOOO!!!

May 20, 2008, 12:06 AM
Hey Cat, those were some very interesting stories.

Having been to and experienced one of the better Ghost tours in Gettysburg, we plan on going back and doing it again on our next anniversary in September. This time around, I think that we will try an experiment;
You see, there is an area there called The Triangle, in which no one can ever seem to get their cameras to work. Not even video or digital cameras.
Our theory is that it is due to a very famous Mathew Brady picture, that was taken after the battle, in which Brady staged the shot of a dead Confederate soldier leaning against a wall by dragging his body from where he fell to pose the body at the picture site.
We think that the spirit of the dead Confederate is upset by his body being desecrated in such a fashion and prevents cameras from working in that area.

So we are going to ask permission of the spirit and explain that we mean no disrespect to him or his trials in life during the War. Then we will see if we can get a few pictures of the area in The Triangle.

btw, the ghost pics are going to get posted to our profile as soon as I get through posting this.

May 20, 2008, 10:20 PM
When I was a kid I loved all things paranormal; I found it all fascinating. When in high school this turned into an interest in Wicca. However, I don't think I've ever experienced anything paranormal myself. I'm not trying to discredit anyone here; the paranormal may exsit, but I have a tendency to think that it can all be explained rationally somehow, and it's just people seeing/feeling what they want to see because they believe in it so much. I really would love to experience something paranormal and have my mind changed; a world with paranormal phenomena would be far more interesting to live in (to me anyway). But, as of now, I have a feeling that if all of this stuff was really true, I would have experienced something definitive by now. I guess I just want some actual first-hand proof.

May 21, 2008, 1:19 AM
When I was a kid I loved all things paranormal; I found it all fascinating. When in high school this turned into an interest in Wicca. However, I don't think I've ever experienced anything paranormal myself. I'm not trying to discredit anyone here; the paranormal may exsit, but I have a tendency to think that it can all be explained rationally somehow, and it's just people seeing/feeling what they want to see because they believe in it so much. I really would love to experience something paranormal and have my mind changed; a world with paranormal phenomena would be far more interesting to live in (to me anyway). But, as of now, I have a feeling that if all of this stuff was really true, I would have experienced something definitive by now. I guess I just want some actual first-hand proof.

You may have experienced some of it an not realized it. Sometimes a paranormal experience can be subtle, as in visiting a place that you have never been before and experience a sense of "deja vu" or some similar kind of feeling, such as extreme, near paralyzing dread or a feeling of unusually high levels of calm or peace. Had that happen in a couple of places, one of which was in England.

Of course, not everyone experiences paranormal events. Most people never experience anything of the paranormal, so that has a bearing on people's perceptions of the existence of things such as ghosts.

May 21, 2008, 7:35 AM
Great topic! Nice to find something like this :)

When I was 10 to when I was 13 we lived in a house that had shadow people. I had no clue what they were until well mid 30's I hadnt even heard of anything like that. I actually had chopped it up to a very creative imagination lol But there were 3 very distinct shadowy forms who were in our house. They didnt scare me at all, didnt try to harm anyone. I think they were more protective of us if that makes sense. But I would see them every night shortly before turning the lights off for bed, come down the hallway stand there a few minutes and then leave. Occasionally I would see them in other areas of the house and during the day. We moved, I never saw them again.

Ive seen 2 UFO's in the last 12 yrs. One was in the middle of nowhere in Arizona on I-8 Very bright lights, swooped down out of the sky to the ground hovered for just a moment and then shot off. The other I actually have on video tape and if anyone can help me out with getting it onto a computer Id love to be able to post it somewhere. That was captured in Los Angeles which is crazy lol but its on tape! Well maybe its 4 flares floating in the sky, who knows? But I have proof! hehe

George Noory has a great radio show, coast to coast am you should check it out. He is usually discussing ufo's, bigfoot, ghosts and even some scientific type stuff with the universe. He has a website but offhand Im not sure what it is, just do a search for George Noory youll find it.

Anyway thanks for letting me ramble... again great topic!

May 21, 2008, 8:56 AM
Oooh I wish I could go! Would you do some E.V.P sessions?

Hey Cat, those were some very interesting stories.

So we are going to ask permission of the spirit and explain that we mean no disrespect to him or his trials in life during the War. Then we will see if we can get a few pictures of the area in The Triangle.

btw, the ghost pics are going to get posted to our profile as soon as I get through posting this.

May 21, 2008, 8:58 AM
This coming weekend, I decided to do some E.V.P work on my own. I will also place my digital cam in front of it. Just in case I do catch something on the audio, I will have proof that it wasn't tampered with. Who knows, I might catch something on cam as well.

May 21, 2008, 8:59 AM
Are we allowed to post video here? I can upload them in my youtube account and use their embedded html code to post it here.

May 21, 2008, 9:03 AM
Is ther such a thing as ghosties an ghoulies an the like... Have me doubts..but dus know that ther is far more 2 creation than jus wot we c round us.. know peeps who call themselves witchies an wile me doubts they stir pots an cast spells "hubble bubble..." like outa MacBeth, an still hav doubts as 2 wetha they hav ne more power than the rest of us..who can say.. creation is an awesome thing an ther jus so much in it that we will neva know all the ansas.. but its fun tryin 2 get em... so me jus tried 2 hav an open mind much as me can... all ne of us can do...

May 21, 2008, 9:36 AM
Actually, there is nothing wrong with being skeptic. Being skeptic and yet being open minded is good. I have been skeptic for a long time until the recent experiences.

I am now studying Pagan/Wicca religion. I like playing with herbs and creating things. I do believe in all 5 elements. Wind, Fire, Water, Land, and Spirits. I also believe in Karma.
I was growing up Catholic then converted to Baptist. Neither of those religion I was comfortable with. Witchcraft, I'm more comfortable and I feel that it's me. Makes me happy, complete, more toleratable.
My sign is Cancer, water element attracted to fire elements, moon child, and I do love the site of fire as much as I love living in water. I live in South Florida so I basically swim day and night...lol Most of my spare time I spend it in or around water. I practically worship the Gulf of Mexico.

Just recently, I had join the SRQWitch yahoo group. I'm so looking forward to meeting these people in person. I have also joined Wiccantogether.com
Here is my profile: http://www.wiccantogether.com/profile/Dragonfly74
And now myspace is dedicated to Pagan/Wiccan/Paranormal.
Plus I seem to be friend a lot of Paranormal Investigators who is in myspace friend's list. I must of joined dozens of Paranormal Research groups and Pagan/Wicca groups. I am curious more and more each day. It's practically consuming me. These things seems to be drawing me closer and closer to something that I can not control or understand.

Is ther such a thing as ghosties an ghoulies an the like... Have me doubts..but dus know that ther is far more 2 creation than jus wot we c round us.. know peeps who call themselves witchies an wile me doubts they stir pots an cast spells "hubble bubble..." like outa MacBeth, an still hav doubts as 2 wetha they hav ne more power than the rest of us..who can say.. creation is an awesome thing an ther jus so much in it that we will neva know all the ansas.. but its fun tryin 2 get em... so me jus tried 2 hav an open mind much as me can... all ne of us can do...

May 21, 2008, 9:19 PM
lol You might just get something at that..ya never know. :)
Been to Vicksberg and to Gettesberg. Also to the battlefield where I grew up before going up to the Rez. Its in Corienth Miss. called RC Labouis Battery. Used to run around all over in there during the day as kids, but Mom wouldnt allow us to go there at night. She said the Soldiers Earned their rest at night, and that it was disrespectfull to bother them. So, we kids didnt go there at night.
Cant get on the larger Battlefields. I get dizzy and disoriented when I try.
I know I know..weird half Indian chick..LOL

May 21, 2008, 9:29 PM
Oooh I wish I could go! Would you do some E.V.P sessions?

Some of the equipment needed to do any real ghost hunting is exorbitantly expensive for us common folk. But we will be trying to do a few things that we are able to. The experiment in the Triangle for example, is one of them.

But rest assured, that we will be reporting on what we find when we get back.......it's still a few months away, though.

May 21, 2008, 9:52 PM
lol You might just get something at that..ya never know. :)
Been to Vicksberg and to Gettesberg. Also to the battlefield where I grew up before going up to the Rez. Its in Corienth Miss. called RC Labouis Battery. Used to run around all over in there during the day as kids, but Mom wouldnt allow us to go there at night. She said the Soldiers Earned their rest at night, and that it was disrespectfull to bother them. So, we kids didnt go there at night.
Cant get on the larger Battlefields. I get dizzy and disoriented when I try.
I know I know..weird half Indian chick..LOL

Most of the time, unless they are trying to accomplish something in this world, ghosts don't really care about the goings on around them in the physical world.

But your mom was right. They have earned their rest.

May 22, 2008, 5:23 AM
Actually, there is nothing wrong with being skeptic. Being skeptic and yet being open minded is good. I have been skeptic for a long time until the recent experiences.

I am now studying Pagan/Wicca religion. I like playing with herbs and creating things. I do believe in all 5 elements. Wind, Fire, Water, Land, and Spirits. I also believe in Karma.
I was growing up Catholic then converted to Baptist. Neither of those religion I was comfortable with. Witchcraft, I'm more comfortable and I feel that it's me. Makes me happy, complete, more toleratable.
My sign is Cancer, water element attracted to fire elements, moon child, and I do love the site of fire as much as I love living in water. I live in South Florida so I basically swim day and night...lol Most of my spare time I spend it in or around water. I practically worship the Gulf of Mexico.

Just recently, I had join the SRQWitch yahoo group. I'm so looking forward to meeting these people in person. I have also joined Wiccantogether.com
Here is my profile: http://www.wiccantogether.com/profile/Dragonfly74
And now myspace is dedicated to Pagan/Wiccan/Paranormal.
Plus I seem to be friend a lot of Paranormal Investigators who is in myspace friend's list. I must of joined dozens of Paranormal Research groups and Pagan/Wicca groups. I am curious more and more each day. It's practically consuming me. These things seems to be drawing me closer and closer to something that I can not control or understand.Most of yas that r regulars 2 .com will b aware that me has bout as much religious belief as cat is likely 2 mate wiv a mouse. Am not big on the paranormal.. don hav ne experience of it for starters, save mayb lil feelins me gets from time 2 time mayb...prescience they call it...don happen often but sumtimes... thinka sum 1 an 2 mins lata ya bump inta them in the street.. that kinda stuff. But not much else. Wen it cums 2 religion, hav always maintained, an still maintain that in the wider sheme a things, religion, an the Gods that go long wiv em, wer thot up an developed by peeps 2 build an cement ther power base, an 2 keep the rest of humanity in line by scarin the poop outa them... man created God in his own image.. still hold 2 that..as strongly now as eva. More prob. Paganism an Wicca as examples a modern religion r interestin in that regard. Dunno a helluva a lot bout em particularly, but do know they r modern "interpretations" of ancient belief systems, developed an articulated by modern man at least in part cos more established religion didn ansa the questions wich wer bein asked.. so they tried 2 reach bak 2 the ancient beliefs of humanity, in the main the ancient beliefs wich existed in Europe. Wen me says reach bak, so much of these ancient belief systems hav been lost 2 antiquity, an so 2a gr8 extent, wot paganism is now, an wicca..an druidism bear lil or no relation 2 the beliefs of the ancestors of 2000 years ago save the name.

Don get me rong..am not knockin ne who believe wot they do wen it cums2 religion.. me bone a contention is wiv religion itself..cos simply put, me don accept ne of it... me rationale won let me accept the existence of Gods an Godesses an am buggered if me can accept the possibility of an afterlife..but won know till me dies bout that 1 at least ..not even then if me rite.

Returnin 2 the issue of the paranormal, an ere it is essentially linked 2 the need for religious belief. Goin bak in the deepest recesses of history,the paranormal created a world of myth an superstition wich wos ova time developed inta the religions we know 2 day. In the ancient past religion served the purpose of ansrin the questions of humanity..who am I? What am I? Where did I cum from? Lookin at the big wide world, in is primitive an superstitious state athiesm an agnosticism wer neva an option as they r 2 day... not so it mattad in any case. Humanity had 2 hav a creator..or creators.. omnipotent beins wich existed in ther minds, an created by themselves, or at least the more powerful an intelligent among them usually, sumtimes simply prob by socially inferior an weaker, but brite peeps 2 gain sum power base an a measure of control ova ther peers..an ova indeed ther superiors. These creations wer allocated mysterious an wonderful power 2 explain wy the world wos.. cos they didn hav the werewithall 2 explain it scientifically 2 the extent we do 2 day.

The paranormal, wich shud it exist, an me has already sed that ther r many things we simply cannot explain or undastand plays its part in religious belief.. unlike many of ya..me simply don accept it as owt otha that that..the paranormal... summat we cant, at least, not yet explain..hence it is outwith wot we believe 2 b normal. Many of ya believe it is connected 2 religious belief in 1 form or otha..but sum..even the religiously inclined accept they simply do not know.

Woteva it is.. we will neva explain it all... but wetha we believe in a god or godess or a panoply of em ..believe simply in the Gaia..or believe that ere we r ..this is it.. we all hav our part 2 play in tryin 2 unravel it an hav it an its many facets explained... an in our own often cack-handed way..we all do contribute 2 the debate...