View Full Version : James Dean - Bisexual?

Mar 14, 2008, 10:53 PM
I was reading over a list of famous bisexuals on wikipedia and I had just got done watching 'East of Eden' the James Dean movie... it didn't seem like a coincidence to me that after I just watched that movie, I saw James Dean's name on the list.
I never knew this.
Apparently he was not only with women, but had known relationships with men as well.


It's funny cause as I watched the movie, I did notice something about him. He seems to have something about his presence on screen. I can't really explain it.

Anyways the point of this thread is, I was just wondering if a lot of you knew about this or read anything about this, etc. Just curious

Mar 14, 2008, 11:26 PM
My favorite quote of all times was from James Dean
He never came out and said he was bisexual but he did say
when asked if he was bisexual ...Quote; (Lets just say im not going through life with one hand tied behind my back).

Mar 15, 2008, 6:03 AM
My favorite quote of all times was from James Dean
He never came out and said he was bisexual but he did say
when asked if he was bisexual ...Quote; (Lets just say im not going through life with one hand tied behind my back).

Yes, I liked that quote a lot too when I read it. :)

Mar 15, 2008, 11:24 AM
It's funny cause as I watched the movie, I did notice something about him. He seems to have something about his presence on screen. I can't really explain it.

It was always noted that with James Dean---he had this deep thing going on--that there were some wheels turning deep inside of him as it were--Brando was the same way----I hope that had Dean lived out to a natural end to his life--he would not have degenerated into some grotesque version of himself that Brando had become--Brando was certainly in the early days of his career, was a beautiful man, as was Dean. In Brando's later days--like when he played Colonel Kurtz on Apocalypse Now--he was so huge that they came up the idea of only filiming him in almost no light and only showing his face--that of course did work too for the creepy feeling of Kurtz's jungle village.

I also wonder if Marilyn Monroe had lived if she would have lost her beauty too or would have aged gracefully----I guess in the case of some of these people---it is sort of like that line from a Neil Young song---"better to burn out than to fade away---hey hey my my!"

Mar 15, 2008, 1:11 PM
It's too bad you didn't know about JDean earlier! Of course, you have to be careful because he's the subject of a lot of gossip, some grounded and some totally fabricated. For instance one urban legend is that he slept with men so he wouldn't get drafted. My favorite role of his is actually the Texan social climber in Giant.

Mar 15, 2008, 4:13 PM
It's too bad you didn't know about JDean earlier! Of course, you have to be careful because he's the subject of a lot of gossip, some grounded and some totally fabricated. For instance one urban legend is that he slept with men so he wouldn't get drafted. My favorite role of his is actually the Texan social climber in Giant.

I loooooove that movie! That's my favorite role of his as well!

Mar 15, 2008, 4:28 PM
Yeah, I haven't seen Giant yet but now that I put East of Eden back in the mail, netflix is sending me Giant in the next few days. :bigrin:

Mar 15, 2008, 4:32 PM
Giant is also interesting in that it shows James Dean getting older...I've always wondered if that's how he'd age or if, like Volty said, he'd age badly like Brando did.

Mar 16, 2008, 1:42 PM
It's funny cause as I watched the movie, I did notice something about him. He seems to have something about his presence on screen. I can't really explain it.

Heh, try watching Brad Davis' presence on screen!

Even if it's just in the movie Sybil and not Midnight Express where there's a homoerotic montage.

Mar 16, 2008, 2:02 PM
It's too bad you didn't know about JDean earlier! Of course, you have to be careful because he's the subject of a lot of gossip, some grounded and some totally fabricated. For instance one urban legend is that he slept with men so he wouldn't get drafted. My favorite role of his is actually the Texan social climber in Giant.

In the moive Giant, two of the male stars were known to be Gay. Rock Hudson and Sal Minio. Now with all the days on the set, that those 3 were together, it seems likely to me, that there must of been a little...behind the scenes fun :tongue:

Mar 16, 2008, 3:31 PM
Heh, try watching Brad Davis' presence on screen!

Even if it's just in the movie Sybil and not Midnight Express where there's a homoerotic montage.

I will check them out too

In the moive Giant, two of the male stars were known to be Gay. Rock Hudson and Sal Minio. Now with all the days on the set, that those 3 were together, it seems likely to me, that there must of been a little...behind the scenes fun :tongue:

Yeah I knew Rock Hudson was gay. Never heard of the Sal Minio guy, or at least never heard of him by name

Mar 16, 2008, 4:01 PM
When I found out that James Dean had been with several men, it didn't surprise me. He was probably with women just for public show. I believe he was known for being hostile towards women...well, no wonder! If you were expected to date someone w/ whom you felt no attraction, you would be hostile too! :rolleyes:

Mar 16, 2008, 4:07 PM
Was he really hostile towards women? I always have heard differently. I heard he really loved taking women out and being with them. That he just liked being with men as well. He seems to be a sort of deep soul to me. There's really something about him that I can't put into words. I think that's why so many people are mezmorized by him..

can I ask where you read about him being hostile? I am just curious about this, I'd like to do more research into it.

Mar 16, 2008, 8:44 PM
When I found out that James Dean had been with several men, it didn't surprise me. He was probably with women just for public show. I believe he was known for being hostile towards women...well, no wonder! If you were expected to date someone w/ whom you felt no attraction, you would be hostile too! :rolleyes:

I heard he was Hollywood trade. That he'd only sleep with men such as writers/directors/film producers to advance his acting career.

Mar 17, 2008, 2:33 AM
I heard that one too