View Full Version : Christmas Toys.

Nov 30, 2005, 10:01 AM
Hi Yall, Its been a little bit since i posted a new thread. So yesterday with christmas coming soon enuff,i started thinking about all the toys i recieved as a kid. We were buy no means rich when i was at home, but mom and dad allways managed to git the toys we wanted. And i have allways appreciated that. Being an adult now i know how hard it can be to come up with the money for the kids toys. Anyway i was thining about he best toy i recieved,to me anyway,lol. It was one of those electronic meatal football games. The one where the players would scoot along the field when yu turned the switch on. Being a big football fan this was the greatest. So i was wondering what to yall was the greatest christmas toy that you ever recieved?? Just thought itd be an entertaining question. Thanks yall, Tex.

Nov 30, 2005, 12:08 PM
When I was very little, it wasn't a toy, it was having my dad home for Christmas. He was usually overseas. After they divorced we didn't have a lot of money so toys were not a major thing on the Christmas list but one that I remember the most is my Buffy beauty case. I didn't get a lot of girlie things growing up because my dad wanted a boy first and I think that was one of the first femanine gift besides my Cinderella watch. The little boys we lived around did envy my trucks though. lol :tong:

Nov 30, 2005, 6:13 PM
This one is really hard to answer.....every year I would get at least one really neat toy to play with but I think the one that got played with more than anything else was my Hot Wheels.....every Christmas I would get some new cars and something to add to the layout.


Nov 30, 2005, 7:25 PM
Hi Yall, Its been a little bit since i posted a new thread. So yesterday with christmas coming soon enuff,i started thinking about all the toys i recieved as a kid. We were buy no means rich when i was at home, but mom and dad allways managed to git the toys we wanted. And i have allways appreciated that. Being an adult now i know how hard it can be to come up with the money for the kids toys. Anyway i was thining about he best toy i recieved,to me anyway,lol. It was one of those electronic meatal football games. The one where the players would scoot along the field when yu turned the switch on. Being a big football fan this was the greatest. So i was wondering what to yall was the greatest christmas toy that you ever recieved?? Just thought itd be an entertaining question. Thanks yall, Tex.

Yeah...you would turn it on and the field would vibrate and all the players were mounted in plastic stands with little prongs on the bottom to help the vibration move them along...Man, I thought I was the only one that had one of those...The little players ran everywhere except where they were 'spose to...Thanks for the little push down pleasant memory lane texasman. That was one of my favorites as well :bigrin: :paw: :paw:

Nov 30, 2005, 8:14 PM
This one is really hard to answer.....every year I would get at least one really neat toy to play with but I think the one that got played with more than anything else was my Hot Wheels.....every Christmas I would get some new cars and something to add to the layout.


Oh CC we use to get hot wheels in our stockings every year. They were great until mom got mad and used the track on us.

Nov 30, 2005, 9:07 PM
:santa: I can't say that I remember one specific thing either. I know I got a lot of dolls. Barbie's were by far my favorite and I know there were several of those. I loved the big doll head that you could do her makeup and hair. And then when I was a older...Jr. High school the arubics cube (sp??) came out and that was the greatest thing ever invented at that time.

Now my son is 2 and I can start being Santa....I'm so excited!! :santa: :cutelaugh

Nov 30, 2005, 11:07 PM
ohh this is a good one!
I Loved Christmas at my house when I was a kid.
My parents wokred their asses off to make sure my brother and I had a kick ass Christmas. I always got THE thing I asked for. (Except for my pony, ha ha).
MY parents were also not too fixed n gender roles. IF I wanted a truck, I got it. Often I asked for Matchbox cars and track for my train set.

But, the BEST Christmas gift I ever got was my i-Pod last year. My parents surprised me with it and I was overjoyed. Yes, I am 31, but I was like a little squeeling kid last year! LOL

As a Child I got the PLay-Dough Dentist. I had asked for it for a year. I was thrilled when I got it. I since boguht one for a my neice, and she and I have tons of fun playign with it now :)

Good Thread....

Dec 2, 2005, 12:21 PM
Oh CC we use to get hot wheels in our stockings every year. They were great until mom got mad and used the track on us.

Good old Hot Wheels!! No motors...just plastic tracks and little cars...This was one of my husband's favorite gifts as well!! My mother in law still has it at her house and it used to thrill me when my two boys would go straight to the Hot Wheels set as if it were the coolest toy in the world!! They are older now but the younger grandchildren still seek it out! Of course hubby is struggling with having to share his prized possession with all the young ones..but he is learning!!


Dec 2, 2005, 12:24 PM
A 2 story metal garage/service station with an elevator. Lone Ranger guns and of course a mask.

Dec 2, 2005, 12:34 PM
I got a doll every year and my mother always took great care in picking one out for me since she didn't have many dolls herself as a child. I had Chatty Cathy, Baby Secret, various and assorted Barbies, Madame Alexander dolls...and one of my favorites..Baby First Step. When I entered the living room that Christmas morning, Baby First Step was all set up and she walked to me, arms extended. I was thrilled!!

As the mother of two boys, I haven't had the pleasure of buying dolls, unless you count Teenaged Mutant Ninja Turtles, Power Rangers and Star Wars figures as dolls, so I am always happy when we draw the name of one of the female grandchildren in my husband's large family.


Dec 2, 2005, 12:42 PM
Thought more on this and came up with the toys that stayed at Grandma and Grandpa's and us grandkids only got to play with it on Christmas Day and then fought over it. It was the McDonalds restaraunt with the play food. I've never seen one since!

I really thought Flounder would respond to this thread but he didn't. I know for a fact he was big on his G.I. Joe's. He and his brother are less than 18 months apart and they played everyday with those things. Flounder also had a big Tonka truck. So when our son turned 1, guess who headed off to Toys R Us and got him a big Tonka truck??? :bigrin: Our son was smaller than the truck and could ride in the back and we pushed him around. I thought it more appropriate for a child around age 3 or older but Flounder could not contain his excitement for having a son and wanting to play trucks with him. Flounder is a child in a large body!! :cutelaugh :santa: :wacko:

The Cheshire Cat
Dec 2, 2005, 4:01 PM
I always wanted a piano. So my mom would buy me the kids one, you know, the one with 5 or so keys. But I wanted a real one. Still do. :tong:

Dec 2, 2005, 8:00 PM
We didn't have a pot to piss in or a window to through it out of but for me Christmas was always about me and my Mom. I'm the oldest and me and Mom would decorate the house like we were two elfs on magic mushrooms. Music would be playing, a big pot of hot coccoa and decorations everywhere. Then she and I would go shopping for everyones gifts.
My favorite gift was a microscope and my favorite that Mom and I gave was the easy bake oven to my kid sister. Her and I would cook up all kinds of desserts.
Dad's job was picking out the tree and putting up the lights. And the youngest in the family at the time was hoisted on my dad's shoulders to put on the angel at the top of the tree.
Dad is still here but Mom is helping the angels decorate heaven for Christmas.
God Bless You All!

Dec 2, 2005, 8:33 PM
That football game was the greatest. I have no idea how many hours I sat there playing that game when I was a child. I think my record field goal was like 70 yards.

But my alltime favorite was the whirly bird. The helicopter flies around a central base (power unit) and is controlled by two levers on the control unit. The pilot is able to lift off, move forward and backward, hover, and land. The helicopter had a flight hook, which dangles below allowing the pilot to pick-up and drop-off items such as astronauts, get-a-way cars, etc.. And the cats absolutely loved that damn toy. :)

Dec 2, 2005, 10:59 PM
My brother had that whirly bird! HE was 6 yrs older then I was, but I used to beg him to play with it. I was a true tomboy. Anything my big brother had to play with, I wanted. So mom went out and bought me a police whirly bird about a year later. You could swoop down and pick-up people (Theives), ad drop them off in jail....

He also had this Tonka Ambulance I inheritied from him when he got too big for it. It was huge and had these huge dolls dressed as doctors and nurses. It had this cool Stretcher that came out and rolled like a real one. He also had this kick ass Six million Dollar man in a capsule! It Rawked! You could take parts of his body off and underneath were stickers with pictures of his "Machinery". It was so awsome.


Dec 3, 2005, 9:18 PM
the christmas i remember most was a year when i had an earache, and could not go out for a walk on christmas eve with dad and my brothers and sisters. it sometimes happened that santa came down the chimeny while we were out on these walks. i was young enough to have doubts about santa, but not old enough to be certain of the matter. my mother took me down into the basement where a large wooden wagon was covered with a drop cloth, which she threw back, revealing what seemed like a thousand presents, that i helped her carry back upstairs to put under the tree.

i was astonished and elated in a way that is hard to explain. still a kid, but a kid in on the big secret, entrusted with an important ritual, and somehow it seemed to me a better world in which there is no santa, but there are parents who will go to such lengths to delight their children.

Dec 3, 2005, 10:43 PM
Congratulations Showme on being one of the senior members of bisexual.com and taking the big step into the posting world! Cheers! :bounce: :bounce: :bounce:

Dec 4, 2005, 1:07 AM
2 things come to mind.
Chemistry set and a 75 in 1 electronics projects kit.
Still remember running a perimeter alarm around the house using the electronics set.I know it broke my parents bank, but they always gave me and my 3 sisters a great Christmas. :santa:

Dec 4, 2005, 7:48 AM
GREAT thread tex!!!!!

i would also have to say my hot wheels drag race (no pun intended) set was about the neatest gift i got as a kid, and lego's come a very close second

and like arana i too was on the receiving end of the hot wheels track more times than i care to recount

my sister (who was never very girly) had the greatest barbie dolls, and when i knew i wouldnt get caught, i would go in and play with those for a while too
(now why do i think that no one is shocked by this revelation) LOL

THANKS AGAIN TEX for the trip down memory lane
happy holidays everyone
:santa: m.in.heels&hose :santa: