View Full Version : Drew I need your help

Mar 14, 2008, 3:33 AM
hey man me and my wife are getting a divorce, and my attorneys have advised me to delete this account so that it can not be used in court to remove my children from my custody. Never thought it would come to this but please take our profile and trash it. I will build a new one for myself later (after the court hearings and stuff.) thanks

Mar 14, 2008, 3:45 AM
Bad Break, sorry about your impending divorce.

Have you tried PMing Drew your request?

Until Drew deletes your account, all you can do for now is to disable your profile. Go to My Account.

Your general profile box will come up.

Scroll down to the section entitled, "Your Personal Ad".

The first box says "Enable Ad"

Uncheck the box.

It will not delete your account, but when it is searched, it will "hide" your ad for the time being.

I know it is not what you would like, but for now, it's all that you can do.


Mar 14, 2008, 7:21 AM
Also delete any pics that you don't want on here.

the mage
Mar 14, 2008, 7:56 AM
hey man me and my wife are getting a divorce, and my attorneys have advised me to delete this account so that it can not be used in court to remove my children from my custody. Never thought it would come to this but please take our profile and trash it. I will build a new one for myself later (after the court hearings and stuff.) thanks

you are shit out of luck man.

I'd bet money nothing gets removed here. Not to mention every single digit you put online is in memory storage forever somewhere. ALL internet traffic is permanently recorded and stored by law.

Mar 14, 2008, 1:09 PM
ALL internet traffic is permanently recorded and stored by law.

ROFLMAO! Paranoid much? This is total and complete BS.

Mar 14, 2008, 6:57 PM
I just followed the method someone else suggested and disabled my ad as well as the pics.... It seems to work. So if you didn't reveal anything obvious about yourself in posts, I think you should be okay. Good luck.

Mar 14, 2008, 10:30 PM
Not sure getting out of here will help much .
Have you tried a google search on your name Mastermasterd
Destroy your pc..

Mar 14, 2008, 11:22 PM
Drew has already deleted him so he has nothing to disable, he's just a name without a profile now.

Mar 16, 2008, 3:13 AM
good luck!

Things do show up in a google search.

Destroying your PC won't do anything since they're cached/stored on this site and the server that this site is on.

the mage
Mar 16, 2008, 8:08 AM
ROFLMAO! Paranoid much? This is total and complete BS.

dont know much about the patriot act do you?

Mar 16, 2008, 10:25 AM
Don't know much about how things actually work, do you?

No record keeping on the part of an access provider is required by the Patriot Act. The kind of record keeping you describe, on the part of an access provider, is impossible and, even if possible, the storage requirements would be prohibitive.

No record keeping on the part of a content provider is required by the Patriot Act. Most detailed log files are kept for a finite period, only aggregate data is kept indefinitely.

The Patriot Act only makes such records as do exist more easily acquired by law enforcement in cases covered by the Patriot Act (e.g. terrorism). It certainly wouldn't provide access to anyone regarding a civil matter which was the OPs concern.

BTW, in case you were wondering, I have intimate knowledge of what is required by the Patriot Act in these matters as I am the CEO of a corporation which is both a content provider and an access provider. I can assure you that I know what my legal obligations are and aren't.